Electronic Texts

This electronic texts section is divided into four parts: Libers pertaining to A:.A:., Libers pertaining to O.T.O, Magick and Qabalah and Other material It is within these texts that the philosophy, religion, practices, and culture of Thelema may be found. This section is always being updated so please come back here often.

AA Libers pertaining to A:.A:. : These consist of the official instructions of A:.A:.. In here you will find the Holy books of Thelema, instructions in Magick and Yoga , etc.
oto Libers pertaining to the O.T.O: These consist of public documents of O.T.O. In here you will find such things as the Gnostic Mass, Liber Oz, Duty, etc.
Magick Magick and Qabalah: This consists of "traditional" documents that deal with Magick (including Enochian) and the Qabalah. In here you will find such things as The Sepher Yetzirah, Fama Fraternitatis, and the Emererald Tablet. Rituals and modern instructional writings on these subject can be found here too
other Other material:In here you will find such things as essays, poetry, stories etc written by Crowley, contemporary thelemic authors or other magicians and/or Thelemites. You may even submit your own work here.


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