Lightning over Springbrook

Lightning over Springbrook

There were many thunder storms during the early Summer last year, in the Gold Coast hinterland mountains where I live.

The storms come mostly in the evening, when the huge thick clouds suddenly boil over the tops of the Springbrook range.

Sometimes these clouds spread out across the evening sky, as they drive towards us, and take on the form of rapidly spreading fingers or even figures. They can look  like straining faces with mouths wide open. 

Perhaps they are trying to catch the lightning that is constantly flashing out behind their thick expanses.

As they quickly grow across the sky, the front of the oncoming storm comes roaring with them, bringing fierce winds and lightning.

Then the clouds start crying out with thunder voices, telling the valley, and the thirsty trees all about the welcome rainwater to come. And across the dry earth, the bush awaits this blessing.

Oil on canvas.


Copyright (c) Helen Duley 2004

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