SUBJECT: Follow Up System In A Box... Dear , Today I'm messaging you about a new product that I've just released that is going to change your business. It's called Follow Up System In A Box and will kick profits from your existing customers into hyper drive. You get 100+ follow up messages ready to quickly customize & add to your autoresponder instantly. Never before have you been able to start following up with people and closing more business this easily. Best of all you don't have to pay a high priced copywriter to write the copy for you! Just grab one of the pre-written message, fill in the blanks and que it up for mailing! Nothing could be easier! Can you imagine getting people to spend more money with you automatically with no additional work on your part? That means no recruiting more business or difficult customer generation to generate more profits! Honestly, there is NO easier way for you to increase cash flow in your business so make sure you get in on this. To grab your copy of follow up in a box and download it instantly simply drop by this page... To Your Success, YOUR NAME P.S. Follow Up System In A Box is the easiest, fastest and most profitable thing you could do in your business to increase cash profits: