You Might Be In Love If......

Are any of these things true of you? If so, you just might be in LOVE.

Songs, smells, and sights constantly remind you of that person.

You have reprioritized your life. Nothing seems more important than they are.

You experience a loss of appetite.

You lose the ability to concentrate for an extended period of time.

You daydream (or nightdream or both) about the person.

You constantly check your answering machine, e-mail, or mailbox for messages from them.

You intentionally leave the message on your machine so you can listen to their voice.

You think about that person many times per day, hour or even minute.

You think about any future you may have with that person.

You are sad when they are not around (especially for a long time).

You experience complete and total selflessness. You can't do enough for that other person.

You read their notes repeatedly.

You love everything about them, even their quirks.

You want to spend as much time as possible with them.

Time passes rapidly when you're with them.

You're happier than you can ever remember.

You're jealous of other couples when you can't be together.

You'll do things around them you won't do around anyone else.

They are the last thing you think about before you go to sleep and the first thing you think about in the morning when you wake up.

You find yourself doodling their name. For women, you may write your first name with his last to see if you like how it looks.

copyright 1995, 1996, 1997 Coleman Productions, Inc.

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