How to make each Zodiac Sign Fall in Love with YOU

....from Libra to Pisces


You've probably already noticed within 15 minutes of meeting your Libra that it is somewhat difficult for them to make certain decisions. This is not a test to see how much patience you have (which is a common Pisces trick). But patience, however, is something you'd better have. Lots of it. First, you need to understand what is going on when a Libra makes a decision, then maybe the patience will come easier. You see, when these signs make a decision, it is not just a matter of which choice benefits themselves, but which one will be best for their loved ones, and everyone else within 100 meters of them.

Besides patience, another quality a Libra finds irresistible in a partner is one who can make things (or life) easy for them. It's not that they are lazy - although some can be in a BIG way. It's just that if you had to make decisions for the whole world around you, every day, you'd need as many breaks as possible too. Right? Most people unknowingly make life more difficult for a Libra, by trying to rush their decisions. Or worst yet, trying decide FOR them. Helping a Libra means making things convenient. Are they wondering which city to visit? Then bring them picture books, maps, and a list of names of people you know in each place. A choice of restaurants? Then bring them the menus from each one in question - or call to see what is today's special.

In other words, take part in the decision, and everything else that is going on in their life. A deep desire of every Libra is to find one who will SHARE their life with them. And when I say share their life, I mean every aspect of it. The thoughts, feelings, decisions, the ups and downs, the dishes and laundry. They want you there every moment they are conscious, and even when they are not. So be there all the time, or at least say you wish you could. Whoever said "It's the thought that counts" had Libra in mind when they created that quote.

In they same way a Virgo has to have things neat and tidy, a Libra has to have things beautiful. This means you, too. Now you don't have to look like a photo model for these signs to fall for you - quite the opposite, really. These people can find beauty in eyes, noses, and cheeks where no one else can. What is important is that you FEEL beautiful about yourself, and project it. 'Everyone is beautiful in their own way' is the motto of Libra. Make that yours as well. Better yet, take it one step further and find beauty in everything, a Libra will fall automatically for one with such an attitude.

When you get ready for the heavy petting and such, remember that you are dealing with one of the most delicate creatures of the zodiac, physically and emotionally. Be gentle. Before grabbing the behind, or planting a firm kiss, stroke very lightly over whatever they have left exposed for you. Even better is to do this with a feather. Softness is the way to their heart, and lightness of touch is what moves their spirit. And their hormones. Remember that when you are dressing up for a date with one of these signs. Put on something fluffy, very soft, very sexy, and of course, beautiful.


Forget everything you ever learned about romance when chasing one born under this sign. When it comes to love, these people are different. Very different. A romantic candlelight dinner? Not really. Flowers? Ho-hum. A Scorpio wants intrigue, mystery, and (most important) danger in their relationships. And after your eyes meet with the knowledge there is an attraction, you'd better give it to them. Look at a few James Bond movies to refresh your memory as to what kind of excitement is required.

If they show signs, or even admit they love you, keep it a secret from the rest of the world. Always let a Scorpio make the announcement on such matters when they are ready. You are dealing with a VERY private person. Many have a fantasy of being a secret lover. If this is the case, then make sure you both have to sneak around for your meetings. Coded messages are a big plus as well, especially if they are passed through co-workers or family members who have no idea what is going on. If they are not the type to be a secret lover, then you be theirs (which is the way most Scorpio relationships start, by the way).

It's very rare that you will have to go through a long courtship to win these people over. They usually will fall in love immediately, or keep you at a distance as a 'good friend'. In either case you probably won't really know where you stand for several months. However, keep in mind you can always win their hearts during this 'trail' period. How? Control. A Scorpio's greatest need is to feel they are in control. At all times. No control, no love - it is that simple. Even if they accept one of your suggestions, always make it clear you'd be more than happy to follow one of theirs - if they so wished. You can offer the suggestions, observations, and requests. But when it comes to demands and orders, that's their department.

If you are in the habit of telling 'little white lies', or only 50% of the truth, you'd better make a major overhaul of your character. This sign will always call your bluff. So if the card they found with a strange phone number in your pocket is not to the new pizza place as you claimed - you're dead. This is the hardest sign to win their trust, and the easiest to lose. One wrong action concerning loyalty and they are out the door. There is a very big difference between a secret, and a lie, to these signs (even though you will never get a clear definition as to what, exactly, that difference is). Play it safe. Just make your entire life an open book from now on.

With their intense nature, and piercing glance, it is no small wonder most people get a little nervous being near a Scorpio. Nervous or not, never act frighten when you are with them. They respect strength, so it is refreshing for them to find one secure enough to be with them. Project self-confidence, but not to a point where you are the boss. That's their job, remember? And one more note, even though they appear in control, many are insecure in an odd way. Find out how, then keep that part of their personality pumped up. And more important, help them keep that part hidden from the outside world. You'll get loved like you've never dreamed of when you do so.


Please, will you not mention love when you start getting involved with one of these? You may scare them away. No, it's not that they are afraid of love. Quite the opposite. Many Sagittarius view love as a great adventure. It's just the word can have another meaning to these signs: responsibility. And that is the concept which gives them the creeps. So if you speak of love, do it in a philosophical way. A non-committal sort of way. They can talk about the theory of love for hours. Weeks, even.

The easiest way to get a Sagittarius to fall in love with you is simply to be fun. If you are the type who loves to flirt, then you will be in heaven. Wild hints of romance flung from afar are their specialty, and also what they enjoy receiving. Courtship, in their minds, is not a prince from the Middle Ages presenting a young maiden with some jewel to proclaim his love. No, that's too stuffy and old fashioned. Instead, it's an impulsive hop on a motorcycle, off to some place neither of you have been before. Or, a daring plan to sneak into a football game, or concert, where a friend is playing.

As with Leo, there is a good chance this sign has a following which is often surrounding them. To get their attention, try appearing very exotic. Pick some clothes from a culture that is from far away. The further away, the better. Many born under this sign seem to be attracted to those who have the air of a pirate about them. The excitement factor, you see. It is well known that the deep love of Sagittarius to travel. If they are stuck at home for some reason, then the only way they can experience travel is to be near one who has. Or at least appeared to. So dress, act, and speak as if you have been all over the world. Several times.

If you speak a foreign language, use it as much as possible. If not, speak with a slight accent of the place they have been dreaming of going to. They will then feel destiny brought you both together. You know they have fallen for you when they ask you to travel with them. But why wait? Take them on as many trips as possible with you, even if only a few kilometers out of town. It doesn't matter who starts the habit.

Although most of these signs are rough and ready people (able to face most anything) the only delicate matter with this sign is freedom. Have you made a suggestion and noticed they suddenly got nervous? Have you created a situation, and saw they are starting to panic as the deadline draws near? Then you've done something to threaten their freedom. Ease off a bit. You don't have to change your plans. Just make it clear they are under no obligation to come along with you. The best way to deal with their issue of freedom is to simply be totally independent yourself.

So, have you been able to bring love up as philosophical topic? Did you let the relationship evolve so there is no feeling of responsibility? Are you lots of fun, and can make a game of just about anything? Even love? Do you have plenty saved up for airplane and train tickets? And are you ready to go, anywhere, anytime? Then you have a Sagittarius in love with you, take off!


If you have money, power, or fame - then it's very easy to get a Capricorn to fall in love with you. If they haven't done so already. If you don't have any of these, then you have a lot of work to do. At least have plans to be rich. This will satisfy them that you at least have some potential. Many born under this sign will say that success, or a large bank account, has nothing do with their feelings. Wrong. Either they are kidding themselves, don't know themselves, or bluntly lying just to get you in bed. If you run across one of these who will not admit it, tell them anyway you want to be well off. Not so much out of personal ambition, but so you can provide for them in their later years (a major concern for all born under this sign).

Whether you are rich are not, the only way into a Capricorn's heart is to be useful. Help them to be successful. Bring people in their lives who will assist their business, or career dreams. Fix the broken things in their home they don't have time to deal with. Run to the copy center with all those documents they need to have duplicates of. Keep troublesome people away from them during tense times. Have they started to wonder how they ever functioned without you? Good. That's a sure sign they are falling in love. Many of these feel being dependent on someone and being in love are one in the same. Who can blame them....?

Whether male or female, the focus of attraction will more than likely be on your bone structure. So, highlight your cheeks before going out on a date with your Capricorn. Men can shave so that their features are accented, women can visit a make-up professional to get advice. Get rid of that double-chin (if you have one), and stand up straight with the presence of a Greek statue. If you want to seduce them, go for the skull and spine. Most love being rubbed and massaged on these important body parts. Rubbed hard. Learn a few accu-pressure techniques.

This is the most difficult sign to actually catch, for they usually back away even if madly in love with you. Are they allergic to love? Afraid? No. It's just they feel success must be had first, before really getting involved with anyone seriously. How to get over this? Simple. Make them feel they are a successful right NOW. Or, take away their fear of not being successful. Also, get them to stop comparing themselves to others - that is how Capricorn people get depressed most often.

Except for Pisces, no other starsign will test your will to love them as a Capricorn. With this sign you have to come a VERY long way to earn their trust. And trust must be earned before love and romance can even be considered. With tens and thousands in the bank, they will act broke. Can you lend them a couple of hundred for a few days? It's a test. They want to see if you will really be there when they are down and out. That's their other great fear, picking someone who will not be there in hard times. Show them you will, and they are yours. And when a Capricorn is yours, they are yours forever.


If you are the type that needs deep, emotional exchanges - then you had better have patience. A LOT of patience. You are dealing with a specimen from the future here. Cyborgs you see in those science fiction movies - half human, half robot. Are they really part machine? Well, yes and no. Many are so wrapped up in technology, that if it actually did come down between you, or what's on the monitor - there would be a long pause for the decision. A very long pause. To find out early if you will have to deal with this type of behavior, make it so that in one of your early dates you pass an electronic store. Did they look intensely inside? That's normal. Did they feel the need to step inside, putting your dinner reservations at risk? Then you may have trouble. Did they stay in the store for hours? Then you have big trouble.

More than likely, the very trait you admire MOST in an Aquarius person, will be what causes you the most problems. It's that idealism they have. How noble it seems. How enlightened. Then you learn the downside of their democratically emotional idea that all people are equal. This means that all people are treated the same emotionally, which includes YOU. For some of you, it may be a very long time before you can feel special being around one of these. Never force the issue, however. You'll only get into hour long discussions about a privilege-free society, and class struggles. Things and ideas that have nothing to do with feelings and romance. Just act the same as they do. Be somewhat detached, caring about everyone equally. Chase some unrealistic ideal of what a human (machine) relationship should be. Study also avoiding responsibility and commitment as seen in the Sagittarius section.

When romantic inclinations finally do enter the picture, prepare for the unexpected. And it might be well for you to pull a few unexpected acts yourself. This is what really turns an Aquarius on. They will start getting sexually excited at the exact moment you don't want to be. Or when you are in some situation where you can't respond. Many love it if there is a risk of being caught in the act. Are you bold enough? Good. Start to feel up their leg as soon as the elevator door closes - whether there are other people in there with you or not. You see, 99% of those born under this sign are simply bored. Bored, because they really belong in the year 2019. Your unexpected acts will make them forget their boredom, at least for a while.

This belonging in the future is why so many Aquarius have not found their career or purpose in life. For example, what would a highly skilled computer programmer do, if they were born in 1919? You see their dilemma. So help them. Read up on future trends. Find something they can do now that will eventually evolve into the trade that their talents are best suited. Show them how they already have taken out so much suffering in the world, and how their ideas will do even more. Is that machine side of them not 'beeping' so loud now? Good. They are starting to fall in love, although more than likely another term will be used. You do the same. Remember, these signs think they need a higher ideal than love. Something no one seems to have, something no one is able to explain, or able to give them: UNDERSTANDING.


You'd better have a lot of experience in romance before trying to get one of these to fall in love with you. And a lot of training as a psychologist. Several university degrees may not be enough. Be prepared for problems to be thrown at you (to 'test' your love), a lot of sacrifices, and a lot of 'no-win-on-either -side' kind of choices. The ordeals thrown at you will be great, but on the other hand, so will the rewards. No other sign of the zodiac will love you more. Make sure, then, the word 'love' is not only active in your vocabulary, but in your actions as well. Also, make sure it is used a lot. And certainly make sure that you mean it every time.

Sacrifice is the key phrase with these signs. And if you want love from a Pisces, then you'd better understand every aspect of this word. You also had better learn to live with sacrifice for the rest of your life. Think of the Catholic church, an institution that represents the outgoing Piscean age. You want to go to heaven? Then, sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice. Don't worry, such action will be returned to you - in full. Unlike Cancer and Scorpio (who have a habit of making you sacrifice something in order to be with them) Pisces will take this one step further. They will make you sacrifice something for their love, PLUS sacrifice something themselves to have you! This way they have a 'built-in problem' just being with you....!

Are they sick? Well, not really. Emotionally insane? A little. Think of the symbol for Pisces - two fish swimming in opposite directions. There's a reason for that image. They have an honest, natural need for conflict. By all means don't run away from it. And never make the mistake so many others do - which is trying to solve any of those conflicts. It won't work. So, if you can't beat them, join them. But wait a minute. You can't join by creating your own conflicts, that would be cheating. Instead, you have to dive right into their conflict, and find some other problematic situation within what is already on the table. You must worry with them. Suffer with them. There, that's true love. Ever wonder why Pisces usually end up with other Pisces? Now you know.

If you are extremely attractive, then you may want to tone it down a bit. In many cases, a Pisces has to feel sorry for you (a little) to even get their attention. Ladies, forget the heavy make up for a few days. Look lonely. Men should appear slightly torn and tattered (emotionally, not necessarily the clothes). Extra points if you appear to have been suffering for others. Many others. You know, like Christ did.

The greatest sin against a Pisces is not to experience - or appreciate - all of the love they have to give to you. Image being in a coffee house where they have every imaginable exotic blend available. And all you want is regular? No wonder they are insulted, and angry! Also, and this is very important, learn to trust without question. No matter how odd, or how suspicious the situation, trust them. Will you receive the same consideration? Probably not, in many cases. Think if it, then, as just one more of those sacrifices you are going to have to make. One of many.

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