How to get each Zodiac Sign out of DEPRESSION

...from Libra to Pisces


You only need a week or so to see there are millions of things that can get a Libra depressed. One is maybe you don't like them. Another possibility is maybe your friends don't like them. Or maybe the lady at the post office doesn't like them (after all, she seemed grumpy today). Or maybe the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, the person they saw on the street (and don't even know), or the person they don't know (and may meet tomorrow) doesn't like them. OK, millions of possibilities, but really only one cause. Notice also it's always 'maybe' someone doesn't like them.

A Libra can accept that someone doesn't like them. This poor misguided soul either doesn't know your Libra, or they belong in a mental hospital. Given enough time, your Libra believes, everyone will come around and see what a wonderful person they are. And most people do, eventually. However, if someone SEEMS to not like them, but doesn't say so outright, or why, then a Libra goes to pieces. They will dwell on the situation for hours, even days, wondering what they did to offend the person in question. They will wrack their brains over what part of their personality this person needs to see, in order to know they are indeed likable. When no answer can be found, then frustration, and later depression sets in.

Now, if you can't make that grumpy lady at the post office smile (and who could?), then you can at least show your Libra why they shouldn't take it personal. Simply saying, "Oh, I'm sure she was not mad at YOU", is not enough. Such comments have been made so many times to your Libra that the effect has been weakened, or lost. Make the effort to prove it. Stand in the back of the post office with your Libra for 20 or 30 minutes and watch. See? That lady really IS grumpy to everyone! Once presented with the truth, a Libra will usually drop their fears for the sake of reason. Sometimes you won't even have to wait the 20 or so minutes to prove your point - during the wait many will see that perhaps they were being a bit insecure.

Some Libra types have evolved beyond this insecurity, in which case you need to then watch for signs of suppression. This comes about when a Libra has been put into a position where they can't speak out for themselves, or their cause. This happens a lot, as you probably already know. So, even if it seems a minor issue, be the hero and speak up for them. Raise a formal protest when the United Nations skipped their seat in asking for opinions. Rally all your friends together at the next student council meeting when they were not voted the school's "Most Likable Person". Get up and chase down the waiter who has been ignoring them. This starsign is so refined they would never think of disrupting a group merely for their concern - so you make sure they do not suffer for that politeness. It happens enough for these poor souls. Whether you succeed or not in righting their wrongs won't really matter. The fact that you tried shows the important thing: you really do like them.


This is a fairly easy sign to get out of depression, but the hardest to know IF they are. They would never admit that they were, for fear someone might try to use this against them. Some may have kept their depression a 'secret' for so long, they themselves are not aware of it. EVEN if you sense they might be getting down, DO NOT broadcast it when you offer to help. (Someone nearby might put 2 and 2 together. Someone else might KNOW. Heaven forbid, are you trying to ruin their life.....?) Besides, sensing their feelings and offering help would suggest that you understand your Scorpio. That will make them clam up even more. Nobody, but nobody understands a Scorpio - and they like it that way. Always have.

A lot can happen to a Scorpio and they would never get depressed. They can lose their house, their job, their car on the same day and keep right on going as if nothing has happened. Insult their personal pride, or ridicule their sense of honor, well, THAT is another matter. So is outdoing them on a number of things, and then bragging about it. If this has happened to your Scorpio - and there is nothing they can do about it - well then yes, they are going to get depressed. They are also going to get angry, frustrated, and silent. Very silent. They are also going to get even. You can bet that the poor soul that stepped on your Scorpio somehow will live to regret it. When you see the 'silence routine' lasting for several weeks, then you know a serious retaliation is being planned. Time to play private detective!

Look in your diary and see when the silent treatment started. Now think back - who was giving your Scorpio trouble back then? Sometimes this sign will have a minor eruption when someone angers, or double crosses them - look for clues here. Indicators are there, all right, but well hidden in 'code'. Never fall for an abstract 'thing' these people claim to be upset about, with Scorpio it's ALWAYS personal. For example, when they joke about a 'plan' to bomb city hall, everyone laughs saying, "Yes, we are fed up with city politics too". But wait, that's a clue! Generalizing their anger over the civil administration building is just smoke screen - you can bet someone AT city hall is at the bottom of this. Find out.

Once you find out who their target is, don't make the mistake of trying to join their plan for revenge. Unless, naturally, you are invited (which is very rare, by the way). When it comes to getting even, a Scorpio has a need to be the one pressing the button that starts the downfall of their enemies. The only one. You can be there to watch, maybe even hold the detonator for them, but that's about it. The best contribution you can make is digging up dirt on the person they are after. Haven't you seen how a Scorpio's eyes light up when they found out that their hated boss was involved in some illegal action? Or how there is an extra spring in their step when they learned a weakness about someone they are about to have a confrontation with? This is the only thing a person can offer a Scorpio to get them out of depression, or make them really happy. Besides, of course, sneaking around and having wild sex.


Here is the easiest sign to see if they are heading for depression, AND the easiest one to get out of. A Sagittarius is either (a) so optimistic that their power of faith will over come all obstacles, or (b) so stupid, they have no idea of the huge odds against them. In either case, they charge through all the troubles of life - somehow knowing that things eventually will turn out OK in the end. Strangely enough, it usually DOES. How they manage to do it, no one knows (not even them)! Call it luck, call it fate, or call it having friends in the right places - all 3 of which they always seem to have.

For 98% of all Sagittarius, a major depression only comes once in their lives. This arrives on a time table as precise as any German train schedule. Depending on their upbringing, a Sagittarius will start getting depressed when they hit the age of 30 or 40. Whether due to physical or mental conditions, a certain realization hits them. An element of truth is finally grasped that never before occurred to them. A cold hard fact of nature that will alter their philosophical outlook on life forever. You see, at this point in life they finally realize they are NOT a teenager anymore! (And you wondered why your Sagittarius always seemed so youthful).

Oh, they will still ACT like teenagers for another 10 years or so, but that's just out of habit. The change in their character will come from whatever responsibility has to be dealt with. Your job will be to help them realize they can handle it. Sagittarius have a deep fear of responsibility. When this beast enters their live, every ounce of self- confidence seems to disappear from their mind, body, and soul. They feel they can not deal with responsibility only because they have no experience with it (and no wonder, they have been avoiding ANY kind of it for all their life).

The first sign of depression will be an almost total loss of their optimism. They stop trying to make others laugh. They stop wanting to fix other peoples problems (to the relief of some). A few may even pass on the chance to travel, which is the WORST thing they could do. (Travel cures a Sagittarius of ANYTHING). When you see these, or any other lack-of-happiness warning signals, follow these steps: First, use the same methods and lines they did to cheer up others. Sagittarius are usually very good at practicing what they preach - philosophically. Once they hear their own pep talk coming back at them, they have no choice but to listen....and follow it.

Second, as mentioned, hold their hand though accepting the responsibility. Simply show examples from their past that would prove they have the talent to deal with it. Many have enough sense of logic when such light is shown on the matter, would make sense they could handle. Third, treat them to a trip somewhere, even if only to a nearby town (although Las Vegas would be best if they were really down - gambling, you know). Also try tickets to games, films, or even a new animal to give them an extra shot of joy. It only takes a few moments of fun for this sign to forget depression.


Another easy sign to get out of depression. This is because their life has been so difficult for so long, that they eventually become USED to down and desperate situations. Lost job? Big deal! The bank that has all your money mysteriously disappeared? Happens all the time! Critical food shortage? Yea, AND.......? World War III ? You mean you've only been through THREE? Nothing phases these signs, for they've been through it all. Twice, at least. Actually a Capricorn's normal life rhythm is only a heartbeat away from falling into depression at any given moment. So naturally when they do go down, it's no big deal to them. "Depressed? Yea, so what else is new?" Just one more thing to put up with this week, that's all.

You may think with this attitude, there is not much you can do. Indeed, for many of these types, there is not much you can do to help. Why after all, should you help when THEY don't seem to mind? Or in fact, when they even seem to ENJOY being in such a state? (And a few DO, by the way). Well, despite that tough exterior, which could take several direct hits from nuclear warheads, inside they are human. (It's easy to forget sometimes, I know). So, don't let all that rhetoric fool you - those tough words and stoic stand is their defense mechanism. Just because they are used to depression doesn't mean they really want it. But you will have to know the right way to help, for this has to be handled in a very delicate fashion. Otherwise you may distract their concentration, which is so important for them dealing with such things. Or even worse, you may get in their way.

These natives usually get depressed when they can't be in charge of whatever is going on. Or when they are put in a position where someone else can manipulate them (which not only causes depression, but also RAGE). After all, manipulating other people is THEIR job. Forget the pep talk on how things will get better, or change. Forget showing examples of their past, on how they have always overcome whatever they were up against. You do what you have to do in making sure they are in charge of things again. (Which basically means you do what your Capricorn TELLS you to do). They have a plan to get on top, all right - it's been in the work for years. They have just never had any reliable help to accomplish this, that's all. So there is your role in helping a Capricorn get out of depression, BE that reliable someone.

If you both are outnumbered in whatever group they want to be boss of, or their plan is not having the desired affect, then here is a back up plan. Being in charge is basically having POWER. This is in reality what a really Capricorn wants. If they can not have power in a group situation, the next best thing is to have it over each individual. This means you will need to research each individual to see what their weakness is. As with Scorpio, find some dirt on the opponent so your Capricorn will have some kind of power over them. (Warning: This will not only get this sign out of depression, but will have them fall madly in love with you - it is their big fantasy to find someone who will do their dirty work for them. So be careful if you didn't want the help to go THIS far)!


When was the last time you saw THIS sign depressed? An Aquarius falling in a severe case of the blues is very rare circumstance indeed (the last recorded case was in 650 BC). This is because their take-it-or-leave-it attitude which they seem to have about people is used for any negative things that happen in life as well. Things that would devastate a Cancer or Leo just bounce right off these robots. And why not? Nothing by these types is taken personally, be it insults, problems, or you. However, SHOULD the unbelievable happen, here's what signals to look for and do about it:

The early warning signs that your Aquarius is getting depressed will be first seen by an apparent lack of ideas. Many make the mistake thinking a change in behavior is what to look for. Wrong. The personality of an Aquarius is in a CONSTANT state of change - with any given one of these seldom repeated. So, actually there is really no one character you can use as a basis to start from (or understand for that matter). As you probably already know, ideas are the life force for this sign. When these go into decline, THEN you know something is not in balance.

What they spew out INSTEAD of ideas will be an indication of what is bothering them. If they seem to be centered on facts, then a good chance intimacy with another individual is growing closer than what they would like. Aquarius like their people in groups. Large groups. Like at a rock concert, with them on stage, AWAY from the crowd. They love everyone - but don't to get TOO close, please. One to one relationships, especially one that seems to be growing serious, tend to scare them. They battle commitment by a barrage of facts and psycho-babble to confuse the one invading their space. If you are the one getting too close, then ease up and give them some space, say about the size of Texas.

If they don't talk about ANYTHING, then they probably are mentally overloaded. Your first impulse will be to create an environment of peace and quiet. Again, wrong. You are dealing with the WEIRD starsign of the zodiac, remember? Peace and quiet will only complicate things even more (no one knows why, but believe me, it's true). The rule here is to fight chaos with chaos. Get them some computer puzzles (the ones with no solutions), or a dream interpretation book crowded with symbols so that each dream could have 5,000 different possible meanings, or invite over several of the philosophy professors from your local university to 'discuss' a few things. You may go crazy, but your Aquarius will be in heaven - with all kinds of new ideas returning!

If none of these seem to work, then as a last resort, appeal to their sense of humanity and helping people. All Aquarius people are out to save the world, in some way. Just find out what exactly that is (more than likely there will be several, the very reason they are overloaded). Whether it is protecting whales, or salvaging old computers for third world countries, pump some life into their cause so they get excited again. If they didn't have one, well then NO WONDER they were getting down! Get them one.


To be truthful, you really can't get a Pisces out of depression, for this sign was BORN depressed. They have carried the weight of the entire world on their shoulders since they were 4 years old, experienced every tragedy known to humanity, and are the best example in the dictionary to describe the word 'victim'. No, you can't bring them out of depression, for this is not some mood they pass in and out of like the other signs. Depression is their life - and to change THAT is a lesson every Pisces must learn for themselves. Sad, but true. About all you can do is distract them away from their misery for a few hours, maybe even an entire day (if you are really good at it).

Be VERY careful NOT to fall into their trap of emotional enslavement, which is easy to do. At first glance you see this beautiful person, so kind and loving, but somehow so troubled. You can't put your finger on the 'problem', but you think you can change them, which is your first mistake. You may even feel if you help this pitiful creature, all that kindness and lovingness will be all yours, which is your second mistake. Ask anyone who has made this error and is not yet an emotional vegetable. They have been on a roller coaster ride to both heaven and hell 27 times, and are in the process of making their next round trip. Somehow, they can't get off. Addicted to emotional extremes, and have fallen so deep, they begin to act like a Pisces themselves!

Preserve you self-identity. You can help, but do so at a distance, first. If everything you give or offer for assistance seems to be swallowed up as if it was thrown in the ocean, then back off. Many poor souls do the opposite, thinking "surely this NEXT try will work", but it never does. It's understandable how this happens to so many. A Pisces always seem they are right on the border to happiness. It APPEARS that just one little thing, or action, will push them over the edge, to join you in a state of total joy. Just keep in mind you are not dealing with one who is ON the line that borders joy and sadness, but rather one who IS both sides, all wrapped into one person.

One way to help these professional sufferers, without getting pulled down into the depths of emotional chaos yourself, is to create something for them to care for. The only way to prevent a Pisces from worrying over their situation, is to give them something ELSE to worry over. A good start is a helpless kitten, wounded bird, or even fish. If they already have an abundance of these, then simply take them to a movie, or rent several days worth of videos. Pisces could life their entire life in front of the silver screen, or on it. Make sure a lot are emotionally moving films, preferably psycho dramas, or something along the lines of what Roman Polandski might do.

Another way to take their mind off misery is with mysticism, or anything that lets them leave the 'real world' for a while. Tarot cards, astrology, the I - Ching, hand reading, and numerology will all help them escape their current suffering. Many respond quite well to a bottle of wine. Any Pisces could write a book on escapism, therefore, research this thoroughly so you can come up with a way they never thought of.

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