Lessons for each Star Sign in the 21st Century

...for Libra to Pisces


There is a reason why many diplomats at the UN are Libra. This is the same reason why the Libra in your life is probably YOUR diplomat. Libra are born diplomats. The character trait that many diplomats share is patience. Patience to quietly sit while parties A & B shout at each until they are exhausted, THEN diplomatically offer a solution. Patience to let others make a few mistakes, since after all, we are ALL only human. Libra have the kind of patience others only dream of.

Since Libra has patience occurring NATURALLY, this creates a tendency for them to miss an important part of patience that must be learned. This is because the type of patience a Libra has usually originates from the physical level of existence. Kind of like someone born with a natural physical talent to swim through the water. However, for a swimmer to excel, proper training and having the mechanics of proper stroking techniques are a must. This requires of course, knowledge of mechanics and quite often a coach as well.

There is a type of mechanics that applies to patience very similar to the type that a swimmer uses to fine tune their stroke. It is this very mechanical process that Libra has a great chance to learn this year - and believe me - it is one every Libra would WANT to learn, if they knew how much STRESS it would save them from their everyday life.

When someone is BEING patient, their mind and body ABSORBS negative energy from a person or thing that creates the irritation. As we said earlier, the physical aspect of absorbing this energy comes natural to Libra. Because of this, their mental ability of absorbing such stress is usually well developed also. The problem comes when trying to RELEASE this stress from the mind.

"The shining ocean of you, is still hanging on my frowning wall, I guess it doesn't bother me too much, too much at all"

Burning of the Midnight Lamp - Jimi Hendrix

A Libra doesn't seem to think the stress they store in their nerves "bothers them too much" also. Little do they know it is 90% of the energy responsible for them going crazy two or three time each year. It is also the reason their mind sometimes 'shuts down' during a stressful decision. A law of mental energy is: if you have energy going IN, then there needs to be an EQUAL amount of energy going OUT.

One way to release this mental stress is through mediation. Focus your mind on an object, or at point in your imagination. Next, surround all the stress you feel with a light from your imagination, allowing the light to absorb the negative feelings. Then, use your mind to send the light and 'negative energy' towards the object you are focused on. .


Why was it that 86% of ALL star signs throughout the world are angry with Scorpio at one time or another? Of course, much of this anger is unfounded, since most people get angry at ANYONE who seems to know more than they should, and Scorpio always seems to. How do they know more than they should? That's a Scorpio secret of course. However, there is a little adjustment any Scorpio could do this year, to reduce this "anti- Scorpio" sentiment that seems to exist - and even collect several "allies"....!

When person "A" gets angry over the fact person "B" KNOWS the weakness, worries, and secrets of person "A", this is usually caused to hide the mental trauma going on in person "A"s mind.. This is, of course, a more INTENSE anger if person "B" (our Scorpio) knows something person "A" is not even aware of...yet. While anger is hiding the trauma on the mental body, it is also hiding an EMOTION within the physical body. When anger reaches THESE high levels, there is usually ONLY ONE emotion that can trigger such a response: FEAR.

The Scorpio then, must learn how to reduce this fear most people have, which is no easy lesson. First, the Scorpio must learn WHEN they affect people. Many Scorpio people are not aware they do not have to SAY anything to make others afraid. The penetrating energy of Scorpio has been measured to affect people from 10 meters away, which means fear may be present even before a Scorpio person SEES, SPEAKS, or even MEETS the other party!

This is especially so if the Scorpio person in question has an AIR sign (Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius) as their ascendant. Why do 25% of all Scorpios experiences this more intensely? Chemistry. A human being is about 89% WATER, which is also the NATURE of Scorpio, which is why it is a WATER sign. Outside of physical contact, nearly all interaction and communication is done through AIR. Light waves (sight), sound waves (hearing), mental telepathy as well as smell ALL travel through AIR in human interaction.

If you have material composed mostly of WATER (a human), born with the natural tendencies of WATER (Scorpio), then have this person naturally interact through AIR while having an AIR sign on the ascendant (the part of the horoscope focused on your impressions and projections sent out to others) - well, to say the least, you have ONE INTENSE PERSON.

There is ONE action that can turn this fear into some other emotion: and that is a SMILE. A special kind of smile, though, that says, "I'm happy to SEE you, friend", instead of "I know all your secrets, asshole". The other may be a bit confused, sensing FEAR one moment, then next a happiness they have never felt before in their life. But they will get used to it, as well as lose half the fear they created over you.


What can you teach one who is a natural teacher? Since this sign seems to learn everything (and quickly), many probably don't see how learning ONE MORE THING could possibly change things now. Actually if one looks back, you may see many of the IMPORTANT lessons happened about once a year. True, one learned many facts at school each day, and many learn the aspects of their job from 6 weeks to a year, but LIFE LESSONS happen about once a year - if even THAT.

For 99% of Sagittarius, most of their time, money, and energy was spent trying to EXPAND something. (The other 1% were trying to KEEP UP with something they expanded earlier). Why did this Sagittarius characteristic seem so intense last year? Something to do with Jupiter, which is where most Sagittarius people actually come from, but we won't get into THAT now. The point here is that EXPANSION is good - up to a point. Expansion is wonderful, UNTIL whatever is expanding grows beyond the point of being controlled.

This then is the lesson for Sagittarius now. We all know Sagittarius are just wonderful about making things bigger than they are, but does the Sagittarius know when to STOP expanding things....or situations? Probably not. Don't misunderstand me, the lesson for this optimistic fire sign is not to stop expanding things, just WHEN to stop. The following are a few warning signs as to when something might be expanded a bit beyond what it should.

One sure way to see if things have grown beyond control is to look at the floor in the home of the Sagittarius. Is it starting to become difficult to walk from one side of the room to another from all the "work" that is scattered ON the floor? Then the Sagittarius is getting behind - the first step to losing control. Now the typical excuse Sagittarius is: everything is all over the floor due to a "special organization" job, and it will only be there a day. How many times have we heard THAT before? Give them a day, then start jumping on their ass.

Now some of you may start pushing the "warning alarm" a bit early, for example, when you see all the tables or chairs being cluttered, and collecting junk, papers, forms, and God knows what. Relax, THAT is normal. Unlike other signs who use shelves and cabinets, Sagittarius feels it necessary to place their possessions (and work) on tables and chairs. No one knows why, even though this Sagittarius behavior has been recorded and studied since 3,850 BC.

A Sagittarius losing their optimism is another signal whatever they expanded is getting out of control. Some even hide in their house for days (when we all know they would rather be outside most of the time). Many even try to psychologically hide getting behind by starting a NEW project (which is typical Sagittarius logic: control expansion by expanding something ELSE, which might may expand enough to cover the first one). Does THAT work? I think we already know the answer....


This sign has an easy lesson this year. The reason being since they already learned this lesson about 20 years ago. If you are under 30, you need not worry, for this lesson will be as easy to learn as being yourself. Quite often the "always on top of things" Capricorn is busy managing and organizing everything around them, which is why many make good bosses. Unfortunately this managing and organization often covers everything EXCEPT their own life.

Since many Capricorns take their responsibilities very seriously, they put 120% energy into whatever they are managing (leaving then very little energy for managing themselves). Because of this, many Capricorn people do not know one or two things about themselves. Usually these are important things - naturally since Capricorn are IMPORTANT people. This makes it very difficult for the to simply BE themselves, which is this year's lesson.

The planet assigned to Capricorn is Saturn, a planet that sometimes takes as few as 28, or as much as 31 years to circle the Sun. If you look statistically at a large number of Capricorns, one sees a pattern that develops with many just before, or just after, they turn 30. A certain change takes place which leads Capricorn to start searching for something. For MANY of these practical earth signs, the search may be for a new job, or even career. For ALL of Saturn's children, this time brings a search for themselves.

Does this mean that Capricorns can not know themselves until AFTER 30? Well, not all, since as with every sign, there are always a few who develop early. Most however, do not put the final pieces of their personality together until this time. So, if you are UNDER 27 and still don't have a clue as to who you are, or where you are going.....RELAX. This is as normal as one big gas planet (with rings) circling the Sun at a pace that universal harmony decided long ago.

If you are a Capricorn around 30 (or under) then some assistance in learning about yourself can be found by describing how you feel. This can be done alone in a book (such as a diary), or opening up such discussions among friends. Capricorns can talk for hours over what they THINK about a certain matter. But ask them how they FEEL about something, and you'll get a blank look with a pause that can go on forever. Some may actually say something, but the odds are 21 to 4 the answer will be what they THINK they feel.

Once a Capricorn SEES what they are feeling, then they are on the right path learning about themselves. Once they start walking on this path, many of their decisions will then begin to satisfy some of the feelings they before were not aware of.


Earth to Aquarius. Earth to Aquarius. Come in, Aquarius. It sometimes is difficult for an Aquarius to learn a lesson, mainly because they never seem to really be here in the first place. Yes, their body is running around on the surface of the earth, but their mind usually seems to be off in some other star system (and their spirit is usually beyond THAT). This year's lesson however, has to do with BEING on the earth, so it may be wise for Aquarius turning their spaceship around and heading back to earth. Even if it is for a only a short visit.....

Since the material EARTH is an important aspect of this lesson, it might be good for the Aquarius to observe EARTH SIGNS (those born under Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn). All three of these signs have something to offer the Aquarius in the way of being practical. Usually when you mix the concept of practicality with the substances of the earth - or materials - you get one word. One word that everyone on the earth understands fully (which is why Aquarius occasionally needs to return to earth to see how this word has changed).

This word is not only understood in EVERY country but also RUNS every country, no matter WHO is president. This one word describes how humanity deals with THE MATERIAL LEVEL everyday, and how it has done so since well before 5,500 BC. The word, and lesson for Aquarius at the present? Money.

Money usually works as an oppositional force to Aquarius in a very natural way. As mentioned earlier, throughout history humans have used money to acquire and interact with the material world. Many fundamentals of business used as far back as 2,400 BC are still in use today. This also abstractly describes the difference between Aquarius and money. The fundamentals of Aquarius living come from 2300 AD, so while the rest of the world operates from a PAST system, Aquarius patterns are coming from the FUTURE.

For those of you non-Aquarius who have no clear picture of 24th Century, watch about 7 episodes of star Trek: The Next Generation. Besides seeing a few interesting special effects, or even a story that you might enjoy, you will then really see the basic difference between an Aquarius person and money. You see, in the 24th Century you DON'T NEED money......!

Does this mean every Aquarius must go to business college, or that they must maroon themselves in the primitive, crude earth society that existed way back in stardate cir. 1990's? No, of course not. Just come back and visit the present moment once in a while - and remember: PART of you is still here, and THAT part may want/need some money. Learn how to get this part of you some money, which will only take a few hours of thinking, then a few phone calls, faxes or computer messages. Then you can beam yourself right out of here and get on with the more important things that are light years from here.


Why are there more Pisces actors and actresses than any other sign? Because being the last sign means being a composite of all the previous signs. Act like a Leo? A Pisces can - and often times a tick better. Dream like a Sagittarius? A Pisces can dream just as far out AND in the opposite direction as well (thereby covering TWICE the space...or time). So what can this sign possibly learn, if these natives have already been there, done that, and seen it all before?

The answer lies in the "been there, done that, and seen it all". You will notice this expression describes a VAST amount of experience. Every thought that ever was, and perhaps every measurable trace of human suffering can be found coded in the DNA of a Pisces person. No question a Pisces has FELT it all before - that is a scientific fact. However you will notice that "been there, done that, seen it, and even felt it" all have something in common. ALL these have to do with the PAST.

Which brings us to our lesson for this year (or really ANY year in the case of a Pisces). For when you have one who HOLDS all possible PAST experiences, the lesson usually is how to then MOVE forward with this collection of emotional history. Think forward into the future? Sure a Pisces CAN, but how often do they? (Last recorded research showed an average of about 8 1/2 minutes a month). Preparing, organizing, and actual development of the future was done even LESS (3 minutes a YEAR for some). The lesson then is the future.

If you just read the previous lesson, then it might seem logical that learning about the future could be experienced through hanging around an Aquarius person. Perhaps. However, since many issues attracted to you this year will be within the element of FIRE, an fighting Aries, or the above mentioned "dreamer" and "actor" may give you some insights on how to move forward.

This may be difficult since about 78% of all Pisces are upset with a fire sign (or one who has Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius as an ascendant. So, naturally the Pisces is looking at the person of "fire", and saying "O.K. I LEARNED fire, now I know what NOT to do". Or they are looking at an institution related to one of the fire signs (such as LAW or DRAMA) and saying "no" to that also - not realizing that saying 'no' equates to the 'not' in NOT MOVING FORWARD.

Read up on ALL the characteristics of fire signs and see what they have in common. See if your Pisces is saying "NOT" to any. Find about 8? That's about average. Will they be grudgingly admit to one? That's about average also. So start there with that one. If it is courage from an Aries, or the pride found in Leo, focus on that trait so the 'fire' within the Pisces can burn out, and therefore MOVE the PISCES person. It is no accident that nearly all technical devices developed for movement (cars, trams, rockets, etc.) are set in motion by fire - be it an electrical or chemical one.

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