I'm So Lonely

Does it seem that no matter how hard you try, you continue to attract the wrong people as your mate? Perhaps this is because you have forgotten about the Law of Attraction, which states, "What you draw to you is what you are!" We continue to ask life to send us the right person who will make us happy or whole. Under this request is the belief that we are unhappy or not whole. In response, the universe brings us the person and situations to increase what we believe we are. See how it works? When you focus on what you lack, you receive more of it. When you speak about what you don't want, you create it. The only way to attract and maintain a divine relationship is to be a divine mate. You must be all the things you seek in another person. You must nurture, support, embrace yourself, and you must enjoy your own company. You must be kind to yourself. Generous with yourself. And, most of all, you must love yourself unconditionally. Before you can attract that perfect somebody, you must believe you are the perfect you.

Faith In The Valley 1
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