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Clutch 1
Seialice of Autumn and Gaelix Ice Weilder
Mating Flight Hatching Story Rider List

A polite but urgent mental call interrupted only a few creatures afternoon.  ~They come~ was the short message directed at the female Gryphons. ~Prepare yourselves~ the message to the bonders.  None other were aware of the urgency.  Quickly the female inhabitants of Volia-Kaun gathered on the treed plateau.  Several dozen pairs of eyes, Gryphon and human alike all turned their attention towards the four quivering eggs.

Around the eggs, a loose semi circle of Gryphons waited expectantly, eyes shifting from eggs to the three human forms standing nearby.

Moments later the first egg cracked roughly, leaving shards scattered as the newly hatched ball of fluff shook its self free.  Seeming unsure of what to do, the light colored female Gryphon stood.  A murmur of concern was heard from the crowd, but all doubts were removed when the next egg was slowly pried open.  The oppositely colored Gryphon duo strode purposefully together towards the three trembling bonders.

Hearing the mental cries of their bonds Brenndel and Caita each kneeled and whispered words of encouragement to their struggling life mates.

One of the on looking females moved forward, herding the new pairs off to the side.

For a few tense moments the glade was silent, all eyes on the still shaking eggs, then just a moment before the silence became unbearable the third eggs broke open, revealing a small, compact bundle of red fur and feathers.

Rising to her feet, the kitten approached Iashan, regarded him curiously and then turned away, maintaining some semblance of dignity while walking away.  Before leaving the grove completely she turned, and regarded the remaining bonder.  Turning away for the last time, she was joined by an adult Gryphon, and hurried out of the grove.

Iashan, stood, all alone, watching as the third kitten left the grove, then moved to approach the final egg.  When no screech of disapproval was raised he dared to move closer, placing his hand inches from the shell.  A split second later a massive beak broke through the egg, almost spearing his hand, snatching it back Iashan attempted to back away, but the loud mental pleas of Sequax, stopped him in his tracks.

Kneeling and caressing the small head of the creature standing in front of him Ia'an's face lit up, and standing, he waited to be escorted from the grove.

Bonders Please Pick Up your Gryphons here:

Ia'an and Sequax
Caita and Jiynce
Brenndel and Ryox

Please Get them up within the week, October 17th is the deadline, as always, if you have any problems getting them up by then, just email me and I'm sure we can work something out.


Ia'an and Sequax
Caita and Jiynce
Brenndel and Ryox

Sent out separately

Sent out separately



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