The Gilbert Post Linkware Directory: There is no index file so as to make this a little easier to update. Therefore, this ReadMe may be a bit out of step with so go ahead and poke around. See Linkware.txt for the current draft of the linkware agreement. AdvSiteSearcher: the second in a series of search applets, this was the first to use the much faster SearchSieves, and offers features not available in its near cousin, SearchToHTML. (These include caching, and the ability to scan a directory listing for files to search) JulianCodeApplet: a simple (very simple) cryptography applet for scrambling e-mail or other text. Source included. MiniMandelbrot: a bite sized fractal explorer. Source included. SearchToHTML: the latest in a series of search applets, this applet, as its name implies, outputs the search results as HTML (via a JavaScript). Using HTML to display the output allowed the context of match, the title, and a link to the closest HTML anchor to the match to be added to the search results. SiteSearcher: the first in a series of search applets, this applet is slower than its descendents but as a positive, its source code is included. XORRingApplet: another cryptography, it looks identical to the JulianCodeApplet on the outside, but is very different on the inside. Source included.