Photo gallery ^^ Most pplz sent me their pics (10q sai~!! ^^), except for some that are too shy to show face la... ^^"

    Here comes the MCS chicklies^~ Second from the right is Maggie..  

The leng lui on the right is Gigi la` Look like a mix doesn't she? My buddie from HK~!! ^^   

    Yet more MCS chicklies~!! In the middle is Eelyn ^^

Eelyn: second from the left~   

    Connie... the foto taken when she went to Sydney ^^

Okies here comes my friends in Melb... First pic here Janice on the left with Jess ^^   

    Kristy (my hunni!~!) and her friend from school~~

Louise (right) with her sister~~

    Amanda and Jie... ho leng lui leh~? =?amp;nbsp;   





Tara and Becky... what can I say? 2 hot chicklies from Balwyn High~!!    






    Wayne, Charles, Cassie, Miaomiao~~ Take your pose~!! ^~

Annie and Hui.. lub the forever friends and hello kitty ^^   

    Annie on the left and Jie on the right~~ ^^

    Hui, Huy, Sharon, Jie~ Here are the BIG Huy and the small Hui~!!   

    Here comes cutie Vanessa and her brother Benny...    

Wah~~ here comes my dad la~ Alex on the left ^^   

    Alex again~ second from the left`

Sam on right with Charles...   

    Sam with the orangie-blondish hair...

Raymond~ First knew him as "the one from France"... ^^"   

    Raymond on the left~ With Bernard and Kyle..

 Kyle and Tony... Tony was 1 of the 1st pplz I got to know in Aust~   





Zhi -> my first kai gor... yi~? who's the photographer here la~? nice photos~!! ^^   






Zhi on the left... on the right is Bernard... I think ^^"   

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