
This is my second website, replacing the previous one in the same domain. This time however, the site's layout is entirely CSS driven. After covering only the basics, I am already overwhelmed by the capabilities and potentials of Cascading Style Sheets, it truly is as powerful as people claimed it to be. Fixed the CSS layout issues in IE, but the site's intended layout is best viewed in firefox.

I am quite pleased on how the design turned out after sketching and planning it in random pieces of paper during classes. I have always liked simple and minimalist designs, and try to stick to the principle 'less is more'. The color scheme is something new and experimental, but turned out quite good. While the content of the site is mostly crap, the site's design is an achievement to me, enough to generate some sense of statisfaction. It also showed that I am actually making some progress.

Comments and suggestions are most welcomed, do write some in the guestbook. *pic most likely unrelated.



30/06/06 - fixed CSS issues in IE
29/06/06 - auditorical v2*
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12/06/06 - added rollover buttons
19/06/06 - minor layout amendment

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