Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!

Welcome to S.P.R.T.'s Guestbook. We hope you are enjoying this site!

Love is the law, love under will .

eleanor - 12/22/00 10:52:18
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Sex: female
Age: 23
Hei! do you know where I could find aleister crowleys 777 texts in the net? Please tell me if you know.. "I am the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star."

Al Bulisky - 11/26/00 17:11:19
My URL:http://DocHoliday
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: None
How did you find this page: Browsing
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: male
Age: 35
I sincerely would like to know more about joining an O.T.O./Thelemic Order and your site. I have been studying Thelemic Magick for a while now as a student, and feel I am ready for a greater commitment. Any advice you could give would be most appreciated! Thank you.

Eliane de Almeida Lopes - 10/26/00 16:36:04
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: feminino
H� muito tempo tomei conhecimento de alguns ensinamnetos desta ordem e me enteressei muito. Gostaria de participar, inclusive em termos de expandir a ordem. Sou universit�ria e no momento fa�o parte da Ordem Rosacruz. Aguardo informa��es ansiosa. Obrigada

- 10/26/00 16:29:17

Exavier Gish - 09/23/00 20:19:23
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: The Gnostic Order and Temple of Satanas
How did you find this page: Refered by the brethren of the Nu-Abbey of Thelema
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10+
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: Male
Age: 39
A truly educational site and an asset to the Magickal Community. The essay on "the nature of AA" is superb! Its about time someone set it strait. Thank you for a most enjoyable web site. Exavier Gish

Dot - 09/11/00 22:22:09
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this page: AOL's generally rotten search engine.
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: You betcha!
Age: 50
93! Great site. I particularly appreciate having finally found one that consolidates various sites into one handy reference list. 93 93/93 D

Abimelek Arjuna - 08/29/00 13:19:13
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Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: none
How did you find this page: interest/search
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: male
Age: 20

Rev. James Bulka - 08/24/00 04:31:39
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: First Thelemic Churchof Arlington Heights, IL, USA
How did you find this page: search- Thelema
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 9.3
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Age: 42
Star and snake served well.

Sobek Ra - 08/12/00 13:02:05
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: OTO, ~ AMS ~, ODG (Germany)
How did you find this page: adress was included in jerry Cornelius' epistel of Expulsion
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: male
Age: very old
Nice side. It could keep up the saying: As brothers fight... - as brothers. And remember: LOVE is the...... ;-)

Donna Beach - 08/08/00 20:39:58
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this page: sheer luck
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: sure
Age: 21

John Barnett - 08/06/00 21:22:46
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: Solitary Mage
How did you find this page: Aethyr search
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: male
Age: 40
Excellent, keep upo the good work. The master Therions work deserves an outing now and again. Love is the law Love under will

Nelokhiel - 08/04/00 17:59:33
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: A.'. A.'. , O.T.O and other orders
How did you find this page: Banner
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: male
Age: 46
93 Great site , keep up the work . Maybe we can work on something together someday . I have access to unlimited bandwidth here . 93 93/93 Fraternally , Nelokhiel

j. a. coldhell - 08/02/00 16:06:05
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: none at present
How did you find this page: much searching
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: male
Age: 20
would kove to see liber LXI,500,LXV,O...... ..........THANK YOU FOR THIS RESOURCE!!!!!!

FN - KHI - 07/31/00 02:53:48
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Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: A . A . A . A .
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Age: 33

FN-KHI - 07/31/00 02:50:26
My Email:[email protected]

Kathleen Nieves - 07/24/00 02:45:26
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this page: keyed in magick
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: female
Age: 29
I have been wanting to educate myself on magick,seems like a good place to start. Thank you Kathleen Nieves

Parzifal Wagner - 07/08/00 12:20:26
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: Fraternitas Saturni
How did you find this page: 93 EGroups
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: I will check in from time to time
Sex: male
Age: 34
I do enjoy reading sites related to Thelemic ideas. Some should realize though that the OTO and AA are not the sole organizations Working the Thelemic current. Be that as it may, it does make me happy to see so many taking the responciblity of doing the Great Work with regard to the follow man. In nomine Demiurgi Saturnus Parzifal (USA)

Cameron - 06/30/00 08:45:00
My Email:[email protected]
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Sex: male
Age: 22
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I'm glad the 'fake' lineage is making an intelligent contibution to the occult community opposed to hysteria and name-calling. Love is the law, love under will.

Dr. John F. Gay - 06/23/00 11:10:57
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this page: Perdurabo Digest (eGroup)
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 8.5
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Sex: male
Age: ancient
Wonderful contrigution to the Intenet.

perry - 06/11/00 08:48:34
My Email:[email protected]
after reading your guest book i thought i might as well give my two cents anyway[though it does in many ways conflict with the four powers,specifically the one that urges us to keep silent].....some who have signed this guest book it seems have no real in erest in thelema,crowley or anything relating to magick. i only offer a suggestion to those who would use this fine web site to display this kind of infantile behavior......DON'T. please don't waste the time of those who are engaged in furthering the grea work.

Perry S Coe - 06/11/00 07:54:04
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: n/a
How did you find this page: browsing
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Age: 34

Jon - 06/03/00 18:27:00
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this page: Surfed/Finding site links for my own forthcoming web site.
Sex: Male
Age: 33
After reading some of the "scrawls" of abuse by "people" in this guestbook, let me ask you all a question....What is the real meaning of " Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" ? To do one's will in life without harming others in the process.. ..Got it ? So why all this negative crap from people ? If people have a genuine interest in Thelema, why cant we let them get on with it ? Love is the Law, Love under will........

Margaret - 05/24/00 23:12:44
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: OTO All the way!!
How did you find this page: Hubster showed me
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10, definitely
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: sure
Sex: as often as possible
Age: time is a lie
Scott, Thank you for keeping up all those demented letters from David Bersson and all of his berssonalities, it is a grat teaching tool. WHy should I waste my time explaining that DB is MAD when I can simply pass out this link? Thanks again!! 93, 93/93 Ma garet

bitacat - 05/22/00 00:32:26
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: Wiccan
How did you find this page: browsing
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: thanks but thanks
Sex: female
Age: 30
Easy to read and follow, well done

R. Leo Gillis - 05/10/00 16:21:36
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: OTO
How did you find this page: Aethyr X link
Sex: male
Age: 3 Jupiter returns
I am always gratified to see another site dedicated to promulgation of the Law, especially one as entertaining and comprehensive as this one. Keep up the Great work.

- 05/09/00 16:24:01

Rich Gardner - 05/09/00 16:16:41
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this page: surfing
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes please
Sex: lots
Age: i try not to be bothered w/it
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Nice site 4thelemites! i've been a hermit 4 a coupla decades, internet forcing me out of the cave! i'll b back. Love is the law, love under will.

Sandy - 04/21/00 22:24:14
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: none
How did you find this page: looking for any sites w/ info on ceremonial magick
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes, thanks
Sex: female
Age: 40 +

GRAHAM - 04/17/00 20:03:03
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: I WISH
How did you find this page: LOOKING FOR CROWLEY
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: YES PLEASE
Age: 34

Frater Hiram - 04/17/00 04:40:38
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: Order of the Golden Lion eg A.A.
How did you find this page: stumbles
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: male
Age: 32
A wonderful and rare addition to the thelemic presence on the internet. a thelemic gem. not pretentious and full of hot air like most thelemites. thank you for the breath of fresh air

- 04/08/00 22:38:12

virus23x - 04/06/00 13:11:51
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: none at all
How did you find this page: silversurfing
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yeah!
Sex: female
Age: 31
I won't seek out my mormon roots, but T.H.A.M is right - stupidity exists; not only in established religions. But we're still looking out for refugees... EVERYTHING THAT RISES MUST CONVERGE

T.H.A;M - 03/25/00 23:43:28
THAM here again. I just read your guest book and was profoundly disgusted by a number of it's enteries. During a moment of introspection while perusing your page I noticed a few things...there a great number of pitiable wretches who take themselves too se iously, and use magick as method of role playing so they can hide from the world (instead of embracing it like true thelemites). I also noticed a distinct lack of posting from the "fairer sex". I implore any who read this to be philosophers and not flakes (ie.magicians, mages, wizards and sundry other crackpot titles). Remember AL 2:21 AL 2:24. Live life, not some vicarious electronic perversion thereof. An epiphany! After nine intensive years studying occidental esoterica, it is time to shut the book and eek out my mormon roots. Thank you all for showing me the ignorance and folly of mysticism and magick.(by the way, the Kings shall recognize the QBLA my diatribe offers, and the slaves shall get defensive.). Darcy J. Logan Grande Prairie, AB Canada. P.S I still think your site is cool.

T.H.A;M - 03/25/00 23:00:52
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: Non-denominational 93
How did you find this page: Surfing while at work.
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 7.5
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: greatly appreciated.
Sex: male
Age: 24
It is always refreshing to see a site offering interesting tidbits of crowleyana without recourse to the pseudo-intellectual, mystical philosophising so prevalent on the web. Although I'm afraid I have seen most of this information before. Your Brother in Almousin-metatron Frater Te Hoc Admoneo;Magoa (Darcy J. Logan)

Mark Martin - 03/20/00 19:17:39
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this page: interest
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 5+
Age: 36
need to make sure all sites are updated.

Frater Amun - 03/09/00 20:41:41
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: OTO
How did you find this page: surfing
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Age: 40
It is wonderful to see others diligently helping to spread an understanding of our beliefs

John bagitias - 03/08/00 05:51:48
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: A:.A:.
How did you find this page: Amazon
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: Mail
Age: 26
This page to me very useful,and thorough.Hopefully will have my questions asked on how to become a member of the A:.A:.,being situated in PERTH W.A. Australia.

Daniel Martin - 03/01/00 08:47:34
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: none (AMORC)
How did you find this page: keyword:thelema
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: male
Age: 33
I have found your library very useful and am studying the Heidrick article "An Abramelin Ramble."

Frater Elion777 - 02/24/00 22:54:02
My URL:http://www,
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: The Nu-Abbey of Thelema
How did you find this page: Web Ring
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: Please if you Will
Sex: Male
Age: 32
An excellent ring. Thank you for my inclusion. This ring has already created an increase in my web site hits. 93 93/93

- 02/16/00 13:00:43
reality IS a paradox and very subjective, poor boy

jprd - 02/15/00 14:01:57
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: none
How did you find this page: looking
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: no
Age: 27
intriguing. who wants to interest me? how can you all practice do what thalt wilt, and all be right? there is a paradox here somewhere. who can answer it?

jprd - 02/15/00 13:56:07
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: none
How did you find this page: by looking
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: no
intriguing. official this and that. i love you, i hate you. who is wasting who's time? where is your interest?

V�ronique again - 02/09/00 07:25:44
I just had a look at your guestbook. Don't worry about people insulting you. Apparently their TRUE WILL is to be a member of the RIGHT hierarchic organization, and they think all the others don't understand the message. Please, if somebody wants to live b the law - control yourself!!! Didn't you learn this in your temple? Go on, dear Mr Crane. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law (I hope these rivaling motherfuckers will understand their own theme for living) P.S. Information shouldn't be elit rian; people don't differ for being in different clubs, but for being more or less intelligent!

V�ronique - 02/08/00 09:08:20
My URL:luxembourg
My Email:can't-it's at work
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: i rather be alone (to collect info, not for fun!!)
How did you find this page: by synchronicity
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 8-9
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: please, no, not at work - I'll have a look from time to time
Sex: mostly female, sometimes male (of course not on the outside)
Age: 30
Thanx for this page I want information, no opinions (if there are, cool, but they should be marked by the author) You've got it right Go on Do what thou wilt, and I'll do mine Best wishes, V�ronique

it - 02/03/00 09:40:35
My Email:[email protected]
Sex: male
Age: 16
im interested of thelema and i would like to know people in finland? email me

P. (aka Philonius aka lots of others) - 01/18/00 03:01:44
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: Freelance Thelemite!
How did you find this page: Looked for it!
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 8.666
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: no
Sex: Maybe later thank you.
Age: 40 (or 4 billion)
Good site, easy to browse, no glaring visuals. Whats not to like. Keep up the good work.

ingrid - 01/05/00 00:50:25
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: A:.A:.
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): no rank
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: no
Sex: female
Age: 16
dwtwsbtwotl do what you will but watch your actions, you harm yourself. every magician is irrevokably bound to complete the great work but to cross the abyss, no matter how black of a brother they are and no mater how long it takes. you will suffer untill you get the e. you will get there i will make sure of it. i dont think any one of you should be cursing any one, no matter what oathes they have broken, i only hope that all of you will see your mistakes and fix them before you have to suffer any more. if you really new what you were doing, you wouldnt do it. in my eyes you are innocent, good luck, all of my prayers and sufferings. litlluw jesus was right.

Parzaval MC=^ - 12/24/99 08:08:44
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this page: Browsing
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Age: 40
93 93/93 Nice site. Al 2:76 has been discovered. The numbers and words are now known. Love is the Law, Love under Will Parzaval MC=^

javi - 12/13/99 02:18:12
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: solo/skidoo
How did you find this page: [email protected]
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: yes please/male
Age: 41
thanx have been lookin' for any thing on Nox Om Pax for a while missplaced my copy in the move 93/93 javi

shelli burton - 12/03/99 05:24:31
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: self awareness
How did you find this page: alister crowley link
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: female
Age: 23
i am very interestedc in the hidden and magical realms.. i know they exhist but am not quite sure how to tap int them..though i think its inside of me...if anyone has some insight pleasew help me...thank u..

Fr Insanvs - 11/11/99 21:55:05
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: OTO
How did you find this page: Internet trash gallery
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: no
Sex: Male
Age: 34
93 I liked your site. You have a good amount of various Thelemic Libers and anyone interested in Thelema (which of course means:"will") would find it useful. One note however is that the "caliphate" OTO is the only legitimate one in the eyes of the US courts. The others have memberships ranking in the low 10's. Not that that is bad, but when you try to say that other folks have a "claim" to it, well, anyone c uld "claim" to be OTO, but the burden of proof that follows is pretty hard to make materialise. No one has offered any real "proof" since Grady (Hymenaeus Alpha) made a stand in the US Courts. The folks who have flamed your guestbook are proof of nothing but idiocy. It might behoove you to research some more. As I have been a member for 15 years, I can say that "success is your proof", the OTO as I know it rocks. Keep up the Gnosis! 93 93/93 Fr. Insanvs

Ali Emin Ozcan - 10/15/99 01:19:32
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this page: While searching...
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: If it is posibble
Sex: male
Age: 27
One of the the few, simple, not being like a lunapark, well dosed art galery. Thank you very much. Love is the law love under Will.

Goetia - 10/14/99 04:50:50
My Email:[email protected]
Age: 20
Thelema means Truth, not Will. Shemhamforash.

Adnan Azapagi� - 10/10/99 18:37:47
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this page: I don't quite remember
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: mail
Age: 26
Do what thou willt shall be the whole of the Law. I like your page very much. I am not in O.T.O. or A. A. yet, but I will probbubly join O.T.O. I am very much interested in Thelema, and I am finding it the only right way to live. This page is very interesting for a Thelemit. It is in my Favourites folder Love is the Law, Love under Will. Adnan

Adnan Azapagi� - 10/10/99 18:37:16
My Email:[email protected]
How did you find this page: I don't quite remember
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): 10
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: yes
Sex: mail
Age: 26
Do what thou willt shall be the whole of the Law. I like your page very much. I am not in O.T.O. or A. A. yet, but I will probbubly join O.T.O. I am very much interested in Thelema, and I am finding it the only right way to live. This page is very interesting for a Thelemit. It is in my Favourites folder Love is the Law, Love under Will. Adnan

Andreas Wahlin - 09/30/99 07:48:42
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: Following GD tradition, but not a member
How did you find this page: Searched on "magick" at altavista
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: no
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Good site, easy to use and not a lot of distracting things. Somewhat shortage of material, whick, on the other hand, can be interpreted in the way that you only point in the direction of knowledege, without saying what is right or wrong. L.V.X

kellie - 09/17/99 11:27:13
How did you find this page: from the master
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: no thankyou
Sex: female
Age: 26
thankyou, found it very interesting

Joseph Capello - 09/17/99 00:35:27
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: P.L.S
How did you find this page: Dog Pile
Would you like email notification when this site is updated: Yes
Sex: Male
Age: 42
It is very encouraging to feel the strength and love for the planet,ourselves,our children we can save ourselves believe so mote it be

Emelyth Darksinger - 09/07/99 05:19:21
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: Wixian
How did you find this page: geocities
Sex: female
Age: 22
Wonderfully informative site. I appreciate all the links...good stuff! Check out my web site too. Darkness Keep You, *Emelyth

Webmaster - 08/20/99 23:46:20
My URL:http://this one :-)
My Email:its at the bottom of most pages :-)
Dear L.I.L member (D.B himself ?) who just signed this guestbook a number of times (funny how all these people have the same IP Address :-) in a row (previous 9 guest entries). Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

If you feel you must start name calling and scrawling your nonsense in my guestbook then feel free. I could delete the material but I believe that it shows what kind of people are attracted to David Bersson. (for those unaware, this all started when a mes age was left in L.I.L.'s Guestbook that stated that I thought L.I.L was run by D.Bersson of S.O.T.O.).You people show a great level of maturity. :-) For those who are interested, there are some great letters from Mr Motta (The person that Mr Bersson claims undying loyalty to) that can be found HERE .

Love is the Law, love under will.

Pat Green - 08/20/99 19:15:48
My Email:[email protected]
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: LIL (since 1900 e.v.)
Sex: ocassionly
Age: Welcome!
To Pope Steven Crane Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law Hey dude! Your guestbook has done been invaded!! All by people I know, too. Oh well, I know you'll bear with it fine, mr. nosy boy. Since you haven't answered my e-mail where I scolded you for being nosy about our Leadership I thought I invade your guestbook for the first time. After all, its getting to be quite the tradition with us. So you don't like LIL cause you think Mr. David Be sson runs it, huh? Best thing about that logic, mr. smart ass. It seems to me that your overreacting a bit, Pope Steven Crane. Thelemites like you are all over the net. They speculate until they believe their own speculations and end being liars. And your ego reaction shows the beginnings of black brother currents th t are manifested in you from zero training. My recommendation is for you to go under someone of age and experience on the net who can teach you the Path before you fall smack into the abyss. No, I won't suggest any names. Anyone I would name would taken as an challenge to your sick little ego. That's all I have for you in the way of advice. I'm very disapointed that you wouldn't offer friendship to us rather than your immature attitude. Love is the law, love under will Sincerely, Pat Green LIL member Welcome! Visitor's Name: Pat Green Homepage URL: You are from: Comments: Care Frater LPD Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law Steven Crane and August Myers are very presumptous and thoughtless to write in your guestbook. If they really want to know what the Leadership of LIL is why don't they write an LIL member instead of invading your Guestbook with idiot speculations. I have just gone to visit Steven Crane's Guestbook. Apparently he has a lot of enemies by his habit of harassment of Thelemites. At least I deduce this by the remarks I read in his so-called guest book. August, although more polite than this Steven Crane also has no business asking nosey questions or making nosey speculations about our Leadership. Whether it is David Bersson, or William Bailey, Harry Henderson or me simply has nothing to do with the Work going on to assist with the growth of the Law of Thelema and the Spiritual Work of bring the Priestess into Our Temples. Well, that's it LPD. Sorry you have to put up with people like August and Steve. I don't know what they are nor do I care. I just want them to leave us alone to continue on the Path of our will. Love is the law, love under will Frater magus Pat Green Sign Time: August 20 1999 at 14:15:12

Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! - 08/20/99 04:29:46
How did you find this page: August told about it
Rank this site ( 1 lowest 10 highest): Your full of shit
Hey all people who read this guestbook. These are the traitors on the net. LIARS AND TRAITORS ON THE NET Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law "Refuse none, but thou shalt know & destroy the traitors." The above quote shows Thelemites that the Path Marcelo Motta took was closer to the Book of the Law than insects like Grady McMurtry and William Heidricks. Over the years, the following people have proved themselves either liars or traitors and I Officially unmask them publicly. To wit: Jason Carpenter: Was a student of David Bersson's for a while. Betrayed all his Oaths & ran away in fear from the Master. A coward to be avoided. Has started his own Magical Order and took the top Grades, of course. Was incapable of going past the Outer Circle of the O.T.O. and failed his Oath & Task of Probationer over and over over again. Gary M. Kelly: Has been passing himself off for a Thelemite for years. He shows no tolerance for others and slanders them constantly. Is under the delusion that he is Master of the Temple although he has never so much as taken a single Oath of AA. A liar to be avoided. William Breeze: Was once a Probationer of the AA under Marcelo Motta. Betrayed all his Oaths and ran away. He now calls himself "Caliph" and runs a fake O.T.O. now known as C.O.T.O.. A traitor to be avoided. Ftjell in Norway: A very immature young man who slanders people by writing nonsense in their guest books on the net. A compulsive liar and a traitor to Thelema. Is a devoted disciple of William Breeze. William Heidrick: The most devoted disciple of Grady McMurtry.He still cannot get over the delusion that Grady McMurtry wasn't the O.H.O.. Very naive spiritually. To be avoided lest you fall in the same delusionary world as him. Constantly lies and slanders true O.T.O. members. A real sick man. Martin Patrick Starr: A revolting creature who left the AA and O.T.O. under Marcelo Motta for a homosexual love. He has now turned up working for William Heidrick. The type of friend that stabs you in the back. To be avoided. David R. Jones: An expelled C.O.T.O. member who went insane and tried to tell his fellow C.O.T.O. members that a Enochian Spirit had commanded him to be O.H.O.. Spends all his time on the net obsessed with egoic jealousy at any original ideas or insight. A puppet of the Black Brothers to be avoided. Grady McMurtry: Tried to defy the chosen Successor of Karl Germer in the O.T.O... Managed to create a following which now is called C.O.T.O.. Although now deceased he is still called the biggest traitor and liar that the Thelemic Community has ever seen. Craig Berry: Passing himself off as a O.T.O. member. Has never been allowed in at any time. Another C.O.T.O. dupe. To be avoided. As time goes on We will be expounding to the public more traitors as we deem necessary. Love is the law, love under will

Jacob Lot - 08/20/99 04:05:35
My URL:Hey fake C.O.T.O. member!!
LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL IN THIS GUESTBOOK THAT THE PERSON WHO HAS THIS GUESTBOOK IS CONNECTED WITH A FAKE OTO. HERE IS THE EXPULSION NOTICE: Grady McMurtry's Expulsion from the O.T.O. for being a dirty traitor From the Castle of Nemo in the Inferiors M. R. Motta P.O. Box 90144 Nashville TN, 37209, U.S.A. 14 July 1984 e.v. AN LXXXI, Sol in Cancer, Luna in Aquarius, Saturnus in Scorpio To Grady Louis McMurtry c/o Stuart L. MacKenzie, Esq. 405 14th Street Oakland, CA 94612, U.S.A. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law Grady Louis McMurtry: You were inducted into the O.T.O. directly in the IX� by the Predecessor of our Predecessor, Baphomet X� and XI�. Since that time you have betrayed all the Oaths and Pledges of the Outer, all the Oaths and Pledges of the Inner, and all the Oaths and Pledges of the Supreme Circles of our Order. You have successively proved yourself unworthy of being called a Man of Earth, a Lover, and a Hermit. To specify: Of the III� Degree, which crowns the Career of the Man of Earth and allows his or her induction into the Inner Circle, you have, by the testimony of your written word, your spoken word, and your published deeds, fallen short in these ways: a.You have spied upon your Brethren, and conspired against them for the benefit of profanes. Three only among the victims of your treachery have been Jack Parsons, W. T. Smith and myself. Many more could be quoted. Even where your spying might have been excused as service to the government of your country, you know you should either have given fair warning to your Brethren or refused to spy on them. But your spying was not service to your country: it was self-service, and your country has been grievously harmed by your conduct, as the testimony of history has shown and will continue to show. b.You have slandered and libelled your Brethren, both inside the Order and among profanes, at every opportunity for the last forty years of your life. c.You have taken unlawful possession of the private correspondence of your Brethren and used it to cause them as much harm as you possibly could. I will instance my own case; but there are others. d.You have allowed Brothers and Sisters of immeasurably greater worth to Humanity than yourself, both as persons and as initiates, to die in needless physical pain or in needless destitution, without lifting one finger or spending one penny to help them. In all these ways have you broken the Oaths of the III� and betrayed the Obligations of the Outer Circle of the O.T.O. The Oaths of the VI�, which prove one's worth to pass to the Secret Circle of the Order and one's right to the title of Lover, you have broken in the following manner: a.You have aided and abetted the crapulous creeds of the Dead Aeon, albeit sworn to break the bondage of vulgar error. b.You have shown obstinate disloyalty to the Word and Will of the Grand Master Baphomet X� and XI�, who inducted you into our Order, and you have in a period of forty years disobeyed, betrayed, and done everything you could to harm his chosen Follower and the Follower of his Follower. In this you were impelled by the lowest emotion of which a human being is capable: envious spite. c.You have repeatedly failed to serve the Order and have repeatedly attempted to harm Her legitimate representatives. d.You not only have failed to defend the Order to the last drop of your blood, you have tried to use Her blood for the selfish and petty ends of your lower nature. e.You not only have failed to aid the Order with even the first penny of your purse: you have appropriated Her funds for your own use and you have endeavored to hand out Her patrimony to Her enemies, against their promise to proclaim you what you are not and what you could never be. f.You have failed to show charity to your elders in the Order when they requested it of you, and you have reviled them among profanes for requesting it. g.You have pandered your energies to dispersion instead of putting them to the Avowed use. By breaking these your freely assumed Oaths you have awakened the vengeance of the Order; as it is written, the avenger has arisen even from the Tomb. In what concerns the Secret Circle, by your own written and spoken testimony you have consistently broken the Vows and Obligations of the IX� for the last forty years. a.You have failed to protect the health and welfare of the Outer Head of the Order, both in the person of Our Predecessor, Saturnus X�, and Our own. b.You have deliberately failed to increase and have deliberately striven to decrease the patrimony of the Order. c.You have stolen Our personal property and the property of Our Office, and have put both to the service of your spite and jealousy. d.You have aided and abetted profanes who are not even honest persons, profanes who are liars and who are thieves, in embezzling the property of the Order, in defaming the Order, and in exhibiting to the vulgar Her secret rituals and documents. e.You have forced Us to the indignity of coming forth among profanes to proclaim Our Holy Office, the secrecy of which you were sworn to shield and serve. In all these ways have you made a mock of the rules and by-laws of our Order; yet you would pretend not only to membership, but even to leadership in it. You are hereby expelled from the Supreme Circle. You are hereby expelled from the Inner Circle. You are hereby expelled from the Outer Circle. You are hereby declared a traitor to your own Higher Self and to Us. Let you die the death of a traitor; let the memory of your infamy remain as a warning and reproof to future generations of Brethren; yet may you live long enough in your sadness and misery to perceive how your lack of moral courage and integrity, your deliberate abandonment to the animal in you, has harmed your country, your fellow citizens, and the entire world. You have never had Our Authority or any free Authority from Our Predecessors to create new Lodges of the O.T.O. in your or other countries, or to dispose of the property of the Order, or to confer Privileges in the Order. Your potential and limited letters of authority were subject to revision by Our immediate Predecessor. To his deep chagrin, he found you consistently wanting as a man and as a Brother, and withheld his sanction to the end. This is as well known to you as it is to Us. Let it become a matter of public record that you have cheated all those who, through your shameful arrangements with profane liars and thieves, innocently came to you in the belief that you could induct them into our Order: none who have been "authorized" by you will ever be admitted to the O.T.O. until they prove able to rue your folly and your dishonesty with all the sincerity of their inmost souls. Should you, from this day forth, attempt to speak in the name of the O.T.O., the police forces of your country will be brought to bear on you. You are a liar. You are a traitor. You are unworthy. You are unfit. You are outcast. Die in your misery. Love is the law, love under will Witness Our Hand, PARZIVAL X� and XI�, Frater Superior O.T.O. Marcelo Ramos Motta Supervisor General, O.T.O. Home Abrahadabra

Jacob Lot - 08/20/99 04:02:49
My URL:Hey fake C.O.T.O. member!!
LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL IN THIS GUESTBOOK THAT THE PERSON WHO HAS THIS GUESTBOOK IS CONNECTED WITH A FAKE OTO. HERE IS THE EXPULSION NOTICE: Grady McMurtry's Expulsion from the O.T.O. for being a dirty traitor From the Castle of Nemo in the Inferiors M. R. Motta P.O. Box 90144 Nashville TN, 37209, U.S.A. 14 July 1984 e.v. AN LXXXI, Sol in Cancer, Luna in Aquarius, Saturnus in Scorpio To Grady Louis McMurtry c/o Stuart L. MacKenzie, Esq. 405 14th Street Oakland, CA 94612, U.S.A. Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law Grady Louis McMurtry: You were inducted into the O.T.O. directly in the IX� by the Predecessor of our Predecessor, Baphomet X� and XI�. Since that time you have betrayed all the Oaths and Pledges of the Outer, all the Oaths and Pledges of the Inner, and all the Oaths and Pledges of the Supreme Circles of our Order. You have successively proved yourself unworthy of being called a Man of Earth, a Lover, and a Hermit. To specify: Of the III� Degree, which crowns the Career of the Man of Earth and allows his or her induction into the Inner Circle, you have, by the testimony of your written word, your spoken word, and your published deeds, fallen short in these ways: a.You have spied upon your Brethren, and conspired against them for the benefit of profanes. Three only among the victims of your treachery have been Jack Parsons, W. T. Smith and myself. Many more could be quoted. Even where your spying might have been excused as service to the government of your country, you know you should either have given fair warning to your Brethren or refused to spy on them. But your spying was not service to your country: it was self-service, and your country has been grievously harmed by your conduct, as the testimony of history has shown and will continue to show. b.You have slandered and libelled your Brethren, both inside the Order and among profanes, at every opportunity for the last forty years of your life. c.You have taken unlawful possession of the private correspondence of your Brethren and used it to cause them as much harm as you possibly could. I will instance my own case; but there are others. d.You have allowed Brothers and Sisters of immeasurably greater worth to Humanity than yourself, both as persons and as initiates, to die in needless physical pain or in needless destitution, without lifting one finger or spending one penny to help them. In all these ways have you broken the Oaths of the III� and betrayed the Obligations of the Outer Circle of the O.T.O. The Oaths of the VI�, which prove one's worth to pass to the Secret Circle of the Order and one's right to the title of Lover, you have broken in the following manner: a.You have aided and abetted the crapulous creeds of the Dead Aeon, albeit sworn to break the bondage of vulgar error. b.You have shown obstinate disloyalty to the Word and Will of the Grand Master Baphomet X� and XI�, who inducted you into our Order, and you have in a period of forty years disobeyed, betrayed, and done everything you could to harm his chosen Follower and the Follower of his Follower. In this you were impelled by the lowest emotion of which a human being is capable: envious spite. c.You have repeatedly failed to serve the Order and have repeatedly attempted to harm Her legitimate representatives. d.You not only have failed to defend the Order to the last drop of your blood, you have tried to use Her blood for the selfish and petty ends of your lower nature. e.You not only have failed to aid the Order with even the first penny of your purse: you have appropriated Her funds for your own use and you have endeavored to hand out Her patrimony to Her enemies, against their promise to proclaim you what you are not and what you could never be. f.You have failed to show charity to your elders in the Order when they requested it of you, and you have reviled them among profanes for requesting it. g.You have pandered your energies to dispersion instead of putting them to the Avowed use. By breaking these your freely assumed Oaths you have awakened the vengeance of the Order; as it is written, the avenger has arisen even from the Tomb. In what concerns the Secret Circle, by your own written and spoken testimony you have consistently broken the Vows and Obligations of the IX� for the last forty years. a.You have failed to protect the health and welfare of the Outer Head of the Order, both in the person of Our Predecessor, Saturnus X�, and Our own. b.You have deliberately failed to increase and have deliberately striven to decrease the patrimony of the Order. c.You have stolen Our personal property and the property of Our Office, and have put both to the service of your spite and jealousy. d.You have aided and abetted profanes who are not even honest persons, profanes who are liars and who are thieves, in embezzling the property of the Order, in defaming the Order, and in exhibiting to the vulgar Her secret rituals and documents. e.You have forced Us to the indignity of coming forth among profanes to proclaim Our Holy Office, the secrecy of which you were sworn to shield and serve. In all these ways have you made a mock of the rules and by-laws of our Order; yet you would pretend not only to membership, but even to leadership in it. You are hereby expelled from the Supreme Circle. You are hereby expelled from the Inner Circle. You are hereby expelled from the Outer Circle. You are hereby declared a traitor to your own Higher Self and to Us. Let you die the death of a traitor; let the memory of your infamy remain as a warning and reproof to future generations of Brethren; yet may you live long enough in your sadness and misery to perceive how your lack of moral courage and integrity, your deliberate abandonment to the animal in you, has harmed your country, your fellow citizens, and the entire world. You have never had Our Authority or any free Authority from Our Predecessors to create new Lodges of the O.T.O. in your or other countries, or to dispose of the property of the Order, or to confer Privileges in the Order. Your potential and limited letters of authority were subject to revision by Our immediate Predecessor. To his deep chagrin, he found you consistently wanting as a man and as a Brother, and withheld his sanction to the end. This is as well known to you as it is to Us. Let it become a matter of public record that you have cheated all those who, through your shameful arrangements with profane liars and thieves, innocently came to you in the belief that you could induct them into our Order: none who have been "authorized" by you will ever be admitted to the O.T.O. until they prove able to rue your folly and your dishonesty with all the sincerity of their inmost souls. Should you, from this day forth, attempt to speak in the name of the O.T.O., the police forces of your country will be brought to bear on you. You are a liar. You are a traitor. You are unworthy. You are unfit. You are outcast. Die in your misery. Love is the law, love under will Witness Our Hand, PARZIVAL X� and XI�, Frater Superior O.T.O. Marcelo Ramos Motta Supervisor General, O.T.O. Home Abrahadabra

Marie Delacourt - 08/19/99 20:45:45
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law Be formally informed that you have the Opening and Closing Greetings in capitals. This is incorrect. You have changed the style of a letter. Confer Liber AL, Chapter II, verse 54. Being a member of a fake O.T.O. and AA has created problems in your basic t aining. LET ALL KNOW THAT THE PERSON WHO HAS THIS GUESTBOOK IS not a real O.T.O. or AA member. Love is the law, love under will Marie Delacourt

gET THE FUCK OFF THE NET LOSER DICKHEAD FAKE OTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gET THE FUCK OFF THE NET, YOUR NOT OTO OR AA - 08/19/99 20:40:10
GET THE FUCK OFF THE NET FAKE OTO LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peter Coin - 08/19/99 20:38:21

Chris Anglisen - 08/19/99 20:36:08
As far as I can tell your lying outright about being a member of the O.T.O. and AA. Another fake lineage. What don't you get the fuck off the net and join the Amorc or something, dick for brains? Love Chris

vdl666 - 07/27/99 19:42:29
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Age: 22
more Enochian texts would be nice, and also rituals. Thanks

John Gagon - 07/27/99 11:16:11
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I am reviewing more and more info about A:.A:. all the time. I am interested in all kinds of magick. I'll be in touch.

CloudDragon - 07/25/99 08:09:52
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Angel - 07/17/99 00:11:20
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I just came in curious to learn more. I think that sights like this on the internet are good...thank you for informing people about magick and helping to dispell the myths that have been weighing down on our society for so long! Anyway... And if anyone knows a person with the nick q_tarentino, so something, tell him to get in touch with me!!! :)

Webmaster - 07/14/99 01:19:59
Order or Fraternity ( Magick) eg O.T.O or A:.A:.: S.P.R.T.
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93, P Whitmore, I would be glad comply with your request to notify you by email of site updates, but you didn't leave your email address. If you don't want to leave it in the guest-book then please feel free to email me privately. You can find the address at the bottom o almost any page. 93 93/93

p whitmore - 07/13/99 19:58:10
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Age: 37

Frater G.I.P. - 06/19/99 18:23:09
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I liked the site

Marc Towers - 04/17/99 09:46:43
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Nice site. If you have the time mine is at: Thanks.

Matt Keach - 04/03/99 17:29:47
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Nice page. I am an apprenctince sorcerer and interested in learning the law of Thelema and your site has been of great help thank you.

Marcia - 04/03/99 01:33:20
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Age: 23
It looks like it's going to be a great site, one thing though. You may not wan to link to pages until they are done..

Thelema Johnson - 02/25/99 06:09:56
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he yes that is my real name i am interested in learning all tha i can and maybe explore into it my family was involved in the oto for generations and now that im ready to learn there not with us please tell me what you can

L.F.M.D - 01/03/99 11:35:01
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Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. This should be an excellent site once you have it completed. I like the idea of people being able to submit their own work to your site. This gives people who would not get their own work published an avenue to express themselves.Good work! Please notify me when you have completed this site . If you wish to become a member of the A:.A:. ( that is if you are not allready ) please feel free to email me at the above address. Love is the law, love under will.

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