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by Harry Palmer

This exercise can be done anywhere people congregate. It should be done on strangers, unobtrusively, from some distance. Try to do all five steps on the same person.

1. With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
"Just like me, this person is seeking some happiness for his/her life."

2. With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
"Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in his/her life."

3. With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
"Just like me, this person has known sadness, lonliness, and despair."

4. With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
"Just like me, this person is seeking to fulfill his/her needs."

5. With attention on the person, repeat to yourself:
"Just like me, this person is learning about life."

�Excerpted from ReSurfacing: Copywright 1984 by Star's Edge Inc. All rights reserved. ReSurfacing� and Avatar� are Trademarks of Star's Edge International.


by Harry Palmer

Objective: To demonstrate the effect of changing viewpoints.

Expected Result: Insights, increase in responsibility.

Instructions: Take a thirty-minute walk.
On your walk: Pick out something and think of it as "This____________."
Pick out something and think of it as "That____________."
Repeat with large and small objects, close and far objects.

�Excerpted from ReSurfacing: Copywright 1984 by Star's Edge Inc. All rights reserved. ReSurfacing� and Avatar� are Trademarks of Star's Edge International.

The next exercises are excerpted from Harry Palmer's book:
"Ten Actions You Can Do Today To Start Taking Back Your Life"�

1. Take a walk, notice something, and decide how you would describe it. [Time: 10+ minutes.]

Expected result: Calming, increase in energy.

2. Concentrate all your attention on a single object for a period of two minutes. [Time: 2 minutes.]

Expected result: More focused, relaxed.

3. Choose an automatic gesture you make and repeat it deliberately until it comes off automatic. [Time: 5+ minutes.]

Expected result: Insights, self-control.

4. Pick a frequent worry and outline the sequence of thoughts that lead up to that worry. Deliberately think the thoughts in sequence until the worry fades. [Time: 5+ minutes.]

Expected result: Recovered energy.

5. Deliberately smile until you feel happy. [Time: 2+ minutes.]

Expected result: Sense of well being.

6. Make a list of all the incomplete projects you have. Prioritise the list. [Time: 30+ minutes.]

Expected result: Recovery of attention.

7. Take a walk and count forms until colours appear brighter. [Time: 30+ minutes.]

Expected result: Extroversion, sense of being alive.

8. Climb one or more flights of stairs and before each step whisper something you are grateful for. [Time: 30+ minutes.]

Expected result: Sense of Grace.

9. Deliberately do a good deed for someone without being found out. [Time: 30+ minutes.]

Expected result: Increased sense of self-respect.

10. Breathing in, notice something far away. Breathing out, notice something close. Repeat at least ten times. [Time: 5+ minutes.]

Expected result: Recovery of perspective.

Avatar� is a registered trademark of Star' s Edge, Inc. All rights reserved. Excerpted with permission by Star's Edge, Inc.



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