The Azawakh is a desert hunter,
companion and guardian. He is a fiercely loyal and devoted friend. He is
often not overly demonstrative of his affections especially towards those
outside of his family. He should be stable enough of temperament to encounter
both children and adults with general nonchalance. Humans that he sees
as a threat he should meet with a great heart and boldness. He should never
be shy nor aggressive, unless threatened, but rather self assured.
The Azawakh is adaptable enough
to live in a number of situations from city apartment to country estate.
With appropriate physical and mental conditioning he is suitable for all
venues. He does not require a great deal of exercise, nor is he generally
oversealous as their physique might suggest. He can be maintained with
brisk daily walks (or better yet jogs) on the lead and playing in fenced
yards. He should be allowed to at least occasionally run in a large safe
In the home, the Azawakh generally
spends the day relaxing on the sofa or bed. They enjoy naps in the sun
when weather permits be it inside in front of a window or outside on the
grass or blanket. If deprived of necessary exercise, he may turn your living
room into an indoor gym. Indoors they are not known for destructive tendencies,
unless they are deprived of attention, be it emotional, physical or mental.
Outdoors they tend to dig. Expect this and be prepared to provide an area
for him to dig. Or, enjoy your gardens until his arrival and then be prepared
with a shovel to fill the potentially massive trenches.
The Azawakh is often quite sensitive
by nature and care should be taken that those who encounter him will not
be overly stern with him. He should be treated with kindness and firmness,
but never should he be treated savagely. Wrong treatment of an Azawakh
will result in a dog that is fearful and timid, or possibly dangerous.
The Azawakh should be socialized
extensively his entire life. This is especially important when he is a
puppy. He should be provided with a good impression of being in public with
new people and animals in a variety of situations. A beginning puppy obedience
class with an experienced instructor is advised. Here the young Azawakh
will learn the most basic of commands (sit, come, off, etc) as well as
gain invaluable time with new people and dogs. Later in life, good places
to visit are dog parks and playgroups, more advanced obedience, agility,
flyball classes, dog shows, lure coursing, and even shopping.
The Azawakh should be fed a high
quality food. Most enjoy extras such as fresh raw fruits and vegetables
and some meats and bones. We recommend and support vaccinating against
all communicable canine diseases including rabies
The Azawakh has unfairly gained a reputation of being difficult to manage and surrounded by a shroud of mystery. He is actually an animal that is easily maintained by a responsible and dedicated owner. He is a lifetime commitment -- not one to be traded off or given away when he enters his more mature years. He should be admired and celebrated for his dignity, nobility, and beauty. He is an exotic and phenominal animal who should be provided with every opportunity to be by your side, as it is where he is happiest.
You should be prepared to provide him with a lifelong home and the best of care for the entire extent of his life. If you prove yourself worthy, you will be provided with his lifelong devotion and companionship and one of the best friends of your life.
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