
Press to hear music "I Will Always Love You"

Our sweet precious girl.
Maureen Costello

March 1987 - Jan. 1999
Scooter, there is not a day that goes by we don't think of you. We will always love you and never forget you. Thanks for spending 12 glorious years with us. You were so special to us, and we miss you so much.
Mom and Dad McCoy

Dog/mixed breed
To my faithful, loving companion who was always by my side: And so, your life slipped out of mine On a quiet spring like day But I knew that a part of you Was always here to stay.
Scruff, I will miss you always and will never forget you! Will see you at the Rainbow Bridge.
Your Mom & best friend!

May 1981 - Jan. 1999
She was my mutt of black lab/pit bull mix but she was also my best friend and true to her name, my shadow. I miss you Shadow like there is no tomorrow. Forever in my heart old girl.
Love, Jaie

Oct. 16, 1994 - February 18, 1997
German Shepard
Shawneee was a wonderful pet, but most of all she was the best friend in the whole world. She was a very unique dog. She was always there when I needed her and she always knew how to make me laugh. She was pure black, her nickname was black devil. I will never forget her, she was just a pup when we lost her. She is missed dearly and none of us will ever forget her.
The Barber's...Stan, Monica, Dawn, Trish and Carolyn

Afghan Hound
12/12/98 - 4/22/99
Sheeba was a "rescued" Afghan. I adopted her with her special pillow and she is now laying on it forever. I guess when she meets me at the bridge that pillow will be there too.
Joan Fiser
**I personally know Joan and would like to add the following** "I know Sheeba, as well as the rest of the dogs Joan rescues, live out their final days in happiness and peace. She is the "best" friend an animal can have!"

1980 - 1995
Shetland Sheepdog
Sherry came to me at 2 yrs. of age and in deplorable condition. She only weighed 8 lbs, had her bark removed and was terrified of everything. The poor dear had spent her whole life in a crate. I worked with her and she became the sweetest, most loyal friend one could ask for. Very sadly missed!

Dog/mixed breed
June 1995 - Aug. 1999
Shilow will be sadly missed. She belonged to Amber and they were best friends. Shilow would acually get up on her hind legs, and you would see them walk "Hand in Hand" along the street. That sight, and Shilow, will be missed for a very long time. Now she's walking "Hand in Hand" with the angels. We Love You Shilow.

Sadly missed by Nana

Nov. 1981 - June 9, 1998
He was a very sweet little guy all his life. We cared and protected him very carefully, for we found him when he was 2 years old. He had been abused, so I held him all the time until he felt safe. God sent him to me. His poor body had cancer and it was giving up on him so I had to put him to sleep. It was the hardest thing I ever had to do, but I held him through it all. I was there when he passed from illness and death to health and life. I will cherish that and my memories of him. From the bottom of my heart, I LOVE YOU SKIP!

She was a 1 year old, white and gray, and a great cat. When I called her, she would come. She would get on the table and my Dad would yell at her. Skipper had 1 litter of kittens. After she was done feeding the kittens she died. A dog killed her. She was a great cat for sure.

Cat-Russian Blue mix
Owners: Judy & Gary Nelson
and Himalayan friend "Tupper"
Smokey was definately a one person cat.

1994 - 1999
Smokey Joe was a part of our family and in our hearts he will never leave us. He was a blessing to our lives and brought so many wonderful memories and a lot of joy and happiness. May he have all the joy and happiness of heaven. Gone but never forgotten. We will miss you,Smokey Joe, we love you always.
Kelly Smith & family

Owners: Savannah and Kate
Smokey was a gentle hampster. He never bit anyone and was very gentle. My sister,Savannah,10, would pose him in a barbie chair to take a picture and he would stay that way. Smokey brought laughter and love to the family. He is missed and loved dearly.
Max was my baby and my very first pet. When I bought Max he was so gentle. I used to call him Super Fast Max for how fast he ran in his weel. When he was sick I remember him laying in my arms while I slept and while he slept. I put him on a nice cloth to keep him warm and he limped over to my arm and layed his head on my elbow 5 minutes before he passed away. I loved him and he brought laughter,love,and hope to me and my family.

Beloved pet of Angi
Socks was adopted from an animal shelter and shortly thereafter was diagnosed with having distemper. Although this puppy was given tons of TLC, unfortunately it was too late. His poor little soul was tired and on October 27th my little Socks looked at me in a way I will never forget. Although my time with Socks was short and it was the hardest thing I have ever done to sit there and hold him while he died, I wouldn't change a thing. I think God brought us together for a reason and I just thank God for the chance I had to love Socks and be loved by him. So to Socks I say, "I love you with all my heart, you were very special and I will never forget you!" Now I really know what the saying "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" means. I love you Socks.

April 13, 1998 - September7, 1999
Irish Setter
Rescued from his owners at 11 months. The people didn't want him because he could not be house broken. When he came to me he was allowed as much water as he needed. My name for him was Spanky Dank, a play on the word dunk. He would stick his head in the water till his ears would float then with his wet face and dripping ears find the closest person to dry them on. He was given only a couple of months to live and stayed with me for 7 months. In those months I prayed to God to make him well, but my prayers where not answered. God did bless me for letting me know Spanky, this little red dog with a heart of a champion. For this I say, Thank you God. Spanky, I'll see you at the Bridge, I'll have the water Bucket.
Joan Fiser

spanky SPANKY
Feb. 1, 1987 - July 14, 1999
He was the most wonderful thing that ever happened to me, and all I could ask for in a dog. I loved him with all my heart and words could never express how much I miss him. Thank heaven for pets,and this site. Linda Garcia

May 15, 1991 - November 17, 1998
Sparkie was much loved and is sadly missed. He fought a brave battle with CRF for 3 months. He will always be special to me and his feline mom, Shiloh, and we will always love him. Sadly missed by Maureen McCarthy-Hall

Chihuahua mix
Jan 28, 1976 - Nov 7, 1988
Sparky was a very special boy cause he was always there for me whenever I had a bad day, he would always cheer me up. He was my "do everything" dog. We would go for long walks and rides in the car. He would fetch his bowl when he was hungry which was all the time. He was good natured and good with kids and loved everybody. He is missed so much.
Melisa Kelley Flowers

Daushaund/Poodle Mix
Our sweet baby princess
Maureen Costello

? - 1999
Red Heeler
Spike showed up on our porch one night. We had him for about three months before he got sick. We loved him so much. We buried him under the tree in our yard. The four of us stood there in disbelief, my husband, my two boys 4&6, and myself. My youngest said "Mommy I miss Spike will he be back soon?" I told him no that Spike is in Heaven. I looked at him and saw he was crying. I told him not to cry because Spike wasn't sick anymore. His reply was "Mommy, I'm not crying my eyes are dripping." Broke my heart. So I want you to know Spike we loved you very much and you are greatly missed.
Love you
Mom, Dad, Colby & Caleb

The following is an edited version of a story sent to me by Kim in memory of a dog named Spike. There is no breed mentioned or date of birth, but the story tells it all.
Spike was probably about 10 years old and an angel in disguise, an "everybody's" dog who lived on a farm with his owner Katie Gerber. Katie is a woman who goes out of her way to be kind to people less fortunate. Between Katie's love, home baking, and a lot of prayer, there have been a lot of people put back on the right path of life. Along this road with her was Spike, maybe just a black and white dog to some, but to others a "friend." Kim visits one day and sees a man named Leonard, walking alone. She inquires about Spike. Leonard, with tears in his eyes, explains Spike has died and says "I miss him, he used to walk with me." Maybe in the end, Spike was the only companion for a weary old man, but whatever space he filled in our hearts, he will be missed and remembered. Goodbye my friend. If animals make it to heaven, I know you're there, so I'll meet you there if I make it. Love Kim.

Dec 1978 - January 2000
To the beautiful cat that brought such happiness to my sister Melanie and her husband Steve. Mom and dad will see you again someday. Please see Peanut and Sparky and give them a hug for us.
Love Pam, George and Smokee

Oct.,1978 - Jan. 4, 2000
We loved & enjoyed you Spot for 21 years and 12 days. You brought such pleasure into our lives. We miss you so much!!! You will always be in our hearts!!! You were our daughter!
Melanie & Steve Housty

? - 1992
Guinea Pig
Owner - Nikki
Nikki's first pet was a lovable little pig, much more like a dog than a guinea pig! Stimpy, wherever you are, we love you!

Calico Cat
May 1996 - Aug. 1998
Sugar was special because we got her when she was three weeks old. Daddy and I loved you so much. Now I know he has been with you since April 12, 1999.
Bob and Karen Power

Chocolate Lab/Rottweiler
Sadly missed by Teale
Teale received Suzie for her 3rd birthday and told anyone who would listen that Suzie was her sister. She was Teale's best friend. Vinnie, Teale's Dad, came home from long days at work and cooked Suzie supper. Then he would take her for long walks on the beach. She was Vinnie's best friend. Kim, Teale's Mom, had a constant shadow and protector when Vinnie was at work. She was Kim's best friend. Suzie was lost in a freak accident on a camping trip to the NC mountain tops. Suzie, a flat land Florida girl, didn't understand about the dangers of cliffs, and chasing an animal while Vinnie set up camp, she fell hundreds of feet to her untimely end. Vinnie has never been the same. Teal misses her like a lost sister and has devoted her own life to caring for abandoned dogs in Suzie's honor.

Terrier Mix
1979 - 2/2/96
She is sadly missed by her best friend "Snuggles". She loved the outdoors, no matter what the weather.
Burket family

misterTTASHEE (Mister T)
Black and white stray cat
? - 1983
Came into my life all tattered and torn, this little fella was all forlorn. Hungry, scarred and all alone, I wanted so much to give you a home. It took a lot of TLC, before you would come to me. Many years we had together, my special friend you stay in my heart forever. All through my teenage years, I shed so many tears. Through years of abuse I held on tight, Together, I made it through the night. For hours you sat on my knee, listening to how hard life could be, purring away, giving me hope, you really did help me to cope. I was nineteen when you left, Mister T you were the very best. Thank you- without you in my life, I would never have survived.
Alison Dunkley

crossTENPIN and

Black Labradors
Both strays entered our lives and hearts and took a piece of our hearts to heaven. Two boys, found two years apart, yet determined to protect us and our children. Played, cuddled, made us laugh, let us cry on their fur, chewed our favorite things, but it was a small sacrifice for their love and loyalty. Although both dogs were dumped, left to starve or worse, they were the best companions to keep us company and grow with our children. Both lost within a year of each other. Two crosses in our yard under the blue spruce in the shade right by the holes they dug to keep cool in the summer.
Erin adds a very special memorial: "Tenpin and Blackjack were very good dogs. When Tenpin ran away and I called him, he would come right back. They were the best dogs ever!
The best pals of Duke, Jill, Cara, Erin, and Tyler Lynn

Miniature Dachshund
May 1992 - June1996
Sadly missed by Shannon Stover

Wolf/Malamute/German Shepard
March 1992 - Dec. 1994
He was the the best dog I've ever had..he was willing to die for me.......when we were away on trips he took care of the other animals....there will never be a good dog like Thor ever again.
Lori Ford

Silver Toy Poodle
July, 1986 - June, 1999
Tootie was the sweetest little dog and was always ready to play even when she was getting old and slowing down. Tootie was with me since she was weaned. Just a little ball of fur. I loved her so much. I am retired and was so blessed to have her with me all those years.
Nell - Rogers, AR.

1980 - 1998
Forever a "kitten." My shy little lap buddy, no one saw her but me!
Missed by Pam

9/17/81 - 7/28/92
Tribbles was a very loyal friend who gave us a lot of joy. We miss her very much.
Bob & Jan Adam

Aug. 3, 1994 - Oct. 22, 1996
Tyger was my orange and white tabby cat. "We miss you Tyger."

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