The Seven Outer Planes
   As we have now come to the point of meditating upon the actual why, how, and wherefore of the ´manifestation´ of SPIRIT; I  feel it appropriate to ´lay all the cards on the table´ and level with all of you who have ventured thus far.
SPIRIT manifests according to It´s own Creative Laws and Principles.
These are Sacred, and Absolute, and cannot be manipulated or violated.
Unfortunately,´Humankind´ has been engaged in various ways in seeking, striving and trying to do just that for almost 20,000 years. It´s time to move beyond that fruitless approach and begin to move with SOURCE once again. The Way is easy.
The Way of ´letting´ the Qualities of SPIRIT be expressed  is through Attunement with True Character. Only in this way will the ´magic´ of the Creative Power of Being ever be shared and experienced by human beings. And here is fulfillment.
SPIRIT manifests through Seven Dimensions on earth in the Creative Radiation of THE TRIUNE RAY.

And It does so in a specific manner which is unaffected by human desires. However, it takes Man´s Consciousness in Position as a Focus Point to bring the full range of wonders inherent within that Radiant Source into the world. There have been a veritable smorgasbord of techniques available in the world for millennia which promise ´a way´ into this Divine State. But in fact, It can only be entered by those who are whole, ´pure of heart´, and ´vibrationally responsible.´ The ´secrets´ of the awesome power of CREATION are ´foolproof´. Not exclusive.
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The phase of willful self-centeredness is at an end, yet, so is All mystery.
There is only One Stargate, yet each One who consciously moves through it will give that One Way a wholly unique expression. But first one must go through.  And to actually do that Now, in this moment, we must willingly let go of absolutely everything we imagine we know, for our mental concepts dull the  cutting edge of the Truth of Love. LIFE demand´s total selflessness and fluidity of spiritual expression from each and every one who seeks to Serve the Whole.

Mastery is necessary for this reason only !

"The Spirit of Truth shall guide us into all truth." When? Now! Not in some far distant future. But now, in this generation. ´Now is the time´ for exponential awakening on a global scale. It must occur in one ´generation´.


Now is the time that "the mystery of God is finished on earth."
´ God is a SPIRIT, and seeks those who will worship HIM in Spirit and in Truth.´ 
 May you be all that you inherently know you ought to be, and by reason of
´the irresistible cords of love´ allow to be draw forth from within yourSelf the abundant talents, and gifts present in each of you.
´The Creative Cycle of Restoration´ is unfolding exactly where you are, awaiting only your attunement with It, that it may move clearly into the earth through you.

In this regard, I and others set an open door before you.
There is always a price to be paid for true knowledge, and an even greater one to be paid for the wisdom to let it be used fittingly. I speak not of gold, but of RESPONSIBILITY.
It has been said, ´to whom much is given, much is required´.
I therefore give you fair warning.
To read further, may forever alter your life. The choice is yours.
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The search is over!´ Let all who have ears to hear´, heed the Voice from within.
You are who you have been looking for. You are ´the savior´ of your world.
Accept the responsibility which is yours and yours alone. No one else can do what what you ´incarnated´ on earth to accomplish.
.The ´ incarnational vehicle´ which we each find ourSelves in, is wondrously and perfectly designed. ´The physical nature of man, and all other material things, is the result of Absolute Reality, and it is only through the inherent Reality that is in them that they exist. To deny the physical and the material is to deny the reality Also...´ It is the means by which the Seven Spirits can come into the earth.
This ´incarnational vehicle´ with it´s capacities of Body, Mind, the capacity for Spiritual Expression, and the Feeling Realm (which provides the connecting link between all of them, and their contact point with SPIRIT, is designed solely for the expression of the SPIRIT which created it.

 MAY MANIFEST IN MAN- Male and Female.
´The Seven Spirits´ of BEING move directly through the 7 Endocrine Glands 

which are complemented by the 7 Chakras. 

They function as One in the release of a particular Spirit into the outer world.
The Primary endocrine glands in this regard are:
The Pineal- the Spirit of Love
     The Pituitary- the Spirit of Truth
The Thyroid- the Spirit of Life
The Thymus-the Spirit of Purification
The Islets of Langerhans-the Spirit of Blessing
The Adrenals-  The spirit of the single ´eye´, one pointedness 
The Gonads/Ovaries-the Spirit of the New Earth, Restoration, Ascension
Here then are the Positive Points of Radiation with the corresponding Chakras acting as the complementary responsive protective nurturing points. here are the means by which REALITY is able to manifest through human beings who are in Attunement with SOURCE.  And these Points of release in their positive and negative phases work as One to facilitate the release Spirit. And Spirit sets the Firmament or the Invisible design of being which can then conform with the Larger Creative Cycles moving in relationship to our planet and all contained herein. here is as close to an answer as one may find.

And the whole point is that by ´Attunement with´ Source, GOD, or by whatever Sacred name called, only the right Spirits be allowed release into the earth of our bodies and beyond into our ´environments´. here is where so-called ´freedom of choice´ comes in. But whom in their right mind would wish to allow anything but reality to manifest by reason of their living? And if this seems impractical, take a look around, or better, in the mirror.
Of course, the reason the world is in such a mess at present is that the ABSENCE of the right Spirits are constantly finding expression by those who have not yet taken Vibrational responsibility for what quality and characteristic of the SPIRIT of SOURCE which they are given the opportunity in every single instant of Life to release. And one can´t somehow change the environment, whether one´s own consciousness or beyond, by frantically trying to change what appears in the mirror. yet this is exactly what mankind has been attempting generation after generation for 20,000 plus years without success.

So, here is where ´the Art of Living´ and the reality practicing or rather letting, Divine Technology, Spiritual Expression Plane technology to become a vital part of one´s creative living.
No one can teach it to another, yet there are those who are already allowing these Spirits to have their Way, and thus can provide a Reminder, or Point of Focalized Inspiration for anyone who also wishes to participate in this most awesome and creative of Adventures.  Cosmic Purpose.

What´s more, you and I consciously chose to incarnate on earth at this time to help fulfill that purpose. Yet we can only discover that purpose by  giving expression to the Character and Qualities of THAT SPIRIT in our moment by moment living. It is then revealed to us, and becomes our ´own´ experience according to the clarity and passion for the Truth of Love we bring into each moment of our expression. This is best accomplished by what I ´called´ on page one ´vibrational responsibility´. Vibrational responsibility in every word, thought, feeling and action which vibrates through this ´incarnational package´.
Whether we remember this consciously at present or not is not important. What is important is allowing the Creative Process to draw out this awareness now; to be willing to let it be ´called to our remembrance´. This occurs as we resonate with The True TONE which is sounding NOW throughout the Cosmos. This TONE has rightly been called in ages past, ´The Song Celestial´. It´s that easy. And again, as another wise One put it, the Way ´ easy, the burden Light!´
SPIRIT is expressed in every moment. The question is, what is the quality of Spirit that one is expressing? In fact, all Spirits are contained within the Supreme Spirit of Love, even those distorted spirits which give evidence of the lack of true Spirit to varying degrees. Our concern may rightly described as how can I allow my capacities to express Spirit clearly and purposefully? One practical response to such a question is "Assume the virtue´. If this is in fact who we really are, we will naturally resonate to the expression of True Character. If not, our inner guidance system will also reveal the truth. So there is no excuse for not ´assuming the virtue´ and discovering for oneSelf either the truth or falsehood of what I am opening up here, is there?  Let us continue.

The following attitudes are those of One who is ´in attunement with SOURCE´. They speak of who we really are. They go directly to the heart of ´who we are´, what our purpose on earth is, and how we may best fulfill it. Further, in harmonizing with these utterly practical and sensible attitudes we find real fulfillment and unprecedented adventure.
in selfless service. I ask all who will, to consider the following absolute statements deeply: To meditate upon their inner meaning: To become One with the Life which is present now, with the Truth which provides that Life the Design or means to act, and with the Love which creates it ALL in this beginning. For going out in every moment from the Point of Being are the Seven Spirits. May they pass clearly and uniquely through these capacities. For they know the purpose for which they are sent into this world.
As I am true, I may know and know that I know that purpose which only I can fulfill!

                                                    AS A HUMAN-BEING

I have a body. I am not my body. May I cease identifying overmuch with it.
I have a mind. I am not my mind. May I cease imagining that my mind is the King
I have a feeling realm, I am not my feelings. 

May I not identify overmuch with them

´I do not have a soul. I am a soul. Either a living soul, or a dying soul. I have a choice in every moment. I am responsible. These capacities have the ability to respond to who I am.
These three wondrous capacities are a gift created by Being for It´s clear expression. Of themselves they are nothing. Yet, in that they house the Spirit of who I am, they are the result of absolute reality and are created with a precision of design which will always remain unequaled in man´s ´mind-made´ world.

And there is MORE! YES! A capacity of Being which has been so ill used, and underestimated, that it has seemed almost non-existent. Yet it is what sets humankind apart from all other forms of on earth. And that is ´The Capacity for Spiritual Expression´!
And not just any old spirit as has been the case heretofore. But the Spirit of Love, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Life, the Spirit of Purification, the Spirit of Blessing. the Spirit of the Single Eye, and the Spirit of the New Earth!
Here is what we were designed for, here is purpose, meaning, and fulfillment galore.
When body, mind, and heart are in alignment, and they let go, and come to rest in that great depth of eternal being which we are, the Seven Creative Spirits may flow through them into all of Creation.  When they come into attunement with that which created them, they provide the most precious holistic capacity of all. And this is the capacity for Spiritual Expression! Never underestimate it! For only by this means can SPIRIT be expressed on earth and so nourish all of the other kingdoms of being.


As each one says, ´let it be by my hand´, the job begins to be done in harmony with the Larger Creative Cycles moving in the Universe. But it can only be done by those of us who accept our Divine Birthright, and refuse to any longer be a spectator or victim. In this we say:

´I am a unique and individualized aspect of the Creative Radiance of Source´
´I have consciously ´incarnated´ on earth to Serve Source in any way which is fitting.´
´No one, and no circumstance can prevent me from being my true self.´
´Thus I am free to discover the depths of my Being throughout eternity; to use every ounce of ingenuity and creativity to the end that this world and all herein is restored to it´s rightful place in the solar system and beyond.´ And in this I am deeply thankful.´

These distinctions are much more than semantic, they express the attitude of Being. And each one can say ´I am´. Our ´True Character´ is synonymous with that of BEING and is a differentiation of It´s supreme quality, which is LOVE. Human-Being, is Love made visible.
And LOVE, which contains all of the other qualities of SPIRIT within ITSELF may only be expressed clearly and usefully through the mechanism designed for it´s differentiation. So....

                                                      Let´s start letting Life live us. Living is for-giving !:-)


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