DNA Activation� and Theta Healing

You can learn exciting healing techniques that change the way you think and feel. The Theta Healing Technique and the DNA ACTIVATION� were shown to Vianna Stibal during her illness and subsequent healing crisis.

These healing techniques have been around for ages. They've been rediscovered and you can learn how to use them. Learn to work with the core of your being in ways that will heal instantly. Using Theta brain waves, you can connect directly with God and receive dramatic healing that will change lives.

Certification includes the following Self-Empowerment Techniques:

DNA Activation
Cellular Rejuvenation
Genetic Repair
Removal of Core Beliefs that Cause Illness and Stress
DNA Codon Accessibility


Excellent Health
Freedom from Pain and Disease

The DNA story and brain waves: beta, alpha, theta, and delta
The power of the subconscious state found in theta
How to connect directly with God's healing power for instant healing
How to lower your brain waves to make the connection within 30 seconds
Activate the twelve strands of the DNA
Learn to activate the Youth and Vitality chromosome

Learn about the four levels of belief systems and how to change them
Learn how to make major changes on the genetic level
Learn about illnesses and how to connect with God to promote healing
Learn how to look inside the body, see physical and emotional areas that need healing, then activate the healing

Discover sacred and powerful techniques with hands-on exercises throughout the workshops

DNA-Belief Systems Re-Patterning includes the following:

Advanced study in Re-Patterning the 4 belief systems
Change patterns to assist the body's mechanisms for total wellness
Use DNA healing techniques to teach Self-Empowerment to others

CALL for a consultation 7am - 9 pm Eastern Time Zone: 678 331 3854


Beth Coleman, DNA Activation� Practitioner/Instructor makes no claims, promises or guarantees and are neither diagnosing nor treating specific health challenges. Participants are solely responsible for managing and continuing their own medical treatment and care.

Seminars Consist Of:

The DNA Story
The Four Brain Waves (Alpha, Beta, Theta, and Delta)
How they are Important in the Healing Process
The Power of Your Subconscious
Hands on Experience Dealing with Theta Healings
Both Physical and Mental
How to do Group Healings
How to Look Inside the Human body
How to See Guardian Angels
How to Activate Your Youth and Vitality DNA
You Will Learn How to Pull, Change, and Replace Your Beliefs on Four Different Levels (Core, Genetic, History & Soul).
Learn How the Belief's Held in These Four Levels Affect Your Health and Everyday life.
How to Use this System to Help Your Pysical Health and Well-Being, as Well as Your Mental Attitude.
How to Assist Others in Creating their True-Selves.
Learn Why Your Poor Eyesight May Not be a Physical Defect of Your Own, but Linked Genetically to Your Grandmother's Stubbornness!
Learn How to Make Your Life What YOU Want it to be.

Vianna Stibal's books mentioned below are available from:

2100 Niagara St.
Idaho Falls, ID 83404
208-524-0808 Phone
208-524-3061 Fax
Nature's Path Website

"Go Up and Work With God" tells how you can learn to help yourself and others. DNA activations, readings, and healings, details and insight into changing core belief systems which are often the major causes of illnesses.

Use these techniques with caution, because they are powerful. Use them with wisdom and use them with joy.

Retail Price is $11.95 + Shipping

This is information that YOU can use. Information you can use instantly.

These anatomy books are available from Amazon.com:

The World's Best Anatomical Charts by Michael Talbot
Anatomical Chart Company Staff

Quick reference to help visualize organs, lymphatic systems and bone structures.

The Anatomy Coloring Book Second Edition by Wynn Kapit, Lawrence M. Elson

This unique learning tool teaches anatomical concepts and illustrates all the structures and systems of the body through coloring exercises, an effective teaching device that also aids in the retention of the material. 163 detailed illustrations are organized according to body system and a color-key system links terminology to illustrations, reinforcing learning and impressing upon students the visual details of anatomy.


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