

        他不但用功讀書,而且也肯聰明,父親教他的字,他都牢牢記住他曾學過槍和弓 ,所以他對打仗也很熟識當時的皇帝昏庸,所以奸臣秦檜便得到了這個機會,去害岳飛


        我覺得岳飛很偉大,他很想保護了國家,可惜最後都被秦檜害死了他這種精忠保國的精神 ,真值得我們佩服

The Bus

The bus is coming. The bus is coming. Big and bright.

Down the road and up the hill. It stops, goes, turning left and right.

 The bus is coming. The bus is coming. Large windows on all the sides.

Upper deck and lower deck. Where do you sit on your rides?

The bus is coming. The bus is coming.

Get on quick and off we go.

Through the tunnels across the bridges and climbing flyovers high and low.

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