Red Genocide in German Village

by Austin J. App

This article was first published in April 15, 1970


When US soldiers destroyed the partisan hideout of My Lai, and allegedly killed 109 Vietnamese civilians, Communists from Moscow to Peking - also New York - wailed about American brutality. When further one Vietnamese girl was found to have been raped by a GI, one, not 100.000 as were raped by the Red barbarians in Berlin (see Time, April 1, 1966), they professed numb shock and blind rage.

However these Communists and Morgenthauists - and their fellow travelling liberals - never yet have expressed shock, nor denounced as crimes against humanity the bestial mass raping the Soviet Russians committed in 1945 in Christian Germany.  They have not demanded war-crimes trials for Stalin. Ilya Ehrenberg, and Marshall Zhukov, who all but ordered the rape of German women.

Ilya Ehrenberg, Stalin's propaganda minister of racial and ideological affinity with Theodore N. Kaufman (sterilize all Germans) and Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (starve Germans to death in a goat pasture), kept inflaming the lust and rapine of the Red Army with directives such as this:

Kill. In Germany, nothing is guiltless.  Neither the living nor the yet unborn. ... Crush forever in its den the fascist beast.  Violently break the racial pride of the German women.  Ravish them as booty. Kill, you gallant Red soldiers!

Thus the Stalin- Ehrenberg genocidists, who had already killed cold-bloodily  11.000 commissioned Polish prisoners-of-war, ordered the hot-blooded rape of German women and children and the murder of husbands, fathers, clergymen, who tried to protect them.

And when in My Lai 109 pro-partisan civilians were killed and one woman raped, Izvestia screamed "Barbarism" and, according to Time (Dec.12, 1969) "24 Soviet intellectuals, including Composer Dmitri Shostakovich and Nobel Physicist Nikolai Semenov" in  " singular shrill"  tones, screeched: "The US military followed in the tracks of the Nazi criminals".

The hypocrites!  The fortunate truth is that neither the American nor the German military followed in the tracks of the Soviet-Russia military!  Compared to these looting, raping, murdering barbarians, both the Americans and the Germans were and are gentlemen.  To compare My Lai or the Fall of Paris with Katyn or the Rape of Berlin is perversion  -  it is the sort of dishonesty which only Satan, Bolsheviks, and American liberals are capable of!

The Russian armies were not always thus.  Under the Christian, if autocratic Czars, from the Napoleonic war to World War I, they could, in chivalry and decency, compare favourably with the Austrian, French, Prussian, and British armies.  But under their twenty-five years of atheistic Communism they were perverted into the most bestial mass rapists in European history.  That is the advance to barbarism Communism everywhere  -  whether in Russia or China  -  generates!

Here is how the first contingent to reach a German village carried out Ilya Ehrenberg's directive (1).

In October, 1944, Soviet-Russian troops for the first time were able to push into German territory  -  the village of Nemmersdorf in East Prussia.  Their atrocities were a grim sample of the terror and brutality that awaited Eastern Germany at the hands of Roosevelt's atheistic lend-lease pals.

Actually in Nemmersdorf, the Red genocidists killed everybody, just as at Katyn, so as not to be embarrassed by surviving eye-witnesses.  Even when they raped, they ended by killing.  We know what happened in Nemmersdorf only because the German army drove the Reds out again before the dead and mutilated civilians had been removed.  The eye-witnesses we have are after the event, they tell us what they found after Ehrenberg's "gallant heroes" had come and gone.  

One such testified on July 5, 1946, before an American tribunal in Neu-Ulm.  He was the former chief of staff of the East Prussian Fourth Army, Major General Dethleffsen. He said:

When in October, 1944, Russian units temporarily entered Nemmersdorf, they tortured the civilians, specifically they nailed them to barn doors, and then shot them.  A large number of women were raped and then shot.  During this massacre, the Russian soldiers also shot some fifty French prisoners of war.  Within forty-eight hours the Germans re-occupied the area.

Another, a first lieutenant of the reserves, Dr. H. Amberger, chief of a counter-attacking parachute company, declared under oath:

The rumours regarding Russian massacre of civilians I saw fully confirmed.  On the road through Nemmersdorf, near the bridge over the brook Angerapp, I saw where a whole trek of refugees had been simply roller over by Russian tanks;  not only the wagons and teams, but a goodly number of civilians, mostly women and children had been squashed flat by the tanks.  At the edge of the road and in the farm yards lay quantities of corpses of civilians who apparently had not been killed in battle but murdered systematically.

At the edge of a street an old woman sat hunched up, killed by a bullet in the neck.  Near her lay a baby, killed by a shot at close range through the forehead.   A number of men, with no other marks of fatal wounds, had been killed by blows in the face with shovels or gun butts;  their faces were completely bashed in.  At lest one was nailed to a barn door.

Not only in Nemmersdorf itself but also in the nearby places between Angerapp and Rominten, when they were cleared by German counter-attacks, similar cases were noted [of people nailed to doors].   Neither in Nemmersdorf nor in the other villages did I find a single living German civilian, despite the fact that the Russian invasion was so much of a surprise that no appreciable number of civilians could have fled ...

From Koenigsberg, the chief of the reserve was sent with his company to Nemmersdorf for clean-up operations.  His report is in the official archives:

In the farmyard near the Gasthaus Weisser Krug stood a rack wagon.  To it, in a cruciform position, were four naked women nailed through their hands.  Behind this Inn, towards Gumbinnen, is a square with a monument to the Unknown Soldier.  Beyond it is another large Inn, Roter Krug.  Near it, parallel with the road, was a hey barn.  To each of its two doors a woman was nailed through the hands, dead, in a crucified posture.

Then in the dwellings we found seventy two women, including children, and one old man, 74, all dead, nearly all murdered in a bestial manner, except only for a few who had bullet holes in their necks.  Some children in diapers had their heads bashed in.  In one room we found a woman, over 80, sitting on a sofa, half of her head had been sheared off with an axe or a spade.

The reserve officer from Koenigsberg continues his awesome report:

We carried the corpses to the cemetery where they lay three days to await a foreign medical commission.  In the mean time, a nurse from Insterburg came, a native of Nemmersdorf, who looked for her parents.  Among the corpses were her mother, 72, and her father, 74, the only man amongst the dead.  She also established that all the dead were from Nemmersdorf.

On the fourth day the bodies were buried in two graves.  Only on the following day did the medical commission arrived, and the tombs had to be re-opened.  Barn doors were set on blocks on which to lay the bodies so that the commission could examine them.  This foreign commission unanimously established that all the women, as well as the girls from eight to twelve years, had been raped.  Not even the woman 84 years old had been spared.

After the examination by the commission, the bodies were again buried.

This is how Ilya Ehrenberg's "crusaders" carried on when they got into Christian Germany!  They did not just shoot civilians down, as were reported to have been done a My Lai.  No, they beat them and then shot them, they clubbed them, and axed them.  Not only that, they stripped women naked, then nailed them, literally, alive through the hands to barn doors!  And they raped all the women, till they were dead.  And not only women, little girls eight years old!  All of them!  That is the sort of beasts or Rooseveltian Unconditional Surrenderists, our Morgenthauists, lend-leased into Christian Germany.

Not only that.  They did not want the war to end until the Red barbarians had a crack at a maximum of German women and girls.  They required of Eisenhower that they absolutely not accept any German surrender that might protect the German population from the Soviet Russians.  They rather prolonged the war by six months and had thousands of Americans killed.  And more than that, they required Eisenhower to order General Patton and our men by no means to deprive the Ilya Ehrenberg beasts of getting into Berlin first  -  so Marshal Zhukov could give &quoot;full liberty for the Red Army to do as it pleased ..."

May the All Merciful God remember in His wrath that it was not we, the American people,  who wanted the German people castrated, that it was Roosevelt, and Morgenthau, and Theodore Kaufman!  And it was not our soldiers who mass raped the German women, it was the Soviet-Russian hordes, commanded by atheistic Stalin, and incited to rape by his propaganda minister Ilya Ehrenberg! 


May the All-knowing King of Heaven and Earth recollect that it is the self same Communists, leftists, and Morgenthauists, who keep harping on, and exaggerating German crimes, who now blow up the My Lai episode into a monster atrocity, but who passed over "in charity" the thirty times greater Hue atrocities of the Vietcong, and whose Morgenthauism and Unconditional Surrenderism gave the Soviet-Russians pretext and justification for the worse orgy of rape and genocide in European history.

May the All-just Father in heaven not blame us, the American people, but our betrayers and traducers, not General Macarthur, Charles Lindberg, Senator Robert Taft, Herbert Hoover, Senator Joseph McCarthy, Father Coughlin, but Harry Dexter White, Alger Hiss, Harry Morgenthau, Jr., Bernard Baruch and Franklin Delano Roosevelt!

When the spirit of the Morgenthau plan was implemented by Ilya Ehrenberg's  Red hordes upon their first invasion of Germany, the result was total atrocity. The Captain of the German Reserves, Herminghaus, reported:

When the German troops re-occupied Nemmersdorf, a frightful scene greeted them.  This, for the first time, showed the German people what everyone had to expect who fell into the hands of the Red Army.  All the women surprised in the village, including several nuns, had been herded together, then abused and raped.  They were cut up bestially, and stabbed to death or shot.

This surpassed in barbarism anything the German Wehrmacht had so far experienced in any of its far flung battle areas.  The Army immediately invited the neutral press.  Reporters from Switzerland and Sweden, also Spaniards and Frenchmen, came to witness the frightful scene.

In one culvert, women with their children and also old men had hidden themselves.  When the Red soldiers discovered them, they shot into them with machineguns, and then threw hand grenades on them.  In Nemmersdorf 60, in the Schulzenwalde area 95 murdered victims were found.

In the whole area, only one German survived, a woman, Frau Grimm of the Schroederhof, half a kilometre from Nemmersdorf.  By what chance she did is itself proof of the total genocide that Ehrenberg's soldiery was intent upon.  Frau Grimm and her husband employed Polish workers, 'Gastarbeit".  When the Reds came, they pulled her husband from his wagon and shot him  -  no charge, no trial, just murdereed him the way the Stalinists had shot 11.000 Polish officers at Katyn!

But Frau Grimm escaped! How?  Her Polish employees threw their Polish shawls about her and the Russians treated her as Polish like themselves.  For twenty four hours she remained thus disguised.  Then, with their help, she buried her husband in the garden - and fled westward, away from the Communists brutes Roosevelt was lend-leasing into Christian Europe.

In that Soviet-Russian advance into Germany  -  all the way into Berlin, which Eisenhower insisted on letting the Soviets take, not us Americans  -  at least a million German women and girls were raped, thousands murdered.  In Berlin alone, without the slightest protest from Crusader Eisenhower and his Morgenthau bosses, some 100.000 are estimated to have been raped.  But the Red barbarians did not only loot and burn and rape.  They also murdered, often in the most bestial ways.

From Eastern Germany, now called the Oder-Neisse lands, they drove out and totally robbed its 9.575.000 inhabitants, there since long before Columbus discovered America.  And they did not only drive out these native German peoples and rape their women, they also did 2.111.000 of them to death!  And now these phoney humanitarians who profess shock at My Lai want to annex those lands, do not even now want to return them to the surviving Expellees and rightful owners.

May the Just and Almighty God not blame us, the American people, for these genocidic rapes, murders and expulsions.  May He keep in mind that it was the atheistic Communists who committed these crimes against humanity, and that only a small clique of American Morgenthauists encouraged and applauded them.  And may He note that the characters and power politicians who would ratify those rapes, murders and expulsions by rewarding the perpetrators with the Oder- Neise lands are not true Americans, not Atlantic Charter Americans, nor honest Christians, that they are rather thieves and murderers at heart, and traitors to the American ideals of self-determination and justice.

But may God and his crucified Son  -  crucified by the same ideologists who nailed the Christian women of Nemmersdorf to barn doors  -  find the American people as a whole not guilty, but worthy of His Beatitude:

"Blessed are they that hunger and thirst for justice, for they shall be satisfied"


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(1)  This account of the Soviet-Russian invasion of the first German village is based on, and largely translated from, the tree page article entitled,  "Nemmersdorf: Ein Dorf wurde ausgerottet - Berichte aus amtlichen Archiven"  (A village exterminated - As reported in Official Archives), published by the Pressedienst der Landsmannschaft Ostpreussen  (January 22, 1970).   Quotations and facts are from the Pressedienst, but editorial comment is by Dr. App.


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