Supplementary Material by Uranda or Martin Exeter
on aspects of our examination into 'The Four Forces'

Supplementary Material by Uranda or Martin Exeter on aspects of our examination into 'The Four Forces'.
Let us begin our meditations, with what we refer to as 'Truth', which broadly speaking, is 'the Design and Control Pattern of Being'. It is symbolically represented by the WATER force, and indeed by the character and quality of Water itself. Water, as we have considered in relationship to 'The Four Forces' is the primary creative force in the eternal ascending sequence of the Creative Cycle of Manifestation as it relates to any thing, any where, at any level or in any dimension whatsoever.
Water, we remember was the element that the Spirit 'moved upon ' in the beginning, according to the record we considered. And again, we remember that 'Water' is used here only as a very apt 'symbol of' the Reality of Truth: The Design and Control Patterns inherent in Life Itself.
And here, we are speaking of 'the invisible lines of force' about which the vibratory substance at this level is drawn into Pattern in the Outer Level of Being according to the Divine Design.
Let us then supplement my simple and perhaps rather sketchy introduction of the subject of Truth, (which I again emphasize has nothing whatsoever to do with concepts or beliefs), with the Spirit that informs the words of a man of truly prophetic crystal clear vision and understanding. A man whose absolute humility came to point in an absolute dignity and assurance which was factually exemplified in all practicality to all who gathered round him to study the laws and principles of Being. In all that he taught and wrote about for over 25 years under the pen name URANDA, Lloyd A. Meeker's main concern was to show those who so desired how to "let the Truth set them free', even as another had promised it would some two thousand years before.
Again, this was, nor ever shall be, a list of do's and don'ts, concepts, 'ideas about', or 'emotionally held illogicalities', but the unvarnished facts of Life as proven out and seen to either work or not in the laboratory of Life Itself. His proving ground was the community of Sunrise Ranch, a place of uncommon challenges and opportunities, where the outer life was hard, but where JOY reined supreme, and self-actualization was the norm, and not the exception.
For only those whose absolute desire to know this Truth which he taught existed within each one, were desirous enough to accept these seeming limitations and let the proposition that the Truth could only truly be known as it was given consistent expression in the moment, no matter what the circumstance. So let us listen in to an exact excerpt of an extemporaneous talk given by Uranda to a unique 1953 grouping of several hundred outstanding individuals from all walks of life, to whom little else mattered than to let this precedent setting experiment in victorious Living, through freedom in Consciousness, be experienced and made manifest to the full!

An excerpt from:



Once more we are privileged to practice the art of gathering together with one accord in one place, that all those things which divide vibrationally, that separate and hinder, may be allowed to fall away, until we may be so blended in the spirit that the outpouring of spirit through us may be a blessing to the children of men. I would like to consider with you some of the principles involved in the process of letting truth make you free. We are all aware of the basic truth that only truth endures. Truth is the framework of the cosmos, whether of the universe, the constellations, the solar system, or of the more minute phases of created form in which life appears, down through man, through the animal and vegetable kingdoms, to a consideration of cell and atom. The truth contains within it the pattern of design for all things, and the pattern of control with respect to all things. All design factors and control factors are contained in truth. That which does not conform to the design and control factors of truth is distorted, and as a distortion it must pass away. But that which is founded in truth endures. There may be changes of form with respect to substance, but the truth endures.

There is nothing wrong with the fact that substance changes in the form. Man was created in a recognition of the principle of changing substance. No doubt that will be considered more extensively in your class-work in season, but with respect to the physical organism of man, for instance, the physical substance itself changes, including the skeleton, every seven years. The substance of the heart is changed about every month, of the stomach about every three months, and so on. Most of the vital tissues are changed every fourteen months, so that in a normal pattern of health and life, excluding the skeleton and certain brain cells, etc., you have a new body every fourteen months; or, include the skeleton and you have a new body every seven years. But you still remain the same person. The truth endures. The truth of your being endures through these changes of the substance of the form. Man, in his limited state of consciousness, has identified himself with the distortions, with weakness, with that which is not true, with that which is false, and with the changing substance of his own body, and consequently he has not adequately realized the fact that that which he is survives the changes of the form.

Now this provides a basic starting point for a consideration of the vast field of truth respecting life and so-called death, and we will get into that in the Class. But for the moment, we recognize that there is nothing wrong with the fact that the substance of the form is changing, that the very processes of life include the working of this principle without respect to death; that is, that does not mean that someone must die. It means that the survival of the truth of being is an absolute fact--not just survival actually, but the enduring quality of that which is of truth, and is therefore eternal. This changing pattern in the physical body of man was originally established to the end that man might live on earth an unlimited period of time, depending upon the purpose of the individual. He might live for five hundred years or five thousand years and have a body vibrant, alive, healthy, strong, never becoming weak or ineffective. That was the purpose, the divine purpose, of the working of this principle. But man has failed to maintain his proper relationship to the truth of his own being, and therefore the renewing process does not work as God designed it to work.

Originally man was created not to be subject to birth and death but to 'birth and ascension'. And the process of ascension is at work during life. It is not something limited to the point where one disappears from the face of the earth, whether in death or by some other means. The changing substance of the form does not deny or detract from the enduring reality of the pattern of the form, and the identity of being is not established in the substance of the form but in the pattern of the form, that which gives life and meaning to the form. We do not have time tonight to consider extensively the means by which man broke from that divine pattern, nor to particularly consider all the factors involved in the restoration that is essential.

But simply, for the moment, recognizing that man has broken from the divine pattern and that we are in a world of distortion, where the emphasis of identity is on the wrong thing, upon the changing substance of the form instead of upon that which gives life and meaning to the form, we can begin to see that from birth the individual is subject to various factors which begin to limit, disturb and disrupt the pattern of life; and while the individual is maturing physically, in what we might call an animal sense, he does not also automatically mature mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

If any of you have ever seen or heard an advertisement of any kind, you do not have to be convinced that the facts supported by the dollars-and-cents approach to life are that the mass of humanity must be treated on about a ten, eleven-or twelve-year-old basis. In other words, broadly speaking, human beings are functioning on a mental level that would not do too much credit to an eleven-year-old child.

Humanity just simply has not matured mentally, and even those of you who have presumably risen above this average level still are not using anywhere near your potential from the standpoint of intellect or mind capacity--not one of you. And I would hesitate to suggest just what the average would be in this room, but I know I would be safe in suggesting that it is not above one-third of the potential that is open to you. In fact, I doubt if it is even twenty-five percent, and I am being generous when I say that. Your potential mentally is, in any case, far greater than anything that you have yet experienced. And of the emotional pattern, emotional maturity, even with the progress that you have made, which certainly has shown some very definite movement out ahead of the general world pattern in such things, you are not anywhere near a twenty-five percent point in maturity.

Emotional maturity, mental maturity and spiritual maturity are essential to the real meaningfulness of physical maturity. That point which we call physical maturity, when the young man or woman reaches a point say...where voting is permissible, is not really physical maturity. And actually, I doubt if generally speaking the young person reaching a point of twenty or twenty-one could be said to be more than fifty percent physically mature, even in the best of cases. It would probably be quite a lot less than that. In other words, if we are going to consider the basic facts of the matter, even those who think of themselves as being physically mature are not, by any manner of means. There is a maturing process that sometimes takes place from twenty to thirty, maybe even until forty. But generally speaking, the green fruit begins to wither and decay without ever reaching the point of ripeness, even physically. This is what we have to work with as it manifests in you.

We are not objecting--but we may as well face the facts. And unless you begin to see this in relationship to humanity, as well as in relationship to yourself, you will never find it possible to understand the basic problem we have in rendering service, a service that will help individuals so yield to the truth that they may be made free. The changing substance of the form does not deny the pattern of the form, or that which gives identity to the form. This is seen in your own life, for you have gone through, no doubt, a seven-year period when there was not, insofar as outer observation might readily notice, any great change in you. Your facial features remained more or less the same, your general pattern of health and life and function did not change too much, but the substance that was there seven years ago is gone. It is not present here tonight, and yet you are here; you are here as an individual, with the same identity, fundamentally the same features, the same characteristics. When this is recognized it makes it easier to understand the basic truth that truth endures.

Now we are not suggesting that all that has been maintained during this period of seven years in you was all truth. No. But it was the truth that made that continuity possible, the truth of your own being. But from the beginning of your life various factors were imposed upon you--outside circumstance, the nature of the house or home where you grew up, the nature of your parents, your brothers, your sisters, your uncles, your aunts, etc., your friends. Those whom you knew all tended to shape you to some degree, or to mold, or influence you. Under the pressure of emotional stress, perhaps in childhood or adolescence - somewhere along the line, if you take any specific point that you might wish to, you had some experience (actually there were many, but we are thinking of it only as one, in the sense of illustration at the moment) -some experience, it matters not what it is; and you don't even have to remember it, you don't have to be concerned about it, but it is a fact-and under the pressure of that circumstance, that condition, that disappointment or hurt, whatever it may have been, you had a limited vision with respect to the factors which actually produced the ill condition or the hurt. In other words you blamed something for it, someone, without having actual awareness of all the factors that were involved. You cannot go back and reconstruct it and figure out, even now, what all was involved. Whatever your idea may be, if you do remember some such experience, it is not completely accurate and it is impossible for you to go back and make it completely accurate. If you go back and think you do, it will still be inaccurate in some respects. But that is all right; we don't have to go back and reconstruct it particularly. The point is that under that limited condition you attributed some hurt, some ill thing, to some particular person or some particular tone of voice, or connected it up with something more or less irrationally, and then you forgot it or covered it up to some degree. But under that stress you had some form of particularized emotional reaction, and at that time your mind said that you were justified in having that emotional reaction under that particular circumstance to which you gave a limited and completely inadequate classification. Once that was accepted into your nature, that limited idea or concept acted as a trigger in your life experience along the way, and when anything more or less related to that particular pattern in your consciousness came up, without any rational consideration of the present circumstance or of the motivations of the people around you, or anything else that was the fact of the case, you tended, whether you realized it or not, to let that old concept become correlated with something in the present moment and it acted as a trigger, producing the same pattern of emotional reaction in relationship to the circumstance of the moment. And all of this takes place without any real consideration of the factors from the standpoint of the mind (logic, reason, or understanding), no real consideration of what the factors are in this present moment, a correlation established irrationally to some point in the past which acts as a trigger, which produces an emotional pattern in the present on the basis of a set of circumstances which have no rational relationship to the set of circumstances which originally produced that emotion or emotional reaction. Now if you have followed this brief and incomplete outline you will have a basis of understanding the point to which we are moving in our present meditation. Your life has had, and probably still has, quite a number of more or less arbitrarily established and irrationally related factors built up on this basis, and when some circumstance comes up where you feel something that subconsciously reminds you of your trigger point, the trigger is pulled, so to speak, and you have the emotional reaction without the mind entering into the picture, without a consideration of what the truth was or is, and consequently, insofar as this is true of you, you are a creature of circumstance, you are not your own: you do not belong to yourself, you do not belong to God, you do not belong to anybody--just a creature of chance, being pushed about by all the things that set off the triggers in your emotional field. No wonder there is chaos in the world, selfishness, greed, the sense of insecurity, and all the rest. Now with respect to anything that you may have experienced wherein you had an incomplete recognition of the circumstances--you reacted on an emotional basis, without regard to the facts and without regard to the truth--you have tended to establish a pattern which conditions your life, in one way or another.

You can begin to discover some of these things by the fact that some of the lessons of life are repeated to you round upon endless round. You may say, "Well, with respect to some certain thing I seem to have a weakness. Whenever anyone speaks like that or does such and such a thing I get a reaction. And I say to myself, " I'll never do that again," but it slips up on me and I have that reaction -- some such pattern as that.

Why is it that human beings do not learn their lessons? Basically, the principles that we are considering are involved. But when any circumstance in the present brings to the surface, where you can be aware of it with your consciousness, a reactionary pattern, you have an opportunity! Now most people, instead of recognizing such a thing as an opportunity, rebel against it and they say, "Well why do I have to go through this? Why does such and such a thing have to happen to me?" Well, you bring it on yourself. You produce it whether you realize it or not. And most of the time, you keep producing it. And when it comes up, you have the opportunity of looking at it, not from the standpoint of the irrational attitude of a six-year-old or a twelve-year-old but from the standpoint of an adult who has some reasonable degree of maturity, who can look at the situation frankly, honestly, and determine to establish with respect to it a new feeling pattern, to look at it with the use of the mind, intelligence, logic, reason, and to refuse to be controlled by the irrational attitudes which you exhibited as a child, and what's more, to prove your developing maturity by taking as mature an attitude with respect to the situation as you can.

That which you develop now will not be a completely mature attitude. It in turn will have to undergo some changes. But if you say, "Well, I'm not going to change these things; I'm not going to face them and be honest about them until I reach the point where I can change them and be done with it once and for all," you will never mature, you will never grow up. The child does not leap from the age of five to the age of twenty. It takes fifteen years to cover that period, and in that process of growing the changes are constantly working out.

So is it with mental, emotional and spiritual growing. You are not going to leap from the point where you are to the point where you ought to be. It is going to take some growing. And the best that you can bring to bear upon the subject in this hour will not be adequate for all time to come. It will simply be a step moving in the right direction by which you may begin to let the truth make you free.

You must reach a point of maturity where you can be governed by the truth, where you can be honest, where you can take an honest look at a situation and all of the known factors with respect to your particular reaction to it, and to the best of your understanding of the truth face the issue now and make a new choice. Back there, on the spur of the moment, with limited understanding, you made a choice. And if you let that choice of childhood control you all through your life, you are not being controlled by the truth. You are simply not being honest, no matter how honest you may think you are. For to be honest you must make new choices, new patterns of attitude and determination, every day, with respect to those things which arise on the basis of your best understanding of the truth. And you must be honest about it. That which you know of the truth, whatever it may be, must be used, and you must deliberately, with logic and reason and understanding, determine a new pattern.

What is that pattern? One that you develop yourself, according to your own idea, and that you are going to impose upon yourself and others?

If you approach it that way you will fail. But as you have been maturing mentally, emotionally and spiritually, you have gained something of an understanding of truth. You know the basic laws, or you are learning what they are, as the case may be, and with respect to any inclination or tendency where control is arising out of the past, you can, if you will, take an honest look at yourself and reevaluate, not so much the past experience as the present.

It's no use trying to go probing back into your past and saying, "Well now, I think when I was three years old thus and so, and when I was nine years old thus and so." We may on occasion have to go back and reopen some of those things, but that is not your business. If you try to do that alone you will only confuse the issue and spoil the result. The point is, when you find yourself being subject to some immature pattern from out of the past with respect to a circumstance in the present, instead of letting yourself take an immature attitude toward it now, reevaluate the present circumstance. Let the past circumstance alone; don't be concerned about it. It will be connected up with the present one if you do this properly. But take an honest look at the present circumstance, regardless of the feeling patterns that may have emerged by reason of the trigger patterns developed in childhood and youth. You are mature enough, you are old enough, so that you can honestly look at the situation as it NOW is, so that you honestly evaluate that which NOW is. And if you accept that in relationship to yourself, you have taken a step toward cutting off the old pattern of control.

Every time any situation arises in the development of your life pattern wherein there is something out of harmony with the truth, if you simply have an emotional reaction, pass it off with the same old idea that you have had I don't know how many times, you are throwing away an opportunity, for you can, if you will, make a new choice today. You made a choice back there with a limited vision. No one is going to condemn you for that, if you let it pass away with your childhood. But if you insist on bringing the limitations of your childhood into the adult pattern of life and imposing those upon others, you will bring blame upon yourself.

We have to let childish things pass away. This is not accomplished by fighting against them, by being ashamed of the childish things, by being fearful of them or taking the attitude that you can't do anything about them. No. They are changed by function in the present on the basis of your present vision, on the basis of your present degree of maturity. For if a lesson is being repeated to you and you have the same old reaction, you are being governed by the distortion; but if you face the truth and let yourself be controlled by the truth, the truth will make you free of the influence of the immature pattern from out of the past. So often human beings just simply let these old patterns go round and round in mind and heart, without ever taking an honest look at them, and then they say, "Well I can't seem to do this; I can't do that, I've tried, but I can't do the other thing. I just have that weakness." You do? It does not belong to you. It should not be in you, and there is no necessity of your retaining it, unless you want to.

And some people are just perverse enough to want to, and if they are not going to be honest about it, we can do nothing for them. Remember that. You cannot be of any real service to a dishonest person!

Not until a person is willing to be honest. Honest about what? Honest about the distortions out of their past? No. That is not the point at all. Oh, it may be necessary for you to let them unload them once in a while, and that's all right. Any time you feel like you need to spill it out you had better turn it over to someone who is centered in the truth,--not to someone else. Turn it over to a Servber,--and they will help you with it. But it is not necessary to have an immature reaction controlling you today, because when the situation, the problem, the condition, the circumstance, arises today you can take a look at it according to your degree of understanding today. You can honestly make your choice as of today, the degree of truth that you know today. You can do that just as surely as you made your original choice in the wrong way. If you say, "But I've tried it and I can't," you have not tried it.

Of course, you do not need to try; all you have to do is do it. But the point is that you CAN DO IT if you really want to. Those who insist on remaining babies begin to be treated as if they were. You cannot be one thing and expect to be treated as if you were something else. Of course, many a martyr complex has been built up on that one thing. The human being acts on the baby basis and then, because he or she is not treated on the adult basis, there is self-pity and, "People just don't appreciate me; my children don't appreciate me; my friends, my neighbors." They say, "I'm just not understood," and so on, and on and on. Nonsense!

If the truth is going to make you free you must consider the truth with respect to your present evaluation of every circumstance that arises in your life. You are not going to just move along by some magic means and suddenly find that the truth has made you free.

Every time you have an opportunity to react the wrong way, thank God that that it gives you the opportunity to react the right way! Here is a new pattern of choice, a new pattern of determination, a new pattern of evaluation. And while you may not yet be completely mature, you can act on the basis of your present degree of maturity. If it is not yet perfect, no one with any understanding is going to condemn you, and as you grow you will have a chance to improve upon that which you did today.

While you are being controlled on the basis of decisions, attitudes, reactions, choices, made in childhood and adolescence, you are not being controlled by the truth. But when today, step by step, you establish a new pattern of evaluation on the basis of the truth, on the basis of being honest, of being considerate of others, of refusing to judge and condemn, you gradually eliminate the control of those old 'baby factors' and you begin to establish the design and control factors of truth in your present life. Then you begin to be free from those things which have stunted your growth, which have taken from you so much of the joys of manhood and womanhood, which have made you tend to experience what it means to be futile as a man or a woman.

This process takes time, as does the growth of a mighty Oak. It is a process of maturing. But it takes deliberate action. It takes a determination to be honest to the truth that you now know, and it takes a willingness to acknowledge that you can, if you will, make a choice and determine a pattern of attitude with respect to something today just as surely as you could when you were a child.

If you say, "Because I did this as a child I can't help myself now," what are you, as a supposed adult? Nothing. Have you not grown up at all? If you say, "I did thus and so as a child, so I can't help myself now," you are simply saying that your so-called adulthood is utterly meaningless. You CAN help it. You CAN determine to deliberately make a new choice on the basis of the truth of Being, according to your best understanding as of today.

And if you are busy every day deliberately working to establish these new choices, these new attitudes, letting the truth control every time anything comes up, no matter what it is, you are going through the process of being made free, free from all the things that you have been dragging along behind you, (the skeletons in the closet and all the rest of the debris), so that you can begin to be free to move in the present moment on the basis of the situation as it now is. And that is movement toward victory; it is movement toward freedom!

But evenj so, it is not accepted as final. It is simply a stepping stone in the process of maturing, and unless you exercise your mind, your intellect, your feelings, your perception of truth in relationship to circumstances as they appear today, you cannot hope to have those capacities or faculties increase in effectiveness. It is not non-use that makes them more meaningful.

If you would rise above the class of those who use only fifteen or twenty or twenty-five percent of their mental capacities, and rise above those who are only fifteen or twenty percent mature emotionally, you must exercise these capacities in relationship to the truth and the conditions of today in making new choices, new determinations, in a manner which reveals the fact that you are being controlled by the truth.

So it is that you begin to mature. Yes, when you know the truth in a holistic sense, it WILL make you free! But you can have all kinds of ideas about the truth, and if you do not let the truth 'use you' in relationship to every new circumstance, so that you make a new choice, a new determination, a new evaluation, you will not mature.

Suich understanding is not going to be imposed on you from without; you must let it unfold from within. And you are responsible for your own process of maturing. Either you will do it or you will not. And if you need a little help in facing an issue on the basis of your own maturing, that help is available. Do not be ashamed to ask for it, and let it work out according to the Re-creative Cycles of the Divine Design.

ONLY the Truth can make you free!

You can love God according to some concept or other from now to doomsday and it will not make you free, unless you let the truth have meaning on the basis of your ever-increasing maturity and capacity for fitting Spiritual Expression according to your true identity as a Son or Daughter of God.

Let us close this meditation with a moment of Thanksgiving to Our Creator, the SOURCE of ALL BEING.

Our gracious Lord, we thank Thee for the privilege of growing in grace and in stature as men and women, for the privilege of setting our faces toward the higher goal, where we may let the nobility of divine manhood and womanhood have meaning here on earth, that thereby Thy glory may be revealed on earth and that thereby the lives of others may be enriched and blest because we live. I thank Thee, Father, for these blessed ones here, and for all who are with us in spirit, who are beginning to honestly yield and honestly do something day by day about maturing, about letting the truth determine the new attitude, the new pattern of action, the new concept. I thank Thee that all such shall truly know that Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.



After several comments, expressions of agreement or questions:


Sometimes the sincere individual wastes a great deal of time and energy and functional capacity in regretting his or her necessity of maturation. You know, you are not alone! There are about two billion others in the same boat.

Do not judge or find fault with yourself, and above all, let us not waste time regretting. There is nothing gained by vain regret. What was the poet's way of putting it? "Of all the sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'"

Well… maybe, it might have. But how do you know? You cannot tell me for certain that it would have been some other way if thus and so and thus and so. But you go back and say, "Well now, if my dad or my mom, my somebody, had just done something differently, why, then I know everything would be all right." Do you? How do you know what the cycle of life would have been for you? Do you know that you would have been here tonight? Where would you have been? You cannot even be sure that you would not have been six feet under long before this.

You can't tell me, or anybody else, what the circumstance would have been if something had been thus and thus and thus and so, back there. Let us not regret the past. Let us find no fault with our forebears, or with our friends, relatives or anyone else. Let us simply thank God that we are here now, regardless of the past, or the way by which we may have come!

Let us rejoice that, regardless of anything else, we have this privilege here and now, and let us not waste it, but rather, if there have been limitations of our lives in the past, let us live, or at least begin to live, now! God's blessings are with us. The opportunities are here. Let us use them.



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