
Here is the dreaded application! Haha - Have fun filling this out guys ^_^ Just keep in mind, un-orginality, not enough detail or I jsut didn't like it can keep me from accepting (or maybe even too many spelling errors...) Anyway, enjoy ^_~


Name: (no Need for a meaning, but if it has one - it doesn't need to be japanese but the meaning should have to do with the senshi name)

Age: (No younger than 14 and no older than 18)



Likes: (Simple, list a few likes)

Dis-Likes: (Same as above)

Obsession: (Do they have anything they do everyday and LOVE?)

Fear: (What they fear and why)

Hobbies: (Just what they do... not why... just what they do...)

Personality: (Generally, what makes them happy, angry, and sad. How are they to themselves and to the public, what kind of people do they like and dis-like, how do you gain their trust, anything else you can think of!!!)

History: (hats was their childhood like? Any events???)


Senshi Name:

Senshi Personality: (Same? Different in anyway???)

Henshin Symbol: (All senshi have henshin rings, whats their symbol???I need to know what it looks like - try using wingdings or okay? (Copy and paste that site)))

Realm of Influence: (You only get one - choose wisely)

Weapon or Item: (You only get one... )

Fighting Style: (Do you use only power? kicks and punches? Weapon? Tae Kwon Do? Boxing? What?)

Attacks: (Only do one right now, I will tell you when to make another okay? But make sure you say, what it does, how they do it and how it can be countered)

Theme: (There IS a theme required - this should be fun - I only two, your Henshin Theme and Your characters theme (Which will/can work for both civilian and senshi)

Silver Millennium: (I want this to be very detailed, I want to know the characters involvement in the Solar War, relationship with other characters (Which I may edit), about their home, about themselves, and how they died, make it interesting please)


Picture: (You may design one of your own but you must supply an image, you would rather choose the old look of the senshi I do have all the senshi images already. Their looks are located in Multimedia, under Image Gallery ^_^)


Build: (Frail, Skinny, muscular what?)

Over all: (Pretty, average? )

Anything Unique: (Scars??? Everyone senshi has one...)




Web Site:


OMG!!! You survived my application form ^_^ Go ahead and send it to [email protected], and for subject put your senshi name and Galactic - Ex: "Sailor ___ Galactic" - Good Luck!!!

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