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  .: Aethereality
  .: Gpetz
  .: Taintedreamz
  .: Sh4dowdemon
  .: Shiokaze Graphics
  .: Magitek Designs
  .: Moonfantasy
  .: Bubbleys
      Website Name Here � Page Name Here


  Q:Can we be Afilliates?
A: Affiliation is by invitation only. Azndarkevildemon currently has a fixed amount of 8 affiliates. I'm not going to open the affiliates form anymore.

Q: Can you host me?
No!, A: I'm not wasting my time for that.

Q: How long does it take you to finish the sites?
A: About 1 day and 5 hours.

Q: Who am I host by?
A: No one lol.

Q: Your layout are so cool, can I copy them?
A: Thank you, But NO, In your dream...You may not copy it.

Q: Is making sites hard work?
A: Yup.

Q: Which program did you make your sites?
A: Paint Shop Pro

Q: Can you make me a custom layout?
A: Maybe, but it will not be free though.

Q: What is your email?
A: [email protected], Go email me if you want.



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