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Religion / Beliefs  Carol A. Valentine's site. "Let's read the Talmud together: By finding out about each others' faiths, Jews and non-Jews can build bridges to understanding" is part of the overall message the site tries to convey on religious tolerance and intra-faith  relationship.  As Islam points fingers at the Holy Bible so these fellows point fingers at the Holy Qur'an.  An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth so to speak.  A site dedicated to the propagation of Islam, a word that means "to submit", and the exaltation of their book, The Holy Qur'an.  The Pyrrhonist read the book and found the appellative 'Holy' to be an exaggeration.  Dr. Michael Conley's "Cosmic Creed" which does not entertain an after life possibility apart from the creation of new physical entities from the composting of organic compounds, be they of human, animal or vegetable origin. The good doctor considers himself to be "an extremely religious Atheist". OK... Why not?  Bernard D. Muller spent three years studying the origins of Christianity and wrote his findings and conclusions: Jesus was an historical figure but not a god. This site purposes to "de-construct Jesus" and carries a WARNING on page 1 - "This work is based on historical objectivity and critical research, but not on faith"  Peter Kirby's extensive site presenting  Biblical and extra-Biblical texts written from about 30 to 250 AD along with information on the various works. Most informative.  Acharya S considers herself a scholar and a visionary. She is an accomplished author and her site is nicely done in a heavenly blue-black background. It supports a very busy list (up to 50 messages a day) called FSTC which stands for ... you check it out, but before you do anything else read the WARNING.   Earl Doherty's argument that Jesus was not a historical figure. He provides a very compelling argument that "Jesus Christ hath not come in the flesh", thus placing him in the "antichrist" camp as far as John (the chap who wrote three Epistles) is concerned, although some of his propositions are a bit sketchy.  "A New Theory of Ancient History" - Charles N. Pope presents a parallel between the Hebrew Scripture and the evidence from Egyptology revealing the 'true' identities of various personages in the Biblical record. Bet you didn't know that Cain and Abel were actually the brothers Alal and Anu in the Hittite epic "Kingship in Heaven". The site of "The Church of the Creator" and the "Creator" is none other than the White Race. A very outspoken anti- Semite  and anti-"mud" races. You may join their forum and put your two-bit in, but if you are liberal, coloured or Jewish  you'll come under heavy flack. Ben Klassen was its Founding Father and he maintained that Whites should use Jewish tactics for the advancement of their race. Oops, The site is not there anymore. I wonder what happened!?  A Christian site which also carries a list of Conspiracy authors.  "The Scriptorium" of Jack Kilmon provides information on the beginnings of Christianity, on the Essenes, the Nazarenes, the Dead Sea Scrolls the Shroud of Turin and other related topics.  A site loaded with articles on the origin of the Biblical Books, i.e. "How Persia Created Judaism", "Modernism in Biblical Archaeology" and similar topics.  "A Critical Look At The Bible And Other Sacred Texts" which include the Qur'an and the Book of Mormon. Don't forget to click on "The Skeptics Annotated Bible" link.  Hell, I'll save you the trouble of looking for it. It's already linked. A nightmare site for fundamentalists.  The subject of Professor Darrell Doughty's dissertation is "Jesus: History or Myth".  A Creationist site where Evolutionary theory is dissected using science as the scalpel.  It seems that Science, like the Word of God, is a two edged sword.    Last but not least this site is for the true believer in the power and foresight of "The Big Bang" - strange name for a God, but then so is YHWH.  Pyrrhonist tried to join them but, alas, his faith was not strong enough and he fell by the wayside.

But in some cases Atheists can write very interesting articles like the one on the Qur'an found at the following site -


Political / Philosophical   Their "Table of Contents"  has articles on Historical and Holocaust Revisionism, Race and Culture, Communism and Zionism, Religion and Philosophy, Banking and Money, etc. Have a look.  With articles in German, French, Italian and of course, English,  dealing with Revisionist material, this is a must for those who can speak (and read) more than one language, as long as it's either French, German, Italian or English. Within Russ Granata's site there are mini-sites from other like-minded  folk. You can also purchase  Philip de Vier's  first two books - Blood Ritual and Teachings of the Talmud - at a reduced rate.   The site of Jewish writer Israel Shamir, which can be viewed in 12 languages. Amazing enough Yiddish is not one of them. Here is a person that bitterly criticizes Israel policies but can't be labeled anti- Semitic (any Goy would be, if he had written half as much)  for the simple fact that he is a Semite. Had he been so labeled he no doubt would go around proclaiming "I'm anti-me! I'm anti-me!".  Some good articles though.   Don Black's pro-White site with a Forum which anyone can join, and a comprehensive archive -174 articles - of the late Dr. Revilo P. Oliver, one of the White Nationalist's 'prophets'. Boasts of a German and a Spanish section. Plenty of Links to other kindred-spirit sites including Don's personal homepage.   Considered "extremely dangerous" by the Judeo-American Establishment, David Duke also manages EURO - you find out what it means. Presumably two of his books, My Awakening and Jewish Supremacism, (can't find the word in the dictionary, maybe he meant "supremacy" - or I'm in need of an up-dated version) caused pandemonium among the "Chosen Ones", especially the last one.  A site mostly for Americans although, seeing that what happens in the good Ol' US of A affects everyone else in the world, it can be safely recommended to all, even to the Hottentots. It maintains that "America needs a regime change" Be patient while downloading though - their "moment" lasts nearly 2 minutes, at least with Pyrrhonist's modem it does.   The National Alliance site, which publishes Free Speech and National Vanguard, founded by its main contributor and publisher, the late William L. Pierce.  See the article "Who Rules America?" on the Jewish dominance of, primarily, the American Media.  The "World's Most Controversial Author", and 'controversial' is the operating word.  The man wears a hood to protect him from bird droppings which is very wise if one goes around with a pigeon on one's head.  No prizes for guessing why he calls himself John "Birdman" Bryant. These Mensa fellows are great kidders. The site, however, is a good one for those who do not buy into what they are fed by the Kosher Media. You can also purchase the Birdman's 40 books - on a wide range of subjects - on site. The Pyrrhonist has not read any of them but the titles are provocative "enuf" to tempt you.   "Are you a thinker or a follower?". To find out check this site out.  (ex"Breeding an Improved Human Species Through Purposefully Directed Evolution by Any Means Available" is the way of the future according to Matt Nuenke. And why not? If homo sapiens got to where he is now by mere chance, think how far he can go if there was some brains behind his development? And he'd get there much faster, too.   Campaign For Radical Truth In History is "your source for suppressed information on Judaism's strange gods, secret societies and psychological warfare and radical history" maintains its creator Michael A. Hoffman, the 2nd.  Check it out and see if the man is right.   The American Renaissance Home Page with news, articles and a new discussion group - ARlist, for all who are disenchanted with their daily newspapers.  This site covers almost anything controversial that happens around the world from crop circles and UFOs to ghosts and happenings, and also political articles which are just as controversial.  One can spend hours on this site, including download time.  Instead of linking from, you can go straight to the real McCoy. It will cost you to subscribe, but there are some excellent photographs of this amazing phenomenon.   The Home Page of Arthur R. Butz, the guy that wrote The Hoax of the Twentieth Century debunking the Holocaust. Hell, another Holocaust-Denier.   This site is about South Africa and author has deemed expedient to place a border of bananas on its pages depicting the type of Republic he feels the country is under. It hasn't been up-dated for some considerable time but it is still History.  CODOH stands for "Committee for Open Debate On the Holocaust" (fat chance of that) and is hosted by Bradley R. Smith who is a Revisionist and as such a Holocaust-Denier. Yes, another one.  "Yggdrasil's Library" - in Norse mythology the Ash tree that held Heaven, Hell and Earth together. OK, so the fellow is also a HD. You can read articles by HB's  anywhere, so this site concentrates on the opposition.   The "Hoax Busters".  Yes, you guessed it ... Holocaust-Deniers which in turn provides for the label of anti-Semite on all HD's.  "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" - is it what it claims to be or is it a forgery? Arguments from both sides are presented here.  "When Victims Rule - A Critique of Jewish Pre-eminence in America"  poses the question :  "Is the profoundly disproportionate social, cultural, economic, and political influence upon America and the western world by a small, largely ethnocentric, international minority group healthy for democracy? And is it healthy, ultimately, for the minority itself?"
This site no longer exists.
To read the book click HERE    "Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates;" [Gen 15:18].  The Zionist plan for  Greater Israel.


Poetry / Others  "Welcome to my World". William Kite's Home page  "Share Your  Original Poems, Prose and Rhymes From Around the World".  Nan Sharrer Crussell's  site.   You guessed right, it has to do with poetry.  A Canadian Poets' site.  A literary site which feature poems from the Old Masters.  Yes, you guessed right again. It is a joke site.  What would happen if we had "Infinite Energy"? No, not the one that would give you the energy to run around the world without getting tired. Is it just a dream or can the source be discovered? The fellows at this site contend that it is not a dream and the technology is already available to this end. Check it out and while you there you might want to e-mail them if you think they are completely out of their depth.  Anti-Gravity Propulsion, the stuff UFO's are supposedly equipped with which allows them to whiz around the Universe.  C.N. Champ believes it's just around the corner before we humans will be able to do the same.  Check some cool photos of objects levitating around this guy's house.   Chelation Therapy, the alternative to coronary by-passes and presumably much cheaper, which makes devotees charge that that is the reason it has been kept under wraps  You may well ask what female orgasm has to do with the Pyrrhonist site. Well it also has an article on limericks ...


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