Junonia, Lexias, Limenitis, Neptis, Pantiporia, Parthenos, Phaedyma, Phalanta, Polyura, Prothoe, PseudergolisNote : ? Hope the Correction of the Scientific name ( more further information of the correct scientific names).

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Junonia almana battana Frhst. South Celebes
Junonia almana javana Fld. West Java
Junonia atlites atlites L. West Java
Junonia erigone gardineri Frhst. South Celebes
Junonia hedonia hedonia L. Ceram
Junonia hedonia intermedia C. & R. Felder South Celebes
Junonia iphita horsfieldi Moore West Java
Junonia orithya minagara Frhst. West Java
Kallima paralekta paralekta Horsfield West Java
Laringa horsfieldii horsfieldii Bsdv. West Java
Lebadea alankara alankara Hrsf. West Java
Lexias aeetes phasiana Btlr. South Celebes
Lexias aeetes phasiana Btlr. South Celebes
Lexias aeropa aeropa L. Ceram
Lexias aeropa aeropa L. Ceram
Lexias dirtea javana Frhst. West Java
Lexias dirtea javana Frhst. West Java
Limenitis lycone lyconides Frhst. South Celebes
Limenitis lymire lymire Hew. South Celebes
Limenitis procris neutra Frhst. West Java
Mynes doubledayi Wall Ceram
Neptis eulimene ? South Celebes
Neptis ida ida Moore South Celebes

Neptis nirvana  ? Fldr.

South Celebes
Pantoporia antara pytheas  Frhst. South Celebes
Pantoporia venilia venilia L. Ceram
Parthenos sylvia brunnea Stdgr. Ceram
Parthenos sylvia salentia Hopffer South Celebes
Phalanta alcippe alcippe Stoll Ceram
Phalanta alcippe celebensis Wall. South Celebes
Phalanta alcippe drepana Frhst. West Java
Phaedyma amphion amphion L. Ceram
Phaedyma columella bataviana Moore West Java
Phaedyma daria albescens Rothschild South Celebes
Polyura athamas attalus Fld. West Java
Polyura cognata cognata Vollenhoven South Celebes
Polyura dehaani dehaani Westw. West Java
Polyura moori javana Röber West Java
Polyura pyrrhus pyrrhus L. Ceram
Polyura schreiber schreiber Godart West Java

Prothoe franckii franckii Godart

West Java
Pseudergolis avesta nimbus Tsukada Buton


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