Awards You Can Win!

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These sites must be suitable for all ages and have no discriminatory or similiar content.  Just submit below and good luck. I do visit each site nominated. And hey could you sign my guestbook? It is always exciting to see people's comments *G* the link is on my main index page. Oh yes, and lately I have people stating below that they are or have signed my guestbook and lied, and I just ask that you are honest. I do check my guestook and check and I mean my main one not the one i use to keep track of my friendship gift. 

I have been having problems with the codes on my award pages. If for some reason the freeform below will now allow you to submit send an e-mail to [email protected]. Also if you recieved a note saying you won and you have not yet been added to the winners list, I appologize immensly. Simply send the page address where you have placed the award and your page info and I will promptly add you. Thanks for your patience.

Since I started to offer multiple awards I decided to organize them here so you can better access each page about each award. 

Mystery and Awe Award               Wolf Worthy Award                Site of Dreams and Grace

Winners of Mystery Award            Wolf Worthy Winners                Dream & Grace Winners

Ultimate Spirit Award

Ultimate Spirit Winners

Apply for an Award

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.: [email protected])

Where is your Website located?
Whats your website about (include name)?
Which Award would you like to apply for?   Wolf Award   Mystery and Awe   Dreams and Grace
Did you sign my guestbook?   No   yes Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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