Could peace of mind be what everyone is searching for?

An integrated brain thinks through stress, crisis and trauma. Energy moves along neurons across the midline of the brain, integrating right, left, back and fore brain hemispheres. Scattered thoughts produce an unfocused lifestyle.

The One Brain method is used for relieving unresolved emotional stress.
One Brain is a new and unique approach to locate and correct stressors that may be causing dyslexia and fears.

ONE BRAIN has proven remarkably effective for a wide variety of stress-related issues, including: Self-Esteem, Depression, Anxiety, Addictions, Phobias, Weight Loss, Taking Tests, Flying, Meeting People or anything that is limiting you from creating what you want for yourself. Any "problem" based on negative emotional stress can potentially be resolved with this approach. Many of the "choices" you make in Present Time are really reactions to traumas you experienced in Past Time.

The ONE BRAIN System enables you to transform the negative energy of the past.
It is a gentle, non-intrusive process.
It is a new and unique approach to stress management and emotional wellness.
It combines elements of holistic health, neuroscience and body energy work.
It was developed in 1972, and has been used globally since 1982.
With it, you are able to bypass the Conscious Mind and access the deeper level of awareness.

The name, ONE BRAIN, originated from the left/right hemisphere theory of brain function. When one is experiencing emotional stress, the full capacity of the brain isn't utilized, and the left-brain hemisphere goes into a "panic mode", the "fight-or-flight" response. When emotional stresses are relieved, ability to perceive and function in a calm, effective manner, with more access to our left-brain logic and right-brain creativity increases. Then the two brain hemispheres cooperate as an integrated unit, as "ONE BRAIN".

I offer private consultations on personal matters or stress related problems. I also work with children and adults labeled "dyslexic" or "slow learners". I work with blocked energy held in the mind, which effects the body. Blocked emotion equals blocked energy that produces physical problems on the cellular body level. I assist in moving blocked energy and give workable choices. I access the subconscious mind patterns. Conditioned belief systems, taught from childhood tend to hold and repeat themselves creating unprofitable habits. The only authority on deep seated uprofitable habits is the person owning that habit. The body identifies, through 97% accurate biofeedback, the problems and corrects them. Some people working with this method have cleared very deep and long held past habits thus resulting in enormous relief. Some say the work is 'miraculous', and after clearing have started a new and better life.

I use a unique method of obtaining biofeedback from a person's own subconscious level, using muscle-testing / Kinesiology. It's a quick and highly reliable method of getting information, and providing clear-cut answers not prone to guesswork and interpretation.

Kinesiology works because negative emotional charge makes a muscle go weak. I apply very light pressure to a client's outstretched arms that either "hold strong" or "go weak" in response to words, images, or physical stress tests. It provides a very accurate indication of the type and amount of stress that a client is experiencing.

Using muscle testing, I ask direct questions to someone's own "inner knowing", and get a direct, "Yes or No" response, working like a lie detector. In Europe, ONE BRAIN has been introduced into the school system. In Brazil, medical doctors, physical therapists, and psychologists use the technique.

The ONE BRAIN approach consists of identification, correction, and follow-up. The first step is to identify the unresolved emotional stress and negative beliefs that keep us from functioning at full potential. The corrections are then selected from a broad spectrum of defusing techniques, always with the goal of gentle release of negativity from the mind and body. If appropriate, follow-up exercises are assigned homework.

I don't treat physical symptoms or cure anything. I find that many apparently physical symptoms improve significantly or disappear altogether when the underlying stress-related cause is successfully resolved.

A number of factors, including your willingness to take responsibility for improving the situation influence success of the One Brain technique. I like to see clients improve as quickly as possible...but that can happen only at your own pace. I know change comes quickly when a person is ripe, ready and willing to change. I facilitate a client's understanding.

Change is possible no matter how deep the trauma or stress. The One Brain system, which is a revolutionary but gentle form of biofeedback, makes choice possible where no choice seems to exist.

Creating alternative soutions to problems is the goal. A chart called the behavioral barometer identifies negative and positive attitudes with CHOICE/NO CHOICE as the bottom line. Although many clients talk about change, few change their destructive lifestyle / habits. One Brain empowers lasting change. Nothing changes until something changes. Positive choices produce a more positive future. The confidence to act on these new alternatives occurrs.


People set up lifetime patterns that fuse the traumatic emotions of the past that influence activities in present time. The One Brain method locates the experience that created that emotional or mental block and defuses the emotions that create the limitations preventing you from doing or having what you want.

Each individual is the only valid source for the identification and solution of their problems.

When people give you bad news, they usually ask you to sit down. This is because stress produces that "weak in the knees" or "knot in the stomach" feeling. Stress affects the entire body and limits your choices. We use a gentle method of precision muscle testing to identify and release the blockage that is creating the stress that is limiting your potential.

For example, if negative stress occurs when we're learning a new activity (reading, writing, driving a car, playing a new sport), that stress becomes fused into and becomes an integral part of that activity; it then interferes with our ability to do that function well. And whenever we repeat that activity or activities of a similar nature any time in the future, the same negative stress is triggered and our performance suffers.

If we base our choices on our reactions to unpleasant experiences from the past, we can get locked into self-limitation, doubt, denial and self-judgment. Stuck in patterns that keep us from experiencing the success we want, we no longer believe we have any choice concerning our future.

With the One Brain system, you regain your power of choice.

People who have difficulty with reading, writing and comprehension, regardless of their age, may not be exhibiting dyslexia, but rather the observable symptom of it underlying cause - STRESS. Our self-image is constructed over time by messages (either spoken or inferred) that we've received from our parents, teachers, peers, our environment and the experiences we have within our environment. Stress perpetuates the negative self-image of "I can't do that", or "I can't speak in front of a group" or - worst of all - "I'm DUMB".

Through Muscle Testing we'll discover where your issues live on THE BEHAVIORAL BAROMETER. This barometer is our unique blueprint of what you want and don't want and how you FEEL about that. Also through Muscle Testing, we'll find the PERCENTAGE of NEGATIVE and POSITIVE EMOTIONAL CHARGE you've invested in those issues. Negative Charge shows the degree of self doubt that puts blockages in the normal operation of the body. Positive Charge shows the degree of motivation you have to "get better."

Then, for you to defuse the negative emotion that blocked those blockages into your body's energy system we'll employ FRONTAL/OCCIPITAL HOLDING (a brain re-integrator), and CREATIVE IMAGERY - using a positive image to replace the negative programming that has kept you from achieving what you want ... and AGE RECESSION, recalling a time when you made the decisions that influence your CHOICES in PRESENT TIME, and AGE PROGRESSION (visualizing positive changes in behavior).

Stress affects the body until the attached negative emotion caused by that stress is either defused or resolved. Unresolved stressors are mirrored in the body. You can tell by looking at the eyes and face of a person the intensity of the unresolved stressors ("I can't read" or "I can't speak in public") on line.

Defusing our emotions in the past really does change the present, and since our feelings in the present create the future, we change the future, too!

The basic corrections (over 20 different methods of defusion) are helpful for anyone who wants to enhance their learning abilities. Isn't it time you found out how your brain, this wonderful creation, works? After all, it's the major factor in learning about or experiencing life.

"Balancing the World One Brain at a Time" (tm) is the theme of the One Brain system, a method tht removes physical, mental and emotional blockages that limit awareness and effectiveness. The present reflects on the past accumulation of experience, positive or negative as that experience has been. Choice in present time/right now is crucial under negative stress.

*******Does this sound interesting to you? Take the next step, arrange for an introductory session. I'll demonstrate ONE BRAIN Emotional Stress Defusion.*******...

Scientists at Princeton University made an announcement in October of 1999 that goes counter to long-held wisdom about the brain. They discovered that new neurons are continually being added to the brains of adult monkeys, even to parts of the brain responsible for very high-level functioning.

Once, it was believed that no new brain cells were created after adulthood. Later, it was found that some parts of the brain such as the hippocampus, could regrow cells. The work, reported in the October 15, 1999 issue of Science Friday, means that neurogenisis may be much more common than previously thought.



�Copyright 2003 by Beth Coleman. All rights reserved.

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