This pagie is dedicated to all my friends in HK or Melb... and all that are somewhere else in this universe... Just want to say a big big big thank you to you all... thank you for making me the Christine that I am today... Without you all, everything will never be the same ga la...

?? H K? F R I E N D S??

Janet Maggie Sammy Gigi Connie Eelyn... and anyone else I missed...?Missing you all heaps~!!!!! Miss the times I spent with yous, even when we were in class or in tutoring groups... *sigh* Never thought I'd leave yous so soon ne =~( I'd have taken yous with me if I could ga~! ^^" I'll never ever forget yous ga~~ All the pressies yous gave me before I left are still sitting in my room here ^^ Come to Melb and visit me la if you can` Keep in touch~!! Luv ya all~~~~~~

?? M E L B? F R I E N D S??

Came to Melb in 1997, got to know some caring friends ne~ Some of you I know personally, others I got to know on the net or through other friends... Some of you I always get to see (in ct...? =? and others not that often... To every single one of you.. 10q sai~!! =) All those fun times we've had together... and all those times when we couldn't find one single thing to do in this place... If it wasn't for you I'd be bored to death ages ago lu ^^" All of yous I'll never forget in my entire lifetime~! See yous around~!!! ^^

?? N E T? F R I E N D S??

Netto friends... Most of them I know personally or have met ga la~ It's great to know all you net friends ne~ It's amazing what great listeners and how caring net friends can be... It's a privilege to be able to babble on and on about anything or to reach deep down to the truest feelings with you guys la... 10q for sharing the good times and helping me out through all the hard times... Yous will always me important to me, even if I know that I'll never ever get to meet some of you... I dunno what I'll do if I can never ever go on the net again ga la...

?? F A M I L Y??

Talking about family.. of course this is not the real one la` In this family of 15... At last I can get away with being the youngest la~!! ^^v Big warm hugz to all my "family members". Without you I'll be still an orphan~! =?#060;/font>

Alex <- Since he emphasized he's so much M O R E mature than me even though he's only 27 days older than me, I called him dad la~ Alex is always dressed in a "hawaii" style ga... ekekek.. Alex you know what I mean ga la... ^^" Aii... used to always see you at Chinese school every Sunday... but now you finished year 12 Chinese la you smartie~!! Dunt get to see you often nemore la... Find some time to come out on Saturdays la~~~

Ben <- Dunno why I called him mum in the first place... Maybe it's because he always calls me baby gwa~ Got to know him through Joe la... He used to always promise me to come out but then never did... so after that he never promised me anything again la.. Don't want to disappoint me wor~ lolz * Haven't seen him online too often these days la.. His ICQ always get deleted geh` Dunno what he's up to leh?

Raymond <- My daai lo~!!! Ekekek... Dunt woli I'm not into triads stuff... But yeah I call him daai lo lor ^^" Often see him in the ct la... (wagging...~???~ @-@) My daai lo is really nice ga ^^ Really nice to my ah so too ^^ Sometimes see them two in the ct... Looks like they're stuck together... So sweet~~~

Zhi <- Ah goh #1~ Zhi is the eldest out of all my kai gohs la~ Actually I've known him for more than a year now... Got to know him on the net.. he goes to my old school ga~ See him around quite often these days (sorry ah goh couldn't recognize you at first... I know who you are now ga la ^^"), but we never really talked in person... Ah goh next time come say hi la ^^

Joe <- This ah goh is good friends with Alex la... Everyone always try getting Joe to come out because he just never ever does even though he promises he will every single time~ No one can be bothered blaming him for not coming out nemore coz we knew before we asked him that he won't be out... ^^" It's the same excuses every time la~ "not feeling well"... "can't be bothered"... "don't want to tram out by himself"... "no mood"... and "S H Y" wor~ His excuses do make him sound shy yea? Wellwell actually he's really nice ga` Quite talkative and certainly not as shy as he said he is~!!

Ronald <- City hanger~!! I see this ah goh nearly every time I go out to ct ga... This guy doesn't talk much at all on the net or on the fone... (especially if he doesn't know you too well...) but can babble on for a lil while in person la` Okok here comes all the "famous words and phrases" that Ronald says most on the net... "Hrmmz" "hai meh?" "hai ah?" "hai wor" "lolz" "haha" "hehe" "ekeke" "aha"... See how talkative this guy is~???~ Ekeke... ok I'll stop now... ^^"

Derrick <- Here comes Deriku the skatie.. This kai goh is such a brain (like Clinton)... that smartie doesn't need to study for his exams and can still get good marks~!! Deriku's famous phrase: "skaties dunt need gf" lolz * Let's see how long that'll apply for... =?I got a pic of Derrick ga... it's on my other hp too... but dunno why he doesn't let me put it up on this one la... oh wellz if he say so la~ Derrick now don't say that I never listen to you`!!!

Eric <- Haven't known him for long la` His number popped up my ICQ list... My goh goh is really nice to talk to ga~ Goes to BHHS geh~ Once he calls you ah mui he really treats you like an ah mui ga~ so nice ^^ Eric feel better soon la~~ Everyone cares for you ga~ Don't think too much la~~ ^^

Karen <- My eldest ga jeh + ah so~!!! This is the ah so I was talking about earlier on la~~ really kawaii~~~~ ^^ Haven't seen her for a while though... Last time didn't go to aznmelb... otherwise I would have seen her ga la.. aii~~~ Next time la~~ Next time let's go together ^^

Janice <- Here is another ga jeh that I see for 7 hours a day 5 days per week la~ Wellwell I don't call her ga jeh ga~ Usually call her Janice or Janisu lor ^^ Janice can talk for hours and laugh for hours and eat for hours... and can get R E A L L Y hypo too~!! Lolz * Great fun to hang around with~!! Janice... "what's yours is mine and what's mine is mine", right~? =?#060;/font>

Michelle <- My new ga jeh~~ A leng lui lai ga~!! ^^ Haven't known her for long... but she's a sweetie^^ Mishi got a todemo kawaii homepagie ga~!!! go have a look la~ (Umzz... how come I sound like advertising geh...?~?~? ^^") <- go have a visit la~~~

Chien <- My one and only sai lo` Dunno why I call him sai lo when he's two years older than me ^^" Ekeke... Chien is a cutie lai ga~ How sad I'm only his kai jeh #2... Janice~!!! Gimme your place~!!!!! ^^" Aiya Chien is changing his writing... Chien dunt change it~~~ It's kawaii ne~~~~~~ =?#060;/font>

Vanessa <- Wah~~ Cutie Vanessa~!!! Here comes the cutie that lives sooo close to our school~~ Envies ne~~~ Another leng lui` Aii.... envies ne~~!!!!!!! Ekeke... Vanessa I haven't been out with you for ages la... come out la~~ Otherwise I'll be working Mon - Fri during the holidays, won't be able to come out ga la~~

Kristy <- Last but not least~~ My hunni Kristy~!!!! Kristy really nice to me ga~~ Lucky Kristy is still going to Chinese school next year ^^ Otherwise I'll rarely see her ga la... Can't imagine what will happen when I finish Chinese next year... No Chinese school... No Kristy la... ~><~?

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