
Press to hear music "I Will Always Love You"

Brindle Boxer
1987 - 1998
Axle was one of a kind. A friend that comes only once in a lifetime. He was the most gentle, loving dog I have ever known. His spirit was so wonderful that it still remains here. He is felt everywhere I look as he still seems to watch over us. So many memories...all of them bring a smile. He was the best dog in the whole world. Forever he will be missed.
Laura E. Hill

Cat/Silver Persian
June 1981 - Oct. 1996
She was a queen with a look don't touch unless I come to you first. She was my first pet after moving to Florida from Michigan so she was very special, spoiled, pampered, and loved.
Miss you,
moma dee

Nov. 1995 - Mar. 1995
Baron was a Christmas present from the pound and missed very much by owner, Joelle. We miss you Baron.

Labrador mix
December 1998 - April 1999
Bear was not with us very long but we fell for his loving and playful nature right away. He is greatly missed by the whole family, including his doggy friend, Bert.
Tina and Josh Sanders

March 1986 - June 27, 1998
Beeba was a very much loved, and will always be remembered as the best pet cat I ever had.

Beloved pet of Pandora Stephen-Charlton
Benji was with me for almost 15 years. A very dedicated and loving pet. Not having children, Benji became known as the Granddog of the family. Due to birth complications I had to deliver him. I was holding him when he took his first breath and when he took his last. A casket was made out of my Father's army footlocker. He's the one who gave Benji the nicknames "Pooh Bear" & "Bingo." Benji was a gift sent from heaven and he will always live in my heart.

Jan. 1992 - Sept. 1998
Cat (tabby)
Missed by his very best friend, "Brandon."

1985 - 1998
Afghan Hound
Beloved pet of Mary Ann Quinlan
Black Night was a faithful companion and a very pleasant and loving dog. He had a beautiful disposition and was a very proud Afghan. He loved being around people, always happy to see you when you came home and was the gentlest of dogs. His sudden and unfortunate departure has left a void. He will always be with us in spirit.

Bridgett was with us for over 14 years and is sorely missed by Robert, Mary and Princess (Fox Terrier). Bridgett was a black registered poodle born July 22, 1984 and passed away August 28, 1998.

1990 - 1994
Black Cockapoo Mix
Beloved pet of Bonnie and Mike
You were our "precious little black child." So full of love and so mischevious! Tragically snatched from our lives. We wanted to grow old with you, but it was not to be. I miss you and I will love you forever, my precious little Bridgey girl!

Doberman/Rotweiler mix
1988 - 1998
Owners name: Megan
To my dearest Bubbie. We all miss you honey, your death was so tragic, it was like losing a family member. We miss your walks, your loyalty and most of all your love. You will never be forgotten, you are definately one of a kind. I Love you so much, and I hope one day you will greet me on rainbow bridge to never be apart again..but until then...remember me, and I'll remember you. Miss you.
Mommy, Kyle, Whitey and the rest of your crew

Aug. 1991 - Jan. 1999
Black Labrador
You were so special to us and gave us more love than we have ever known. We will never forget those big, brown eyes. Now they look down on us from Heaven. Good-bye, our sweet Bubby--until we meet again.
Sharon & George

Beloved pet of Sandy Holliday. He was the best Bud anyone could want. He was my best friend...we went everywhere together. He made me laugh and when I was sad he would comfort me. We will be together again. He is in Heaven keeping Grandma company.

Aug.1,1984-June 28,1988
Buddy was an orangish-yellow cat with a striped tail and a white neck. My mother got him for me when he was half grown; I was in the 6th grade. He was slightly wild, but after awhile he came to trust me and only me. By the end of the 9th grade, Buddy was hit by a car. He had a fractured skull and lost one eye. He wanted to live so badly; he hung on for 3 weeks until unforeseeable circumstances took him away. He will "always be on my mind."
Love Forever and Always----SHEILA

German Shephard
Very sadly missed by Jan Warsaw
My youngest son wanted a puppy and that was the name he chose. Bu ended up living with me for 15 years and saw me through many hardships. He was the best friend I ever had and when I had to have him put down, I thought my world had finally shattered for the last time.

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