

These Supplementary Meditations on LOVE come to you from 'The Third Sacred School'.


Freely Given-
To All Who Seek
The Way, the Truth and the Life.




Martin Cecil,

Trustworthiness only begins to appear to the extent of spiritual expression, to the extent that the angel of life is in command of the human soul.
As we noted this morning, for this to occur it is necessary to allow the increase of spiritual expression to occur. The increase of spiritual expression includes life, true living; truth, the design and control which are not of this world; and love. We know something about the meaning of the word "Shekinah" or "the Christ." Shekinah, the Christ, is characterized by the fire of love, the fire that burns eternally. Because of this fire there is the light that glows, and because of the fire and the light, there is the cloud of glory. The cloud of glory characterizes life, the expression of life on earth in physical form; the light that glows rightly characterizes mental expression on earth; and the fire that burns is the fire of love, the central core of spiritual expression. In union with the angel of life there is union with Shekinah. In fact it is Shekinah, the Christ, which makes the union possible. In that union it may rightly be said, "I am the cloud of glory, I am the light that glows, I am the fire that burns."
When we think of fire it is usual to associate it with something painful. If you put your hand in the fire, Ouch! But as has been stated before, fire obviously does not burn itself. I am the fire; that is my character. I am the fire that burns eternally. I am the light that glows eternally in consequence. I am the cloud of glory, which gives evidence of the light that glows and the fire that burns. Therefore in that experience the former things of pain and sorrow and crying are no longer present. Death is no longer present; death does not cohabit with life. Death is simply the absence of life. In truth, life is never absent.
If the former things are to pass away they do so to the extent that there is one present, incarnate in human form and in expression through human form, who may say, speaking truly, "I am the fire that burns, the light that glows and the cloud of glory. I am THAT I am." I know, in your experience as human beings, thus far you have known pain, sorrow, trouble, discomfort, and you have been aware of what is called death. What is it, then, that suffers these things? It certainly isn't you, the angel of life.
The burning of the fire consumes the bonds of earthly heredity. This is the only way that those bonds will be consumed. You can't evolve out of them. At least the only way you can do that would be to die, which I don't think is evolution but rather devolution. It might be said that a person is trustworthy up to the level where the discomfort becomes sufficiently intense to cause him to revert into slavery. I have noted that there are those who are afraid of discomfort. This is one of the reasons why lethargy is so convenient, because it seems to offer the temporary opportunity to avoid placing oneself in a position of discomfort. One may hide in the shadows, so to speak, because there is an awareness that discomfort will put in an appearance if one comes out into the open. Of course the one being spoken of here is the human soul.
The bonds which bind the human soul may be seen in terms of heredity. Heredity is to be dissolved, burned in the fire. That will be uncomfortable for heredity presumably; and if that is the place of one's identity, then there will be an inclination to hide in the shadows, endeavoring to keep the fire from getting too close. From the standpoint of the angel of life the purpose is that the fire should be brought to bear upon the bonds. A person who is always hiding, humanly, from the anticipated discomfort of the fire will not let the bonds be burned, at least not for a while. It seems that it is possible to avoid discomfort in this fashion, even within the range of those who should know better and also should do better. But it is much easier to let the bonds be burned at low temperatures than to wait for the furnace to be heated perhaps seven times hotter than it is wont to be heated; then there is no avoiding it if one is to keep one's integrity. Human beings everywhere, ourselves included--certainly in times past--have been accustomed to dance to the tune of the tyrant. That has been the compulsion of human existence. If there is a passion born in the human soul toward the angel of life, then the whole desire is to allow all bonds to be consumed in the fire. As I say, it is a lot easier to let them be consumed at a low temperature, one by one, than to hide in the shadows and wait for the violent explosion; because that will surely come.

Assuming the stance of the angel of life, the words, "I am the fire, the way of the fire, the way of union and of love," may be spoken. And this is fulfilment indeed for the human soul, because the bonds, the remaining bonds, will be easily and naturally burned. Human heredity as a controlling compulsion will be dissolved. There is no other way by which this can happen. It is based, as I say, in spiritual expression. If one is totally occupied with the expression of the angel of life, then the soul's discomfort is a very small thing. It certainly can be no distraction from one's true purpose, from the expression of one's integrity.
Now if there is spiritual expression, as there necessarily must be if we accept the responsibility of trustworthiness--this acceptance is in fact our integrity--then we are in the place of extending an invitation to all people everywhere to step into the fire with us, because we are there already. This is what is required to clear the hereditary state for mankind. You cannot invite anyone to step into the fire unless you are already in it. I suppose it's possible to suggest that it would be good for somebody else to get into the fire right away, but such a suggestion would ring rather hollow, I think. It rings true only when one is not merely in the fire but when one IS the fire. Being the fire, we are not burned by it--but the bonds are. To the extent that we still have a little involvement with the tyrant of death, then it may be said that one is uncomfortable. But the fact of the matter is that one is not really uncomfortable; the bonds that have been present in the human soul are being burned. Good riddance! That's just wonderful. And no big deal is made out of the supposed discomfort. Thank God for it! Welcome it! Come out of the shadows to stand as the fire. There are those who say, "When I come out into the open there's too much pressure. Bad business, too much pressure." Well if one wishes to remain identified with the former things that are going to pass away anyhow, then discomfort is inevitable--pain, sorrow, all these things, and ultimately death.
I would emphasize a point that I mentioned...: that it is not a matter of the soul trying to save itself alive. In human self-centeredness this has been one of the hopes and desires of human souls: that they may be saved for eternity. If we recognize what a human soul is, then I think that is rather a vain expectation. There have been some fanciful ideas in this regard, about corpses coming up out of tombs; but if all that was left was a little dust, it would be quite a trick to get it all together again--and who would want it? I am the way of union, of love, of the fire; I am the truth, the light; I am the life, the cloud of glory. I am that I am, and consequently eternal. I inhabit a human soul which may be useful to me. It may hold out on me and suffer the consequences, the discomforts of so doing, but I am the one incarnate and the one who is here to make right use of my soul, right use of those with whom I am associated, right use of my circumstances, right use of all that comes to me. I can do this because I make right use of my soul. The right use of my soul is to allow for my spiritual expression, to allow me to express what I am. We are all here on earth to speak such words truly.
We do not necessarily anticipate that this human soul is going to live forever. I think that it is inevitable that it would change. In fact I don't think that as an angel of life we'd want the human soul as it now is to hang around us forever. It is useful now, it may be useful tomorrow, it may even be useful next year, possibly ten years from hence, who knows? All that is of concern to us is that we should be in position to make right use of it. Making right use of it, we are present in mind and heart and body in order to make right use of the environment around us, and as long as this present soul can be usefully so employed, presumably we'll make arrangements for it to remain. If it isn't of any more use in this way, then what would be the purpose for its continued existence? We have a realistic viewpoint, in other words; and what human beings think of as death, which is the passing of the human soul, means very little. It means very little to the angel of life who is in command, in the sense that its value is based in right use for particular purposes in a specific aspect of the unfoldment of the creative cycle. If I am the way, the truth and the life, death means nothing; it doesn't exist! That the substance that composed the human soul may be reintroduced into the natural creative cycles on earth is quite satisfactory; that presumably is what should happen. It may be that if, as angels of life, we do play our parts wisely and rightly in these present human souls there could be a transformation in the realm of the human soul which is presently beyond imagination, or unknown. But be that as it may, all that is presently required is to make right use of the human soul in present circumstances, whatever they are. We don't make right use of our human souls with the expectation that changes are going to come in our circumstances to suit the human soul. Therefore it's quite useless for the human soul to have mental and emotional concepts and desires as to what the changes should be. The only value of the human soul is to provide the opportunity for the angel of life to give creative expression to spirit in the present moment. What will ensue because of that is what should ensue because of that, regardless of any judgments that may creep into the consciousness of the human soul. Forget it. Let it be what it is; let it be what it will be. Oh yes, it's going to change, we can be sure of that; but let not the judgments of the human soul try to determine the changes on the basis of what it considers would be pleasing to itself. The changes come at the hand of the angel of life. On this basis we all stand as one, the angel of life on earth with a variety of human souls. This is very useful. It would be too bad if we all had duplicates of the same soul. That would not be very useful.
So here we are as angels of life, incarnate in these human souls of great variety, not by chance. Obviously, if the angel of life has incarnated in some particular soul, as is the case for all of us, it wasn't a haphazard business. Specific choices were made as to what would be most useful should the human soul reach the point of willingness to allow the angel of life, who one is, to do what one incarnated in that human soul to do. And all these human souls are related, in one way or another, because they have the opportunity of participating in a collective, unified body. The angel of life is also the angel of the way of union. And so union is the natural experience, not only between the human soul and the angel of life who one is but between all the human souls who are the embodiment of the angel of life. On this basis there is one functioning, unified, coordinated body in action on earth, administering the creative cycle. Not making the creative cycle be--it already is--but administering the expression of it within the range of creative responsibility right here on earth. Then the invitation may be extended to all people: "Come out of slavery to the tyrant of death into the way of the fire."
... The invitation is to come into your fire, your personal fire; not to say, "Well I think it would be helpful if you went into someone else's fire. Why don't you get in touch with so-and-so?" Now it may be that in inviting people into your fire the sensible thing for the particular person would be to connect them up with somebody else, should you not be on hand to do anything in a direct way. But there must be that in you, in your own personal experience, which has invited that person to come into the fire with you, and you are not just ducking out and passing the buck to somebody else. If you suggest that they should come on the mailing list, for instance, you merely do that because it may be helpful to that person; but you still have the responsibility for that person, regardless of whether they come onto the mailing list or not. The invitation you extend is to come into your place, where you are; otherwise it is a phony invitation.
...The vast majority won't, but they may come into the presence of the angel of life because you are incarnate in form on earth.
... I'm sure that you have always been aware of the fact that there is a safe place for you to come into insofar as I am concerned, an enfoldment, but also a fire. Some have preferred to stay out on the fringes, so that they didn't experience too much soul discomfort. Others have been willing to come in closer, and been willing to experience whatever discomfort was necessary.
Some people refuse to go to the dentist because they are afraid of the pain that might ensue, and they keep away from the dentist until all their teeth have rotted in their head, and it's very painful indeed. I don't think there are too many people who enjoy going to the dentist, as a rule, but most are wise enough to do it. I suppose this could be used as an analogy to the burning that is required of the bonds. It's much better than the dentist, because all he can do is fill your teeth with something foreign, or extract them, so you don't have them anymore; whereas, coming into the fire, there is the experience of the soul being restored. Now what that restoration for any particular soul might mean remains to be seen, and one shouldn't have expectations and feel slighted if it doesn't happen the way you expect. I'm pretty sure it won't, for any of us. Let it be what it is!--because until there is this yielded openness on the part of the soul, how can the angel of life come forth? And it is the coming forth of the angel of life that burns the bonds, so that there is a new experience known in heart and mind and body because it may be said, "I am present and in expression." And the whole human soul is unified into the one; there is no separation. We find, in the natural cycles of living, that we eat and drink day by day; we stay alive that way. Of course we breathe as well, and do other things, but we also excrete. That's as necessary, isn't it? There is something taken in; there is something left behind. This is all natural in the cycles of living. So, with the incarnate angel of life, there is a body and a mind and a heart, a human soul received; and various aspects of waste are left behind day by day from this human soul. Where is the mystery? Where is the mystery of so-called death? At that point, presumably, just a little more is left behind, that's all. From the standpoint of the angel of life, that is all that is happening. It is human souls who bewail their passing, because they have this sense of separation and isolation and fear and all these things--pain and sorrow and all the rest--of their own choosing.
The door is open for the fulfilment of life, and we are all here to extend that life, which includes the fire, to all who will share it with us; but we must be that fire to have anything to share with anyone that is of any value. So we speak the word to all people, "I am the way of union, the way of the fire; I am the truth; I am the life. Come unto me. Come unto me personally!"... If that invitation is a true one, and someone comes, that person is received by you; and in the receiving there may be this suggestion made, that suggestion made, something else, but not to ditch your own responsibility. The angel of life would never do that. So we, all together in oneness, may extend this invitation to all people everywhere, "Come unto me."

An excerpt from an extemporaneous talk
by Martin Cecil, given August 15, 1982

Copyright (c) The Third Sacred School

by Uranda
...Love is the greatest force which man is empowered to use in his state of conscious separation, and because it is so potent, the results of its application are sweet or sad in accordance with the way in which one responds to it. All the tragedies of the world are hinged in love wrongly applied and used. All the great accomplishments of the world are hinged in love, and without love they could not be.
He who learns to harmonize with love, so that he uses it constructively, finds that the greatest and most potent force in the earth is flowing through him. Without love there is nothing. Through love all the conditions of the world are brought into manifestation. How reverently the word should be expressed! How full of deep meanings its every utterance should be! If it be spoken lightly its force is scattered. If it be spoken destructively, he who thus speaks shall know what it is to bring destruction on his own head. Such a force cannot be rightly used when the wisdom of the outer mind is depended upon. Only the wisdom of the Father within is great enough to know the fulness of its use. All of the true teachings by which great accomplishments are made manifest have had their central force in love. In love all things are possible. He who would gain the inner meaning of the words contained in this radiation must feel the unlimited force of love from within himself as it shines forth to all the world.

( Note:Your Inner BEING Now speaks the following sacred Words to your Outer capacities of expression. They are most effective if read aloud, for this is what your Master Self Within would say to your outer capacities of body, mind and heart in this moment. G.C.M. Ed)

Behold, thou art now invited to attend upon the revelation of the greatest force in the world, in comparison to which all other forces are dwarfed into nothingness. That which thou hast heard spoken of as "occult power" is that which hath its foundation in love. When thou hast learned to understand love thou shalt know that there are no miracles, except as they may seem to be such to the world. When thou shalt harmonize with love thou shalt surely find that thou art able to accomplish all things necessary to thy service to thy brother man, the service for which thou didst come into the world.

The great deeds accomplished by the Master Jesus were all accomplished through the wonderful force called "Love." Every person who has ever attained to mastership, and has accomplished that which is truly constructive to the world, has known and used the marvelous power of love. If thou wouldst attain to great service, then is it required that thou shalt know and understand the secrets of love. If thou wouldst fulfill thy mission in life, then is it required that thou shalt learn how to use love in accordance with the wisdom of thy Father within thee.

The body of the Triune Ray is twofold, namely "Light" and "Life." The positive center of the Triune Ray is RADIANT LOVE. Light and life are ever manifest with love, for the force of love always transforms that with which it comes in contact. This truth must be firmly fixed in thy consciousness, that thou mayest understand the mystery of love. LOVE ALWAYS TRANSMUTES AND TRANSFORMS. Love is the only force by which creation is accomplished. Love is the force that brings forth ascension. Love never fails. Love is absolute. Love is the center of God activity. IN LOVE IS ONENESS.

That thou mayest understand this great mystery of love, and that it may be fully unveiled before thee, consider this truth: He who responds to the wonderful love force is uplifted thereby, and he is transformed and transmuted. He who begins to respond to the love center of the Triune Ray and then, because of the unwise desires of the outer mind, steels himself against the love force, so that he refuses to respond to it after its action has already started within himself, does thereby fight against love, and as a result he becomes positive toward the positive center of the Triune Ray. Such refusal to respond after reaction has started brings so-called tragedy into the expression of the individual. The darkness and the turmoil resulting from such a refusal is in accordance with the degree to which the reaction has taken place before refusal to respond begins.

To illustrate this important truth, let thy comprehension consider a rift which hath brought disturbance to the lives of a man and a woman whom thou knowest. Man is the positive of the human expression. Woman is the negative of the human expression. When they two respond to the blending and creative force of love, so that they feel their oneness deeply and react thereto with the fulness of their beings, they have placed themselves AS ONE in the positive center of the Triune Ray, and so long as they shall remain thus, responding fully to the God impulse received through the Triune Ray, they shall find themselves to be lifted up, and all things shall appear in perfection for them. Yet the outer mind, which hath usurped the directive faculty for these many ages, is not content to LET. The outer mind begins to draw attention to the outer self, and if the individual responds to this separating influence, he begins to think of himself and what is needful to himself, following the ideas of the outer mind which are presented under the cloak of what the outer mind terms "the practical." Thus is the attention allowed to be centered outside of the love center of the Triune Ray, with the idea of GETTING this or that. Since they two have allowed themselves to be drawn into oneness through love, they are then as one...

... He who is fused with another in the fire of love must continue to harmonize with the force that produced his new state of being, keeping his attention centered in the center of the Triune Ray, or he shall, to his sorrow, know what it is to fight against the greatest force in the universe, and in his fighting he shall bring destruction upon himself, for that which he sends forth shall the more quickly return upon his own head.

Love is always constructive. Love always transforms. He who fights against love finds that he cannot penetrate through it, and that love's invincible force returns his fighting upon himself.
Love now fills the earth, and all who respond to love are being uplifted and transformed. All who refuse to respond to love are to find that their own positive attitude toward love is causing their every destructive thought, word and deed to return upon themselves. Even now every person upon the face of the earth is making a choice--the choice between love and the self-centered desires of the outer mind.

All who choose love shall ascend into perfection of form. All who refuse love shall destroy themselves, and in self-destruction shall they destroy all evil. Then shall it be said of the world, "Death is swallowed up in victory," and "God hath wiped away all tears from their eyes," for "there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." (Rev. 21:4)

If there be any who think that in the new state of being that dawns there shall be any evil, or if any shall think that there is any evil or limitation in any being that ascends from the physical body at the time of separation called death, let him give deep consideration to the 27th verse of Revelation 21. In the earth, as controlled by mortal man and carnal mind, is the only evil that is to be found in all of the universe, and that which is evil cannot leave the earth, neither can any evil being enter into the realms of the Soul.

Thy (Master Within), even thy Father within, and also the (Master Self) within every person upon the face of the earth, is perfect from eternity to eternity, and EVERY (INNER BEING) ABIDES IN LOVE ALWAYS. That body and body mind which responds not to the love radiated by the Inner (Being) shall surely be separated therefrom, and it shall return unto the dust from whence it came, for "there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth." These words are spoken of the new Jerusalem, which portrays the new state of being that now dawns, even as the old Jerusalem portrays the state of mortal being now known in the earth.

Love is that eternal force which removes all that defileth, and allows mankind to ENTER IN. He who responds to love shall find that the fire of love transmutes his whole mortal being and removes from it all that would prevent entrance into the realms of light. He who responds not to love finds that he, the mortal being, or outer soul, cannot enter in. Love attracts all that responds to it. Love repels all that responds not to it.

He who would be an open channel for the action of love in the world must first respond to love and become one in love.
He who would become one in love must know that no one can, by any process, reach out and draw love to himself for himself alone, for love is selfless. Love judges not. Love radiates to the just and unjust alike. He who thinks that he loves and yet regards one better than another knows not what love is.

Love may not be understood except as it is allowed to have its way, for he who seeks through the intellect alone shall never enter in. Let the mysteries stand revealed before thee now, for the time of choice is in this eternal instant.

"Out of Egypt have I called my son." In these words are the keys to light, for Egypt is the symbol of darkness, even the darkness of the outer mind that depends upon its own knowledge and power. Until thou hast gone down into Egypt thou canst not enter in, for until thou art fully convinced of the darkness of the outer mind thou art not able to let go to thy Father within thee.

The occult teachings of the world have taught that long years of special training in special schools, under so-called masters, were necessary to the attainment of knowledge and power. Though these schools were called esoteric, they were truly exoteric, for they depended upon the progress of the outer into knowledge, and because of this, long periods of time were required, and the attainments of a lifetime were subject to marked limitations. In the truly esoteric way there is no dependence placed upon the outer, except in degree of response; for progress depends on the outer self's complete letting go, so that the knowledge and power that are already within may have a free opportunity to flow from within outward through the body self, according to the need.

In the esoteric way the outer self does not try to gain knowledge, or any other thing, for it recognizes that of itself it can do nothing, and can know nothing. Instead of seeking knowledge and power, it lets go and seeks nothing, for it is convinced that the environment of the God-Self, often spoken of as the kingdom of heaven, IS WITHIN. When the outer has been convinced of this truth, it needs to know nothing else, for the rest is then added to the degree that the outer abides in the awareness that all that is worthwhile to it is already provided and present within.

The result of this constant realization is that the outer lets the inner knowledge and power flow out through the body-self in perfect freedom, and then there can be no lack in the environment of the individual, for he has allowed the environment of his God-Self to expand and fill the outer environment to an extent that causes the outer environment to completely disappear into that of the God-Self. Then there can be no limitation in the individual's environment, because he has none. He lives and moves and has his being, consciously, in the unlimited environment of the God-Self, for he has thus become one with the God-Self, and then these words may be uttered in truth, "My Father and I are one."

In this truth all other truths have their source. In this way is the One Way, and they who enter therein need not travel the long byways that have been before considered essential. Herein is the great secret of the first great teaching given to man, and no matter what long-drawn-out path anyone may travel, that one must at last walk in this way, for it is the Christ Way. Though words might be multiplied, and many volumes written, a greater truth could not be written, neither could a better way be chosen; there is no other, and this is the full and final knowledge, beyond which there is no other. This is the beginning and the end, the "first and the last."

He who chooses the long way first may do so, but at last he must come to this way, else he will not enter in. Beloved, thou art privileged to walk now in the One Way, for it is before thee, and thou mayest quickly enter in. Some there are who will not see the inner essence of these words, and they will turn from them into ways of their own choosing--for them we pray. Some there are who will look to the spirit of these words and not to the letter only, and they will respond to the One within them, finding their true Master, even the God-Self within them, that they may be filled from within by the Triune Ray--for them we rejoice and sing praises unto the LORD of Lords.
Consider now the One Way. It hath been revealed to man many times, but in his blindness man has refused to see. But he may refuse no longer to see that THE WAY IS. All who walk therein shall know eternal life now. All who refuse shall by their own acts of evil bring destruction upon themselves, thereby destroying evil from the earth.

THE ONE WAY IS THE TRIUNE RAY. Man is the lost word. The letter of the lost word killeth. The spirit of the lost word giveth life, here and now. Love is the positive center of the Triune Ray, and in love is the whole secret of the power and knowledge thereof. Love is that which allows the lost word to be filled with unlimited power, for through love the spirit of the lost word is allowed to come into active expression.

The long way of the outer mind that leadeth to destruction is based upon the struggling and striving of the outer self in an effort to attain, climb and gain, but in the end the outer self must be convinced that it cannot lift itself.

The short way of the Master-Self leadeth to life eternal, and that quickly. When the lost word LETS the spirit of the God-Self fill it, it is thereby transformed into the living word. This is the work of love, for love allows the outer to let the God-Self have His way, that the will of the Father may be done in all things, and thereby is the oneness with the Father established.

The outer words that are written cannot reveal this mystery, for the spirit of the words must be LIVED if thou wouldst know the Way.
Here are the keys by which thou mayest enter in now, where thou art:

1. Recognize that the perfect environment and being of thine own God-Self is within thee now, and that in Him is the fulness of wisdom and power.

2. Let thyself be receptive and responsive to every urge that comes from thy God-Self within thee, that thou mayest act only when thou art so urged, letting thy Father's radiance flow freely through thee.

3. Take careful note of the love force that is released from within thee in thy every thought, and through thy every word and act, for in this thou shalt find that to the degree that thou shalt let go to the inner there is an ever-present direction which shall show thee the Way.

4. Knowing full well that there is no power, wisdom or knowledge, or any other worthwhile or lasting thing, in thy outer mind or in the outer mind of any other person on earth, except as that outer mind hath ceased to act of itself, thou shalt be no respecter of persons or things, and thy attitude toward the world and things of the world shall be positive, in that thou art expressing only as thou art urged from within. And this positive attitude shall surely prevent all the destructive vibrations of the world from having any effect upon thee in any manner whatsoever.

5. Being aware of these things, through thine own experience in the letting, thou shalt see that it is easy to distinguish the inner urge from the outer idea, in that the inner urge is ALWAYS vibrating to the force of love, thinking not of itself but giving every consideration to the radiation of light, love and life in a lasting service to mankind. The outer idea vibrates to WHAT IT THINKS. The inner urge vibrates to WHAT IT KNOWS. The outer idea is concerned about itself or those who are of family ties or selfish choice, as it is also concerned about things, and ways and means. The inner urge gives no thought to persons, places or things, and gives no heed to ways and means, for it knows that all that is necessary is provided already, and to it one person is as worthy as another, being no respecter of persons because it makes the ever-present moment supreme in radiation, that the Christ radiance may fill every available avenue with the Triune Ray.

He who is motivated by selfless love is he who is able to know that union which is the Seventh Mystery, for in this is the way which leadeth into the Temple of Light. He who hath entered into the Temple of Light needs no further teaching from the outer teachers, and books cannot reveal more to him.

The outer idea is that there is much to be given up if one would walk in the Way. The inner truth is that he who enters in gives up nothing, for he sees that the things of the outer are nothing, therefore there can be no sacrifice--rather does he see and know that ALL THINGS ARE ADDED, and from that day henceforth he can never be in need. He hath reached the point where he can truly say, "I shall not want," for then he hath ceased to want anything whatsoever, no matter how good that thing, condition or state may appear to the outer-mind idea.

No one can of himself enter in, for all that anyone can do is to let the radiant expression and environment of the God-Self expand through him until it shall enfold and enclose him; then shall he know what it is to enter in. No man can climb into that perfect state, but all men may allow themselves to be drawn into that wonderful realm of being.

The fruition of love is oneness with the God Being within. That which does not draw thee into the inner oneness is of the outer mind, and its action is to separate thee from the Inner Self, causing a veil to appear before thine eyes. That which is of love always tends to draw thee away from dependence on things and persons, so that thou art increasingly aware of the One within and His radiance through thee as it is released through every thought, word and deed.

As thou shalt turn thy responsive attention away from things, so that thou art drawn into oneness with the One within, thou shalt find that things shall follow after thee, and they shall be obedient to thy expression under control of thy radiant attention. He who follows after things of the world finds that they flee from him. He who turns from things, and begins to let his Father express through his every thought, word and deed in service, shall find that the One within hath already provided all that is necessary to a full and glorious state of being in life, here and now.

In this book there could be written wordy descriptions of the wonders of Inner Plane Being, but to what end? Physical words cannot convey the truth of such glories, and neither could the outer mind of itself comprehend them if they were fully portrayed. He who hath entered therein needs no words in a book to tell him of that which is. Until thou hast known for thyself, attempts at description can be of no value to thee--so it is that they are not written. Such things are too sacred to be used as entertainment, or to satisfy curiosity.

He who hath written these words sends them forth in love, according to that which he knows, for he hath not learned them from books or from teachers of the world. He asks no one to BELIEVE just because he hath so expressed, but he shall rejoice with all those who prove these things in their own lives, and to all who ask as one of the earnest ones he shall respond, rendering every service possible. But this know: Until thou shalt dare to step forth and live thine own life, so that thou shalt let the light of thy God-Self fill thy whole being, thou shalt never know that which cannot be known through words. Even as thy body-world is in darkness, so shalt thou know the presence of thy God-Self as soon as thou shalt let go to the Word which He now sends forth from within thee, "Let there be light." "And it was so." That which was, now is. "AND IT IS SO."
My Father, into Thy hands I commend these words which Thou hast given unto me for my brother man, and I thank Thee for the assurance that Thou shalt cause them to come into the hands of all who may be helped thereby, that they may respond to the Father within them and know the joy of dwelling in oneness with Him. Even as Thy Love hath charged these words, so shall they surely accomplish that whereunto they are sent, that the Triune Ray of Light, Love and Life may fill the whole earth and transform all who will respond in accordance with the cosmic plan. I thank Thee, Father, that it is so.

Into Thy hands I commend all who will respond.


Copyright Emissaries of Divine Light

Released freely through THE THIRD SACRED SCHOOL, by Uranda in January of 1936






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