Research of Tarocchi
Research Tools

web-gallery   many  pictures, biographical data to artists and explanations to pictures, easy to handle

Olga's gallery - many pictures

Fine Art Gallery - many pictures

I-A-S - many pictures, artists are sorted alphabetically

Engraving artists - many engravings

Christian Iconography - paintings of Saints

- very good for biographical data of artists, however, you have to pay; one day of use is free

Worldwide Art Resources - search-engine for art

Ikonographie des Kostuems - (deutsch) Dissertation von Andrea Reichel, viel Bildmaterial

xrefer - dictionary with short articles

Zedler - erstes deutsches Lexikon von ca. 1750, etwas schwierig zu bedienen, aber sehr umfangreich

Medieval and Renaissance studies - Digital Library (very good)

Genealogie Mittelalter - deutsch mit Biographien

Genealogy - English

Biographical Dictionary of Condottieri (Italian)

List of cardinals in 15th century

Heiligen-Lexikon - (deutsch)

Dizionario di eresie, eretici, dissidenti religiosi, confessioni cristiane non cattoliche, nuovi movimenti religiosi di ispirazione cristiana

Mythologie-Lexikon - (deutsch)

architecture/vitruvio - dictionary about architecture with pictures

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Medieval source book library

Philosophen-Lexikon - (deutsch) Biographien

Philosophie-Lexikon - (deutsch) Begriffe

Philosophen 11. - 17. Jahrhundert (deutsch)

Familysearch (mormons) - good for research of ancestors

Maps - 20000 cartographic links

Italian Timeline 1300 - 1487

Timelines - by Psyche's Links

Ovid - Metamorphosen - auf Latein mit deutscher �bersetzung und 1400 Abbildungen (die Metamorphosen wurden in der Renaissance viel gelesen)

English Literature (1350 - 1480)
- u.a. Chaucer, Canterbury-Tales

History of Florence - by Macchiavelli

Venice - historical links

The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy - by Jacob Burckhardt

memories of Commynes


short Tarot-glossary

many Tarot- and Tarock-documents - and other material

AllThings Tarot
Links on this page do lead to foreign resources. The author is not responsible for the contents of these sites.
If you want to return to this site, bookmark this page or use the "back" button of your browser.

Own articles

new The Oldest Tarot Cards (Site)

about the Pierpont-Morgan-Bergamo deck
interpreted as a deck with a 5x14 structure

about the Cary Yale deck, also called Visconti Modrone
interpreted as playing card deck with relations to the game of chess

new Libraries (Visconti, d'Este, King-Rene)

Links to Playing Cards of 15th/16th century

about Petrarca and the Trionfi

about Suits and Court Cards and the number 70

new Boiardo-Site of the Boiardo group

Florence - Early Notes about Playing Cards (text is not complete)

The Church and the Playing Cards

new  Ferrara 1441 - Site (in preparation)

Ferrara - 15th Century  Trionfi
         Ortalli: "The Prince and the Playing-Cards" - Review by Ross Gregory Caldwell

new Who's Who: Researchers

new  Kids and Teenies

new  Prohibition Theory

new The Life of Filippo Maria Visconti (Latin text of Decembrio)

new The Name "Trionfi" (1441 - 1463)


copyright: [email protected]

This site is dedicated to offer material useful for the research of Trionfi, Tarocchi or Tarot and other playing cards in 14th/15th and a little bit of 16th century. The Main Object is my own theory about a 5x14-Trionfi-deck in the early stage of development of the Tarocchi, later called the Tarot. The theory is presented still in fragmentarious form under the point about the Pierpont-Morgan-Bergamo deck

Own Articles does present to one part my own special view at the earlier Trionfi documents, which varies in many ways, how this material  has been presented and interpreted by other authors in the past. Also included are articles from Ross Gregory Caldwell, with whom I do cooperate in many research activities - and with the luck of heaven - do coincide in many opinions, which makes cooperation very easy.

In the last monthes other researchers have arrived participating in our activities, so we build groups to concentrate specific themes and do communicate in exhaustive manner - it's hard to say in the end, who should be honored for "writing" an article. Jane Cocker is specific interested in the Boiardo-theme, Mari Hoshizaki engages especially for Ferrara, Raimondo Luberti is our specialist for matters of art and Italian language and with Christine Payne-Towler we find specialities about influences of music in the court life of 15th century. Alain Bougeareal researches Greek influences on Italy in renaissance. Special group sites are the
Boiardo and Ferrara-site

Various themes, which are not included in the list below, are in preparation.

Associated sites present sites of friends or others in the "historical Tarocchi-scene" with at least some very useful informations about the object. Of special worth is the Tarot Time Table of Michael Hurst - don't miss it.

Research Tools is a gathering of useful links to various topics related to the main theme. There are real treasures under them, selected with a critical eye.

At this moment the site is still in fragmentarious form, just to discuss specific contents with friends and others with interests in the early history of Tarot. We're working hard, but probably all will need a little time. So probably you'll find here constantly loose ends, things in development, great plans, which still aren't finished yet. But that's the life in research and we do enjoy it.

It  is my hope, that the site will  soon develop in further aspects, becoming a most timely center of the research of the object. If you're interested to take part in the discussions please
contact me or become a member in our Forum

LTarot at

If you're interested to get a Newsletter from this site - only send, when something really new happened here, please contact

    [email protected]       June 2003
Tarot History Time Table by Michael J. Hurst
The Karn�ffel Trumps by Michael J. Hurst
The Sola-Busca Tarot Deck by Michael J. Hurst
The Liechtenstein'sche Spiel (Huck Meyer)
Hof�mterspiel (Huck Meyer)
Tarot documents by Hans Joachim Alscher
Associated Sites:
Exploring the Alphabetic Tarot by Mark Filipas
O'Neill Library by Bob O'Neill
Payne-Towler Library by Christine Payne-Towler
Accademia del Tarocchino Bolognese (with text of Michael Dummett, Italian)
jk's Tarot FAQ, the web's oldest & best Tarot primer by Jess Karlin
Alain Bougearel
The Tarothermit - by Tom Tadfor Little
Giordano Berti, various Tarot related articles (Italian)
Tarot - Resources
Marriage Francesco Sforza - Bianca Maria Visconti
Psyche's Links - many resources to various topics, 5000+ links
Articles to the Iconography by Ross Gregory Caldwell
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