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Karmic Insight Report

for Leonardo DiCaprio
November 11, 1974
9:08 AM
Los Angeles, California

This report is written to help you clarify your lessons and
goals, illuminate your struggles, and encourage you to move in
the direction of your true purposes.

The best to you on your journey...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sun 18 Sco 56 Pluto 8 Lib 14
Moon 19 Lib 26 N. Node 11 Sag 15
Mercury 0 Sco 03 Asc. 22 Sag 57
Venus 20 Sco 13 MC 10 Lib 02
Mars 9 Sco 46 2nd cusp 27 Cap 17
Jupiter 8 Pis 06 3rd cusp 5 Pis 12
Saturn 18 Can 48 5th cusp 8 Tau 17
Uranus 29 Lib 26 6th cusp 1 Gem 35
Neptune 8 Sag 35

Tropical Placidus Standard time observed
GMT: 17:08:00 Time Zone: 8 hours West
Lat. and Long. of birth: 34 N 03 08 118 W 14 34

Chapter 1: The Moon

The placement of the Moon in your birth chart is very
significant from a karmic perspective, as it indicates the
accumulated karmic tendencies, both positive and negative, that
you carry from your past incarnated experiences on earth.

While the Sun reveals your intended purposes and lessons
for this present life cycle, the MOON represents what you have
already done and developed, hence, what is instinctive and
natural to you, and what you tend to do over and over again.
Your childhood is also reflected in the Moon's placement, as it
is through those childhood circumstances that any unresolved
past-life issues are re-stimulated. Your subconscious
predisposition is indicated by the Moon's position. It is the
psychic imprint of the past. The nodes of the Moon describe
behavior patterns from the past, as well as delineating a
direction out of outworn or overdone behaviors and habits.

Moon in Libra:

Many of your previous life experiences revolved around the
themes of marriage and partnership, and learning the delicate
art of relating, blending, and harmonizing with another. You
are very much aware, at a deep level, of the need for compromise
and diplomacy, and you naturally adjust yourself in order to
accommodate the other person, and to make the relationship flow
smoothly. With your sixth sense regarding what other people
need or want, you seem to know just how to please, the right
gesture or word to disarm them and put them at ease. You
possess a certain finesse, graciousness, and agreeableness of
manner which has served you well in the past. When challenged
or under stress, you are apt to depend on your personal charm
and appeal and the kindly feeling you evoke in others, to pull
you through.

Because togetherness feels very natural and familiar to
you, it is difficult for you to imagine going solo comfortably.
You enjoy being half of a tight couple and may feel empty and
incomplete if you are not. Your personal security and inner
well-being seem (to you) to hinge upon being in an intimate
well-being seem (to you) to hinge upon being in an intimate
relationship, and if you are not mated, you need a best buddy or
constant companion of some kind. Your mood is apt to be very
dependent upon whether or not there is a "significant other"
around. On your own, you are apt to be rather indecisive and
uncertain. For this reason you may (subconsciously) feel that
you are at others' mercy, and will thus take great care not to
offend or alienate them in any way. Interpersonal conflict and
the normal disagreements that arise in any ongoing one-to-one
relationship may seem like a great threat to you, and being
socially "with it" may be inordinately important to you. At
some level, you believe that your survival depends upon being
liked, accepted and approved of. You may "play games" to
flatter or appease other people, or deny and repress those
aspects of yourself that you feel others would not like. You
especially have trouble displaying honest anger and other "not
nice" emotions. However, if you can avoid becoming trapped in
the nice-guy or people-pleaser role, no one is better equipped
then you to enter an equal, caring, sharing relationship.

You believe utterly in fairness and equality and that gifts
(of any kind) should be reciprocated. You tend to "keep score"
on emotional or personal issues. ("I called you three times
this week and you only called me once", or on a more subtle
level, "I put more energy into our marriage than you do".) Deep
down you are very idealistic and have a yearning for perfection,
especial-ly for the perfect partnership. You tend to be in love
with love or beauty, and to be irked by the more prosaic, all
too-human aspects of relating.

Your instinctive response to life is to think things
through first. You usually act from a thoroughly considered,
reasoned perspective rather than from emotion, and you always
try to be just and impartial. Other people gravitate to you
when they need a sounding board. You will listen to all sides
of a story before making up you mind, which (along with your
desire to fit in graciously with others and not to offend) can
contribute to your indecisiveness. However, you can also be
eminently judicious, fair, and adept at finding solutions that
meet everyone's needs.

To be at your best, it is important for you to learn to
center yourself within. Disciplines like Tai-Chi or meditation
may assist you in finding and maintaining your emotional
may assist you in finding and maintaining your emotional

Moon Square Saturn:

You are bringing into your current lifetime subconscious
memories of harsh discipline, emotional deprivation, separations
from family and other sources of security, which prevented you
from being properly nourished and cared for. You may be
responding to these experiences in different ways, for instance,
you may need tremendous amounts of reassurance and supportive
love from the people around you in order to feel that you can
trust them. You may cling to family, traditions, routines, and
structures. You may have persistent underlying feelings of
sadness or loss without recognizing their source. You may
concentrate on your work and practical responsibilities (to
neglect your emotions and personal life). You may isolate
yourself and feel alone, or refuse to be alone, becoming fearful
and anxious without others nearby. You may be needy and
insecure about your worth, or hide all of your needs for love
and affirmation behind a mask of cool indifference. On a
physical level, you may have an extremely sensitive stomach,
poor digestion, and an inability to take certain foods.

Much of this is based on your subconscious belief that
whatever occurred in the past was your fault (even though you
may have been innocent), and that love, security, and comfort
are scarce commodities which can be withdrawn from you at any
time. In this lifetime you will be working with these patterns,
learning to nurture and care for yourself. There may be periods
of aloneness and singularity which instead of being lonely and
isolated can be healing, giving you time to do quiet,
contemplative activities that nourish you.

These strict disciplines you were burdened with in the past
need to be balanced with gentleness. You are much too hard on
yourself, and you tend to see criticism and blame where none is
intended. Above all, self-acceptance and cherishing yourself,
regardless of your flaws or supposed past errors, is a major
lesson in this current cycle.

North Node in Sagittarius:

In your incarnational past, you tended to live moment to
In your incarnational past, you tended to live moment to
moment, gathering experiences without focusing on where you were
headed or the overall meaning or purpose of your experiences.
Your growth direction is to discover the meaning, the larger
pattern, or universal principals operating in your life, and to
focus on creating a future in line with those principles.

North Node in 12th house:

You may find that your past tendencies are activated
particularly in your job, the daily tasks you perform, and they
also strongly influence your health for good or ill. Exploring
the deeper, hidden dimensions of yourself (through dream work,
hypnosis) or purposefully engaging the parts of yourself you
consider to be weak or unacceptable are also an important part
of your growth direction in this lifetime.

Chapter 2: The Sun

The Sun in your birth chart represents the primary creative
thrust for this lifetime, those qualities you are to develop (or
further develop) and express, and your current life focus. This
may be in harmony with your instincts and your emotional habits,
or along completely different lines. The Sun represents your
conscious identity in this lifetime.

Sun in Scorpio:

For you, this lifetime revolves upon the theme of
experiencing your emotional depths, and penetrating the surface
of life to explore the hidden, dark, secret or taboo. What
lurks in the shadows or in the inner depths of the human soul is
what concerns you, and it is your task to become aware of and
express what you find hidden there. What society at large may
fear or repress, you are fascinated with and drawn to experience
and understand. This may include both a fear of and absorption
with death and the mysterious side of life, delving into the
politics of sexuality and power and experiencing strong, "dark"
emotions such as passion, jealousy, revenge, or a desire for
control. At times you may feel like a misfit, that your
yearnings, desires, and true inclinations are somehow wrong or
bad, or even that you are bad. You could take on a social
persona which is dark and hints at something sinister (such as
always wearing black, going out only at night...). However,
always wearing black, going out only at night...). However,
your feeling for the dark undercurrents of life and your drive
to experience life passionately and intensely, without avoiding
any of it, may be expressed less overtly.

You are attracted to crisis, those transition times in life
when people are tested, when their social masks do not matter
anymore, and the true person is revealed. You may feel most
alive and most yourself in life and death situations, whether
you are involved in saving lives (as a doctor or healer), in
destroying them (as in war), or simply by seeking out dangerous
situations and dangerous companions. Often you will create your
own crisis (especially in the arena of your close personal
relationships) in order to pit yourself against the challenge.
Other people may view this as a self-destructive urge in you, a
masochistic (or sadistic) streak. The truth is you would rather
feel pain, than to feel nothing at all. You want to be fully
immersed in it, deeply and passionately involved. (Life for you
is not a spectator sport).

You have great compassion and sympathetic feelings for
those suffering or in pain, whether physical or emotional, for
you are no stranger to it yourself. You may feel scornful of
those people who appear to glide through life, never
experiencing any real tragedy or pain, or plumbing their own
depths. In love, it is the possibility of loss or betrayal that
intensifies the experience for you. Put simply, you do not
accept anything at face value, you instinctively know that there
is a dark underside for every light surface. Understanding this
shadowy side is a key to fulfilling your life purpose.

Personal relationships may be an obsession of yours, the
arena where your passion and drive for intense closeness and
emotional union expresses itself fully. However, trust,
vulnerability, and relinquishing control are not easy for you.
Because of this, and because you have a great capacity and need
for emotional intensity (which not everyone can match) your
human relationships are frequently not smooth. You go to
extremes. With you it is usually all or nothing, whether you
choose total celibacy or complete immersion and involvement. A
really loving intimate relationship can be tremendously healing
for you also, especially if you allow your partner to see who
you really are, including those aspects of yourself you usually
hide and consider ugly and unacceptable. Being unconditionally
hide and consider ugly and unacceptable. Being unconditionally
accepted by another may be the first step toward embracing your
own "darkness", which will be a lifelong lesson for you. The
fairy tale perhaps most relevant to this task is "Beauty and the
Beast". Rather than rejecting your beastliness (your
negativity, fear, or not-beautiful emotions or impulses) you
must learn to look at and lovingly accept them, thus,
transforming yourself. Ultimately it is those who have
struggled with and come to terms with their darkness who are
able to bring light, understanding and healing to others who
suffer, and this is part of your life's purpose.

Sun Conjunct Venus:

A significant part of your soul purpose is to create more
harmony, love, and beauty in the world, as well as to deeply
appreciate and savor its sweetness.

Aesthetics are very important to you and you have a unique
personal sense of style that infuses all that you do. Your
gracefulness, artfulness, charm, and ability to please carries
you through many situations in life. A potential pitfall on
your path is narcissism and vanity, an overabsorption in your
own attractive powers, and the tendency to use your personal
charm for selfish gain. Furthermore, you can also be taken in
by appearances and overlook the essential value of something (or
someone) if it is not packaged appealingly.

Chapter 3: Rising Sign

The point that was on the eastern horizon at the moment of
your birth is called the ASCENDANT, or rising sign. While the
Sun describes your conscious direction and current life focus,
and the Moon your subconscious predisposition and past, the
Ascendant indicates a way of being that transcends and embraces
past, present, and future. It describes the way you engage and
merge with the outer world and how you bring through into life
the energies depicted by the Sun, the Moon, and the rest of your
birth chart. Everything is filtered through the Ascendant from
an esoteric point of view. It indicates your soul's function
and thus a key part of your destiny.

Sagittarius Rising:
Faith, belief and the ability to foresee and envision the
future or "what could be" are essential elements of your soul
function. You may well be ahead of your time or at the fore
front of coming trends and movements in the collective. You are
a seeker, one who searches for the overview, the larger pattern,
or a broad, over-arching philosophy of life - and also a teacher
who conveys that vision or broadcasts it in some way. Your
ruling planet is Jupiter.

Sagittarius Rising and Jupiter in Pisces:

Your Jupiter is in the imaginative, all-embracing and
compassionate sign of Pisces, suggesting that altruism and
unselfish giving are innate and natural for you. Your love of
the ocean and/or foreign travel play an important role in your

Chapter 4: Saturn, Your Achilles Heel

Karmically considered, the placement of Saturn in your
birth chart indicates where your energetic blockages, weaknesses
and fears lie, and the areas of your life where the most
concentrated effort and discipline will be required to master
and overcome them. Yet it also points to the aspects of life
which can become your greatest strength if you are willing to
face your fears and difficulties honestly, and work with them

Saturn in Cancer

You have great fears of being vulnerable and needy, of
being hurt or rejected, of letting others see the dependent,
childlike, tender, feeling side of yourself. You may stifle
these feelings and put on an armor of detachment or stoicism,
shouldering everyone else's burdens and responsibilities but
never letting on that you would like to be taken care of

Although you crave acceptance and a feeling of belonging,
you may distance yourself from the very people who might
genuinely care for you (whenever they get too close) or you may
deny altogether your needs for human connection and intimacy.
You feel awkward and clumsy expressing tenderness or anything
resembling sentimentality, and may feel quite aloof from your
family (as well as the softer side of your own nature). On the
other hand, you may cling tenaciously to your home and family as
a base of security, and depend on them excessively or need
constant reassurance from them. An inordinate emphasis on
loyalty and responsibility in personal relationships (on your
part) may stem from a basic insecurity and a fear of being
deserted. At worst you may be terrified of anything unfamiliar.

A karmic tie to your mother, a strong sense of indebtedness
and/or guilt, or the deep feeling that something was missing in
your relationship to her is also indicated. Lessons regarding
parenting, and giving and receiving nurturance, are crucial for
you in this lifetime.

Saturn in 7th house:

The whole arena of marriage, cooperative partnership and
committed one-to-one relationships is where you meet some of
your most frustrating and difficult challenges and also where
there is great potential for soul growth.

There may be a long delay of marriage, either by choice or
simply because you never encounter "the right one". Or, you may
marry or form partnerships with people who cannot be fully
available to you or meet your emotional needs. You may marry
out of a sense of duty, obligation, proper form, or for security
instead of joy. Often there is a karmic marriage (or a series
of them) in which you seem to bring out the worst in one
another. Actually, this may be the basis of your avoidance of
marriage: the unconscious awareness that once you commit
yourself, you will have to confront your own personal demons,
weaknesses, flaws, and fears. Thus, there is a sense of
heaviness in your heart and mind around marriage or commitment.

In any of your close partnerships the "other" will reflect
back to you your own inadequacies. If you are willing to become
more conscious and to claim your own problems instead of blaming
the other person, you will heal and become more whole through
your marriage or other committed relationships. If you are not
willing to go any deeper than "this person is not making me
happy", loneliness and dissatisfaction are apt to be ongoing.
This is not to say that you should martyr yourself upon the
altar of marriage or stay in an abusive or painful situation,
simply that "for better or for worse" will entail, for you, a
good bit of both.

Saturn is Retrograde:

All of the above is complicated by the fact that you carry
a rather heavy burden of self-doubt, mistrust, or guilt over
having let yourself and others down in your past, when you
struggled (and failed) with these same issues. You now have the
opportunity to correct your course, make amends and resolve a
difficult karmic tangle, or a difficult state of mind.

Chapter 5: The Hard Aspects

The following is a description of your MAJOR LIFE
CHALLENGES, both in terms of energies you are to learn to
develop and express in a positive way, and those which are the
result of struggles and unresolved karmic issues which you have
brought into this life.

Mercury Conjunct Uranus:

Your unusually inventive, creative, restless, and original
mind can have both advantages and disadvantages. If you can
balance or overcome tendencies toward extreme restlessness and
going off on mental tangents, you have gifts of a creative
genius, inspiration, and a direct awareness of truth which is
apt to descend upon you like lightening, in terms of suddenly
seeing the solution to some problem or grasping an idea without
needing a methodical explanation. You simply have an intuitive
"knowing" about something. You can be a channel for new
information and ideas. A certain rebelliousness and dislike of
formality and "tradition for tradition's sake" is an aspect of
your mental patterning which may prevent you from taking
advantage of the wisdom of the past. Often, you will "reinvent
the wheel", or make changes simply for the sake of change, not
necessarily to improve upon the old but because in your mind
"new" or "different" is superior to the past. Your mind is very
future oriented and progressive but one way this manifests is in
a kind of nervous, erratic, unsettled way of being which is
always moving on, unable to be present or stay put.

Centering meditations and other techniques you find helpful
to calm and stabilize you are necessary on a regular basis.
Regular contact with the earth, through gardening or walking for
instance, can be very helpful also. The development of a
regular rhythm and routine, daily rituals which give continuity
and a form of stability, are also enormously helpful.

Stones that promote feelings of peace and sooth the nerves
include rose quartz and jade.

Others that may benefit or inspire you include clear
quartz, larimar, and opals. Avoiding caffeine and other
stimulants may be necessary too, at least from time to time.

Jupiter Square Neptune:

You are a visionary, a philanthropist, an idealist whose
imagination knows no bounds. You believe in miracles, in the
reality of the intangible realms, and you KNOW that nothing is
impossible. Because your higher centers of intuition, spiritual
vision, and openness to the divine are very active, you accept
and experience things many people would think quite impossible.

When out of balance with this energy (if, for instance, you
are operating out of greed or neediness), your imagination and
expectations can be grandiose, impractical, naive, and
overblown. You may have difficulty accepting and working within
the limits of mundane reality, and with setting boundaries in
many areas of your life. Escapist fantasies, gambling on highly
speculative ventures that promise great gain with little effort
expended, or wandering far and wide without grounding yourself
anywhere are also tendencies when you are less emotionally and
spiritually mature. You will evolve as you choose to discipline
yourself and FOCUS your intent on real, concrete, practical
ways. You can bring your vision to earth.

Jupiter Quincunx Pluto:

Part of your life mission involves learning how to generate
and direct a great leap of material, political, social or
spiritual power. You have a gift for spiritual or intellectual
leadership. As an agent of transformation in your world, you
are intended to help regenerate social or religious institutions
and to effect profound change and growth in the people
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