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Gryphon Name Info Given Title Stage Bonded Rider Visit
Zance --- SunRacer Adult Athazir here
Ryaice 1 Fire Heart Kitten Nia here
Halex 2 Ice Storm Adult Yulimo here
Qalinx 3 Rebel Wing Adult Pl'no here


4 Dear Heart Adult Czara here
Odareace 5 Astra Kitten Zvezdana here
Luniraux 6 Blazing Ice Kitten C'bor here
Zusax 7 Alaris Kitten Rouge here
Deidce 8 Summer Storm Adult Elsu here
Baburux 9 Cazador of the Sun Adult Sol here
Mezzanottece 10 Amante of the Moon Adult Luna here
Secchix 11 Warrior of All Adult Fufrer here
Yarice 12 unknown Kitten Naseem here
Ralox 13   Kitten unknown here
Halex 14 Evening Star
Kitten A'cor here
Kajice 15 Morning Star Kitten Vira here
  1. Born from the first recorded clutch at AVK.  Ryaice is daughter of Seialice of Autumn and Gaelix Ice Weilder.  She was hatched into a clutch of blue-grey Gryphons, and ironically, being the only not blue-grey Gryphon hatched that day, was the only one left unbonded.  Although male-female Gryphon-human pairings are unusual, Ryaice has show interest in such a pairing.  Spontaneous and independent, she is full of surprises, and it would take a strong willed partner to handle her.
  2. Halex's origins are unknown.  He appeared one day at AVK and requested to join a fighting wing.  Although skilled in battle against Ants and Rampage Plants, many go out of their way to avoid him on the battle field as he tends to become touchy and emotional.  When not off fighting enemies he is generally found off in a corner by himself staring off into space.  Many Gryphons and humans alike suspect that Halex had been previously bonded, and has lost his rider in battle.  Due to his history, only a very compassionate, caring person would be able to bond Halex, and maybe help soothe his pain.
  3. Qalinx is the only son of a wild Gryphon pairing.  His parents were part of a group of Gryphons that rebelled against the Gryphons of AVK who would accept humans as equals.  By the time he reached maturity, Qalinx had decided that he did want a human rider, and defying his parents, requested to join AVK.  But having grown up in an environment so hostile to humans did make him more judgmental when it came to choosing a bond.  Finding someone he found worthy took several years of observing human behavior and deciding on the traits he wanted in a bond, and another several years finding someone who met his high standards.  Unfortunately for Qalinx, he located the one person he found to be worthy seconds after the human boy had bonded to a newly hatched kitten.   Devastated, Qalinx has been searching for someone with his requite qualities, but has yet to find an adventurous, daring, willing to try anything once, human.
  4. Roesce was born at AVK, and although she did not find her bond at her hatching, retains a knowledge that her life mate is out there somewhere.  In her adolescence, Roesce injured her wing while fighting an Ant Swarm, and her ability to carry passengers in flight never returned.  Because of her damaged wing she took up the job of taking care of the young kittens and their bonds.  Many of the adult Gryphons who she tended when they were young still call her Aunte Roesce.  She is known for her expert advice, and her ability to sympathize with anyone.  When she finds her bond, it will be someone who is able to be tolerant of her disability and is as sympathetic to others plights as she is.
  5. Hatched from the second clutch at Volia-Kaun, her parents are Teaace GoldenRod and Franix Red Thorn, her unusual paterings underneath have made her the center of much admiration from the younger gryphs and scorn from the older, more set in their ways gryphons.  Despite this, Odareace remains confident that her bond will find her.
  6. Born into the shadow of his sister Odareace, Luniraux's also unusual colorings have made him the brunt of several jokes.  Generally he just shrugs them off, confident enough in his colors.  However, on several situations, Odareace has stepped in and stood up for him, this has created a special bond between them that supersedes that of siblings.  
  7. Hatched from the second clutch at Volia-Kaun, his parents are Teaace GoldenRod and Franix Red Thorn, he was first hatched in his clutch, and was disappointed when his bond was not waiting for him.  Zusax seems sure that his bond is not to far away, and has been adgitated since hatching.  Many think he may develop a nervous twitch.
  8. Part of a group of unidentified gryphons who visited Volia-Kaun recently, Deidce sensed the presence of her would be bonder nearby, and having not much better to do, stayed on at AVK to wait for her bond.  Generally kind and forgiving, she does have a hidden temper that has scared many a prospective mate away
  9. The second in command of the newly joined wing.  Baburux is a softer hearted version of Secchix, and although he has a soft spot for humans, his ferocity on the battlefield is unparallel.  Despite his soft side, many avoid him when eating, as he has very poor manners, even for a gryphon.
  10. The only female gryph from the new wing, Mezzanottece is as fierce a fighter as her brother Baburux, and although they share a close bond, Mezzanottece is more likely to go off by herself to make new friends.  Very social as far as gryphons go, she seems to be enjoying the company of humans, and although she doesn't contribute to the stereotype that unbounded gryphs are loners, she has yet to find a human quite suitable for her.
  11. A rebel and a born leader, Secchix is the leader of the newest pride of gryphons to join AVK.  Although not looking for a bond, he has not denied the possibility that a human companion could be beneficial.  He is looking for someone with similar characteristics.
  12. One of the six kittens to be found abandoned in the wilderness near the Aerie, Yarice found her ability to fly early, she fell off the back of the gryphon that was carrying her and found that she could fly as well as the one she was riding.  Yarice has found a love for flying high and fast to the despair of her care givers. She wants a bond who shares her love and will take to the skies with her.
  13. One of the six kittens to be found abandoned in the wilderness near the Aerie, Ralox was nearly left behind when the kittens were found he was cowering in the darkness and only when he gave a pitiful creel did one of the gryphons spot him his dark coloring give him an advantage at night and he spends night time sneaking around the Aerie to him it seems impossible to be constricted by a rider but if he does find one they will have to share his sense of adventure
  14. One of the six kittens to be found abandoned in the wilderness near the Aerie, Helex needed some coaxing to stop ripping the gryphons feathers out he didn't want to let go even when Seialice herself tried to pry him off. He has developed little independence but and will sometimes crawl around the Aerie and then quickly get back out of sight.  He has become very shy but is insistent whenever people ask to tell them that his bond is coming and that he will be strong and confident and that maybe some of that confidence will rub off on him. 
    One of the six kittens to be found abandoned in the wilderness near the Aerie, Kajice is traumatized that everyone will resent her, she needs a reassuring bond to reinstate her confidence in herself and make her feel like she is wanted.



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