

Shiva is part three of the three main gods of Hinduism. He is known to be the destroyer of the universe. Shiva is known to be the ultimate force in the universe, and although he is the destroyer, many pray to him to defeat their enemies. He lives on the peak of Mount Kailas, the entrance to heaven, with his consort, Parvathi, the goddess of power and strength. Lord Shiva appears in a meditating but ever-happy posture. He has matted hair which holds the flowing Ganges river and a crescent moon, a serpent coiled around his neck, a trident (trishul) in his one hand and ashes all over his body. The Lord's attributes represent his victory over the demonic activity, and calmness of human nature. He is known as the "giver" god. His vehicle is a bull (symbol of happiness and strength) named Nandi. Shiva-Linga, a sign of the Lord, is adored instead of him. Shiva temples have Shiva-Linga as the main deity.

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