


            王祥知道繼母喜歡吃鯉魚, 有一年的冬天, 天氣很寒冷,冰凍三尺, 王祥為了能夠得到鯉魚便赤身臥在冰上。 他渾身凍得通紅, 仍然臥在冰上禱告求鯉魚。 正在他禱告時, 他右邊的冰突然裂開。 他正準備跳入河中捉鯉魚的時候,忽然從冰縫中跳出了兩條活蹦亂跳的鯉魚。 他高興極了, 立即把鯉魚帶回家中煮給繼母吃。 自從這件事後, 繼母對王祥越來越好了。

                我覺得王祥很孝順,就算不是他的親生母親,他仍然非常孝順。 我以後也會學王祥一樣更加孝順父母

            The Train

Here comes the train. Here comes the train.

Like a snake running on wheels.

Where is it going? Where is it going?

Beside the district, next to the fields.

Here comes the train. Here comes the train.

Like a cloud clean and bright.

What does it carry? What does it carry?

Passengers, from morning till night.

Here comes the train. Here comes the train.

Like a dog with a long tail.

What does it bring? What does it bring?

Pigs, cows and chicken to the market for sale.


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