"In the Silence, I greet you by the gate, for I saw you coming while you were yet far off, and I know the question that is in your heart. Come and sit with me beside the Sundial, for the question within you is of things most sacred, and the words with which I would answer you are sacred above all the things about which men usually converse."

Let go, and relax into the presence of 'The One Who Dwells' within you now. For that ONE is the ONE who gives you Life and all other things of beauty and loveliness. The One who YOU really are.

In this realization, let us commune, letting the cares and concerns of this outer world no longer loom large, nor consume undue attention or life-force. For in this way are you lifted up 'in the Spirit' and conveyed to the Secret Place where you can hear the WORD within the Word, and 'Know and know that you know'. For yes..., there are Absolutes. Absolutes far deeper and more meaningful than Gravity or any number of other physical Laws. Let us discover what 'the ordinances of Heaven' are, and accept the challenge of 'setting them in the earth.' Our earth: Our bodies, minds, and hearts. And from there, on out into what you call your environment. For what you understand as the environment really begins at that exact point where the Spirit of 'Who YOU Really Are' begins to have form and function on earth. It becomes your creative field; the place which only you can care for. The place where only YOU can provide that unique catalyst that will let the re-Creative Cycle unfold as it was designed too . In this let us move de-light-fully into a meditation upon that initial ancient injunction too all who would find understanding....- "Man, Know Thyself !"

And though it will take and eternity of eternities to fully know the fullness of the Truth of yourSelf, one can only proceed by deliberately taking the first step. The step of being and remaining 'teachable', malleable, and willing to yield and learn of and from the Greater Reality of Eternal Being. For if you are honest, you must admit that there is far more unknown to you than is known. And it is vitally important that you begin from where you actually are in fact, and not where you imagine yourself to be. For where you are is 'relatively' perfect. Just right. For in actuality you have already demonstrated the quality of your understanding by having come to the point in this life where you are reading these words and seeking to sense the spirit back of them. Many thousands more merely passed this golden opportunity by without a second thought. But in that you have an already unfolding 'attunement with' Reality, we find ourselves together, embarking upon the most wonderful and fulfilling and useful adventure to be found anywhere : The journey that literally turns us inside out and follows the created lines of radiant force which shall carry us without any effort or struggle to infinity and beyond, without moving from our grounding in the here and now. For if we stay not in the now here, we shall run it all together and be nowhere :-) And naturally we do so with a genuineness and humility which declare both true character and the courageous vision required to see it through. For we have been moving towards this moment all of our lives.

And those whom LIFE draws out shall never be disappointed, for wondrous is the Way!

"Only those who so enter into the Sacred Garden, and let go to it's Peace, abiding in the Perfect Purity of 'The One Who Dwells' can understand these sacred truths."

So dear friend in the Way eternal, as we rest easily in one anther's presence beside the Sundial, let us be content to simply let it be, and trust that all has been and is prepared for our beginning illumination from the 'foundation of the earth of our outer beings. Why? Because you and I, are worthy and richly deserving. it is LIFE'S Will that ' the mystery of God be finished' in and through YOU, and all who draw near to the Heart of BEING.
So that YOU then may be of real Service and Value to the Whole of which you are a vital part. For I already know that you Love the Whole with a love that is constant and
ever burning or you wouldn't have patiently awaited this day of our meeting. In welcoming you here now, I say... Peace... let body and mind and heart come to rest, that the Spirit of Understanding within you now might lift you up and show you those things which your heart rightly desires.


In 'The Enfolding Light of The Single Eye of LOVE', which looketh only upon the true qualities of character and Spirit within you, there is absolutely no concern with any of the apparent limitations of your outer form. For you are one who seeks the Truth of Love. And truly it was spoken. "He who seeks shall surely find, and unto him that knocks it surely shall be opened." So as you have knocked, and thus provided the response necessary to generate the answer, I am delighted to be the doorkeeper in 'the Temple of Light' and open to you those sacred things which have eluded you until now.

Thank you for letting go....and coming along, for many imagine they are to busy to travel this far, or have convinced themselves
that such a journey is only for fools and idlers who are but chasing rainbows.

Well come anomon, thou 'upward moving one.'

For in this moment is that wondrous and ineffable experience of 'Enlightenment' you have long sought.

Receive it, of the Lord of Heaven and Earth!

It is yours by divine right.as a Son or Daughter of GOD..

The Truth of you is The Master,

and your capacities of Body, Mind and Heart are 'the disciples'.

Each of us are the marvelous and fearfully made outer manifestation of that same LOVE which creates all things; from the mysterious and illusive sub-atomic particles to the Solar
System of which we are a part, and on out to the Galaxies, Nebulae, and the thousand and one wonders of the Cosmos itself. It is this LOVE which makes us ONE ; makes us welcome guests at the Banquet of the One Within; the unique and special individuals we are; members of the same Family of LIFE, here on earth for the same overall purpose.

So let us speak of those sacred things which are beyond belief, and thus remain a mystery to all but those precious few whose holistic sense of purpose opens the Way for knowing.

"So as you are now relaxed in the magical radiance of the Garden, under the healing touch of my hand, and can you understand the spirit of my words and hear that which is not spoken with human tongue. "

And yes, as these Truths are revealed from within your Self, under my loving gaze, it is all right to be proud of your Divine Lineage; to be Divinely Certain and let the power of your True Ego shine forth, for man has for over 20,000 years thought himself to be a mere 'worm of the dust' seeking approval from some imaginary angry God afar off. That ONE which man thinks of as 'God' is here now present in LIFE ITSELF!

Now you shall understand that what you have sensed intuitively these many years are in fact true, and that you are not 'crazy'. That there IS a purpose to Life and you have a cosmic destiny. That you may rise as far as your response allows, and that true happiness and fulfillment are yours as a gift freely given by LIFE as you return your genius and talents into the Creative Cycle and allow it to bless all within your world.

Look ! The Sun is Now directly overhead, and there is no shadow of turning. All is now revealed in the clear bright light of Day. Rejoice, and receive your birthright, for now the 'mysteries of being' have come to an end, and YOU may finally, specifically, and easily Know ThySelf!... in perfect letting go and trust in the All enfolding Love of the Center of the Cosmic All That Is.

In Reality, your true heritage proceeds all the Way to that Divine and Eternal Flame which burns at the Core of the Central SUN of Suns. You are a part of THAT RADIATION which pours forth eternally from THAT POINT of ACTUAL SOLIDARITY. And as children of that One Divine Spark which comes to focus on this planet, YOU entered your mother's womb selflessly in the beginning creative processes of YOUR outer expression here on earth.

In the beginning..." YOU "created the heaven.." or the invisible Design factors... the invisible lines of pizo-electro magnetic force to which the earth Substance provided by your mother originally conformed. Thus YOU are 'The One Who Dwells' within the Living Temple of Being, you think of as your body, your mind, and your heart. For in truth they are YOURS!

As you read these words through the facilities of 'the incarnational vehicle' which YOU fashioned so lovingly, let go, "be still and know.." who YOU are, and whom you Serve!

The One YOU Are actually fashioned your capacities to make possible the success of the great commission YOU accepted from the SOURCE of ALL LIFE before 'incarnation'. And when the state of the forming babe you were assisting in creating was just right (at about 13 weeks) YOU actually chose to enter that form and DWELL as the POSITIVE CENTER OF BEING. YOU then put the finishing touches on your 'incarnational vehicle' during the next 6 months or so. And YOU trusted and knew that somehow YOU would woo your earthly capacities into awareness of YOUR Reality after the forgetfulness that occurs in all at birth. But YOU determined that in season your capacities awaken and take up their responsibility, both on YOUR behalf and on that of the CREATOR of the entire COSMOS.

Now, YOU KNOW and Know that you know. Every moment hence is but a glorious opportunity to prove these sublime Truths. And though it has been oft stated that "of Truth there are many views, yet Truth is One, and only standing upon the Mountain Top (of Realization), can you see the Mountain (of Life Experience) as it really is. For there is so much more than 'the beginning', which is individual awakening or enlightenment, which many think to be the be all and end all of their path. No blessed one, YOU need learn nothing. YOU are not here on earth as a doltish schoolboy seeking to somehow 'learn the lessons of life and become a wiser, or older Soul'. This is a myth which has been perpetuated by the human ego which is ever intent on 'bettering itself as it feels so inadequate. And well it should as it has willfully divorced itself from it's source and sought to find fulfillment through any number of techniques. But they never really work, and the heart is left broken and unfulfilled. NO, YOU are Perfect now, even as YOU were entreated to be by the great Master Jesus, "Be ye therefore Perfect, even as your Father in heaven is Perfect. YOU in reality are already THAT, possessed of all wisdom, all knowledge, and all love. All that is left now is to be 'For-Giving' what YOU already ARE and what YOU represent . There is now, the real beginning; 'the Service Aspect' ,which only such a One as YOU can rightfully render, knowing the elementary Truths of
being and being ever willing to let that knowing fill in by experience in giving form to what is fitting in every moment.

In this regard, even as Krishna (representing 'The One Who Dwells' spoke to Arjuna (The Spiritual Expression Level of being) so long ago, That ONE also speaks to the doubting, usurping Mind Now, which has sought to persuade YOU that it created YOU. For the Mind in man... male and female, has controlled or sought to control every thought word and action in it's self-activity for eons. Yet in this very instant 'Krishna' or 'The Christ Consciousness' speaks to your capacities saying with clear conviction and love....


"When thy firm capacities
Have shaken off those tangled oracles
Which ignorantly guide, then shall they soar
To high neglect of what's denied or said,
This way or that way, in doctrinal writ.
Troubled no longer by priestly lore,
Safe shall they live, and sure: steadfastly bent
On Meditation and response to the ONE within."

(From The Song Celestial- or Bhagavad-Gita as translated by Sir Edwin Arnold)


Let your 'body of longing' be attracted towards the ONE you ARE who is the Positive center of Being within. And as you do, you will learn to Trust that which you really are, For who you really are is 'not of this world' yet has chosen to come into this world to lift it up and let your creative sphere of influence find release and ascend within the Eternal Flame. And nothing of a destructive nature can abide therein. Thus we fear not, nor let our hearts be troubled, or our bodies unnaturally strained as we observe the many instances of the sad neglect of the Character of Reality. For as we let the Oneness of THAT Everlasting SOURCE of Love, Truth and Life flow forth, we are unconcerned with results of any type or kind. And herein wee may truly say, "NONE OF THESE THINGS MOVE ME."

For in Truth we are an Individual and Uniquely Precious Part of THAT which
Creates. And though these outer capacities are a part of Creation, WE are not a part of that which is ACTED UPON, but rather Co-Creators. And everything which we have need of, from wisdom, understanding, and the power to be of service and blessing in our creative fields, is instantly available from the One Within. For that One Within is connected through an upward pattern of differentiated Focalization with the Central SOURCE or SUN of Suns. And from this lineage does our Authority flow in the fulfillment of our Purpose; that is One with the Purposes of LIFE! And herein is a great secret,a revelation, and a wondrous realization which gives our living ultimate meaning and calls forth every ounce of creativity and ingenuity as our outer capacities come into
Attunement With Cosmic Purpose.

As was once said "It is the Father's (or the One Within's) good pleasure to GIVE YOU the Kingdom (of heaven)" right here on earth. For there is no longer any need to struggle or try to get into Heaven. There is only the indomitable compulsion of the Inner Urge to allow the One we Truly Are to step out of the heaven at Hand and Into the Earth where we are. And in this is fulfillment that gives unutterable joy and fills one with Thanksgiving and Praise for the SOURCE of the ALL THAT IS.


So as we arise from our places beside the Sundial buoyed with a deeper knowing and
alive with a greater and more satisfying sensing of Reality and Purpose, let us walk out of the 'Heaven at hand' into the earth of our daily affairs with authority and understanding. And as the days and weeks to come are seen as precious opportunities to allow the shining forth of this and other naturally progressive dawning realizations. It is a New World! "For Behold, I, (the One Who Dwells) make all things new!"

Peace be unto you friend. Abide in the reality of Realization which we touched and be
content to simply 'let the truth of Being' guide in all things thought, said, felt, or done.
For truly, do all things work to perfection in and through all of those who love LIFE.

Until we meet again by the Sundial in the Garden, by the River under the Tree of Life, I salute you and sound the salutation, "Rise up my love, my fair one, and come away!" For this is the same call which ever sounds from the One Within to YOUR capacities, that all may be well, and that Life may live IT'S great and Creative Purposes through the earth of your body, the clarity and stillness of your mind, and the untroubled purity of your heart. Only so shall we be what we are designed to be and may we know true freedom and happiness...Now, in 'heaven on earth'.

Quotes are from the Collected works of Uranda, and Martin Exeter
The New King James Bible
The Bhagavad Gita &
Anonymous sources


Last Updated June 14th 2005

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'Third Sacred School' Meditation of the Month

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