You enter a large chamber and at first it seems quite, but then you notice a very large dragon staring at you curiously. You feel you should say something but all you can do is stare.

"So," says the dragon, "you waiting for Ji too?"

"Ahh, who's that?"

"Oh,you must be that quester." The dragon grins. "So, so you might be interesting in a bit of info about my friend. He is an eastern dragon. These guys are unusual, I mean they break the dragon stereo type. So you hear the word "dragon," what does it make you picture?"

You think and a picture of a dragon with two wings spread far with four legs spraying fire and you describe this.

"Ha! I knew it!"

You step back one step as the dragon's loud enthusiasm makes you a bit nervouse as you wonder what he is planning.
"The oriental dragon does not breath fire and they don't have wings! Lets see, they hav exactly 117 scales, 81 infused with what is good (yang) and 36 with the bad (yin). This sort of allows them a even personality and are usually what people labal as good and intelligent. Personally, I think that this is why Jin and I are such good friends. Cause of the personality that is."

"I see," you say.

"Hey, did you notice the tapestry on that wall over there of an eastern dragon?"

You shake your head and look.

"That was made for Ji. As you can see they have two long whispers and sort of antler-like horns. Speaking of horns, do you like mine?" The dragon sits up and puts one forepaw behind his head and sort of sways back and forth with a silly grin on his face. You try not to laugh but a little snort escapes.

"Yes there is life inside of you! I'm sorry I'm so boring. But I should really inform you of this info. Ah ok. *scatches head* I think that is all I can tell you. The rest you'll have to go to the library and read about. I tell you they have the most fascinating history! Well, you must be going. See you!" The dragon curls up and starts a low snore.

"Good napping!" you say and leave.

Leave and look at your map
This is too much for me! I want out! 1

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