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Western Dragon

Poor Lilac, she is a shy dragon , so don't mind her.  She is still just a big hatchling.

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Fire Flight

Eastern Dragon


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This is Hollyhock. What a mischief maker!  This teen dragon may look like a trouble maker, but her wisdom is just as ancient as those of the old.

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This is Burning Ember, a solitary and sometimes seeminly moody dragon, he enjoys his solidtude.  HIs is a quiet wisdom of the magical arts. 

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This is Last Cloud.  Shes sort of a day dreamer, but she has a very sad story becouse her parents were lost to dragon hunters.  Ever since she lays around more then usual.   Please give her a hug and a kind word to perk her up.

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Iron Heart may look fierce, but he isn't allways like that. He is training to be a guardian dragon.   Did you dragons make wonderful protectors?

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This is Eternal Flame, he is in an elder dragon.  His eyes shine of love and friendship and joy.  His heart can be as fiery as his color and he has seen many more things then the rest of the dragon here. 

Click below to find where you can adopt a dragon.

Fire Flight Lilac Hollyhock

Burning Ember Eternal Flame

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