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-To Lose A Friend-(Part 7)

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"To Lose a Friend"
"your own"
"under fire"
"how he died"
"to go to war"

"To Lose A Friend"

"When the war starts, you don't really know one another,
he's just another man in camouflage, here to fight till the end;
But as you risk your life for him, and him for you, you become brothers,
inseperable until one of you dies, then you feel the pain, the pain, to lose a friend..."

"Your Own"

Running left,
running right,
all your friends,
are out of sight.

You can't see,
all that smoke,
burns your skin,
and makes you choke.

Bullets fly,
bombshells blast,
all these things,
will kill you fast.

Run and hide,
shoot and duck,
you won't die,
with lot's of luck.

Dig a hole,
jump on in,
write your will,
and next of kin.

Bloods been shed,
hates been shown,
they're all dead,
your on your own.

-[Bullets fly, bombshells blast...]-

"Under Fire"

He's under fire,
he's almost dead;
he's under fire,
he's lost a leg;
he's under fire,
his names unknown;
he's under fire,
he's all alone...

"How He Died"

He died out on the battlefield,
with honor on his mind;
To leave his friend or save his life,
[But everything was all a blur, nothing but lights and sound...]he was stuck in a bind.

He was the type who really cared,
and chose to save his friend;
To watch him die he couldn't bare,
risked his life to the end.

He knew how bad his chances were,
enemies all around;
But everything was all a blur,
nothing but lights and sound.

He ran like hell to get to him,
the torn up bloody pile;
He knew that his chances were slim,
having to run a mile.

While bullets rained and grenades banged,
he never stopped to think;
If he wasn't killed he'd be hanged,
his hopes began to sink.

Blood poured from his friends shredded head,
split in half by shrapnel;
Medic said he's as good as dead,
but he can go to hell.

Picked up his friend and ran, just ran,
[Never forget what they did for us!!!]forgetting everything;
forgot about his family,
forgot about his friends.

He made it back to a safe zone,
his friend was still alive;
With muscles torn and broken bones,
yet he was still alive.

The wounded soldier said thank you,
between his coughs and gags;
The ones who would've helped were few,
[With honor on his mind...]most were in body bags.

The wounded man looked up at him,
waiting for an answer;
But through the light, faded and dim,
he saw his hero dead.

The man died to save another,
medals he didn't want;
He couldn't stand to think of him,
knowing memories haunt.

He died out on the battlefield,
with bullets in his heart;
To leave his friend or save his life,
the man thought with his heart.

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"To Go To War"

To go to war, a scary thought, life or death, to be alone,
to fight our friends, to fight or foes, to go to war, to be away,
to go to war, to take a life, no one to talk to, no one from home,
to remember, to not be remembered, to go to war, no where to stay.

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(c)Copyright 1998 Daniel Carriger. All Rights Reserved. The contents of this page are the original works of
Daniel Paul Carriger, and cannot be reproduced without the permission of the author. Any unlawful
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