Amnosia, Apatura, Apaturina, Argynnis, Ariadne, Cethosia, Charaxes, Chersonesia, Cirrochroa, Cupha, Cyrestis Note : ? Hope the Correction or let me know of the Scientific name ( more further correction scientific names).

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Amnosia decora decora F.

West Java
Apatura nakula nakula Moore West Java
Apatura perisatis javana Frhst. West Java

Apaturina erminea erminea Cr.

Argynnis hyperbius javanica Obth. West Java
Ariadne ariadne gedrosia Frhst. South Celebes
Cethosia biblis picta C. & R. Felder South Celebes
Cethosia cydippe cydippe L. Ceram
Cethosia cydippe cydippe L. Ceram
Cethosia myrina sarnada Frhst. South Celebes
Cethosia penthesilea penthesilea Cr. West Java
Charaxes affinis affinis Btl. South Celebes
Charaxes affinis affinis Btl. South Celebes
Charaxes affinis butongensis Tsukada Buton
Charaxes affinis butongensis Tsukada Buton
Charaxes durnfordi Staudinger West Java
Charaxes durnfordi Staudinger West Java
Charaxes eurialus Cr. Ceram
Charaxes nitebis luscius Frhst South Celebes
Chersonesia rahria celebensis Roths. South Celebes
Cirrochroa clagia clagia Godart West Java
Cirrochroa semiramis C. & R. Felder South Celebes
Cirrochroa thule C. & R. Felder South Celebes
Cupha arias celebensis Frhst. South Celebes
Cupha arias celebensis Frhst. South Celebes
Cupha lampetia lampetia L. Ceram
Cupha maeonides maeonides Hew. South Celebes
Cyrestis acilia ceramensis Martin Ceram
Cyrestis lutea lutea Zink. West Java
Cyrestis nivea nivea Zink. West Java
Cyrestis paulinus kransi Jurriaanse & Lindemans South Celebes
Cyrestis paulinus paulinus C. & R. Felder Ceram
Cyrestis strigata strigata C. & R. Felder South Celebes
Cyrestis telamon telamon L. Ceram
Cyrestis thyonneus celebensis Stdgr. South Celebes

Cyrestis thyonneus  thyonneus Cr.

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