Ushio to Tora � The Pictorial Book of Ushio to Tora : Zensyuu Daizuhan � Shinrabanshou (2)
Order No : ISBN-09-179292-8
Publisher : Shounen Sunday Comics
Release Date : 1997
Price : Y2000
This is the second of the 2 artbooks, published by Shounen Sunday. It came with a hardcover and 216 (along with a fold-out poster). Unlike the first artbook, this one contains only a few illustration. This one is not a �real� artbook, but more a register of the character and the story. It contains character introduction, character analysis, information about the merchandise of Ushio & Tora (some funny stuff), the Manga (the regular ones and the Gaiden Manga) and the Anime and there is � like in the first artbook � an interview of Kazuhiro Fujita as well. As a bonus, you'll find a few stickers at the end of the book.

This artbook might not be very useful for anyone who doesnt speak or understands a word of Japanese. But for everyone who does, this book might be very interesting. It has some nice information (especially about Tora � his character, his, past his battle technique. There is also a chapter called >Tora and the women<�^-^) about all the characters (even the ones of the Gaiden Manga!) and the story. I�m a little bit disappointed about this book. I was hoping to find all the illustrations, which you can find in the Manga, that couldn�t find its way into the first artbook. Some cell painting and character sheets also would have been nice. But you can�t have anything, unfortunately� So, for anyone who doesn�t speak Japanese, I cannot recommend this artbook, because it would be useless then.
Azafuse no Sekai
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