Common Donkey Orchid

What a name!
'The Common Donkey Orchid'.
The scientists call it Darius Longifolia.
Does that sound more noble?
For such a beautiful flower...
What do you think?
I don't think so.

Secluded in bush clearings
these 'donkey-faced' blooms
put on their spectacular show.
From July to September,
they unfold across the south of Australia,
both east and west,
nodding in the sudden breeze.

But in the silence of the summer night,
under a full moon,
do they suddenly bray,
just once? Or twice...
Magically calling to a Fairy Queen
flitting gossamer-winged
in some fantastic midsummer's night dream?

Acrylic on watercolour paper. 11inx15in (approx).


Copyright (c) Helen Duley 2002

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