
Press to hear music "I Will Always Love You"

German Shepard
Owned by Ronli Nissim
"Well m'lady, I finally found a place for you. I don't know where you are, but wherever it is, just know I didn't, and will never forget you. I love you m'lady.

April 1979 - 1993
There will never be another one like her. She was so kind and gentle and loved to run. We will never forget her.
Barbara McKinsey

Gordon Setter
Beloved pet of Steve Hoke

lucky LUCKY
Bernbrite Evening Star "Lucky"
October 28, 1987 - March 20, 2000
You meant so much to me, being a part of my life. I miss you a lot and will never forget you ever. I know there are lots of tears right now, maybe only a cup, but in comparison, you gave me an ocean full of joy for twelve and a half years of the life we once enjoyed together.
Love, Ell

1985 - 1998
My lovable, sweet dog who listened to my stories and sat by my bedside when I was ill.
Kristina Michele Willenbucher

Although I do not print long memorials, I am making this exception hoping as Max's owners do, this tragic story can save the lives of innocent puppies. Please remember, puppies are not born with the knowledge of hazards like swimming pools, cars, electric cords, etc. It is out responsibility as their masters to care for them just as we do our children.
max MAX
Fellow pet owners, For more than a month we were looking for a puppy and a few days before Christmas we found Max. On Christmas Eve we lost him.
Max came to us from a shelter. He was sick, but he didn't have to die. I'm writing this because I hope some small good can come out of this senseless tragedy. Weak and thin when we got him, Max quickly developed a high fever and quit eating. Though never officially diagnosed, our vet suspected distemper brought on by a dual function vaccine often used by shelters who need to keep costs down. We were caring for Max with multiple antibiotics, doses of puppy formula and human baby food and he seemed to be rapidly improving, with a renewed appetite and plenty of energy. At about noon on Christmas Eve 2000, Max had an accident on the carpet, as puppies often do. The day was bright and sunny and, in my anxiousness to clean up the mess before it left a stain, I left Max standing outside the back door, which led to a fenced in yard, while I cleaned up. I wasn't angry, I wasn't annoyed, I just set him outside, never dreaming it would be the last time I saw his sweet little face. He was only supposed to be alone for a minute, but one minute turned into 10, as Christmas cookies came out of the oven. When I went outside I found our precious puppy dead, drowned in the family pool. All our efforts to revive him (both my husband and I attempted CPR) were in vain. In our frequent outdoor visits in the all too brief time we had Max, he had never shown ANY interest in the pool, so, when I put him outside that day, I actually believed he was safer than he would have been in the house, where we were always on the lookout for hazards such as eating carpet cleaner, chewing on electrical cords and chasing the cats. I knew he was probably too small to get himself out of the pool on his own we had plans to teach him to swim in the summer but I just never thought he'd fall in the first place. Not when it was cold, not when I was right there, not when he was only going to be out for a minute. I have gone over the sequence of events endlessly in my head. The "what ifs" continue to prompt nightmares and crying jags. If just one person learns from my mistake, at least Max's death would not have been vain. Puppies, and even older dogs unfamiliar with a particular pool should never, not even for a minute, be left unattended around a swimming pool. Max never made a sound. I had no warning. Taking into consideration the icy water temperature and his weakened condition, our vet thinks it was probably over in two minutes, probably less. As we have so painfully learned: There are no second chances. It's too late for Max, but hopefully another puppy won�t have to learn the same hard lesson we did.
You weren't what we were looking for, but it took only seconds for you to steal our hearts. How could something so small make such a large and immediate impact on our lives? So smart, so easy to get along with, so eager to be called "a good dog," so anxious to be part of the family. How could we resist? Innocent, sweet and loving, you didn't deserve to die. Your past had been so hard � we thought we were saving you, never anticipating the tragic accident that stole you from our family. So many "what ifs?," so much grief, so many tears shed. Though your time was short, please know you will never be forgotten and always be loved. Sweet, wonderful Max, our Christmas angel.
With love and many regrets for what could have been from your "Mom" and "Dad," Mark and Susan Williams, Norman, Okla.

? - 1999
Megan aka Smiley came to me in the spring of 1993 as an adult dog from the Humane Society. She will always be Smiley, always greeted people with her lips curled up and tail wagging. She was a CGC and Therapy Dog. So I know she be waiting for me with a big smile.
Joan Fiser

1981 - 1995
Mindy means Little Love, and she was. She was so special. She went camping with Mom and Daddy and slept with us and saw 14 grandchildren born. We love you Mindy, so very much. Now I know your Daddy is with you up there in Heaven. Love, Mom
Bob and Karen Power

1986 - Sept. 20, 1999
MamaKitty is the "one" that stole my heart. A Lady like no other, she is the reason I feel in love with cats. We miss you every day, Mama.
With our love,
Jo & The Furry Babies

English Springer Spaniel
Owned by Tom and Kim Cooper
Max was a great dog and loved children!

? - August 15, 2002
Owned by Charlotte
I will always remember you, Misty, but you'll never really die because you stay in my heart forever. You were nearly killed. Nearly left by the side of a railway line as a kitten. But me and my family looked after you for the two years you had left to survive. You left us at such a young age - you lived long enough to teach us to always treasure our friends and family, and enjoy the time that we are all here alive. But you never truly die. You will always stay with me in my memories eternally.

1980 - 1993
Our first baby. Sadly missed by the Burket family

Nov. 25, 1995 - Sept. 14, 1998
Molly was my baby, a beautiful little shihtzu that was taken to Rainbow Bridge at a very young age...I can still see your beautiful big brown loving eyes Molly..I miss you dearly sweetie. Your were the sunshine of my life, the special one that comes along once in a life time..I will always love you. Until we meet again...Love Mommie
Leslie Adams

Mr Magoo was a Shar pei, nickname gooey . He came to us from our son who passed away when only 33. Although we raised him from a pup, he was my sons companion then became mine. No finer friend and companion could one ask for. I only hope I am the kind of person gooey thought I was for I know he was the kind of friend and companion every one should have. I loved him and will always carry him in my heart.

Muffen was my best friend. He always knew how to cheer me up. I will always remember him. There will never be another cat like him.

Miniature Schnauzer
Our very special angel.
Sadly missed by Maureen Costello

Munchkin was a Japanese Chin who we had since she was 1 year old. She passed away at age 14. Toni, Doug and Christie miss her dearly and will always love her.

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