The following is an excerpt from the transcript of "The Missing Link", an informative and interesting talk on organic essential oils given by Dr. Gary Young. Due to the length of this transcript, you may want to save it to your hard drive for viewing off-line, by choosing "Save as" under "File" on your browser's menu.


Aromatherapy may be a new term to many of you, but it is an ancient art and science which began it's re-entry into the modern world only a few years ago. With a biblical foundation and historical information from different cultures around the world, there is much that we have to learn and study.

Young Living Essential Oils came into existence through Gary Young, who teaches seminars, formulates in his laboratory, plows the fields on his tractor, designs and builds equipment for the farm operations.

He grew up in the mountains of central Idaho with no electricity or running water, where he and his brothers and sisters were taught by their parents how to live from the earth.

At age 24, a terrible accident left him paralyzed. Rejecting the medical diagnosis, he began his search for naturalways to heal his body. He studied the sciences and many other healing modalities. 13 years later, he ran a half-marathon and finished 60th out of 970 participants.

After receiving a Master's in Nutrition and a Doctorate in Naturopathy, he opened a family practice in California, and a research clinic in Mexico where he could do research in the areas of natural healing. It was in this clinic where he was introduced to essential oils.

In November of 1995 Gary was invited to speak at the UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization)International Congress on Essential Oils held in Eskeshehir, Turkey. He presented research that is being conducted on the Young Living Blends and Single oils at Weber State University and on organic farming and plant germination at the farm in Idaho. His work was received with tremendous enthusiasm and many who attended showed great interest in what we are doing as a means for improving their economics.

Gary has researched the history of early medicine and essential oils. He goes from the ruins of ancient Egypt to the archaeology archives of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem to the British Museum Library in London to his own laboratory and now, today, to the chemistry department at Weber State University to prove the validity of this ancient science.

Gary is one of the foremost authorities on essential oils in North America.

Dr. Gary Young:

Essential Oils, just to give you a real simple analogy...if we were to take the p lant and human body and put them side byside we could so some very interesting comparisons. In the human body we have a substance called blood, and that blood has a very specific purpose. That purpose is to transport nutrients to the cells, to nurture and feed thecells. One of the primary agents in the blood that is responsible for the delivery of the nutrients through the cell walls is called oxygen. If we take the oxygen out of the blood what happens? We would die very quickly. The cells begin to mutate and give off a toxic gas that creates a host for disease, and today we live in an environment where we are deprived of oxygen because of the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. Because of that we have set ourselves up to be victims, and it's quite obvious by what's going on in our world today. When we look at Essential Oils, they have the same role, and play the same function in the plant, as the blood does in the human body. The Essential Oil is the blood of the plant.

How many of you have cut your finger? What happens? You bleed. Why do you bleed? (Audience: to cleanse) Exactly, to cleanse and to kill the bacteria because you have to do that to start the regeneration process of the tissue. Okay, how many of you ladies have seen a leaf on one of your houseplants torn or damaged? What comes out? It's a liquid, isn't it? It's called the resin by some, some call it the blood of the plant. Some call it the life force of the plant but it's the same thing, it bleeds. It bleeds to cleanse that part where the plant is damaged, to kill the bacteria. You see, the Essential Oil is like the blood, it's a transporter system, and the primary ingredient inside that oil is called oxygen.

It has been discovered and determined now through research and the translation of the Papyrus and hieroglyphics in Egypt, that oils were the first medicine of man. Even before herbs were used, oils were extracted from the plant and used before the actual plant was used. As of 3 years ago, it was documented that Essential Oils produce the highest level of oxygenating molecules of ANY SUBSTANCE KNOWN TO MAN. So when we think about that, that we can get actual oxygen from the oil, it's quite exciting. Now not only can we get oxygen from the oils, but we also get negative ions and we get ozone. Are they important to us? (Audience: yes) Why? Can bacteria live in ozone? Can bacteria live in a negative ion environment? No. You know it's interesting when you look at what's going on in our world, because there's a big wave that has hit the United States called antioxidants. Right? Everyone's looking for antioxidants and antimicrobial substances to take.

We're just going to walk through some things real quickly and show you why Essential Oils are the missing link in our health field today and why everyone and every home needs to have them.

Let's look at what the human body is up against today. We look at what's causing the poisons that we're inhaling, the industrial contamination that's effecting our air. Look at the foods we're eating today, fried foods in grease that causes carcinogenic activity in the blood. Foods that are devaluated and therefore we get no enzymes from the foods that we're eating. The foods that are coming from the fields are sprayed with chemicals. The ground is saturated with chemicals and has been for over 50 years... and we wonder why we can't get good wholesome food today.

Not to mention the environmental contamination that's going into the aquifer, along with all of the contamination in the entire food chain that the human body is subject to. We absorb this not only through the food and the water but through the pores of our skin and the oxygen we breathe in through our lungs. These chemicals go down into the intestinal tract and cause a weakening of the membrane wall and they leach through into the liver and cause cell mutation. It changes the pH chemistry of the blood and all of a sudden we've got a problem. WE start creating a host for disease and then we wonder how can this possibly happen? So detoxification is extremely important today in our lives.

It's really interesting to know that Essential Oils, because of their structure, will literally push chemicals and metallics out of the cells. How? Because they have the highest level of oxygenating activity of any substance known to man. Oxygen pushes toxins out and pulls potassium back into the cell. Essential Oils will re-establish normal cell function and balance.

Time Magazine, the September 12th issue, I'm sure most of you have seen it: "New Virus and Drug Resistant Bacteria are Reversing Human Victories over Infectious Diseases." How can this happen if we have a healthy body? Can we have infection if we are healthy? Can we have cancer if we're healthy? Can we have AIDS if we're healthy? No, of course not. So let's be realistic and look at it.

This was quite interesting because if we look down here at the bottom it says: "More than 850 people have come down with cholera in Southern Russia and officials fear that disease could erupt into an epidemic." While this article was being published and they were talking about 850 people in Russia, they never even made mention of the thousands of people they were digging holes, open pits, and burying in mass graves in South America from cholera. Did anyone see that on CNN? We need to start paying attention and waking up to what's going on around us.

Look at this: "Some microbes can reproduce in just 20 minutes." And this article goes on to talk about how the drug makers are fighting back, and yet how every time they produce a drug, the bacteria or the virus mutates and develops it's own immunity to the antibiotic. Now that's quite interesting because when you know these things are fact, and then when you come to understand oils, and realize that at this point in time, today, they have not found ONE virus, that can create an immunity against an Essential Oil.

Look here: "The question ceases to be when will disease be gone." This is interesting then we look at the statistics: "Respiratory infections bacterial and viral: 4 million deaths, diarrhea and diseases related, viral and bacteria: 3 million deaths" this is per year "Tuberculosis bacterial" now we have a new VIRAL tuberculosis, do we not? They don't even mention the viral tuberculosis here, just the bacterial "3 million. Hepatitis B virus: 3 million. Protozoa, malaria: 1 million. Measles, viral 880 thousand. Tetanus, 600 thousand. AIDS, viral 550 thousand." They don't even talk about cancer and heart disease. We're just talking about diseases related to virus and bacteria, yet they don't even list the new tuberculosis virus, or the new Hunta virus, the flesh eating virus, the streptococci A, the Ebola virus. You know, there's so much going on that we're not even aware of what's happening.

I think many of us also have a tendency to want to ignore it, we don't want to deal with the truth. Why? We don't know what to do about it, true or false? Okay, look here: "Where will the next deadly virus appear?" Then it goes on to talk about the agents, small pox, AIDS, hepatitis B. How many of you are familiar with the Ebola virus and the symptomatology of it? Are you aware of that that Ebola virus causes decomposing of the internal organs and the smooth muscle tissue inside the human body? And once a victim contracts the Ebola virus, 3-5 days and they're dead? Do you know what happened in Wanamingo Minnesota just last week? Where 8 people died from what they're calling the new streptococci virus that cause people to die in 3-5 days, their tissue and internal organs degenerated? It was the Ebola virus but they're saying it's the new streptococci A. An epidemic. This is interesting: "The price of doing nothing will be millions of lives." And it's happened before. Look here: "Killer flu 1918-1919, killed 20 million people." So we're not dealing with something that just popped into our world today. There have been viruses around since the beginning of time. Look at what happened during Moses' time. Look at the 16th century plague in England and Europe that claimed millions of lives. Why is it happening? Why do we have more of it today? Because we have a weaker immune system. How are we going to build it?

Okay, what are we going to do about these things? Look at this article here in the March issue of Readers Digest: "The invisible invaders. The question is no longer when will infectious disease be wiped out, rather it is where will the next new deadly plague appear." You need to read it because this article talks about how with every antibiotic that they have made, the viruses mutate, the bacteria's mutate and create their own immunity against the antibiotic.

We need to read these things so we're aware of what's going on, and be prepared. Let's look at some of the things that cause it. "Water suspected in illness. U.S. health official speculates that local water sickened hundreds of aids patients during the spring. Groups warn of risk of drinking water." "New TB a time bomb." This is USA today news cover story. We need to be aware. "Flu on tap. Milwaukee blames illness on tap water. Tainted water blamed for unlike illnesses," it just goes on wherever we look. "A contagious fascination with infections as lethal viruses make news the public ponders what if, the hot zone?" How many of you have seen the movie "The Outbreak?" Well that's not just a movie, that's a reality. "Ancient ills return with a vengeance."

�Copyright 2003 by Beth Coleman. All rights reserved.

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