In early 2004, three friends set out on an adventure of their lives...

Deep in heart of India:  New Delhi, these three students risked all they     had, all their energies..
their entire worth for a trip across the border. A trip from Delhi to     
Lahore. With obtuse officials, ambigious laws, political instabilty,         shallow pockets and indeed term papers and  exams hurdling their path, a simple quest to watch India play Pakistan in a cricket series          postponed for over 14 years - became an obsession, a quest, a mantra. It became a battle of wits, of perserverence and of screwing the system. It was also a quest to witness the once cultural capital of South Asia:

This journey must go down as one of the most exhilirating experiences      of all travelogues, of all journeys of men. From camping at the Pakistan High Commission to staying over night in the denozans that is Old Delhi Train Station, to being locked in a train, the notorious 'Train to Pakistan', suffering a journey of 26 hours over a space land no longer than Paris/ witnessing of the most impressive cricket series ever...
           a celebration of history....witnessing history itself....

...... to Lahore.......




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