[9:55:40 AM] -> Welcome to StealthBot v2.6 Revision 3, by Stealth. [9:55:40 AM] -> If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [9:55:40 AM] >> StealthBot News [9:55:40 AM] >> --------------------- [9:55:40 AM] >> Battle.net Changes [9:55:40 AM] >> --------------------- [9:55:40 AM] >> Blizzard has made an addition version check system change. [9:55:40 AM] >> [9:55:40 AM] >> There is no way for you to patch this one at the time. [9:55:40 AM] >> I am working on continuing to prepare the 2.7 release, which with [9:55:40 AM] >> some concerted efforts can probably be launched by this weekend. [9:55:40 AM] >> I will do my best. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned to [9:55:40 AM] >> http://www.stealthbot.net for updates. [9:55:42 AM] [BNLS] Connecting... [9:55:42 AM] [BNLS] Connected! [9:55:42 AM] [BNLS] Authorized! [9:55:42 AM] [BNET] Connecting... [9:55:42 AM] [BNET] Connected! [9:55:42 AM] [BNET] Checking version... [9:55:43 AM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [9:55:43 AM] [BNET] Sending login information... [9:55:43 AM] [BNET] Login successful. [9:55:43 AM] [CLAN] You are a Peon in Clan BioL. [9:55:43 AM] [BNET] Logged on as AznistBot. [9:55:43 AM] -- Joined channel: clan biol -- [9:55:43 AM] Welcome to Battle.net! [9:55:43 AM] This server is hosted by AT&T. [9:55:43 AM] There are currently 9820 users playing 490 games of Warcraft III, and 240102 users playing 45657 games on Battle.net. [9:55:43 AM] Last logon: Sun Jun 17 10:05 PM [9:55:43 AM] biol.proboards74.com ---- go take a look at our forums! [9:55:43 AM] -- Stats updated: AznistBot [78ms] is using Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:55:43 AM] Account Created: 6/3/2007, 17:18:45 (Battle.net time) [9:55:43 AM] Last Logon: 6/18/2007, 14:50:23 (Battle.net time) [9:55:43 AM] Last Logoff: 6/18/2007, 04:52:15 (Battle.net time) [9:55:43 AM] Time Logged: 4 days, 16 hours, 53 minutes and 24 seconds [9:56:36 AM] -- bloodyblader76 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [9:56:59 AM] [9:58:39 AM] -- rad1ance- [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:58:39 AM] -- rad1ance- has acquired ops. [9:58:40 AM] Ok [9:58:42 AM] ur cool [9:58:43 AM] man [9:58:43 AM] i am you. [9:58:44 AM] to cool [9:58:54 AM] FUCK U [9:58:55 AM] I am You. [9:59:08 AM] ok u are me cool [9:59:10 AM] Death is coming for u , traitor [9:59:32 AM] Your time is over. [9:59:35 AM] Ok [9:59:38 AM] im crying [9:59:38 AM] Cause i am You. [9:59:41 AM] bloodyblader76 was kicked out of the channel by rad1ance-. [9:59:41 AM] -- bloodyblader76 has left the channel. [9:59:45 AM] -- bloodyblader76 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [9:59:47 AM] bloodyblader76 was kicked out of the channel by rad1ance-. [9:59:47 AM] -- bloodyblader76 has left the channel. [9:59:58 AM] -- bloodyblader76 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:00:01 AM] cause i am you. [10:00:18 AM] Aznistbot knows too. [10:00:20 AM] I am You. [10:00:45 AM] I am going to the Net Cafe. [10:00:49 AM] hf [10:00:49 AM] Be right Back. [10:00:55 AM] -- bloodyblader76 has left the channel. [10:01:17 AM] -- Expert-Owner [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:01:23 AM] Omfg are u a fag [10:01:26 AM] its deff ikon [10:01:38 AM] who the fek are u [10:01:50 AM] Ok dude fuck off [10:01:54 AM] lol it's that noob bloody [10:01:56 AM] wheres chris? [10:01:57 AM] and pro expert [10:01:58 AM] i no lolz [10:01:59 AM] [10:02:03 AM] FUCK U [10:02:08 AM] ... [10:02:13 AM] wheres chris [10:02:16 AM] i need to talk to him [10:02:17 AM] up ur butt [10:02:48 AM] I dont no a chris [10:02:57 AM] feared.mage isnt here anymore? [10:03:02 AM] he died [10:03:04 AM] car accident [10:03:11 AM] yaw right [10:03:14 AM] ? [10:03:16 AM] i checkde his prof 2 mins ago [10:03:19 AM] And? [10:03:20 AM] hes in this clan. [10:03:24 AM] hes dead tho [10:03:32 AM] Nope. [10:03:35 AM] You are dead. [10:03:40 AM] OK faggit [10:03:47 AM] Im dead ! [10:03:51 AM] yes you are. [10:03:52 AM] -- Expert-Owner has left the channel. [10:04:07 AM] time to ip ban/ squelch unless u tell me who u are [10:04:23 AM] aznist [10:04:24 AM] u there? [10:04:43 AM] -- zooFAGous [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:04:57 AM] Ok Dude ikon u have notting better to do [10:04:57 AM] brb [10:04:59 AM] -- rad1ance- has left the channel. [10:05:08 AM] andrew u there? [10:05:27 AM] yea [10:05:30 AM] lol [10:05:32 AM] its gab [10:05:34 AM] -- Em0tastic [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:05:35 AM] YO [10:05:36 AM] IM BACK [10:05:40 AM] BIOL WUTS GOOD [10:05:42 AM] ITS EMOTASTIC [10:05:48 AM] Ya. [10:06:02 AM] Brb lemme get on my real aka [10:06:03 AM] -- Em0tastic has left the channel. [10:06:09 AM] -- zooFAGous has left the channel. [10:06:53 AM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:06:53 AM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [10:06:59 AM] [10:07:19 AM] -- LokD.OwNaGe [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [10:07:19 AM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [10:07:20 AM] sup boy [10:07:21 AM] -- R4d1ance- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:07:22 AM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:07:22 AM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [10:07:24 AM] wtf [10:07:24 AM] lol [10:07:29 AM] YO this guys a faggit [10:07:32 AM] thinks hes funny [10:07:35 AM] ye k [10:07:36 AM] cuz now im ip banning him [10:07:39 AM] -- R4d1ance- has left the channel. [10:07:39 AM] R4d1ance- was banned by RaD1AncE-. [10:07:46 AM] lol [10:07:48 AM] man [10:07:53 AM] lol [10:07:54 AM] I think its ikon [10:07:57 AM] you shoulda heard what i said [10:07:58 AM] lol [10:08:08 AM] wurt? [10:08:12 AM] Aznist who is that? [10:08:16 AM] idk [10:08:22 AM] I think its ikon [10:08:25 AM] he knew my old name [10:09:02 AM] yo , go on aznist and unban me lol [10:09:09 AM] i have to keep freaking him out [10:09:09 AM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [10:09:13 AM] smoked ? [10:09:16 AM] ya its me [10:09:17 AM] lol [10:09:22 AM] -- RaD1AncE- [156ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:09:22 AM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [10:09:27 AM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [10:09:27 AM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [10:09:27 AM] -- Stats updated: Aznist [78ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [10:09:27 AM] dont tell him [10:09:33 AM] to phen i was like talking about me being all glad being starter And me calling the line ups and stuff LOL [10:09:39 AM] -- Germy [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier unknown, unknown icon, in Clan BioL) [10:09:48 AM] Wow aznist [10:09:53 AM] ? [10:09:54 AM] >^^< [10:09:56 AM] the guy who keeps going on those akas [10:09:59 AM] hacked ur accounts [10:10:01 AM] he was on angel [10:10:03 AM] Nick You are supposed to dead. [10:10:09 AM] -- RaDlAncE- [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:10:18 AM] Hey Guys. [10:10:23 AM] ROFL [10:10:25 AM] sup hudat [10:10:32 AM] -- Germy has left the channel. [10:10:39 AM] You are my best buddy. [10:10:40 AM] Aznist [10:10:42 AM] thats so hudat LOL [10:10:47 AM] these ppl haccked ur accounts [10:10:49 AM] those are my phrases [10:10:53 AM] he was on angel [10:11:02 AM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [10:11:03 AM] -- r4d1ance- [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:11:04 AM] i just give like 2 people my pw [10:11:42 AM] Hey Let's Make Clan Rad [10:11:48 AM] where did he gol [10:11:55 AM] where did he go. [10:11:59 AM] [10:12:07 AM] -- r4d1ance- has left the channel. [10:12:13 AM] i think he went to your moms house... [10:12:58 AM] I have designated [pointtoprove] [10:12:59 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [10:12:59 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [10:13:00 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [10:13:00 AM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [10:13:00 AM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [10:13:00 AM] god stupid mom [10:13:07 AM] -- RaDlAncE- has left the channel. [10:13:07 AM] i had to water the plants [10:13:15 AM] lol [10:13:18 AM] :( [10:13:32 AM] -- Mike[P] [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:13:35 AM] ITS MIKE JONES NIGGGA [10:13:42 AM] wow [10:13:45 AM] imMIKEJONES [10:13:45 AM] ._. [10:13:46 AM] ! [10:13:47 AM] ... [10:13:49 AM] rofl [10:13:51 AM] -- Mike[P] has left the channel. [10:13:53 AM] who the fek is taht [10:13:59 AM] -- Mike[P] [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:14:03 AM] hi [10:14:10 AM] Wow wtfek tpd disbanded [10:14:10 AM] nick i saw u were online 2 mins ago [10:14:10 AM] r4d1aNcE- [10:14:11 AM] please. [10:14:14 AM] cmon. [10:14:14 AM] WOW I SHOULD JOIN BIOL [10:14:20 AM] thats not [10:14:22 AM] invite plz asap [10:14:22 AM] ur alrdy in . [10:14:23 AM] oh [10:14:24 AM] yea that is [10:14:25 AM] zoinkz [10:14:27 AM] ya it is [10:14:29 AM] zoinkz always says wtfek [10:14:30 AM] aznist invite me [10:14:30 AM] lol [10:14:35 AM] sup zoinkz [10:14:40 AM] and he said nigggas [10:14:42 AM] No im mike[p] [10:14:42 AM] so its him [10:14:47 AM] how the fuck would i get on his tpd aka? [10:14:48 AM] the [P] thing is my idea [10:14:50 AM] this is me [10:14:52 AM] dont steal it from me [10:14:55 AM] No this is my fukin tpd aka [10:14:59 AM] are u fukin serios [10:15:01 AM] ll!!! [10:15:02 AM] nick cawman [10:15:03 AM] THATS SO ZOINKZ [10:15:06 AM] Serios [10:15:06 AM] LOL [10:15:08 AM] HE CANT SPELL [10:15:10 AM] ya [10:15:10 AM] -- ZOlNKZ [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:15:10 AM] lol [10:15:12 AM] THATS ZOINKZ I KNOW IT [10:15:12 AM] hes back [10:15:13 AM] HARHARHAR [10:15:15 AM] omg! [10:15:15 AM] lolol [10:15:19 AM] Thats ZoLnkz [10:15:20 AM] LOL [10:15:23 AM] Lmfek zoinkz is right there [10:15:23 AM] -- ZOlNKZ has left the channel. [10:15:23 AM] wtf [10:15:30 AM] ya.. [10:15:30 AM] lol [10:15:34 AM] yea that was the real zoinkz [10:15:36 AM] Ownage how would ibe on mikes aka if im zoinkz [10:15:37 AM] ZOLNZ [10:15:47 AM] Dude Team Pandemic is only western clan+euro btw [10:15:51 AM] LAWLS [10:15:52 AM] they never made "TPD" in eastern. [10:15:59 AM] NO HOW DO U THINK THEY PLAYED CAL [10:16:02 AM] damn [10:16:04 AM] he does know [10:16:06 AM] do /profile fachh[P] [10:16:07 AM] ti has to be zoinkz [10:16:08 AM] LOL [10:16:12 AM] I ALREADY KNOW THAT [10:16:15 AM] hey nick do u know who is angel333? he w/ me alot this mornin [10:16:25 AM] LAWLS ITS U [10:16:28 AM] ... [10:16:33 AM] BlacKPeople go to school early in the morning [10:16:35 AM] i asked andrew [10:16:38 AM] rad1ance [10:16:40 AM] and he gave angel33 to deep [10:16:48 AM] but deep isnt even on [10:16:48 AM] Omfg [10:16:50 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [10:16:51 AM] can i join biol [10:16:53 AM] no [10:16:53 AM] stfu [10:16:54 AM] lol [10:16:54 AM] smokde invite me [10:16:58 AM] rad1ance [10:16:59 AM] [10:17:03 AM] seriously zoinkz [10:17:03 AM] FUKIN INVITE ME [10:17:03 AM] go to the net cafe niow [10:17:10 AM] INVITE M [10:17:12 AM] if [10:17:15 AM] you dont say your zoinkz [10:17:16 AM] ill quit dota [10:17:17 AM] SMoked seriouslu plz invite me its zoinkz [10:17:21 AM] -- Aznist [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [10:17:21 AM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [10:17:21 AM] lol [10:17:24 AM] aznist [10:17:25 AM] invite me [10:17:27 AM] its zoinkxz [10:17:31 AM] we know [10:17:34 AM] but were not invitin u [10:17:38 AM] Are u fukin kidding me [10:17:45 AM] ban him. [10:17:45 AM] Some1 fukin invvite me [10:17:46 AM] gogo [10:17:53 AM] ./bantag TpD [10:17:53 AM] Smoked plz ionviet me [10:17:55 AM] ur no fun [10:17:57 AM] tPd* [10:18:00 AM] no [10:18:02 AM] .BAN MIKE[P] [10:18:03 AM] its tp [10:18:07 AM] CMON [10:18:09 AM] scared huh& [10:18:10 AM] ?** [10:18:13 AM] Mike[P] was banned by SMoKeD-PuFF. [10:18:13 AM] -- Mike[P] has left the channel. [10:18:14 AM] WOOPS [10:18:16 AM] LOL [10:18:25 AM] -- Angel333 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [10:18:25 AM] -- Stats updated: Angel333 [78ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [10:18:43 AM] -- LokD.OwNaGe has left the channel. [10:18:51 AM] -- LokD.OwNaGe [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [10:18:53 AM] BOOM headsh0t [10:19:14 AM] smoked designate [10:19:16 AM] pTP [10:19:19 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [10:19:20 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [10:19:20 AM] -- PointToProve has acquired ops. [10:19:20 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [10:19:20 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [10:19:31 AM] -- Aznist [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [10:19:31 AM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [10:19:47 AM] .unbna criss.ange[p] [10:19:57 AM] .unban criss.ange[p] [10:20:04 AM] aw cmon [10:20:14 AM] fuck im not unbannin nick [10:20:33 AM] -- Angel333 has left the channel. [10:20:50 AM] lol do u remember expert owner ? [10:20:58 AM] me? i do [10:21:05 AM] he was on this morning :) [10:21:25 AM] doesnt look like hes in clan any more [10:21:31 AM] yea lol [10:21:53 AM] -- DayjunGenie[P] [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:21:55 AM] -- 001 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [10:21:55 AM] -- Stats updated: 001 [78ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:21:58 AM] .tda [10:21:58 AM] -- 001 has left the channel. [10:21:59 AM] [10:22:02 AM] smoked do .tda [10:22:02 AM] .. [10:22:03 AM] rf [10:22:05 AM] no [10:22:06 AM] more [10:22:06 AM] dude [10:22:07 AM] jokes zoinkz [10:22:10 AM] .tda [10:22:10 AM] just go back on rad1ance [10:22:14 AM] No man im hacking their akas [10:22:16 AM] .tda [10:22:19 AM] kkk [10:22:19 AM] it wont work [10:22:19 AM] stop making stupid akas like the noob this morni [10:22:22 AM] imma go [10:22:23 AM] if you cant join channel [10:22:26 AM] and doesnt say Vouched [10:22:37 AM] Dude i hacked their akas [10:22:39 AM] next are urs [10:22:43 AM] yayaya... [10:22:44 AM] -- Angel333 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [10:22:44 AM] -- Stats updated: Angel333 [63ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [10:22:47 AM] -- LokD.OwNaGe has left the channel. [10:22:51 AM] wow angel33 [10:22:53 AM] u fag [10:22:53 AM] Dude smoked do u no who dayjun is? [10:23:08 AM] Hes 1 of the best players in the world [10:23:10 AM] .tda [10:23:12 AM] .tda [10:23:15 AM] merlini wins. [10:23:21 AM] Lolz but dj is 1 of the best [10:23:22 AM] brb [10:23:26 AM] zusss [10:23:31 AM] -- DayjunGenie[P] has left the channel. [10:23:33 AM] -- Angel333 has left the channel. [10:23:35 AM] -- DayjunGenie[P] [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:23:38 AM] invite this for me [10:23:39 AM] plz [10:23:41 AM] nah [10:23:42 AM] -- 001 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [10:23:42 AM] -- Stats updated: 001 [78ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:23:43 AM] Dude this is mad fun [10:23:45 AM] i dont want ur shit akas [10:23:47 AM] -- 001 has left the channel. [10:23:52 AM] wow ur not fcool [10:23:54 AM] -- DayjunGenie[P] has left the channel. [10:24:31 AM] 0-44 [10:24:32 AM] lololo [10:24:38 AM] -- coL.DOGKaiser [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:24:39 AM] sup [10:24:43 AM] ......................... [10:24:49 AM] try tojoin tda channel [10:24:51 AM] Do u know who i am i play for vrg now [10:24:55 AM] 7 [10:25:05 AM] .qt on [10:25:24 AM] .qt off [10:25:35 AM] anyways [10:25:39 AM] -- 001 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [10:25:40 AM] -- Stats updated: 001 [62ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:25:41 AM] going to the theatres [10:25:42 AM] -- 001 has left the channel. [10:25:50 AM] k [10:25:51 AM] going to see pirates [10:25:55 AM] Invite me [10:25:57 AM] i saw it already [10:25:59 AM] is it good? [10:26:04 AM] yea pretty good [10:26:08 AM] aight cya [10:26:09 AM] Yo aznist invite me [10:26:09 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [10:26:15 AM] PLZ AZNIST [10:26:16 AM] no you have enough akas [10:26:20 AM] Dude ur not being cool [10:26:30 AM] its gonna suprise mage [10:26:31 AM] cmon [10:26:32 AM] plz [10:26:40 AM] no that looks so fake lol [10:26:41 AM] dude aznist make a tda game [10:26:43 AM] real fast [10:26:47 AM] no dude [10:26:55 AM] /whois col.dogkaiser [10:26:59 AM] [10:27:01 AM] Its real man [10:27:03 AM] its the real deal [10:27:06 AM] yo make a tda game [10:27:08 AM] -- coL.DOGKaiser has left the channel. [10:27:11 AM] -- coL.DOGKaiser [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:27:16 AM] did you get into tda chan? [10:27:17 AM] Invite me plz [10:27:21 AM] NO [10:27:22 AM] ya it said unsafelisted [10:27:23 AM] lolz [10:27:24 AM] Aznist [10:27:24 AM] wtf [10:27:26 AM] man [10:27:31 AM] Ur being so gay [10:27:36 AM] Ur no fukin fun [10:27:39 AM] you have like 10 akas [10:27:41 AM] in our clan [10:27:41 AM] So? [10:27:43 AM] no [10:27:45 AM] i have rad and zoinkz [10:27:45 AM] lolz [10:27:50 AM] no more [10:27:54 AM] rad is for scrims [10:28:00 AM] zoinkz is for tda/dpl [10:28:01 AM] cmon [10:28:02 AM] man [10:28:02 AM] wtf [10:28:08 AM] what is this for? [10:28:11 AM] For fun [10:28:16 AM] to tell ppl i joined biol [10:28:17 AM] lolz [10:28:20 AM] why would he join biol [10:28:23 AM] go tryout for ks [10:28:24 AM] u dont no [10:28:26 AM] go fun them [10:28:33 AM] lolz [10:28:34 AM] -- coL.DOGKaiser has left the channel. [10:28:50 AM] -- coL.DOGKaiser [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:28:55 AM] Cmon pplz ima use this in scri [10:28:57 AM] scrims [10:28:58 AM] PLZ [10:29:20 AM] -- coL.DOGKaiser has left the channel. [10:29:22 AM] .show [10:29:40 AM] .restore [10:29:48 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [10:29:54 AM] -- coL.warr1ck [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:30:02 AM] -- coL.warr1ck has left the channel. [10:30:04 AM] -- Aznist [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [10:30:04 AM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [10:31:59 AM] [10:32:26 AM] -- coL.Throzz [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:32:27 AM] aznist [10:32:28 AM] inviet me [10:32:29 AM] ! [10:32:30 AM] bow [10:32:32 AM] now [10:32:37 AM] yo aznist lets rm coL [10:32:38 AM] lawls [10:32:43 AM] -- coL.Throzz has left the channel. [10:36:59 AM] [10:41:59 AM] [10:46:37 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [10:46:37 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [10:46:59 AM] [10:47:01 AM] (afk) [10:51:59 AM] [10:55:39 AM] we gotta schedule tourny [10:56:59 AM] [11:01:59 AM] [11:03:26 AM] -- TheMuff1nMaN [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:03:27 AM] INVITE ME [11:04:45 AM] fghfgx [11:04:45 AM] h [11:05:45 AM] -- TheMuff1nMaN has left the channel. [11:06:59 AM] [11:11:58 AM] [11:16:58 AM] [11:19:50 AM] -- LokD.OwNaGe [203ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [11:20:20 AM] -- LokD.OwNaGe has left the channel. [11:21:58 AM] [11:26:01 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [11:26:58 AM] [11:31:58 AM] [11:34:15 AM] -- Zoophagous [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:34:15 AM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [11:34:38 AM] .tda [11:34:43 AM] gay [11:36:58 AM] [11:37:38 AM] .tda [11:37:39 AM] !!1 [11:37:48 AM] !fli [11:37:50 AM] !flip [11:37:53 AM] bleh [11:38:53 AM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [11:39:45 AM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:39:52 AM] .tda [11:41:58 AM] [11:42:02 AM] smoked type .tda [11:43:40 AM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [11:43:47 AM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:45:55 AM] type .tda so i can tda [11:46:58 AM] [11:47:43 AM] -- KENAtyme [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:47:58 AM] -- KENAtyme has left the channel. [11:48:01 AM] -- KENAtyme [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:49:31 AM] -- KENAtyme has left the channel. [11:49:43 AM] -- KENAtyme [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:50:22 AM] -- KENAtyme has left the channel. [11:50:38 AM] -- PointToProve has left the channel. [11:50:39 AM] -- PointToProve [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. [11:50:39 AM] -- Stats updated: PointToProve [47ms] is using Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:51:58 AM] [11:54:15 AM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [11:56:58 AM] [12:01:58 PM] [12:03:58 PM] -- coL.DOGKaiser [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:04:01 PM] Yo wuts good [12:04:01 PM] smoked [12:04:07 PM] its me dogkaiser [12:04:08 PM] -- coL.DOGKaiser has left the channel. [12:05:08 PM] -- coL.warr1ck [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:05:11 PM] Yo [12:05:12 PM] wuts [12:05:13 PM] up [12:05:14 PM] smoked [12:05:15 PM] i louve [12:05:17 PM] u [12:05:20 PM] have my babies [12:05:28 PM] -- coL.warr1ck has left the channel. [12:05:46 PM] -- ZOINKZ [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:06:58 PM] [12:10:37 PM] -- deep_evil [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:10:42 PM] !inbox [12:11:32 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [12:11:58 PM] [12:12:07 PM] -- ZOINKZ [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:12:09 PM] smoked [12:12:15 PM] wuts the pw to germy/angel333 [12:13:00 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [12:13:41 PM] -- deep_evil [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:13:54 PM] -- 4ReAL [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:15:12 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [12:15:33 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [12:16:36 PM] -- ZOINKZ [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:16:58 PM] [12:17:38 PM] -- Casey.Collier [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 11, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [12:17:54 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [12:19:12 PM] -- Casey.Collier [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 11, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [12:19:14 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [12:21:37 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [12:21:58 PM] [12:24:23 PM] -- KENAtyme [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:24:23 PM] -- ZOINKZ [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:24:24 PM] .tda [12:24:24 PM] <2:rd92> <4:ar2> <6:ar9> <5:rd09> <9:rd44> [12:24:30 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [12:24:32 PM] -- KENAtyme has left the channel. [12:26:45 PM] -- ZOINKZ [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:26:46 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [12:26:58 PM] [12:28:12 PM] -- bonginathong [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan AoG) [12:28:32 PM] -- bonginathong has left the channel. [12:31:58 PM] [12:32:22 PM] -- Zoophagous [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:32:22 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [12:32:24 PM] .tda [12:32:24 PM] <2:ar9> <6:ar69> <6:rd880> <5:rd86> <9:rd102> [12:33:27 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [12:35:01 PM] -- zoinkz [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:35:16 PM] -- vibestar98 [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:35:23 PM] .tda [12:35:27 PM] someone type that [12:35:31 PM] .tda' [12:35:34 PM] .tda [12:35:35 PM] <1:rd880> <6:rd102> <8:rd33> <6:rd68> <7:rd54> [12:35:46 PM] is that nick? [12:35:57 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [12:36:26 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [12:36:58 PM] [12:37:01 PM] -- zoinkz [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:37:03 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [12:40:15 PM] -- 4ReAL [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:40:55 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [12:40:59 PM] -- vibestar98 [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:41:03 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [12:41:26 PM] -- 001 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:41:58 PM] [12:42:35 PM] -- vibestar98 [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:42:41 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [12:43:30 PM] -- ClanGnome [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Spht) [12:43:36 PM] -- ClanGnome has left the channel. [12:44:32 PM] -- z3rohour [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [12:44:36 PM] -- z3rohour has left the channel. [12:46:58 PM] [12:51:59 PM] [12:52:40 PM] -- Zoophagous [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:52:40 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [12:52:53 PM] -- 001 has left the channel. [12:53:04 PM] -- Aznist [157ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [12:53:05 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [12:55:14 PM] .tda [12:55:14 PM] <1:rd76> <1:ar00> <4:ar12> <5:ar512> <7:ar88> [12:55:23 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [12:56:58 PM] [12:59:26 PM] -- Zoophagous [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:59:26 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [1:01:58 PM] [1:02:44 PM] -- KENAtyme [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [1:06:58 PM] [1:11:58 PM] [1:16:58 PM] [1:17:18 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [1:21:06 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [1:21:13 PM] hm [1:21:15 PM] ne one there? [1:21:58 PM] [1:22:11 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [1:25:33 PM] -- RiceFrog [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, crypt fiend icon, in Clan BioL) [1:25:38 PM] -- RiceFrog has left the channel. [1:26:58 PM] [1:31:58 PM] [1:35:51 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:35:58 PM] .afk [1:35:58 PM] SMoKeD-PuFF Idle for 15+ mins. Since 12:06, AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 12:06, Casey.Collier Idle for 15+ mins. Since 12:34, Aznist Idle for 15+ mins. Since 1:09, KENAtyme Idle for 15+ mins. Since 1:18 [1:36:58 PM] [1:37:18 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [1:37:24 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:37:31 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [1:39:48 PM] -- deep_evil [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:40:18 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [1:41:58 PM] [1:43:14 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [1:46:58 PM] [1:51:58 PM] [1:53:02 PM] -- vibestar98 [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [1:53:17 PM] -- 4ReAL [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:54:08 PM] -- zoinkz [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:54:11 PM] lmfek [1:54:24 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [1:54:30 PM] I was fukin around at the start [1:54:30 PM] [1:54:31 PM] [1:54:31 PM] [1:55:00 PM] tda again? [1:55:31 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [1:56:00 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [1:56:58 PM] [1:57:09 PM] -- zoinkz [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:57:10 PM] -- vibestar98 [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [1:57:28 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [1:58:03 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [2:01:58 PM] [2:02:11 PM] -- vibestar98 [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:02:15 PM] .tda [2:02:15 PM] -- zoinkz [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:02:17 PM] .tda [2:02:17 PM] lawls [2:02:20 PM] i was afk [2:02:21 PM] you're an idiot [2:02:22 PM] .tda [2:02:22 PM] <3:rd880> <2:ar158> <8:rd567> <6:rd001> [2:02:38 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [2:02:43 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [2:02:49 PM] -- zoinkz [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:02:50 PM] .tda [2:02:50 PM] <3:rd880> <1:ar158> <8:rd567> <1:rd001> <9:ar01> [2:02:56 PM] -- vibestar98 [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:02:58 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [2:03:03 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [2:05:08 PM] -- vibestar98 [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:05:12 PM] .tda [2:05:30 PM] this is rediculous [2:05:34 PM] Someone give me some fucking access [2:05:39 PM] so i can use that damn command [2:05:45 PM] -- zoinkz [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:05:47 PM] .tda [2:05:48 PM] <7:rd567> <1:rd001> <7:rd132> <7:rd39> <7:rd92> <9:rd445> <9:ar17> [2:05:56 PM] rd39 [2:05:57 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [2:06:01 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [2:06:58 PM] [2:11:58 PM] [2:16:58 PM] [2:17:03 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [2:17:06 PM] u guys there? [2:17:56 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:18:03 PM] im sad [2:18:07 PM] i just lost a pub silencer game [2:18:10 PM] my farming was rlyl good too [2:18:14 PM] i got guinsoos + boots at 20 [2:18:16 PM] and i died once too [2:18:29 PM] saddd [2:18:35 PM] do u haev pokemon world 7.1? [2:18:36 PM] farming isn't everything [2:18:37 PM] its amazing [2:18:44 PM] i wasnt doing bad [2:18:50 PM] their dk [2:18:53 PM] tanked too much [2:18:56 PM] and our obsidian ran around [2:18:57 PM] too much [2:19:10 PM] well [2:19:10 PM] wud [2:19:12 PM] to play? [2:19:15 PM] dun care [2:19:24 PM] .tda [2:19:25 PM] <4:ar123> <8:ar6> <4:ar321> [2:19:28 PM] hm [2:19:29 PM] lets [2:19:31 PM] archery tactics then [2:19:33 PM] k [2:19:34 PM] i rly wanna play pokemon world [2:19:37 PM] but i cant find it [2:19:42 PM] lemme see if i have it [2:19:49 PM] should i host if i don't have 7.1 [2:19:56 PM] 7.0 is good too [2:19:58 PM] k [2:20:39 PM] i have 6.0? [2:20:57 PM] nobody plays that ne more [2:20:59 PM] host archery tactics [2:21:01 PM] k [2:21:35 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [2:21:36 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [2:21:58 PM] [2:24:38 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:26:58 PM] [2:31:58 PM] [2:32:06 PM] -- Zoophagous [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:32:06 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [2:36:58 PM] [2:37:39 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [2:37:55 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:40:50 PM] -- angel333 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [2:40:51 PM] -- angel333 has left the channel. [2:41:58 PM] [2:43:15 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [2:46:35 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:46:36 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:46:47 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [2:46:49 PM] ok [2:46:50 PM] dota? [2:46:52 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:46:52 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [2:46:53 PM] ken [2:46:54 PM] host one [2:46:54 PM] -ap [2:46:56 PM] rd69 [2:46:57 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:46:58 PM] [2:47:00 PM] oh [2:47:02 PM] can u tda? [2:47:02 PM] jon? [2:47:03 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [2:47:04 PM] no [2:47:15 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:47:16 PM] ? [2:47:21 PM] murdoc cant tda [2:47:23 PM] whos angel [2:47:24 PM] fred? [2:47:26 PM] yeah [2:47:32 PM] tell him to play pub w/ us [2:47:42 PM] i own archery tactics [2:47:43 PM] ! [2:47:45 PM] lol [2:47:50 PM] lvl 22 baby [2:47:51 PM] i'll own u next time ^^ [2:47:54 PM] want to try other versions [2:47:57 PM] no not now [2:47:59 PM] i wanna dota [2:48:00 PM] i want to dota [2:48:03 PM] lol [2:48:07 PM] lets play [2:48:08 PM] host an -ap [2:48:09 PM] bad grammar [2:48:12 PM] -ap [2:48:13 PM] archery [2:48:16 PM] NO! [2:48:18 PM] i feel like silencer [2:48:27 PM] ken? [2:48:30 PM] ? [2:48:31 PM] do you watch anime charles [2:48:32 PM] dota -ap [2:48:34 PM] som [2:48:34 PM] some [2:48:36 PM] death note [2:48:37 PM] bleach [2:48:40 PM] thats about all [2:48:44 PM] anime takes so much time [2:48:45 PM] ok [2:48:45 PM] -- Mazon. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:48:47 PM] dota -ap usa!~ [2:48:47 PM] dota -ap usa!~ [2:48:48 PM] yes it does [2:48:55 PM] dota -ap usa!~ [2:48:56 PM] MurdocNiccals was banned by Aznist (RepeatBan). [2:48:56 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [2:49:01 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [2:49:02 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [2:49:04 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [2:49:15 PM] -- Mazon. has left the channel. [2:49:39 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [2:49:47 PM] -- Zoophagous [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:49:47 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [2:51:58 PM] [2:56:58 PM] [3:01:58 PM] [3:06:58 PM] [3:11:58 PM] [3:13:27 PM] -- KENAtyme has left the channel. [3:16:58 PM] [3:21:58 PM] [3:23:37 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [3:24:33 PM] -- Aznist [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [3:24:33 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [3:25:18 PM] -- 001 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [3:25:18 PM] -- Stats updated: 001 [78ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:25:32 PM] -- 001 has left the channel. [3:26:58 PM] [3:27:08 PM] -- zoinkz [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:27:14 PM] -- vibestar98 [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:28:04 PM] wanna scrim>? [3:28:17 PM] yo i was sexing it up [3:28:19 PM] at the start [3:28:20 PM] ! [3:28:22 PM] mage or capo on? [3:28:27 PM] capos on [3:28:29 PM] k [3:28:35 PM] i have like an hour [3:28:36 PM] so hurry [3:28:37 PM] but azn/smoked afk [3:29:20 PM] lets 1v1 for a bit [3:29:27 PM] i want to try a few things [3:29:52 PM] Ok [3:29:53 PM] gn [3:29:53 PM] biol [3:29:56 PM] kk [3:30:02 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [3:30:08 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [3:31:58 PM] [3:33:06 PM] -- Rick_James7 [141ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan AiH) [3:33:11 PM] -- Rick_James7 has left the channel. [3:36:58 PM] [3:37:11 PM] -- Mazon. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:37:24 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:37:41 PM] huskar is so ridiculous [3:38:01 PM] he had 200hp i couldnt kill him with two chain lightnings [3:38:10 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [3:38:18 PM] -- Claniwylbot [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan DotA) [3:38:23 PM] -- Claniwylbot has left the channel. [3:38:24 PM] he heals like 100hp per sec with inner vitality [3:38:30 PM] when hes down to like 10% hp [3:38:46 PM] and thats easy when he has like 3k hp [3:40:04 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:40:12 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:40:41 PM] hey [3:40:56 PM] hey [3:40:58 PM] hni [3:41:01 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [3:41:03 PM] y [3:41:04 PM] do u say [3:41:07 PM] sacred is rigged? [3:41:13 PM] i rly dont think he is [3:41:14 PM] who me? [3:41:16 PM] ken [3:41:17 PM] his heal [3:41:24 PM] not rly [3:41:28 PM] granted it heals like 100hp [3:41:31 PM] when hes nrly dea [3:41:34 PM] per sec [3:41:34 PM] but [3:41:35 PM] inner vitality doesnt help much in early game [3:41:37 PM] a lot of heros do more dmg than that [3:41:38 PM] but late game it owns [3:41:42 PM] especially if u have heart [3:41:53 PM] a lot of heros [3:41:55 PM] can put up more dps [3:41:56 PM] well i've seen enough of him to think he's rigged [3:41:58 PM] [3:41:58 PM] like clinkz or silencer [3:42:06 PM] i think hes ok [3:42:11 PM] if hes rigged eveyrbody would be playing him [3:42:17 PM] his early game is terrible [3:42:18 PM] well against my team we couldnt have beat him 2v1 [3:42:19 PM] play another [3:42:20 PM] everybody is playing him [3:42:22 PM] only 3v1 we had a chance [3:42:25 PM] who [3:42:27 PM] i havent seen that many [3:42:29 PM] sacred warrior [3:42:30 PM] every game i play there's a sacred [3:42:30 PM] not rly [3:42:30 PM] -- zoinkz [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:42:32 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [3:42:33 PM] oh [3:42:34 PM] not for me [3:42:37 PM] -- vibestar98 [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:42:38 PM] that was my first [3:42:39 PM] in a while [3:42:41 PM] actually [3:42:44 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [3:42:44 PM] GOD [3:42:46 PM] i play with him as well hes one of the easiest to play with i think [3:42:46 PM] that suX [3:42:50 PM] lol [3:42:52 PM] i got 4th [3:42:54 PM] lol [3:42:54 PM] u say a lot of heros [3:42:55 PM] w00t [3:42:56 PM] r ez to play [3:42:56 PM] aaaaaaanother [3:43:00 PM] yeah [3:43:05 PM] lets inhouse [3:43:06 PM] .tda [3:43:07 PM] <8:rd787> <6:ardm55> <7:rd644> <4:rd006> <1:ar000> <5:rd56> <1:rd8> <6:rd289> <2:ar59> [3:43:08 PM] i tend to stick with them [3:43:11 PM] i can't tda [3:43:11 PM] UGh [3:43:14 PM] we're not tdaing [3:43:18 PM] imjuz checking [3:43:23 PM] .tda [3:43:24 PM] for what [3:43:25 PM] damn [3:43:26 PM] no idea [3:43:28 PM] i like to do that [3:43:30 PM] its habitual now [3:43:30 PM] lol [3:43:32 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:43:34 PM] .set MurdocNiccals 70 [3:43:34 PM] Set MurdocNiccals's access to 70. [3:43:39 PM] archey ta [3:43:44 PM] what commands are there [3:43:46 PM] u need 70 to .tda? [3:43:47 PM] for the bot [3:43:48 PM] .whoami [3:43:48 PM] You have 70 access. [3:43:53 PM] u raised it [3:43:55 PM] .whoami [3:43:55 PM] You have 50 access and flags NUB. [3:43:56 PM] .whoami [3:43:56 PM] You have 70 access. [3:44:01 PM] er [3:44:02 PM] .help [3:44:03 PM] .whoami [3:44:03 PM] You have 40 access. [3:44:06 PM] Ughhh [3:44:06 PM] .tda [3:44:06 PM] <8:rd787> <8:ardm55> <7:rd644> <3:rd006> <5:rd56> <1:rd8> <5:rd289> <7:ar24> [3:44:08 PM] .tda [3:44:10 PM] <8:rd787> <8:ardm55> <7:rd644> <3:rd006> <5:rd56> <1:rd8> <5:rd289> <7:ar24> [3:44:14 PM] ok [3:44:16 PM] are we gonna play [3:44:17 PM] ?? [3:44:20 PM] yes [3:44:21 PM] whos hosting [3:44:26 PM] what u hosting [3:44:28 PM] that was actually quite boring [3:44:31 PM] wait one sec [3:44:34 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [3:44:42 PM] do archery [3:44:42 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [3:44:43 PM] ne one [3:44:45 PM] have vouch? [3:44:52 PM] .set MurdocNiccals 30 [3:44:52 PM] Set MurdocNiccals's access to 30. [3:44:58 PM] does anybody have a vouch? [3:45:07 PM] damn [3:45:12 PM] i get nothing for being master archer [3:45:15 PM] T_T [3:45:23 PM] ok [3:45:25 PM] lez play again [3:45:28 PM] i feel like -rd [3:45:28 PM] TTT_TTT [3:45:31 PM] rd? [3:45:32 PM] wud u say ken? [3:45:35 PM] random draft [3:45:35 PM] dun care [3:45:35 PM] its fun [3:45:38 PM] what's that [3:45:43 PM] theres 2 pools of heros [3:45:45 PM] and u pick in order [3:45:50 PM] its sorta like league mode [3:45:51 PM] .tda [3:45:52 PM] <7:rd787> <5:rd644> <7:rd289> <4:ar24> [3:45:52 PM] errr [3:45:53 PM] w/e [3:45:54 PM] a random draft of 22 heroes are put into sent and scourge side [3:45:54 PM] see theres a lot of rd's [3:45:57 PM] its popular in tda [3:46:03 PM] but not played very often in public [3:46:06 PM] its very fun [3:46:06 PM] oh [3:46:08 PM] i think you'll like it [3:46:10 PM] you want to play inhouse rd? [3:46:10 PM] and then you pick using 1/2/2/2/2/1 [3:46:11 PM] if you play it [3:46:14 PM] no just public rd [3:46:18 PM] people will join [3:46:22 PM] 1 2 2 2 2 1? [3:46:27 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [3:46:28 PM] blue picks or pink picks [3:46:31 PM] then other team [3:46:33 PM] like if blue picks first [3:46:34 PM] ok [3:46:35 PM] yea [3:46:35 PM] then pink and grey [3:46:38 PM] then teal adn purple [3:46:40 PM] -- Aznist [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [3:46:40 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [3:46:42 PM] then oj and yellow [3:46:46 PM] then um lb and dg [3:46:47 PM] lets play then [3:46:47 PM] maybe we can ih with clan dota [3:46:49 PM] i was robbed by two men [3:46:54 PM] try clan ks [3:46:56 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [3:46:58 PM] [3:46:59 PM] tag banned [3:47:00 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [3:47:01 PM] hm [3:47:01 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [3:47:03 PM] take anything you want [3:47:04 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:47:05 PM] or not [3:47:05 PM] not tagbanned nemore [3:47:08 PM] how many people [3:47:08 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [3:47:09 PM] r playing [3:47:11 PM] is smoked even here? [3:47:12 PM] -- Aznist [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [3:47:12 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [3:47:13 PM] .afk [3:47:14 PM] SMoKeD-PuFF Idle for 15+ mins. Since 12:06, AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 12:06, Zoophagous Idle for 15+ mins. Since 3:05 [3:47:23 PM] ok [3:47:25 PM] how r we going to do this? [3:47:36 PM] -- 001 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:47:37 PM] host archery [3:47:43 PM] no [3:47:44 PM] who's 001? [3:47:45 PM] ure obsessed [3:47:52 PM] u are a noob [3:47:57 PM] elwe you played like 10 straight games last night [3:47:57 PM] true dat [3:48:01 PM] ya [3:48:01 PM] i did [3:48:02 PM] or archery [3:48:02 PM] lol [3:48:03 PM] of [3:48:03 PM] lol [3:48:09 PM] well it was obsessive [3:48:10 PM] for a while [3:48:12 PM] then it got boring [3:48:12 PM] i wanna dota [3:48:12 PM] elwe i'm better at archery than you [3:48:15 PM] No way [3:48:17 PM] Lucky game [3:48:20 PM] ok [3:48:21 PM] *e-flex* [3:48:24 PM] wudever [3:48:25 PM] lol [3:48:25 PM] its game theory [3:48:27 PM] :O [3:48:40 PM] ok [3:48:41 PM] isnt game theory like rly complicated math? [3:48:42 PM] who is gonna host [3:48:48 PM] it was on the IMO list of things they tested on [3:48:49 PM] sort of [3:48:55 PM] we can probably ih with clan dota [3:48:56 PM] its like [3:49:01 PM] rock paper scissors [3:49:02 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [3:49:03 PM] international math olympiad* [3:49:04 PM] ok im gonna go find a game [3:49:06 PM] probabiity [3:49:06 PM] ya [3:49:06 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:49:11 PM] no saty [3:49:12 PM] we're ihing [3:49:14 PM] or [3:49:15 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [3:49:18 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [3:49:19 PM] the prisoner's dilemna [3:49:28 PM] .startsc [3:49:36 PM] .stopsc [3:49:38 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [3:49:48 PM] -- Mazon. has left the channel. [3:49:58 PM] -- Aznist [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [3:49:59 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [3:50:10 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [3:50:25 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [3:51:13 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:51:26 PM] .ping [3:51:31 PM] .whoami [3:51:31 PM] You have 30 access. [3:51:34 PM] .tda [3:51:35 PM] <3:rd289> <3:rd79> <2:rd899> <3:rd51> <1:rd15> [3:51:42 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [3:51:51 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:51:58 PM] [3:52:24 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [3:55:09 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [3:56:58 PM] [3:58:02 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [3:58:06 PM] -- 001 has left the channel. [3:58:19 PM] -- 001 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:58:36 PM] -- jell0 [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:58:44 PM] <001> dotainhouse [3:58:45 PM] <001> gn=dotainhouse [3:59:10 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [4:00:54 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:01:58 PM] [4:02:40 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [4:06:58 PM] [4:10:25 PM] -- angel333 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [4:10:28 PM] .afk [4:10:29 PM] Not Enough Access (50/70) [4:10:37 PM] -- angel333 has left the channel. [4:10:44 PM] -- angel333 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [4:11:11 PM] -- angel333 has left the channel. [4:11:58 PM] [4:16:36 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:16:53 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [4:16:56 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:16:58 PM] [4:17:02 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [4:17:05 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:17:30 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:17:30 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:18:41 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [4:19:27 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:21:43 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [4:21:57 PM] -- Aznist [79ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [4:21:57 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [4:21:59 PM] [4:21:59 PM] AzNiSt.com [4:21:59 PM] ! [4:22:03 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:22:04 PM] last [4:22:06 PM] I wannnnna scrim [4:22:07 PM] ! [4:22:08 PM] !!! [4:22:12 PM] if you can set 1 up [4:22:13 PM] -- jell0 [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:22:23 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [4:22:26 PM] is gab here? [4:22:35 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [4:22:35 PM] wow [4:22:38 PM] that prdy gay of u [4:22:41 PM] i knew bs was coming top [4:22:44 PM] so i tried to help kill fast [4:22:59 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:22:59 PM] where is ken [4:23:05 PM] .idle [4:23:06 PM] .afk [4:23:07 PM] SMoKeD-PuFF Idle for 15+ mins. Since 12:06, AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 12:06, 001 Idle for 15+ mins. Since 4:14 [4:23:31 PM] Wow fekin gab [4:23:45 PM] whoz here [4:23:46 PM] .tda [4:23:47 PM] <3:rd68> <6:rd82> <2:rd84> <2:ar54> <4:rd54> [4:23:48 PM] that was messed up [4:23:50 PM] o didnt he to potc? [4:24:10 PM] wud is potc [4:24:12 PM] lets play archery [4:24:23 PM] wanna archery? [4:24:53 PM] 1 [4:25:04 PM] aznist wuts 8 cst est? [4:25:17 PM] 9 [4:25:24 PM] 10 [4:25:28 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [4:25:46 PM] thats in 4 hours cst [4:25:57 PM] archery [4:26:01 PM] central time? [4:26:16 PM] wut time is it in est 8 cst [4:26:26 PM] like 9 [4:26:27 PM] wud is cst? [4:26:28 PM] costal? [4:26:29 PM] 8 in texas= ? in cal [4:26:33 PM] 6 [4:26:34 PM] 6 [4:26:46 PM] 8 in texas = ? in NY? [4:26:46 PM] -- Mazon. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:26:48 PM] but 8 in ny = 4 in cal [4:26:52 PM] ny is 2 hrs ahead [4:26:54 PM] of tx [4:26:58 PM] [4:27:02 PM] you mean time zones? [4:27:04 PM] well chio leader of dpr [4:27:09 PM] said we got a scrim at 8cst [4:27:14 PM] but i unno wut time that is in my [4:27:14 PM] new york is 3 hours ahead of cali [4:27:15 PM] ny [4:27:16 PM] Lol [4:27:20 PM] 4 hours from now [4:27:29 PM] its 3 hours not 4 [4:27:34 PM] NO 4 [4:27:35 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:27:39 PM] the difference in time from ny and california [4:27:40 PM] are we playing a game? [4:27:45 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [4:27:50 PM] theres only 3 hr time diff in the continental US [4:27:51 PM] i'm in texas and its 4:30 [4:27:51 PM] lets ih [4:27:52 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:27:55 PM] hawaii is different [4:28:05 PM] im in NY and its 5:30 [4:28:12 PM] eastern, central, mountain, pacific [4:28:18 PM] NY 5:30, TX 4:30 Cali:3:30 [4:28:27 PM] ok lets ih [4:28:28 PM] central and mountain are one same thing [4:28:29 PM] so 8 CST is 4 hours from now [4:28:29 PM] we have 6 [4:28:30 PM] ! [4:28:30 PM] DING [4:28:34 PM] 6 is boring ih [4:28:40 PM] everybody is friggin solo [4:28:43 PM] i ll get ppl [4:28:45 PM] i wanna trilane [4:28:48 PM] central and mountain are both 4:30 [4:29:16 PM] i ll make gn biol [4:29:33 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:29:43 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [4:29:48 PM] -- Mazon. has left the channel. [4:29:48 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [4:29:57 PM] biol [4:30:02 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [4:30:18 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [4:30:51 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [4:30:59 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:31:02 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [4:31:04 PM] -- Aznist [79ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [4:31:04 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [4:31:05 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:31:05 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:31:05 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:31:05 PM] no [4:31:08 PM] wow [4:31:10 PM] how is ure name spelled [4:31:11 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:31:12 PM] enfs [4:31:13 PM] is that a "1"? [4:31:14 PM] i cant msg u [4:31:14 PM] k i'll be on [4:31:21 PM] enfs it is! [4:31:24 PM] we wait for old slow fred [4:31:37 PM] while he closes photoshop.. [4:31:38 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:31:38 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:31:38 PM] dang [4:31:42 PM] how do u outlane a bh [4:31:46 PM] radiance/ [4:31:47 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:31:52 PM] ? [4:31:58 PM] nuke him :[ [4:31:58 PM] [4:32:04 PM] im silencer [4:32:07 PM] how do i outlane him [4:32:08 PM] battle hunger :[ [4:32:13 PM] how do you not outlane bh [4:32:17 PM] i did outlane him [4:32:19 PM] but he killed me [4:32:23 PM] ---0 [4:32:24 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:32:29 PM] --0- [4:32:29 PM] ugh [4:32:33 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [4:32:38 PM] not enough harass [4:32:41 PM] no [4:32:42 PM] i had a lot [4:32:46 PM] he just went heal [4:32:51 PM] and then he came back [4:32:54 PM] and bottle harassed [4:32:59 PM] u cant friggin harass when hes invisi [4:33:00 PM] ne ways [4:33:03 PM] wards :| [4:33:05 PM] he didnt creep at all [4:33:13 PM] gem [4:33:14 PM] he juz sat there with his bottle nuking me [4:33:17 PM] infravision dog. [4:33:19 PM] god im so pissed [4:33:30 PM] that combo rly is annoying [4:33:37 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:33:37 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:33:38 PM] backstack shruike immediatley backstab again [4:33:43 PM] then get hit a few times [4:33:44 PM] run away [4:33:45 PM] -- WafflesFTW [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [4:33:45 PM] -- LokD.HuDat [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan aC1) [4:33:45 PM] last word? [4:33:45 PM] bottle a few times [4:33:47 PM] hey best friends [4:33:49 PM] wud the crap [4:33:52 PM] enfos [4:33:54 PM] yay [4:33:56 PM] gn efns [4:33:57 PM] -- Lvl-Up [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [4:33:59 PM] enfs [4:34:00 PM] -- deep_evil [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:34:02 PM] gl hf! [4:34:04 PM] im back! [4:34:07 PM] -- SKEETJuiCe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [4:34:08 PM] lollllll [4:34:11 PM] we're enfs [4:34:13 PM] u want in? [4:34:13 PM] Ok [4:34:14 PM] gn [4:34:14 PM] biol [4:34:15 PM] nah [4:34:23 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [4:34:25 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:34:25 PM] im gonna go swim [4:34:28 PM] -- SKEETJuiCe has left the channel. [4:34:28 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [4:34:29 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [4:34:30 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [4:34:31 PM] -- WafflesFTW has left the channel. [4:34:32 PM] -- Lvl-Up has left the channel. [4:34:32 PM] -- LokD.HuDat has left the channel. [4:34:49 PM] -- SKEETJuiCe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [4:34:50 PM] -- SKEETJuiCe has left the channel. [4:34:53 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:34:53 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:34:54 PM] -- Lvl-Up [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [4:34:54 PM] -- WafflesFTW [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [4:34:56 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [4:34:58 PM] -- LokD.HuDat [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan aC1) [4:35:16 PM] -- WafflesFTW has left the channel. [4:35:24 PM] -- WafflesFTW [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [4:35:26 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:35:29 PM] -- Lvl-Up has left the channel. [4:35:33 PM] -- LokD.HuDat has left the channel. [4:35:47 PM] -- LokD.HuDat [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan aC1) [4:36:42 PM] -- WafflesFTW has left the channel. [4:36:58 PM] [4:39:46 PM] -- ClanGnome [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Spht) [4:39:52 PM] -- ClanGnome has left the channel. [4:41:58 PM] [4:42:59 PM] -- LokD.HuDat has left the channel. [4:44:16 PM] -- LokD.HuDat [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan aC1) [4:46:58 PM] [4:47:51 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:47:58 PM] hudat [4:48:09 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [4:48:52 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:48:52 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:48:56 PM] -- n1cole [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon) [4:49:00 PM] -- WafflesFTW [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [4:49:08 PM] ok we have 4 O_o [4:49:10 PM] -- Lvl-Up [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [4:49:12 PM] i have a few in a game [4:49:16 PM] ok 5 now [4:49:25 PM] tda stomp? [4:49:28 PM] :/ [4:49:29 PM] i have 5 [4:49:31 PM] 4 [4:49:33 PM] get 1 more [4:49:40 PM] there just playing an enfos [4:49:43 PM] . [4:49:47 PM] lol... [4:50:23 PM] -- Lvl-Up has left the channel. [4:50:29 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:50:54 PM] -- WafflesFTW has left the channel. [4:50:55 PM] -- n1cole has left the channel. [4:51:33 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:51:33 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:51:34 PM] @ [4:51:54 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:51:58 PM] [4:53:18 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:53:18 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:54:37 PM] -- jell0 [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:54:45 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:54:54 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [4:55:34 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:55:40 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [4:56:58 PM] [5:01:58 PM] [5:05:13 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:05:13 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [5:06:58 PM] [5:07:35 PM] -- Mazon. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:07:40 PM] MAZON [5:07:44 PM] ... [5:07:47 PM] HI [5:07:48 PM] hello [5:07:59 PM] I'm going to have dinner [5:08:06 PM] -- Zoophagous [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:08:06 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [5:08:06 PM] u do that [5:08:08 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [5:08:09 PM] I'll cya in 15 minutes if youre still here [5:08:09 PM] and enjoy [5:08:15 PM] only time for 1 game [5:08:21 PM] Ok, I'll take your words into consideration [5:08:26 PM] lol [5:08:27 PM] what? [5:08:38 PM] to enjoy my food, of course [5:08:43 PM] -- Chaos.Is.Me. [219ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:08:45 PM] Bye [5:08:45 PM] lol, o k [5:08:47 PM] i hate leaving game [5:08:53 PM] =/ [5:08:59 PM] sorry [5:09:02 PM] but i love playing with u <3 lol [5:09:05 PM] ahh [5:09:05 PM] =P [5:09:11 PM] ok host it [5:09:18 PM] i think im tearing up [5:09:23 PM] lol [5:09:24 PM] ap or ar? [5:09:30 PM] i dont know [5:09:31 PM] its up to u [5:09:36 PM] u left ur game i feel bad now [5:09:39 PM] what u want [5:09:42 PM] lol [5:09:44 PM] ar [5:09:48 PM] Dota 5v5 ar !! [5:09:48 PM] Dota 5v5 ar !! [5:09:54 PM] dota 5v5 ar !! [5:09:59 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [5:10:04 PM] -- Chaos.Is.Me. has left the channel. [5:11:56 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:11:58 PM] [5:12:02 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [5:12:55 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:13:06 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [5:16:58 PM] [5:17:26 PM] -- Lvl-Up [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [5:17:34 PM] -- Lvl-Up has left the channel. [5:19:01 PM] -- Aznist [79ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [5:19:01 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [5:19:09 PM] -- deep_evil [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:19:13 PM] brb [5:19:22 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:19:22 PM] gotta go to car for my cell [5:19:25 PM] brb [5:19:39 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [5:19:39 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [5:19:46 PM] -- zoinkz [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:19:56 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [5:20:08 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [5:20:10 PM] lest play [5:20:10 PM] again [5:20:16 PM] enfoos [5:20:19 PM] -- zoinkz [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:20:20 PM] .tda [5:20:21 PM] <1:rd644> <3:rd23> <4:rd27> <5:rd660> <8:rd52> [5:20:25 PM] hosting ken? [5:20:28 PM] k [5:20:31 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [5:20:37 PM] enfs? [5:20:38 PM] enfos? [5:20:41 PM] gn? [5:20:55 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [5:21:06 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [5:21:08 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [5:21:39 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [5:21:39 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [5:21:48 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [5:21:48 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [5:21:58 PM] [5:22:51 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:22:51 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [5:22:56 PM] -- Chaos.Is.Me. [219ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:22:57 PM] brb [5:22:59 PM] 1 sec [5:23:00 PM] put god damn banlist [5:23:03 PM] k [5:23:05 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [5:24:10 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [5:24:27 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:24:27 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [5:24:40 PM] VEnom [5:24:41 PM] -- vibestar98 [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:24:41 PM] RAWR [5:24:48 PM] smoked is chris getting on [5:24:49 PM] ! [5:24:53 PM] -_- [5:25:03 PM] ya he si [5:25:05 PM] is* [5:25:08 PM] when [5:25:13 PM] prob tomorrow [5:25:20 PM] k tdaing [5:25:35 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [5:25:47 PM] i thought he was coming on today [5:25:47 PM] ! [5:25:52 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:25:52 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [5:25:55 PM] Pinging 9 players ... [5:25:58 PM] lol [5:26:07 PM] o la [5:26:07 PM] dota 5v5 ar !! [5:26:25 PM] o wow just noticed shaman [5:26:28 PM] gab? [5:26:33 PM] hmm? [5:26:37 PM] lolz [5:26:43 PM] y arnt u chief and y am i shaman? [5:26:50 PM] gave chief back to chris [5:26:52 PM] Cuz venom is [5:26:53 PM] ! [5:26:53 PM] hey best friend [5:26:54 PM] ! [5:26:54 PM] ! [5:26:57 PM] hey faggit [5:26:58 PM] [5:27:12 PM] ... [5:27:23 PM] is venom 1 of chris' names? [5:27:30 PM] ya [5:27:31 PM] ya [5:27:33 PM] o [5:27:50 PM] anyone wana pub w/ me and chaos? [5:28:00 PM] eating. [5:28:03 PM] in like 5mins [5:28:04 PM] Dota 5v5 ar banlist [5:28:09 PM] sorry i dont have much time [5:28:09 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [5:28:09 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [5:28:11 PM] dota 5v5 ar banlist [5:28:14 PM] -- PointToProve has left the channel. [5:28:14 PM] -- PointToProve [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:28:18 PM] hi [5:28:19 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [5:28:19 PM] and so do i [5:28:25 PM] -- Chaos.Is.Me. has left the channel. [5:28:26 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [5:28:30 PM] -- LokD.HuDat has left the channel. [5:28:36 PM] -- bonginathong [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan AoG) [5:28:48 PM] -- bonginathong has left the channel. [5:29:17 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:29:55 PM] -- Mazon. has left the channel. [5:31:45 PM] -- LokD.HuDat [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan aC1) [5:31:58 PM] [5:32:44 PM] -- bonginathong [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan AoG) [5:32:45 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:32:45 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [5:32:58 PM] -- Computer(Tuck) [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:32:58 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [5:33:01 PM] -- Chaos.Is.Me. [219ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:33:03 PM] -- Computer(Tuck) has left the channel. [5:33:08 PM] -- bonginathong has left the channel. [5:33:11 PM] that leaving on countdown shouldnt be allowed [5:33:12 PM] dota 5v5 ar banlist! [5:33:36 PM] -- Chaos.Is.Me. has left the channel. [5:33:40 PM] -- lkoN. [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:33:42 PM] .pingme [5:33:42 PM] Your ping at login was 140ms. [5:33:54 PM] man wtf did u guys do [5:33:59 PM] now smoke isnt even a shaman [5:34:00 PM] damn babies [5:34:20 PM] niggers [5:34:42 PM] and whats with all these lokd guys being in different clans [5:34:44 PM] im done [5:35:11 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [5:36:39 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [5:36:58 PM] [5:41:58 PM] [5:46:58 PM] [5:49:15 PM] -- lkoN. [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:49:21 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [5:51:58 PM] [5:52:27 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [5:54:07 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [5:55:42 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [5:56:58 PM] [5:57:09 PM] -- MystofBOOBZ [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:57:13 PM] -- MystofBOOBZ has left the channel. [5:57:53 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [5:57:58 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [5:58:05 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [5:58:44 PM] -- LokD.HuDat has left the channel. [6:00:14 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [6:01:58 PM] [6:04:10 PM] -- jell0 [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:04:57 PM] -- Aznist [79ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:04:57 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [6:05:02 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [6:05:02 PM] -- PointToProve has acquired ops. [6:05:02 PM] -- Aznist [79ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:05:02 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [6:05:16 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [6:06:58 PM] [6:09:22 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:09:33 PM] -- VeNoM) [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:09:33 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [6:09:50 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [6:09:50 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:09:50 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [6:10:25 PM] hey [6:10:28 PM] hey [6:10:47 PM] lol i freaked out nick this mornin [6:11:03 PM] -- quizler#2 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:11:05 PM] i made all differents akas [6:11:09 PM] diff* [6:11:16 PM] lol [6:11:24 PM] quizler#2 huh [6:11:28 PM] like zoofagous , r4d1ance- , expert-owner [6:11:47 PM] sigh [6:11:50 PM] i wish i could b home [6:11:51 PM] :( [6:11:54 PM] ?? [6:11:57 PM] where are u [6:11:58 PM] [6:12:09 PM] -- quizler#2 has left the channel. [6:12:55 PM] not now [6:12:57 PM] during the summer [6:12:58 PM] lol [6:12:59 PM] oo [6:13:01 PM] .. [6:13:01 PM] lol [6:13:08 PM] -- zoinkz [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:13:23 PM] .tda [6:13:24 PM] <1:rd33> <1:rd31> <5:rd767> <2:ar520> <7:rd56> <6:rd787> [6:13:31 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [6:13:31 PM] -- zoinkz [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:13:31 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [6:13:51 PM] i made Pure(O)wnage this mornin [6:14:25 PM] hey what happened with the clan o.O [6:14:30 PM] ? [6:14:43 PM] is that what happens when leader switches? [6:14:58 PM] wut happen? [6:14:59 PM] lol [6:15:03 PM] everyone's peon [6:15:19 PM] ...nick.......... [6:15:35 PM] he changed my rank be4 supper [6:15:45 PM] and guess he did it to almsot everybody [6:15:52 PM] .. why? [6:15:57 PM] cause hes dumb [6:16:17 PM] [CLAN] C12OM has left the clan. [6:16:19 PM] [CLAN] NewspaperBuff has left the clan. [6:16:28 PM] [CLAN] Chemical19 has left the clan. [6:16:34 PM] -- PointToProve has left the channel. [6:16:34 PM] -- PointToProve [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:16:51 PM] can i kick sol.carnage out of the clan chris? [6:16:58 PM] [6:17:07 PM] [CLAN] zomg_ownt. has left the clan. [6:17:11 PM] -- Joined channel: clan biol -- [6:17:11 PM] [CLAN] You have been promoted. Your new rank is Grunt. [6:17:11 PM] [CLAN] Member update: AznistBot is now a Grunt. [6:17:11 PM] biol.proboards74.com ---- go take a look at our forums! [6:17:18 PM] [CLAN] lific has left the clan. [6:17:22 PM] [CLAN] bmwrules has left the clan. [6:17:36 PM] are you just kicking people you don't see often? [6:17:46 PM] i kicked out poeple i know [6:17:51 PM] ah [6:17:52 PM] like bmwrules [6:17:57 PM] yeah he's eureka [6:18:00 PM] ya [6:18:07 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:18:07 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [6:18:10 PM] and i changed ranks [6:18:19 PM] most of u [6:18:21 PM] -- bonginathong [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan AoG) [6:18:25 PM] killing spree! [6:18:31 PM] -- Computer(Tuck) [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:18:36 PM] again? [6:18:37 PM] aog bong? [6:18:41 PM] eh [6:18:41 PM] aog? [6:18:43 PM] guess i dont have to go [6:18:47 PM] age of? [6:18:51 PM] lol [6:19:00 PM] army of gods [6:19:01 PM] army of gods [6:19:02 PM] age of gays [6:19:05 PM] ah [6:19:08 PM] army of gays [6:19:11 PM] close smoked [6:19:24 PM] that reminds me of u tuck [6:19:34 PM] llol [6:19:36 PM] ya ok buddy [6:19:42 PM] we goin again? [6:19:45 PM] or not [6:19:55 PM] LOL PUDGE NOOB [6:20:00 PM] like u dont play it? [6:20:04 PM] he [6:20:06 PM] i do [6:20:14 PM] but thats neither here nor there [6:20:19 PM] your still the pudge noob [6:20:36 PM] time for some pudge [6:20:39 PM] so gab [6:20:41 PM] is the ks tourney [6:20:43 PM] startin toda? [6:20:45 PM] -- bonginathong has left the channel. [6:20:48 PM] good question [6:20:51 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [6:20:53 PM] lol whats a ks tourney [6:21:10 PM] its a clans [6:21:13 PM] 2v2 om tourney [6:21:16 PM] that i wasnt allowed to join [6:21:19 PM] cuz they know id rape em all [6:21:19 PM] =( [6:21:20 PM] y not [6:21:20 PM] -- Computer(Tuck) has left the channel. [6:21:38 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:21:38 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [6:21:39 PM] rofl [6:21:42 PM] ks is lookin for a scrim [6:21:43 PM] its time [6:21:52 PM] god banned tho [6:21:56 PM] quiet time was on [6:21:58 PM] [6:22:08 PM] its hard to keep up w/ all ur aliases chris [6:22:13 PM] lolol [6:22:46 PM] /w tengo_un_espada hey seriously scrim us [6:22:46 PM] lets tda and own some peeps? [6:22:56 PM] wait [6:23:00 PM] i wanna scrim ks [6:23:02 PM] right now [6:23:07 PM] in a 2v2? [6:23:13 PM] .... [6:23:15 PM] scrim is 5v5 [6:23:32 PM] thought u were still taking about the 2v2 tourney [6:23:35 PM] nah [6:24:23 PM] wisper me if u want me to come [6:24:26 PM] ya [6:25:09 PM] so is ks lookin for a scrim right now? [6:25:10 PM] -- lkoN. [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:25:14 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [6:25:20 PM] yup [6:25:25 PM] talking with em [6:25:26 PM] right now [6:25:33 PM] hes trying to get players [6:25:36 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [6:25:39 PM] kinda sounds like a dodge [6:25:40 PM] dooos [6:25:41 PM] but w/e [6:25:41 PM] sooog ay [6:25:46 PM] my pokemon game [6:25:46 PM] d/c ? [6:25:47 PM] omg [6:25:52 PM] ya [6:25:53 PM] dc [6:25:55 PM] damn [6:25:58 PM] grr [6:26:07 PM] it says "my virtual memory is too low" [6:26:08 PM] then i dc [6:26:09 PM] wow [6:26:11 PM] wud a crappy computer [6:26:17 PM] im going to install wc on my laptop now [6:26:20 PM] i bet its faster [6:26:20 PM] than this [6:26:28 PM] so poisses [6:26:31 PM] that was a good pokemon game too [6:26:32 PM] lol [6:26:39 PM] i got articuno [6:26:40 PM] dang [6:26:49 PM] Shocker- or Pure(O)wnage elwe? [6:26:54 PM] answer! [6:26:58 PM] [6:27:06 PM] 0-12 tigerclaws? [6:27:07 PM] rofl [6:27:08 PM] i need to make a new account... [6:27:14 PM] huh [6:27:18 PM] pure ownage [6:27:37 PM] rofl sux gab ur 2 banned akas are still exist [6:27:44 PM] perfect ownage still has ur msg 2 [6:27:45 PM] in it [6:28:06 PM] WOW [6:28:11 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [6:28:11 PM] rofl [6:28:15 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [6:28:15 PM] .tda [6:28:16 PM] <1:ar45> <1:ar13> <5:rd24> <4:rd97> <2:ar421> <7:rd256> [6:28:17 PM] pathetic. [6:28:17 PM] maybe that aka isnt banned [6:28:19 PM] brb [6:28:22 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [6:29:06 PM] -- Perfect_Ownage [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:29:07 PM] hm.. [6:29:09 PM] rofl [6:29:10 PM] knewit [6:29:11 PM] wut an old pw [6:29:15 PM] boom? [6:29:18 PM] ya [6:29:18 PM] nintendo? [6:29:20 PM] lol [6:29:20 PM] lol [6:29:34 PM] how the heck [6:29:35 PM] i guess u just stopped playin with that aka [6:29:37 PM] do u get banned so much smoked [6:29:42 PM] ....................... [6:29:43 PM] cuz hes a maphackin mofo [6:29:45 PM] -- Perfect_Ownage has left the channel. [6:29:46 PM] ive left/dropped from like 5 tda games O.o [6:29:48 PM] -- Perfect_Ownage [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:29:49 PM] and i havent got banned [6:29:50 PM] meybe more [6:29:55 PM] no no [6:29:57 PM] im not a maphacking mofo... [6:29:57 PM] not td abanns [6:30:07 PM] well i was [6:30:10 PM] years and ages ago [6:30:14 PM] yeah [6:30:15 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:30:21 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [6:30:23 PM] when dinosaurs were existin [6:30:23 PM] i need an ud icon [6:30:26 PM] next to this name [6:30:28 PM] tooo sick [6:30:30 PM] u noob [6:30:42 PM] ur noob [6:30:43 PM] fag [6:30:53 PM] dont invite me [6:30:56 PM] UR BAD [6:31:02 PM] yawn [6:31:05 PM] are u still talking [6:31:10 PM] yA. [6:31:13 PM] Ya. [6:31:13 PM] wow [6:31:18 PM] any ways [6:31:21 PM] UR BAD. [6:31:22 PM] -- Perfect_Ownage has left the channel. [6:31:24 PM] smoked = perfect ownage? [6:31:32 PM] how many fucking aka's does that hoe have [6:31:35 PM] i know [6:31:44 PM] rofl..like 1 [6:31:45 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:31:45 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [6:31:50 PM] nice smoked [6:31:53 PM] what else does he have? [6:31:55 PM] he has more nicknames than puff daddy [6:31:55 PM] lol i could go tda with xxchrisxx [6:31:56 PM] lolol [6:31:58 PM] [6:32:02 PM] lets tda [6:32:05 PM] no u cant [6:32:06 PM] .tda [6:32:07 PM] <1:rd83> <6:ar420> [6:32:08 PM] u dont know pw [6:32:12 PM] hmm [6:32:15 PM] how did smoked get banned? [6:32:23 PM] .... [6:32:24 PM] -- JonaThan01 [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 16, icon tier Random, siren icon, in Clan eGu) [6:32:24 PM] he left a tda..; [6:32:32 PM] Twice. [6:32:33 PM] lool [6:32:45 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [6:32:45 PM] hey jona, u hot? [6:32:55 PM] rofl [6:32:57 PM] thats a guy [6:32:57 PM] btw [6:33:02 PM] question still stands [6:33:09 PM] hes also french [6:33:10 PM] so gl [6:33:12 PM] oh gay [6:33:14 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:33:15 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [6:33:19 PM] errr u changed ur passwords [6:33:22 PM] hahaha [6:33:23 PM] hah [6:33:24 PM] a long time ago [6:33:36 PM] u know mine but i dont know urs [6:33:37 PM] not cool. [6:33:41 PM] i dont know urs [6:33:41 PM] k talk about your past later [6:33:48 PM] let play now [6:33:51 PM] .tda [6:33:51 PM] <5:ar420> <9:rd644> <9:rd103> <5:ar52> <5:rd3> <9:ar1> <9:ar089> [6:33:52 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [6:33:55 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [6:33:57 PM] rd644 [6:34:09 PM] ks has like ten million ppl in there channel [6:34:11 PM] lets scrim [6:34:11 PM] them [6:34:17 PM] we dont have none on [6:34:27 PM] me u smoked [6:34:29 PM] and 2 random ppl [6:34:30 PM] is enuff [6:34:32 PM] nope [6:34:35 PM] not doing it [6:34:41 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:34:42 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [6:34:43 PM] -- Casey.Collier [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 11, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [6:34:46 PM] wow they are ihin [6:34:48 PM] fags. [6:34:52 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [6:34:55 PM] -- VeNoM) [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:34:55 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [6:34:56 PM] sup smoked [6:35:00 PM] hey [6:35:02 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:35:04 PM] wz up [6:35:07 PM] not much' [6:35:09 PM] just got home [6:35:14 PM] <2pink1stink> .tda [6:35:14 PM] <1:ar420> <9:rd644> <9:rd103> <2:ar52> <2:rd3> <4:ar1> <6:ar123> [6:35:17 PM] tda anyone? [6:35:22 PM] yeh we going to right now [6:35:27 PM] <2pink1stink> ar1? [6:35:30 PM] want me to host 1? [6:35:31 PM] no [6:35:43 PM] i know how to get the bot in now lol [6:35:44 PM] venom tda? [6:35:54 PM] chris wut are u other accounts [6:35:55 PM] lol [6:36:03 PM] xxchrisxx [6:36:03 PM] im sure u forgot to change the pws [6:36:05 PM] xxthe-onexx [6:36:07 PM] feared.one [6:36:07 PM] omg the one [6:36:11 PM] thacrowdsfav [6:36:11 PM] fawk [6:36:11 PM] forgot it [6:36:12 PM] i have more [6:36:15 PM] i cant even remember [6:36:16 PM] -- lkoN. [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:36:18 PM] whitewolf. [6:36:19 PM] lol [6:36:20 PM] ya [6:36:25 PM] whos gonna host tda [6:36:26 PM] total_carnage [6:36:27 PM] -- Aznist [187ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:36:28 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [6:36:29 PM] sol.carnage [6:36:31 PM] anm)mage [6:36:31 PM] lets ih [6:36:36 PM] with chris [6:36:36 PM] ih it is then [6:36:42 PM] and smoke gets razor [6:36:43 PM] no [6:36:50 PM] nope inhouses [6:36:54 PM] u took sniper [6:36:55 PM] why [6:36:57 PM] last time [6:36:58 PM] [6:37:02 PM] kinda had to [6:37:04 PM] cuz of u guys [6:37:09 PM] whos he gonna solo [6:37:10 PM] treant [6:37:13 PM] ANYWAYS [6:37:13 PM] it was the only good solo left [6:37:22 PM] yeh anyways [6:37:25 PM] lets tda [6:37:28 PM] maybe for ih just rd 1 tavern like dpl lol [6:37:29 PM] no [6:37:31 PM] AznistBot was kicked out of the channel by SMoKeD-PuFF. [6:37:31 PM] SMoKeD-PuFF kicked you out of the channel! [6:37:31 PM] -- Joined channel: The Void -- [6:37:31 PM] If you experience extreme lag in The Void, try selecting 'Disable Void View' from the Window menu. [6:37:31 PM] This channel does not have chat privileges. [6:37:31 PM] -- Joined channel: Aznist -- [6:37:40 PM] !join clan biol [6:37:40 PM] -- Joined channel: clan biol -- [6:37:41 PM] biol.proboards74.com ---- go take a look at our forums! [6:37:44 PM] fuckin last tda i did [6:37:46 PM] we clan stomp [6:37:48 PM] was vs clan boez [6:37:52 PM] and they fuckin ran a cal strat [6:37:55 PM] Yawn [6:37:59 PM] gab why do you keep booting aznistbot [6:38:02 PM] we have 8 people in her [6:38:06 PM] here [6:38:11 PM] cause i wanted ot know ow many eeps we were [6:38:11 PM] lol [6:38:13 PM] lets inh [6:38:15 PM] and i hate that bot [6:38:19 PM] lol [6:38:20 PM] makes me think were alot [6:38:23 PM] making gn: biol [6:38:25 PM] no [6:38:26 PM] no [6:38:28 PM] if we inhousin [6:38:29 PM] :'( [6:38:29 PM] im makin [6:38:30 PM] on lc [6:38:31 PM] k [6:38:31 PM] rd 1 tavern [6:38:32 PM] so thrs no lag [6:38:33 PM] Ya. [6:38:33 PM] make it then [6:38:34 PM] k [6:38:38 PM] smoked there's .afk [6:38:38 PM] k brb [6:38:39 PM] wtf is LC [6:38:41 PM] gn biol [6:38:42 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [6:38:47 PM] .afk [6:38:48 PM] 001 Idle for 15+ mins. Since 6:32, jell0 Idle for 15+ mins. Since 6:32 [6:38:52 PM] nice. [6:38:56 PM] .kick 001 [6:38:58 PM] HAHA [6:38:59 PM] -- JonaThan01 has left the channel. [6:39:00 PM] DIE [6:39:01 PM] woh's jell0 [6:39:04 PM] 001 was kicked out of the channel by SMoKeD-PuFF. [6:39:04 PM] -- 001 has left the channel. [6:39:05 PM] jell0 was kicked out of the channel by SMoKeD-PuFF. [6:39:06 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [6:39:07 PM] BAMBAM [6:39:08 PM] -- 001 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:39:11 PM] pewpew. [6:39:17 PM] and WTF IS LC [6:39:23 PM] listchecker. [6:39:25 PM] <001> dont kick me [6:39:27 PM] its a program [6:39:30 PM] ITS ALIVE [6:39:33 PM] that does what o.o [6:39:34 PM] -- VeNoM) [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [6:39:34 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [6:39:34 PM] -- Stats updated: VeNoM) [32ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:39:34 PM] its andrew. [6:39:38 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [6:39:39 PM] -- VeNoM) [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [6:39:39 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [6:39:39 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [6:39:42 PM] gn biol [6:39:42 PM] gogo [6:39:43 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [6:39:44 PM] what's listchecker do [6:39:46 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [6:39:46 PM] -- PointToProve has acquired ops. [6:39:47 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [6:39:53 PM] BIOL [6:39:55 PM] GN [6:39:57 PM] checks lists [6:39:59 PM] 001 GO [6:40:03 PM] LKON GO [6:40:08 PM] ikon u nigga [6:40:10 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [6:40:17 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [6:40:21 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [6:40:59 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:41:08 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [6:41:58 PM] [6:43:45 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:43:45 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [6:43:55 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [6:45:18 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:45:18 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [6:46:28 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [6:46:51 PM] -- 001 has left the channel. [6:46:58 PM] [6:46:58 PM] -- Germy [328ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [6:46:58 PM] -- Stats updated: Germy [328ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier unknown, unknown icon, in Clan BioL) [6:47:11 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:47:11 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [6:51:08 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [6:51:58 PM] [6:52:33 PM] -- vibestar98 [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:52:37 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [6:52:40 PM] [6:52:43 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [6:53:58 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [6:56:58 PM] [6:59:29 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:59:29 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [6:59:33 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [7:01:58 PM] [7:04:14 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:04:14 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [7:04:32 PM] [7:04:32 PM] [7:04:33 PM] [7:04:47 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [7:05:03 PM] -- ZOINKZ#2 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:05:10 PM] -- ZOINKZ#2 has left the channel. [7:06:00 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [7:06:22 PM] .tda [7:06:23 PM] <4:rd004> <7:rd45> <1:ar25> <5:rd52> <1:rd666> [7:06:58 PM] [7:07:38 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [7:07:45 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [7:07:46 PM] .tda [7:07:47 PM] <5:rd004> <1:rd45> <4:rd52> <3:rd102> <1:rd69> <9:rd4> [7:08:24 PM] -- x6.JollyJoker [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:08:25 PM] k [7:08:25 PM] x6.JollyJoker was banned by PointToProve (Quiet-time is enabled.). [7:08:25 PM] -- x6.JollyJoker has left the channel. [7:08:36 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [7:09:19 PM] x6.JollyJoker was unbanned by PointToProve. [7:09:22 PM] -- 4ReAL [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:09:45 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [7:09:59 PM] -- 4ReAL [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:10:25 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [7:11:58 PM] [7:13:23 PM] -- x6.JollyJoker [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:13:25 PM] -- x6.JollyJoker has left the channel. [7:16:58 PM] [7:18:49 PM] -- deep_evil [671ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:21:58 PM] [7:22:21 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:22:21 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [7:22:26 PM] deep!!!! [7:22:47 PM] :o [7:22:52 PM] quiz!!!!! [7:23:08 PM] -- Kyoukan [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [7:23:14 PM] -- Tengo_un_espada [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan Ks) [7:23:14 PM] Tengo_un_espada was banned by PointToProve (Shitlisted). [7:23:14 PM] -- Tengo_un_espada has left the channel. [7:23:16 PM] FUCK [7:23:17 PM] lol [7:23:18 PM] lol [7:23:31 PM] i hear you boyz got a deathwish [7:23:35 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [7:24:07 PM] hi [7:24:25 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [7:24:34 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [7:24:45 PM] -- Kyoukan has left the channel. [7:24:48 PM] .pingme [7:24:48 PM] Your ping at login was 78ms. [7:24:51 PM] is that ok? [7:24:56 PM] yes [7:24:58 PM] what happend to dream theater? [7:25:03 PM] but [7:25:06 PM] im lagginge very game now [7:25:06 PM] i havet seen him in so long [7:25:08 PM] for past 3 games [7:25:12 PM] .pingme [7:25:12 PM] Your ping at login was 31ms. [7:25:14 PM] Ping to elwe : 20 ms. [7:25:17 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [7:25:57 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [7:26:58 PM] [7:26:59 PM] -- deep_evil [671ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:27:02 PM] hay :o [7:27:05 PM] can u host? [7:27:07 PM] or want me? [7:27:07 PM] no [7:27:09 PM] yeah [7:27:10 PM] ap or ar? [7:27:20 PM] joining a game and not even inviting me [7:27:22 PM] im hurt [7:27:41 PM] i joined so i could leave for you [7:27:44 PM] <3 [7:27:47 PM] Dota 5v5 ap !! [7:27:50 PM] ahh thas love [7:27:54 PM] dota 5v5 ap !! [7:27:55 PM] dota 5v5 ap !! [7:28:07 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [7:28:11 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [7:31:58 PM] [7:34:20 PM] -- zoinkz [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:36:20 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [7:36:58 PM] [7:37:08 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:37:25 PM] .whois germy [7:37:25 PM] Found user germy, with access 50. [7:37:47 PM] .whoami [7:37:47 PM] You have 998 access. [7:41:58 PM] [7:46:58 PM] [7:51:58 PM] [7:56:58 PM] [7:57:40 PM] -- tJener [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:57:48 PM] -- Aznist [187ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [7:57:48 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [7:57:52 PM] -- lkoN. [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:57:55 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:57:56 PM] lol [7:57:57 PM] -- Casey.Collier [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 11, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [7:58:00 PM] another? [7:58:07 PM] -- VeNoM) [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:58:07 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [7:58:07 PM] yeahyeah [7:58:09 PM] another [7:58:10 PM] k cant inh [7:58:10 PM] ever [7:58:12 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:58:16 PM] fuckin capo [7:58:17 PM] nevr invite [7:58:20 PM] super noobs again [7:58:20 PM] lol [7:58:20 PM] pl7 [7:58:21 PM] t_T [7:58:23 PM] -- JonaThan01 [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 16, icon tier Random, siren icon, in Clan eGu) [7:58:24 PM] jesus christ [7:58:36 PM] i would rather [7:58:38 PM] hahahahahahaha [7:58:39 PM] take random ppl form a pub [7:58:42 PM] than those 2 [7:58:48 PM] those two..? [7:58:54 PM] lmao [7:58:55 PM] again? [7:58:55 PM] two horriblenoobs [7:58:59 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [7:58:59 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [7:59:07 PM] never share units with smoked [7:59:11 PM] fool messed up my awesome record [7:59:13 PM] lol [7:59:16 PM] yea right [7:59:23 PM] casey host another? [7:59:26 PM] -- JonaThan01 has left the channel. [7:59:29 PM] at least i can use enigma's ult correctly [7:59:37 PM] venom host another? [7:59:38 PM] yeah right when i came back u were ulting no one [7:59:41 PM] venom wont play [7:59:49 PM] he doesnt like us anymore [7:59:49 PM] lol [7:59:59 PM] he just played [7:59:59 PM] war ks [8:00:00 PM] every inhouse thers somethin [8:00:09 PM] 5v3 is fun [8:00:12 PM] with 2 extremefeeders [8:00:12 PM] 4v3* [8:00:14 PM] what 4 [8:00:21 PM] who was bad on ur team [8:00:24 PM] ME [8:00:25 PM] ME [8:00:25 PM] ME [8:00:25 PM] ikon [8:00:27 PM] lol [8:00:28 PM] lkon is a baby , he needed to go eat. [8:00:28 PM] ... [8:00:31 PM] his ult's were annoying [8:00:32 PM] i also was afk [8:00:40 PM] as i said [8:00:42 PM] 5v3 [8:00:44 PM] lol [8:00:44 PM] ... [8:00:46 PM] wow [8:00:49 PM] cmon [8:00:54 PM] i dont think u guys woulda won [8:00:56 PM] without enigma ult [8:01:04 PM] ows flattering [8:01:06 PM] ow* [8:01:10 PM] lkon [8:01:13 PM] u did amazing [8:01:13 PM] smoked kept ksing me [8:01:14 PM] going afk [8:01:17 PM] thats why i was 1-20 [8:01:17 PM] im gald we used u [8:01:23 PM] lol [8:01:24 PM] i think the thing that topped it off [8:01:26 PM] lets play... [8:01:27 PM] was ur maphckr [8:01:30 PM] running after our chicken [8:01:31 PM] aftr we used it [8:01:36 PM] yea he stole our item [8:01:39 PM] 1150 item [8:01:43 PM] somehow [8:01:45 PM] he doesnt mh tho [8:01:58 PM] [8:01:59 PM] wasnt it the rev? [8:02:00 PM] yo i somehow killed spider [8:02:04 PM] yes [8:02:05 PM] ur razor [8:02:05 PM] when he was running away from web [8:02:08 PM] was biggest mh ever [8:02:11 PM] cmon [8:02:13 PM] so obvious [8:02:16 PM] -- Elwe [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [8:02:17 PM] the way he ran in foret [8:02:18 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [8:02:18 PM] rofl [8:02:24 PM] we shoulda asked for SS [8:02:24 PM] he has like a choice of 4 paths [8:02:27 PM] three of them ahd ppl comin [8:02:31 PM] and he chooses the one that doesnt [8:02:36 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [8:02:39 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [8:02:39 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [8:02:40 PM] which was also a path to our base [8:02:40 PM] and i was following from a distance to cut him off every time i went to [8:02:43 PM] he changed routes [8:02:43 PM] who the hell would take that path [8:02:44 PM] Anyways , its over. [8:02:52 PM] lets play [8:02:55 PM] lets playy [8:02:56 PM] poor moon [8:02:57 PM] plus he tped to ur base [8:02:58 PM] i tp gank him and he runs away too [8:02:58 PM] just wants to play [8:02:59 PM] when aznist bded [8:03:01 PM] lololol [8:03:02 PM] but no [8:03:08 PM] capo keep defendin him [8:03:10 PM] he doesnt mh right [8:03:11 PM] rofl [8:03:14 PM] ya huh i was waiting at base for a backdoorer [8:03:17 PM] that doesnt make me a mher [8:03:20 PM] make a bnew game [8:03:24 PM] the razor [8:03:26 PM] tped from top [8:03:27 PM] to mid [8:03:29 PM] right b4 andrew got there [8:03:33 PM] we had wards everywhere... [8:03:35 PM] dont u get it :) [8:03:36 PM] is he fuckin psychic? [8:03:36 PM] lol [8:03:48 PM] yeah jamie said you guys had ward [8:03:49 PM] amagad [8:03:51 PM] play [8:03:52 PM] play [8:03:53 PM] play [8:03:55 PM] fuck it [8:03:56 PM] we had crows with burst everywehre anyway [8:03:58 PM] im ready to play [8:03:59 PM] u guys were screwed [8:04:00 PM] oh btw [8:04:03 PM] i have a thing called book 3 [8:04:05 PM] fucking chickens on rocket launchers [8:04:07 PM] u guys had zero wards [8:04:12 PM] im kiddin [8:04:13 PM] WOW [8:04:19 PM] .... [8:04:23 PM] can we stop bickering? [8:04:24 PM] and yes we had wards [8:04:25 PM] and play? [8:04:27 PM] sentries [8:04:30 PM] he did die like 10 times before killing anyone tho [8:04:30 PM] in our base [8:04:49 PM] k lets just move on and play another [8:04:51 PM] ahh. [8:04:53 PM] i bought them (200 gold) to kill the spider sleeping in our base. [8:05:03 PM] ok [8:05:05 PM] lets play [8:05:13 PM] /me if yo want to play [8:05:14 PM] [8:05:20 PM] [8:05:23 PM] [8:05:23 PM] t_T [8:05:25 PM] LOL [8:05:27 PM] that hurts gab [8:05:34 PM] [8:05:37 PM] [8:05:40 PM] [8:05:50 PM] for free btw [8:05:57 PM] Venom) im in [8:05:58 PM] aw [8:05:59 PM] cmon [8:06:00 PM] [8:06:10 PM] [8:06:10 PM] u forgot the : [8:06:12 PM] s [8:06:13 PM] [8:06:13 PM] [8:06:14 PM] [8:06:15 PM] make a game [8:06:16 PM] see who comes [8:06:17 PM] anyways im gonna go watch tv [8:06:34 PM] [8:06:37 PM] capo drained all my energy [8:06:39 PM] B [8:06:40 PM] lol [8:06:42 PM] okay ih or tda? [8:06:43 PM] AMAGAD [8:06:45 PM] can weplay [8:06:48 PM] i so bored [8:06:52 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [8:06:52 PM] if u dont ban me from tda i'll tda [8:06:55 PM] im scared i'll dc [8:06:58 PM] [8:06:58 PM] lol [8:07:06 PM] count em up [8:07:07 PM] how many we have [8:07:08 PM] [8:07:13 PM] [8:07:16 PM] [8:07:23 PM] well [8:07:25 PM] three cant do much [8:07:33 PM] afk [8:07:38 PM] .afk [8:07:38 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 6:53, Germy Idle for 15+ mins. Since 7:02 [8:07:58 PM] u guys are boring [8:08:01 PM] im going to log for a while if no one wants to play [8:08:02 PM] agreed [8:08:07 PM] their lame [8:08:21 PM] k later guys [8:08:23 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [8:08:28 PM] waiting for nothing [8:08:33 PM] fan freaking tastic [8:08:36 PM] :( [8:09:32 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [8:09:56 PM] aite just finished cooking dinner, so back [8:10:11 PM] maz is retarded, says he can't get on east [8:10:42 PM] amagad [8:11:16 PM] prolly cd key in use [8:11:22 PM] -- BarneyHater [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon) [8:11:25 PM] that's what i'm guessing [8:11:28 PM] -- 4ReAL [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:11:28 PM] sup its zoinkz [8:11:37 PM] lol [8:11:40 PM] brb [8:11:41 PM] -- BarneyHater has left the channel. [8:11:58 PM] [8:12:03 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:12:03 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [8:12:04 PM] -- Mr.Bond [156ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [8:12:07 PM] u guys wanna scrim? [8:12:11 PM] instead of playing ks? [8:12:15 PM] theyre just dodging [8:12:27 PM] umm [8:12:30 PM] they're all afk [8:12:31 PM] -- Brucemcc [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan k1ng) [8:12:33 PM] .afk [8:12:33 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 6:53, Germy Idle for 15+ mins. Since 7:02 [8:12:36 PM] lol.. [8:12:47 PM] yes [8:12:50 PM] im here [8:12:53 PM] yup [8:12:53 PM] sup sup [8:12:54 PM] yaya [8:12:55 PM] wanna scrim? [8:12:58 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [8:13:10 PM] -- Aznist [187ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [8:13:10 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [8:13:15 PM] SCRIMKS GO [8:13:21 PM] -- Mr.Bond has left the channel. [8:13:23 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [8:13:26 PM] Wait i gotta go home 1st [8:13:27 PM] lmfek [8:13:28 PM] cokda [8:13:32 PM] i love how mr bond [8:13:33 PM] goes to ks [8:13:34 PM] right after [8:13:34 PM] -- 4ReAL [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:13:42 PM] a lil less obvious next time [8:13:43 PM] k thx [8:13:47 PM] do we have 5 [8:13:49 PM] ill go ask ks [8:13:51 PM] so we can rapeem [8:13:56 PM] lets gooooooooooooo [8:14:03 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [8:14:13 PM] me me me me me i think that will own hard [8:14:14 PM] -- Brucemcc has left the channel. [8:14:33 PM] 2oink [8:14:34 PM] pink [8:14:38 PM] -- RasheeD [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 11, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon) [8:14:46 PM] 2pink host dota [8:14:47 PM] They dodging [8:14:55 PM] right MEOW [8:14:57 PM] -- VeNoM) [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:14:57 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [8:14:58 PM] k ks [8:15:00 PM] gonna scrim [8:15:02 PM] waiot [8:15:03 PM] wait [8:15:03 PM] when lesh gets back [8:15:05 PM] i gotta go home [8:15:06 PM] 1st [8:15:06 PM] ok [8:15:15 PM] whos our 5th? [8:15:17 PM] were is smoked [8:15:19 PM] i dunno [8:15:21 PM] smoked gone [8:15:24 PM] me u capo azn [8:15:26 PM] get 2pink [8:15:29 PM] No.. [8:15:33 PM] stfu [8:15:34 PM] .- [8:15:36 PM] -- Kyoukan [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [8:15:36 PM] -.- [8:15:37 PM] hey [8:15:38 PM] u never seen him play [8:15:39 PM] to my knowledge [8:15:44 PM] we got you schedule to play [8:15:50 PM] those other 2 clans jsut randomly showed up [8:15:55 PM] lesh is taking a shit [8:15:57 PM] -- RasheeD has left the channel. [8:15:57 PM] we waiting on him [8:15:57 PM] ok [8:16:01 PM] ok [8:16:03 PM] zoinks go home [8:16:04 PM] fast [8:16:06 PM] and i gotata get home 1st [8:16:08 PM] fast [8:16:09 PM] go [8:16:10 PM] well my moms picking me up [8:16:10 PM] run [8:16:11 PM] run [8:16:11 PM] so lolz [8:16:11 PM] h/o [8:16:12 PM] .... [8:16:15 PM] wtf i still here for [8:16:15 PM] i forgot [8:16:17 PM] -- Kyoukan has left the channel. [8:16:17 PM] you're 13 [8:16:19 PM] ... [8:16:21 PM] u [8:16:24 PM] Itll be 10 min till i get home [8:16:25 PM] ! [8:16:28 PM] wow [8:16:29 PM] leave [8:16:30 PM] ew [8:16:30 PM] dude [8:16:33 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [8:16:35 PM] thats 2 long [8:16:38 PM] i gotta start like now [8:16:39 PM] 10 fukin minutes [8:16:39 PM] wtf [8:16:41 PM] lesh is taking a big crap [8:16:41 PM] dude i cant [8:16:44 PM] u still here [8:16:45 PM] no worries [8:16:51 PM] I CANT LEAVE MY MOMS PICKING ME UP [8:16:51 PM] k ill just ask them [8:16:52 PM] WOW u are dumd [8:16:53 PM] to play tomorw [8:16:54 PM] -- Mr.Bond [156ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [8:16:56 PM] -- 4ReAL [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:16:56 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [8:16:56 PM] No [8:16:58 PM] [8:16:58 PM] i wanna [8:16:58 PM] he is there a ks scrim going on? [8:16:59 PM] play now [8:17:01 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [8:17:03 PM] thats ownt [8:17:06 PM] thanks [8:17:07 PM] -- Mr.Bond has left the channel. [8:17:14 PM] u just fucked up the scrim [8:17:14 PM] -- Mr.Bond [156ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [8:17:30 PM] Dude stfu ur fukin annoying [8:17:31 PM] ! [8:17:39 PM] ouch coming for u [8:17:44 PM] that hurt me [8:17:47 PM] no dude ur being mad annoying today [8:17:48 PM] -- DarkMage.Syn [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Orcs, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [8:17:51 PM] u dodge every game with mage [8:17:54 PM] with out [8:17:54 PM] hi aznist [8:17:56 PM] -- Mr.GeneralTao [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan MrG) [8:17:57 PM] and moon [8:17:58 PM] hi [8:18:00 PM] u know why [8:18:07 PM] wat does biol stands for? [8:18:10 PM] U didnt wanna scrim eNe cuz ur pusssyyyy [8:18:16 PM] -- Mr.Bond has left the channel. [8:18:18 PM] lol...blame it on lag [8:18:22 PM] o yeh [8:18:23 PM] aha [8:18:25 PM] good ponit [8:18:30 PM] we gonna scrim in about 1 hour right? [8:18:34 PM] capo make new aka called dodger [8:18:38 PM] that's fine [8:18:41 PM] since your guy has to go [8:18:52 PM] ownt wwere u get these from [8:18:54 PM] go home from cafe [8:18:54 PM] -- VeNoM) [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:18:54 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [8:18:57 PM] u on a roll [8:19:00 PM] u better huryr up [8:19:01 PM] and et home [8:19:02 PM] fucker [8:19:07 PM] u fucking suck [8:19:08 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:19:09 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [8:19:11 PM] i do [8:19:12 PM] o my [8:19:12 PM] there [8:19:12 PM] ? [8:19:14 PM] the 5 will be [8:19:15 PM] yeh u do [8:19:16 PM] me quiz [8:19:17 PM] who is the one venom? [8:19:17 PM] azn [8:19:20 PM] rad [8:19:22 PM] rad [8:19:23 PM] go [8:19:23 PM] is the one [8:19:23 PM] I suck lawls? [8:19:24 PM] now [8:19:26 PM] we will wait Bot application closed, dumping chat screen. [8:28:42 PM] -> Welcome to StealthBot v2.6 Revision 3, by Stealth. [8:28:42 PM] -> If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [8:28:42 PM] >> StealthBot News [8:28:42 PM] >> --------------------- [8:28:42 PM] >> Battle.net Changes [8:28:42 PM] >> --------------------- [8:28:42 PM] >> Blizzard has made an addition version check system change. [8:28:42 PM] >> [8:28:42 PM] >> There is no way for you to patch this one at the time. [8:28:42 PM] >> I am working on continuing to prepare the 2.7 release, which with [8:28:42 PM] >> some concerted efforts can probably be launched by this weekend. [8:28:42 PM] >> I will do my best. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned to [8:28:42 PM] >> http://www.stealthbot.net for updates. [8:28:43 PM] All connections closed. [8:19:29 PM] he has to wait [8:19:30 PM] for his mom [8:19:31 PM] u think u good [8:19:32 PM] to pick him up [8:19:35 PM] u do shit [8:19:37 PM] Dude i never said i was good [8:19:39 PM] but cry [8:19:41 PM] all fucking day [8:19:43 PM] Ok i m crying [8:19:45 PM] im crying [8:19:45 PM] who is this Balllin guy? [8:19:47 PM] WAH WAHH [8:19:47 PM] WAHH [8:19:50 PM] some retard [8:19:51 PM] hes in our clan... [8:19:57 PM] Never heard of him [8:19:58 PM] lolz [8:20:00 PM] Lawls [8:20:00 PM] anyone [8:20:00 PM] ....... [8:20:01 PM] u think u are on tp of the world [8:20:01 PM] ya wasnt he a shaman for a day? [8:20:02 PM] wanna [8:20:03 PM] scrim [8:20:04 PM] hes ur best friendddd [8:20:08 PM] lolz/ [8:20:09 PM] he left [8:20:10 PM] [8:20:11 PM] if we dont fight [8:20:12 PM] cuz he thought i left [8:20:13 PM] the clan [8:20:24 PM] and now he doesnt wanna rejoin [8:20:25 PM] but w/e [8:20:28 PM] lolz [8:20:29 PM] -- deep_evil [671ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:20:35 PM] hey aznist [8:20:39 PM] BUt w/e i dont think i should scrim i suck according to capo [8:20:40 PM] The man [8:20:42 PM] dakid [8:20:45 PM] i did it [8:20:46 PM] yea [8:20:46 PM] which ones are your best scrim players? [8:20:48 PM] capo(o_o [8:20:51 PM] shh [8:20:53 PM] evry body shh [8:20:54 PM] name 5 [8:20:55 PM] our best team is [8:20:55 PM] yup [8:20:56 PM] me [8:20:58 PM] ballliinnn [8:20:59 PM] radiance [8:21:00 PM] vibestar [8:21:03 PM] wavelength [8:21:04 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [8:21:07 PM] -- deep_evil [671ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:21:08 PM] o reily? [8:21:10 PM] ballin is not your clan... [8:21:13 PM] yes he is [8:21:13 PM] i suck dont use me [8:21:13 PM] yea i am not in top 5 [8:21:16 PM] Lolz hes on our team [8:21:20 PM] ballin [8:21:21 PM] left clan [8:21:22 PM] aznist u and smoked tie gogo [8:21:25 PM] cuz he thought i left clan [8:21:27 PM] and now he wont rejoin [8:21:29 PM] oh lol [8:21:30 PM] HE STILL PLAYS ON THE TEAM [8:21:41 PM] where is wavelength [8:21:42 PM] cuz hes too cool for us [8:21:45 PM] not on [8:21:49 PM] -- Mr.GeneralTao has left the channel. [8:21:49 PM] where did that Legion dude go? [8:21:53 PM] ? [8:21:54 PM] and fear mage? [8:21:55 PM] i am backup [8:21:58 PM] [8:21:58 PM] im mage [8:22:00 PM] not a starter [8:22:05 PM] you are fearmage? [8:22:07 PM] yes [8:22:10 PM] lol [8:22:15 PM] so why did everyone get set back to peon? [8:22:18 PM] i dunno [8:22:19 PM] -- Mr.Bond [156ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [8:22:21 PM] smoked went crazy [8:22:21 PM] I DIDNT DO IT [8:22:21 PM] where is vibestar? [8:22:23 PM] while he was chief [8:22:26 PM] i dunno [8:22:28 PM] yoo [8:22:31 PM] kk [8:22:32 PM] u guys gunna play ks? [8:22:33 PM] only noobs got back to peon [8:22:34 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [8:22:35 PM] we will wait [8:22:35 PM] im pretty sure wave [8:22:40 PM] has baseball [8:22:41 PM] tonight [8:22:45 PM] thats why hes not on [8:22:47 PM] interested in scrimmin? [8:22:52 PM] we are scrimmin ks [8:22:57 PM] ah k [8:22:57 PM] -- coL.warr1ck [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:22:58 PM] sup [8:22:59 PM] venom [8:23:02 PM] im looking for a new clan [8:23:05 PM] may i tryout? [8:23:06 PM] -- Zoophagous [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:23:06 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [8:23:09 PM] -- Mr.Bond has left the channel. [8:23:10 PM] woah [8:23:10 PM] -- o1c.Leshrac [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, destroyer icon, in Clan Ks) [8:23:12 PM] -- Mr.Bond [156ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [8:23:15 PM] -- Mr.Bond has left the channel. [8:23:18 PM] good name [8:23:23 PM] -- DarkMage.Syn has left the channel. [8:23:23 PM] -- 4ReAL [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:23:23 PM] are we having an orgy? [8:23:23 PM] May i try out venom? [8:23:28 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [8:23:33 PM] how did you know venom was chief? [8:23:38 PM] well hes gold [8:23:39 PM] -- jell0 [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:23:40 PM] -- 4ReAL [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:23:44 PM] lol [8:23:44 PM] but hes not even on top [8:23:48 PM] ... [8:23:50 PM] or on bottom [8:23:51 PM] so im willing to try out [8:23:51 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [8:23:53 PM] u click his name [8:23:53 PM] oo [8:23:54 PM] i have alot of xp [8:23:55 PM] brb [8:23:57 PM] played on col plug etc [8:23:58 PM] (shh) [8:24:00 PM] and alot of scrims [8:24:01 PM] pointtoprove is chief, duh [8:24:05 PM] lol [8:24:07 PM] .tda [8:24:07 PM] yeh leagues u in [8:24:08 PM] <4:rd514> <2:ar443> <5:ar25> [8:24:08 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [8:24:10 PM] May i join biol? [8:24:18 PM] try out [8:24:22 PM] I played mym cal and other tourneys with col [8:24:26 PM] -- o1c.Leshrac has left the channel. [8:24:29 PM] u were on mym? [8:24:33 PM] yeh ok... what leagues u in [8:24:38 PM] we won cal s2 with col [8:24:43 PM] -- 4ReAL [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:24:44 PM] Uhm no i played in mym with col [8:24:50 PM] are u active [8:24:51 PM] ? [8:24:52 PM] Wut leagues am i [8:24:55 PM] well i just came back [8:24:59 PM] i was in ihl ihcs etc. [8:25:05 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [8:25:06 PM] o ok [8:25:10 PM] -- DarkMage.Syn [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Orcs, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [8:25:16 PM] so did you guys get redy? [8:25:22 PM] So i was just looking for a new clan cuz i heard the leader was looking for some1 to replace balllllionnnnnn cuz he SUCKS ASS AT SUPPORT [8:25:24 PM] have those you in cafe go home? [8:25:24 PM] on to the tough questions.. if a customer comes in asking for the manager and looking very angry, what do you do [8:25:31 PM] -- o1c.Leshrac [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, destroyer icon, in Clan Ks) [8:25:36 PM] i think rad [8:25:37 PM] went hom [8:25:38 PM] ... [8:25:40 PM] since he aint online [8:25:41 PM] kk [8:25:44 PM] venom may i join ur clan? [8:25:46 PM] o nice ownt [8:25:46 PM] msg me or someone [8:25:49 PM] when he backs [8:25:51 PM] yo [8:25:52 PM] -- DarkMage.Syn has left the channel. [8:25:57 PM] -- o1c.Leshrac has left the channel. [8:25:58 PM] hey warrick [8:26:02 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [8:26:05 PM] and nice name spell [8:26:06 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:26:06 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [8:26:08 PM] The real Warrick types like this. [8:26:18 PM] we going to vs them? [8:26:22 PM] loll [8:26:24 PM] I'm the real Warrick [8:26:31 PM] Do you see my name? [8:26:33 PM] it was ownt little friends [8:26:34 PM] ... [8:26:37 PM] coL.warr1ck [8:26:39 PM] Ownt? [8:26:48 PM] How would his friend be on my account? [8:26:58 PM] [8:27:00 PM] what u talking about [8:27:02 PM] there's a confusing sentence [8:27:10 PM] how would my friend be on my account [8:27:10 PM] or [8:27:17 PM] how would his friend be on his account [8:27:25 PM] o.o [8:27:32 PM] -- coL.warr1ck has left the channel. [8:27:44 PM] hmm [8:27:47 PM] or... how would supermang be on judge judy's account?! [8:27:48 PM] mad ppl on [8:27:56 PM] :OOO [8:28:07 PM] lol [8:28:09 PM] fred is ken getting on? [8:28:12 PM] i want to play [8:28:13 PM] lol [8:28:22 PM] im gonna gem td [8:28:28 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [8:28:30 PM] I need a quote to add. [8:28:30 PM] .addquote tJener how would supermang be on judge judy's account?! [8:28:37 PM] so whats the plan, ih, scrim, continue talking? [8:28:40 PM] ? [8:28:42 PM] umm [8:28:45 PM] .addquote tJener: how would supermang be on judge judy's account?! [8:28:45 PM] I need a quote to add. [8:28:47 PM] ugh [8:29:05 PM] startsc? [8:29:07 PM] !addquote "tjener: how would supermang be on judge judy's account?!" [8:29:13 PM] errr [8:29:15 PM] .startsc [8:29:19 PM] Type this the fastest: [ytgvbrpctr] [8:29:24 PM] ytgvbrpctr [8:29:24 PM] Well done deep_evil! Your score is [58]. Your time was [04:922]. [8:29:24 PM] ytgvbrqctr [8:29:27 PM] lol [8:29:30 PM] going down deep [8:29:33 PM] sure [8:29:34 PM] Type this the fastest: [cdsczhnokwe] [8:29:38 PM] oh fuck that [8:29:38 PM] cdsczhnokwe [8:29:38 PM] cdsczhnokwew [8:29:38 PM] Well done deep_evil! Your score is [59]. Your time was [04:125]. [8:29:40 PM] cdsczhnokwe [8:29:44 PM] lol [8:29:45 PM] typo [8:29:50 PM] Type this the fastest: [bklkkftggu] [8:29:52 PM] -- aznshorty67 [110ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:29:53 PM] bklkkftggu [8:29:53 PM] bklkkftggu [8:29:53 PM] Well done tJener! Your score is [2]. Your time was [03:422]. [8:29:54 PM] bklkkftggu [8:29:56 PM] bklkkftggu [8:29:56 PM] ahhhhhhhhh [8:29:58 PM] .afk [8:29:58 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 6:53, Germy Idle for 15+ mins. Since 7:02, 2pink1stink Idle for 15+ mins. Since 8:13 [8:30:01 PM] lets play [8:30:02 PM] ken [8:30:04 PM] agreed [8:30:06 PM] Type this the fastest: [xpgutetnv] [8:30:08 PM] ? [8:30:08 PM] quiz [8:30:09 PM] xpgutetnv [8:30:09 PM] Well done tJener! Your score is [3]. Your time was [03:998]. [8:30:09 PM] xpgutetnv [8:30:11 PM] xpgutetnv [8:30:11 PM] ach [8:30:12 PM] be prepared to leavethe gametho [8:30:15 PM] since ur scrimmin [8:30:16 PM] with us [8:30:17 PM] tjener is teh RIVAL [8:30:18 PM] k [8:30:20 PM] .... [8:30:20 PM] wen nick is back [8:30:21 PM] Type this the fastest: [rppeotsgal] [8:30:24 PM] rppeotsgal [8:30:24 PM] Well done tJener! Your score is [4]. Your time was [02:734]. [8:30:24 PM] rppeotsgal [8:30:26 PM] rppeotsgal [8:30:28 PM] OK [8:30:35 PM] Type this the fastest: [qysetouup] [8:30:38 PM] qysetouup [8:30:38 PM] Well done deep_evil! Your score is [60]. Your time was [02:985]. [8:30:39 PM] qysetouup [8:30:39 PM] qysetouup [8:30:41 PM] \ahhhhhhhhh [8:30:43 PM] lol [8:30:49 PM] Type this the fastest: [wduvoatdnxt] [8:30:52 PM] wduvoatdnxt [8:30:52 PM] Well done deep_evil! Your score is [61]. Your time was [03:265]. [8:30:53 PM] wduvoatdnxt [8:30:54 PM] wduboatdnxy [8:30:59 PM] u cheat [8:31:00 PM] i know u do [8:31:03 PM] liar [8:31:05 PM] Type this the fastest: [wtkxhnkoifw] [8:31:09 PM] wtkxhnkoifw [8:31:09 PM] Well done deep_evil! Your score is [62]. Your time was [03:375]. [8:31:11 PM] wtkxhnkoifw [8:31:19 PM] tjener's not trying anymore? [8:31:21 PM] Type this the fastest: [crjvmucrvnfo] [8:31:22 PM] Type this the fastest: [tsdvsdgsdked] [8:31:25 PM] crjvmucrvnfo [8:31:25 PM] Well done AznistBot! Your score is [6]. Your time was [03:890]. [8:31:28 PM] lol [8:31:28 PM] LOL [8:31:29 PM] andrew [8:31:30 PM] he cheats [8:31:30 PM] hmm which 1 [8:31:31 PM] stop cheating [8:31:37 PM] Type this the fastest: [laflsnvlyox] [8:31:38 PM] Type this the fastest: [tsdvsdgsdked] [8:31:41 PM] whoa [8:31:43 PM] bla bla bal [8:31:45 PM] stoppit [8:31:48 PM] tsdvsdgsdked [8:31:49 PM] .stopsc [8:31:50 PM] tsdvsdgsdked [8:31:51 PM] LOL [8:31:53 PM] -- 1341213412I4N [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon) [8:31:54 PM] it worked [8:31:57 PM] <1341213412I4N> Holy mother [8:31:59 PM] [8:32:00 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [8:32:01 PM] i went to do dishes [8:32:02 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [8:32:09 PM] and by do dishes [8:32:14 PM] throw them in the sink [8:32:23 PM] N1 [8:32:33 PM] Type this the fastest: [ksjmwnnd] [8:32:46 PM] ksjmwnnd [8:32:48 PM] so fast [8:32:48 PM] wii would like to play. [8:32:52 PM] lol [8:32:52 PM] -- 1341213412I4N has left the channel. [8:32:55 PM] we would [8:32:57 PM] All connections closed. [8:33:06 PM] [BNLS] Connecting... [8:33:06 PM] [BNLS] Connected! [8:33:06 PM] [BNLS] Authorized! [8:33:06 PM] [BNET] Connecting... [8:33:06 PM] [BNET] Connected! [8:33:06 PM] [BNET] Checking version... [8:33:07 PM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [8:33:07 PM] [BNET] Sending login information... [8:33:08 PM] [BNET] Login successful. [8:33:08 PM] [CLAN] You are a Grunt in Clan BioL. [8:33:08 PM] [BNET] Logged on as AznistBot. [8:33:08 PM] -- Joined channel: clan biol -- [8:33:08 PM] Welcome to Battle.net! [8:33:09 PM] This server is hosted by AT&T. [8:33:09 PM] There are currently 69638 users playing 1530 games of Warcraft III The Frozen Throne, and 159383 users playing 38606 games on Battle.net. [8:33:09 PM] Last logon: Mon Jun 18 9:55 AM [8:33:09 PM] biol.proboards74.com ---- go take a look at our forums! [8:33:09 PM] -- Stats updated: AznistBot [62ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:33:10 PM] Account Created: 6/3/2007, 17:18:45 (Battle.net time) [8:33:10 PM] Last Logon: 6/19/2007, 01:27:28 (Battle.net time) [8:33:10 PM] Last Logoff: 6/19/2007, 01:27:28 (Battle.net time) [8:33:10 PM] Time Logged: 5 days, 3 hours, 30 minutes and 41 seconds [8:33:10 PM] .stopsc [8:33:18 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [8:33:19 PM] .stopsc [8:33:19 PM] .startsc [8:33:19 PM] .. [8:33:19 PM] .cq [8:33:19 PM] Queue cleared. [8:33:23 PM] -- Dark_Zombie [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 5, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan XYTH) [8:33:27 PM] laflsnvlyox [8:33:27 PM] Well done moon.! Your score is [18]. Your time was [09:998]. [8:33:28 PM] ooo shit [8:33:30 PM] -- 1341213412I4N has left the channel. [8:33:35 PM] -- Dark_Zombie has left the channel. [8:33:38 PM] -- Dark_Zombie [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 5, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan XYTH) [8:33:40 PM] .startsc [8:33:40 PM] Type this the fastest: [dygqihnkienw] [8:33:45 PM] Type this the fastest: [aslasdfj] [8:33:49 PM] -- Dark_Zombie has left the channel. [8:33:53 PM] -- Dark_Zombie [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 5, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan XYTH) [8:33:54 PM] .stopsc [8:33:58 PM] .LASTWHISPER [8:33:58 PM] Type this the fastest: [moonistehpro] [8:33:58 PM] [moon.] was the last user to whisper this bot. [8:34:00 PM] stop moon [8:34:03 PM] t_T [8:34:03 PM] The last whisper to this bot was from: moon. [8:34:07 PM] .. [8:34:11 PM] -- Dark_Zombie has left the channel. [8:34:17 PM] fine [8:34:32 PM] i have like [8:34:35 PM] 100+ cdkeys =/ [8:34:44 PM] new ones? [8:34:49 PM] did you rake through the internets [8:34:50 PM] -- Zoophagous [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:34:50 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [8:34:53 PM] yea [8:34:54 PM] they work [8:35:03 PM] lol [8:35:11 PM] go haxing around teh intrawebs! [8:35:28 PM] do you have both regular and xpansion? [8:35:32 PM] yea [8:35:42 PM] we can fill the channel with bots! [8:35:46 PM] -- ClanGnome [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Spht) [8:35:46 PM] -- ClanGnome has left the channel. [8:35:46 PM] ClanGnome was banned by PointToProve (Shitlisted). [8:35:49 PM] NO [8:35:50 PM] UNBAN [8:35:51 PM] each with a different letter as a trigger [8:35:52 PM] the gnome [8:35:57 PM] lol [8:35:57 PM] who keeps banning him [8:35:59 PM] idk [8:36:00 PM] .safelist clangnome [8:36:00 PM] ClanGnome was unbanned by PointToProve. [8:36:01 PM] Added tag/user "clangnome" to the safelist. [8:36:13 PM] everyone can have their own bot [8:36:23 PM] deep_evilbot [8:36:26 PM] lol [8:36:28 PM] moon.bot [8:36:33 PM] i have a sc cdkey [8:36:34 PM] lol [8:36:37 PM] Pr0nbot [8:36:46 PM] tJeno. [8:36:51 PM] lol tjener can run that bot [8:37:05 PM] tJeno, wtf is that a cross between me and J leno? [8:37:09 PM] [8:37:15 PM] er [8:37:19 PM] lol [8:37:20 PM] how do you pronounce tjener [8:37:26 PM] hell if i know [8:37:27 PM] i meant it as in teejay-no [8:37:28 PM] -- Rad1ance- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:37:28 PM] -- Rad1ance- has acquired ops. [8:37:28 PM] its danish [8:37:35 PM] -- Rad1ance- has left the channel. [8:37:36 PM] i'm freakin chinese [8:37:37 PM] don't ask me [8:37:38 PM] lol [8:37:42 PM] =P [8:37:58 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [8:38:04 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [8:38:04 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [8:38:10 PM] -- deep_evil [671ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:38:11 PM] -- aznshorty67 [110ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:38:13 PM] lol [8:38:15 PM] -- 4ReAL [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:38:16 PM] scrim [8:38:18 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [8:38:19 PM] oh [8:38:21 PM] lol [8:38:23 PM] -- 4ReAL [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:38:28 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [8:38:34 PM] -- 4ReAL [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:38:35 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [8:38:43 PM] -- Quizler [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:38:43 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [8:38:53 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [8:39:17 PM] i need to learn a good character [8:39:18 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [8:39:22 PM] .mail aznist after cdkeys, you need to collect illys [8:39:22 PM] Added mail for aznist. [8:39:35 PM] illys? [8:39:40 PM] Illiad?! [8:39:46 PM] Lilies?! [8:39:50 PM] illys [8:39:53 PM] or [8:39:57 PM] illies, maybe [8:40:16 PM] i'm still confused what is meant by "illys" [8:40:21 PM] like [8:40:28 PM] venom) is a username with an illy [8:40:37 PM] cuz bnet doesnt allow those anymore [8:40:53 PM] oh like random characters? [8:40:59 PM] outside of azAZ09 [8:41:10 PM] and _ . [8:41:14 PM] right [8:41:16 PM] gotcha [8:41:47 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [8:42:11 PM] [8:43:04 PM] -- Aznist [187ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [8:43:04 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [8:43:09 PM] !inbox [8:43:17 PM] illys? [8:43:24 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [8:43:27 PM] -- o1c.Leshrac [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, destroyer icon, in Clan Ks) [8:43:34 PM] -- o1c.Leshrac has left the channel. [8:44:23 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [8:44:29 PM] -- tJener has left the channel. [8:44:56 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:44:56 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [8:46:13 PM] -- Zoophagous [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:46:13 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [8:46:22 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [8:46:27 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:46:27 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [8:46:47 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [8:47:00 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [8:47:11 PM] [8:47:14 PM] -- Zoophagous [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:47:14 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [8:47:16 PM] deep [8:47:20 PM] eh [8:47:20 PM] u there [8:47:21 PM] yeah [8:47:25 PM] wth [8:47:30 PM] think they want u to join [8:47:32 PM] biol? [8:47:35 PM] ya [8:47:37 PM] er [8:47:38 PM] ok [8:47:42 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:47:44 PM] l;askdfl;kasdl [8:47:45 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [8:48:07 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [8:48:18 PM] -- bonginathong [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan AoG) [8:48:35 PM] psst quiz [8:48:41 PM] -- Zoophagous [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:48:41 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [8:48:48 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [8:48:50 PM] [8:49:07 PM] -- aznshorty67 [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:49:08 PM] [8:49:14 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:49:16 PM] lol [8:49:17 PM] lame [8:49:21 PM] ? [8:49:26 PM] we both fataled [8:49:28 PM] yeah [8:49:36 PM] hmm [8:49:38 PM] i'll host? [8:49:41 PM] what game? [8:49:44 PM] card game [8:49:45 PM] ok [8:49:47 PM] unless you don't want to [8:49:50 PM] i don't care [8:49:51 PM] whatever [8:49:53 PM] i dont either [8:49:54 PM] lol [8:49:57 PM] dang im soposed to be scriming w/ them but i cant join the game for some reason [8:49:58 PM] kk [8:50:13 PM] quiz wat time is it in aus? [8:50:16 PM] umm [8:50:29 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [8:50:43 PM] 12:50 [8:50:44 PM] cause its morning when i get on and hes on [8:50:47 PM] millitary time [8:50:54 PM] and its the 19th [8:51:03 PM] its afternoon for aus at like 6 this time right? [8:51:14 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [8:51:15 PM] no its afternoon now [8:51:28 PM] -- Mr.Syner [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [8:51:28 PM] cause ala is always on 6 a.m. this time [8:51:35 PM] 5 a.m. my bad [8:51:42 PM] Any clans in here wanna scrim? [8:51:44 PM] which would be his night time [8:52:02 PM] 6am our time is about 8:00pm ther time [8:52:11 PM] [8:52:25 PM] watever im getting cornfused [8:52:46 PM] lol [8:52:55 PM] its monday right now right? [8:53:00 PM] in au tis tuesday [8:53:01 PM] if ur talking to feared then the other team is hacking [8:53:03 PM] So... no thjan? [8:53:07 PM] ? [8:53:08 PM] *than [8:53:09 PM] lol [8:53:13 PM] Do you guys want to scrim? [8:53:29 PM] umm [8:53:36 PM] most the clan is scriming ks atm [8:53:39 PM] clan ks [8:53:43 PM] I see [8:53:50 PM] Well. if you would like too just msg me okay? [8:53:55 PM] this clan thinks everything is hacks [8:54:03 PM] blasfamy [8:54:05 PM] bonginathong was kicked out of the channel by Quizler. [8:54:05 PM] -- bonginathong has left the channel. [8:54:09 PM] lol [8:54:10 PM] lol [8:54:21 PM] Pwnt [8:54:25 PM] umm im about to get of dude [8:54:32 PM] id message aznist [8:54:35 PM] aite than thanks [8:55:10 PM] i cant [8:55:13 PM] get in that game [8:55:14 PM] -- 223[90] [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BoeZ) [8:55:27 PM] what zooph? [8:55:28 PM] BioL who is the chieftan? [8:55:31 PM] -- lkoN. [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:55:33 PM] its.. [8:55:33 PM] Wow [8:55:33 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [8:55:33 PM] i cant get in the scrim [8:55:37 PM] i cant join the game [8:55:38 PM] venom) [8:55:42 PM] Wow tell ikon. to come back [8:55:44 PM] they allrdy started [8:55:47 PM] I know him from so long ago [8:55:52 PM] who was there 5th? [8:55:55 PM] ikon is using a diff name now [8:55:59 PM] what name? [8:56:04 PM] i was but i coulnt get in the game [8:56:06 PM] I played with him along time ago.. i use to be in BioL [8:56:11 PM] -- Mr.GeneralTao [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan MrG) [8:56:12 PM] so deep_evil went [8:56:15 PM] -- 223[90] has left the channel. [8:56:16 PM] me neither [8:56:22 PM] -- Mr.GeneralTao has left the channel. [8:56:23 PM] Yo what name does ikon play under now? [8:56:27 PM] they started game 5 min ago [8:56:28 PM] idk [8:56:29 PM] umm [8:56:32 PM] not sure [8:56:34 PM] ugh [8:56:34 PM] damnit [8:56:41 PM] someone told me it was... [8:56:41 PM] i was suppose to g [8:56:42 PM] Do either of you guys remember Kaotica? [8:56:42 PM] go [8:56:49 PM] rad1ance- [8:56:50 PM] but i couldnt get in the game [8:56:53 PM] that may b him [8:56:56 PM] yo [8:56:58 PM] but i dont know [8:57:01 PM] i remember kaotica [8:57:03 PM] nw4 [8:57:05 PM] Yah [8:57:07 PM] nw4 [8:57:07 PM] lol [8:57:11 PM] dude [8:57:11 PM] [8:57:12 PM] that was me [8:57:13 PM] this is g0su-warrior [8:57:16 PM] Holy shit [8:57:16 PM] =P [8:57:17 PM] haha [8:57:19 PM] lol [8:57:23 PM] wow man long time [8:57:28 PM] i knooo [8:57:30 PM] haha [8:57:35 PM] been a year [8:57:35 PM] ahh i hate to leave this family renuinion [8:57:36 PM] but i gtg [8:57:38 PM] We def goto scrim sometime dude [8:57:40 PM] lol [8:57:40 PM] lol [8:57:41 PM] peace [8:57:45 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [8:57:47 PM] yea [8:57:50 PM] are u safelisted? [8:57:54 PM] Nah [8:57:57 PM] i always just scrim with our clan [8:57:58 PM] gayyy [8:58:00 PM] hehe [8:58:00 PM] ohhh [8:58:02 PM] haha [8:58:06 PM] i was suppose to [8:58:12 PM] but i couldnt join the game [8:58:19 PM] haha [8:58:20 PM] shitty [8:58:21 PM] yea [8:58:25 PM] comp being gay [8:58:29 PM] do you wanna play an IH [8:58:38 PM] with some random clan and couple of my friends? [8:58:39 PM] i dont really have that much time [8:58:42 PM] i have lik [8:58:42 PM] k no worries [8:58:47 PM] look ima add you to friends [8:58:49 PM] until my dad kicks me off [8:58:52 PM] igght same [8:58:53 PM] we will scrim sometime [8:58:59 PM] iigghtt [8:59:02 PM] we tend to inhouse alot [8:59:03 PM] too [8:59:11 PM] if we need an extra and ur on ill whisper you [8:59:18 PM] k [8:59:20 PM] sounds great man [8:59:21 PM] we ih alot too [8:59:23 PM] ill do the same [8:59:27 PM] iight ill [8:59:31 PM] are u on alot? [8:59:33 PM] yes [8:59:34 PM] a tonne [8:59:38 PM] like during the day? [8:59:39 PM] and night [8:59:40 PM] ? [8:59:51 PM] umm both [8:59:56 PM] tomorrow is my last day of school so i can stay up later [8:59:59 PM] kk sweet [9:00:00 PM] ight [9:00:04 PM] i should be on tomorrow night for sure [9:00:07 PM] me too [9:00:14 PM] even thought its my birthday =P [9:00:14 PM] so you dont know ikon. new name ? [9:00:18 PM] nope [9:00:20 PM] Hah nioce happy bday dude [9:00:25 PM] i just thought u usedlkon [9:00:28 PM] thanks =] [9:00:33 PM] heh Bot application closed, dumping chat screen. [9:00:34 PM] i saw him on lkon like yesterday [9:00:38 PM] kk [9:00:42 PM] i didnt think he made a new name [9:00:45 PM] aite im gunna go scrim with my clan duder [9:00:49 PM] ill keep an eye out for him [9:00:51 PM] iight [9:00:54 PM] Good seein yah again gosu [9:00:59 PM] you too [9:01:00 PM] peace man [9:01:01 PM] talk to yah tomorrow [9:01:03 PM] -- Mr.Syner has left the channel. [9:01:48 PM] -- lkoN. [172ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:02:02 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [9:02:11 PM] [9:02:27 PM] -- Mr.Syner [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [9:02:45 PM] lol [9:02:54 PM] what? lol [9:03:23 PM] -- Mr.Syner has left the channel. [9:04:02 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [9:07:11 PM] [9:12:11 PM] [9:17:11 PM] [9:22:11 PM] [9:23:57 PM] -- Elwe [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [9:24:19 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [9:25:20 PM] -- Aznist [187ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [9:25:20 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [9:25:50 PM] -- deep_evil [671ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:25:51 PM] -- o1c.Leshrac [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, destroyer icon, in Clan Ks) [9:25:54 PM] gg aznist [9:26:04 PM] -- o1c.Leshrac has left the channel. [9:26:46 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:26:50 PM] t_T [9:26:55 PM] your brother fataled? [9:27:00 PM] yeah [9:27:01 PM] i think it's a bug in the game [9:27:01 PM] lol welose [9:27:06 PM] why? [9:27:09 PM] what happened? [9:27:11 PM] [9:27:13 PM] we went early game heroes [9:27:15 PM] lmao [9:27:17 PM] smooth [9:27:21 PM] cause chris gtg [9:27:39 PM] and you couldnt win? [9:27:42 PM] lmao [9:27:52 PM] we were up like 10 kills [9:27:54 PM] -- aznshorty67 [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:27:55 PM] but they caught up [9:27:56 PM] lol [9:28:02 PM] its a error in that summon [9:28:05 PM] we psuhed too slow [9:28:11 PM] what summon [9:28:15 PM] i dunno [9:28:24 PM] it crashed after blue summoned something [9:28:36 PM] i thought i crashed it by using the convert spell [9:28:40 PM] ok [9:28:41 PM] lol [9:28:55 PM] i was going to converting a giant sea turtle [9:29:05 PM] it was like a 3 tribute lol [9:29:09 PM] bwahaa [9:29:15 PM] lol [9:29:37 PM] -- o1c.Leshrac [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, destroyer icon, in Clan Ks) [9:29:37 PM] and towers are pretty useless :\ [9:29:38 PM] aznist [9:29:40 PM] anyone here? [9:29:44 PM] tell ur buddy radiance [9:29:44 PM] no. [9:29:45 PM] to stop [9:29:46 PM] go away [9:29:52 PM] his beinng annoyin in our channel [9:29:58 PM] kick him then [9:29:59 PM] we're ignorin him and he keeps runtin off [9:30:12 PM] we dont lvl up to his immaturity [9:30:13 PM] what makes you think we can control him o.O [9:30:14 PM] -- o1c.Leshrac has left the channel. [9:30:39 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [9:30:48 PM] lol [9:31:29 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [9:31:38 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [9:31:41 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [9:32:11 PM] [9:36:03 PM] -- aznshorty67 [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:36:06 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [9:36:13 PM] -- Aznist [187ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [9:36:13 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [9:36:14 PM] -- Rad1ance- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:36:14 PM] -- Rad1ance- has acquired ops. [9:36:14 PM] -- deep_evil [671ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:36:16 PM] jeez [9:36:16 PM] -- aznshorty67 [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:36:21 PM] retards [9:36:21 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:36:22 PM] now i know why he's shitlisted [9:36:23 PM] lol [9:36:27 PM] Aznist they suck lolz [9:36:32 PM] lolyea [9:36:53 PM] -- Skyspy [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:36:53 PM] hm... well im off "/ [9:36:56 PM] no [9:36:58 PM] dont go [9:37:00 PM] -- Skyspy has left the channel. [9:37:03 PM] o.o [9:37:11 PM] [9:37:14 PM] .? [9:37:16 PM] get their back up [9:37:17 PM] aznist [9:37:27 PM] what time do you guys go to sleep [9:37:36 PM] late [9:37:37 PM] our parents dont like us staying on too late [9:37:44 PM] lol k [9:38:00 PM] get the back up ks [9:38:01 PM] gogo [9:38:05 PM] they got 5 [9:38:05 PM] 4 [9:38:07 PM] *8 [9:38:08 PM] 4 [9:38:11 PM] whoa [9:38:12 PM] gj aznist [9:38:13 PM] lol [9:38:26 PM] get them [9:38:27 PM] lozl [9:38:28 PM] gog [9:38:29 PM] i think they're ihing with that other clan [9:38:37 PM] they are scrimming [9:38:43 PM] and now they have other ks [9:38:47 PM] Wow lm is such a dumb ass mode [9:38:50 PM] what mode.? lol [9:38:52 PM] scrg is fukin stupid [9:38:52 PM] lm [9:38:57 PM] lets do cl [9:38:58 PM] league mode [9:38:59 PM] cl? [9:39:02 PM] xl* [9:39:05 PM] -miakamode [9:39:09 PM] lulz [9:39:13 PM] i like xl and ap [9:39:17 PM] well i said doesnt matter [9:39:25 PM] 6.36 stable. [9:39:54 PM] ?!!???!?!?!??????????!?!?!?!??!?! [9:40:00 PM] check if they have 5 [9:40:02 PM] 2v3 6.36 [9:40:04 PM] lets go [9:40:05 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [9:40:26 PM] -- tJener [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:40:27 PM] -- aznshorty67 [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:40:29 PM] -- Dan[J] [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 11, icon tier Undead, crypt fiend icon, in Clan Ks) [9:40:30 PM] -- Orcish_hunger [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [9:40:30 PM] ya [9:40:32 PM] -- Mad-Cow [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [9:40:34 PM] -- DeF2YaLL [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [9:40:35 PM] we taking jeremy....... [9:40:37 PM] whoa [9:40:39 PM] lots of people [9:40:41 PM] .qt on hyuk hyuk [9:40:41 PM] Invalid arguments. [9:40:50 PM] lol [9:40:51 PM] gn? [9:40:53 PM] tengo is stupid [9:40:55 PM] brb sec [9:40:56 PM] #5? [9:40:57 PM] you have 5? [9:41:02 PM] ken/fred staying/ [9:41:07 PM] maybe [9:41:11 PM] -- Godz.Fight [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [9:41:19 PM] if yes, not for long [9:41:24 PM] lol [9:41:26 PM] we can do feared's all rush plan like we did [9:41:30 PM] stupid [9:41:31 PM] kk whos hosting [9:41:31 PM] no [9:41:39 PM] ken host? [9:41:41 PM] [9:41:44 PM] gn biol [9:41:44 PM] zoinks here? [9:41:44 PM] lol apem pub style [9:41:45 PM] youres is in the middle of us, kinda [9:41:46 PM] ya [9:41:51 PM] ok [9:41:52 PM] biol [9:41:54 PM] apem fo sho [9:41:55 PM] go ke [9:41:59 PM] apem!? [9:42:04 PM] (joke) [9:42:05 PM] REALLY!? [9:42:06 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [9:42:07 PM] -- Dan[J] has left the channel. [9:42:07 PM] oh ok [9:42:08 PM] good [9:42:10 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [9:42:11 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [9:42:11 PM] [9:42:12 PM] -- Rad1ance- has left the channel. [9:42:12 PM] -- DeF2YaLL has left the channel. [9:42:13 PM] -- Godz.Fight has left the channel. [9:42:15 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [9:42:16 PM] -- Orcish_hunger has left the channel. [9:42:17 PM] -- tJener has left the channel. [9:42:28 PM] -- Mad-Cow has left the channel. [9:42:39 PM] -- tJener [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:45:09 PM] -- lkoN. [172ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:45:38 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [9:46:43 PM] -- lkoN. [172ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:46:51 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [9:47:22 PM] [9:48:56 PM] -- tJener has left the channel. [9:51:38 PM] -- Dark_Zombie [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 5, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan XYTH) [9:51:42 PM] -- Dark_Zombie has left the channel. [9:52:22 PM] [9:53:08 PM] -- Skyspy [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:54:12 PM] -- Skyspy has left the channel. [9:55:46 PM] -- RiceFrog [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, crypt fiend icon, in Clan BioL) [9:55:52 PM] -- RiceFrog has left the channel. [9:57:22 PM] [9:57:42 PM] -- Germy has left the channel. [9:57:44 PM] All connections closed. [10:57:46 PM] -> Welcome to StealthBot v2.6 Revision 3, by Stealth. [10:57:46 PM] -> If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [10:57:46 PM] >> StealthBot News [10:57:46 PM] >> --------------------- [10:57:46 PM] >> Battle.net Changes [10:57:46 PM] >> --------------------- [10:57:46 PM] >> Blizzard has made an addition version check system change. [10:57:46 PM] >> [10:57:46 PM] >> There is no way for you to patch this one at the time. [10:57:46 PM] >> I am working on continuing to prepare the 2.7 release, which with [10:57:46 PM] >> some concerted efforts can probably be launched by this weekend. [10:57:46 PM] >> I will do my best. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned to [10:57:46 PM] >> http://www.stealthbot.net for updates. [10:57:47 PM] [BNLS] Connecting... [10:57:47 PM] [BNLS] Connected! [10:57:47 PM] [BNLS] Authorized! [10:57:47 PM] [BNET] Connecting... [10:57:47 PM] [BNET] Connected! [10:57:47 PM] [BNET] Checking version... [10:57:48 PM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [10:57:48 PM] [BNET] Sending login information... [10:57:49 PM] [BNET] Login successful. [10:57:49 PM] [CLAN] You are a Grunt in Clan BioL. [10:57:49 PM] [BNET] Logged on as AznistBot. [10:57:49 PM] -- Joined channel: clan biol -- [10:57:49 PM] Welcome to Battle.net! [10:57:49 PM] This server is hosted by AT&T. [10:57:49 PM] There are currently 76606 users playing 1664 games of Warcraft III The Frozen Throne, and 176080 users playing 41803 games on Battle.net. [10:57:49 PM] Last logon: Mon Jun 18 8:33 PM [10:57:49 PM] biol.proboards74.com ---- go take a look at our forums! [10:57:49 PM] -- Stats updated: AznistBot [78ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:57:49 PM] Account Created: 6/3/2007, 17:18:45 (Battle.net time) [10:57:49 PM] Last Logon: 6/19/2007, 03:57:53 (Battle.net time) [10:57:49 PM] Last Logoff: 6/19/2007, 02:53:22 (Battle.net time) [10:57:49 PM] Time Logged: 5 days, 4 hours, 55 minutes and 18 seconds [10:57:50 PM] -- Germy [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [10:57:50 PM] -- Stats updated: Germy [94ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier unknown, unknown icon, in Clan BioL) [10:57:55 PM] Gg guys u did better through the game we had a rough start and still won im very impressed o_O [10:58:04 PM] -- aznshorty67 [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:58:11 PM] gg [10:58:12 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [10:58:23 PM] -- 4ReAL [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:58:34 PM] gg =) [10:59:06 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [11:02:21 PM] [11:04:52 PM] -- lkoN. [172ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:05:24 PM] -- C12OM [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon) [11:05:28 PM] heh that was fun [11:05:32 PM] that was fun fun [11:05:35 PM] told u we'd win [11:05:46 PM] pffft i never doubted it [11:05:47 PM] xD [11:06:07 PM] so ya gotta go bro? [11:06:12 PM] yea man [11:06:16 PM] gotta wake up early for work [11:06:20 PM] get on earlier during hte day! [11:06:24 PM] a yea def go get some sleep dude [11:06:27 PM] lol yea fo sho man [11:06:31 PM] u got aim? [11:06:35 PM] gotta get me back in teh damn clan!!! [11:06:36 PM] yea [11:06:44 PM] i think i have you added already [11:06:49 PM] my SN is quikdra14 [11:07:08 PM] yeh [11:07:09 PM] u never on [11:07:21 PM] [11:07:22 PM] eh, I get on and get off pretty quick [11:07:22 PM] dream is on right now [11:07:38 PM] in the game? [11:07:43 PM] he change his name too? [11:07:53 PM] naw on aim [11:07:57 PM] o, lol [11:08:11 PM] aight im out man [11:08:13 PM] nice playing again [11:08:31 PM] keep in touch, lates [11:08:34 PM] good night [11:08:40 PM] sup crom [11:08:41 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [11:08:57 PM] -- lkoN. [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:08:59 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [11:10:22 PM] CROMMM [11:11:05 PM] HEY [11:11:17 PM] whos radiance >< [11:11:33 PM] [11:12:02 PM] RAD1ANCEEE- [11:12:21 PM] [11:13:19 PM] -- 4ReAL [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:13:42 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [11:14:22 PM] -- 4ReAL [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:14:31 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [11:15:50 PM] bah! [11:16:04 PM] -- C12OM has left the channel. [11:17:21 PM] [11:17:26 PM] -- C12OM [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon) [11:17:40 PM] -- C12OM has left the channel. [11:18:42 PM] -- C12OM [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon) [11:18:47 PM] do et b-otch [11:18:51 PM] xD [11:19:12 PM] Bloody!!!! Don't make me Pwn youz!!! [11:19:58 PM] -- Stats updated: C12OM [31ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:20:02 PM] Good boy [11:20:07 PM] didnt u have another aka in this clan? [11:20:17 PM] Eh, CromOnRoids maybe? [11:20:49 PM] woah, who is Venom and Zooph, and all these new people that are leadin? [11:20:53 PM] new AkAs? [11:21:02 PM] Zooph is gosu [11:21:04 PM] venom is mage [11:21:13 PM] aaah I c [11:21:22 PM] why the name change? they get banned from TDA? [11:21:26 PM] no [11:21:27 PM] well i uno [11:21:43 PM] hmmm, weird [11:21:47 PM] are u gonna be active i miss u from old biol/toda [11:21:48 PM] =) [11:22:00 PM] lol, I think I'll be active [11:22:02 PM] hmmm how many survivors we have from them [11:22:05 PM] it is summer now so i have lots of time [11:22:08 PM] errr lets see [11:22:10 PM] you [11:22:13 PM] feared [11:22:13 PM] me u red well red is kinda off i unno were he went again [11:22:14 PM] smoke [11:22:19 PM] lkon [11:22:21 PM] [11:22:24 PM] yeup [11:22:25 PM] dream [11:22:29 PM] ya [11:22:30 PM] yo dark [11:22:34 PM] dark is back!!! [11:22:37 PM] well [11:22:40 PM] he joined [11:22:45 PM] then joined some other team [11:23:11 PM] meh, it still is fun to trash talk and listen to that crazy lil 13 year old talk [11:23:34 PM] woah, we picked up grubs? [11:23:37 PM] lolz im 14 O_o [11:23:41 PM] no grubs doesnt play for us [11:23:46 PM] the cal team is very diffnow [11:23:52 PM] whos the lineup? [11:23:58 PM] u dont no most of em [11:24:00 PM] you, feared, smoke, gosu? [11:24:07 PM] its me mage capo vibe and wavelength [11:24:13 PM] smoked azn gosu are back up [11:24:27 PM] lolz shit changed [11:24:33 PM] because they don't play enough or those other three are better??? o.0 [11:24:38 PM] lol no shit [11:24:47 PM] and im shocked someone actually booted me from the clan!!! [11:24:47 PM] the other 3 are better [11:24:54 PM] that was me lolz [11:24:58 PM] i thought uw erent coming back [11:24:59 PM] >=o [11:25:03 PM] cuz i remember u went inactive mad long [11:25:04 PM] lo0lz [11:25:07 PM] i did it today to [11:25:13 PM] [11:25:16 PM] lol [11:25:25 PM] funny I would log back on today huh? [11:25:36 PM] maybe subconcisouly i knew something had changed [11:25:41 PM] its my 6th videogame sense [11:26:01 PM] lol [11:26:13 PM] lolz well shit did change [11:26:20 PM] BioL is totally diffrent [11:27:21 PM] were so good [11:27:21 PM] [11:27:24 PM] we had quit cal tho [11:27:29 PM] but are joining next season [11:27:31 PM] we gonna win it this time [11:27:38 PM] were so amazing nw u gotta see some of our replays [11:27:44 PM] damn [11:27:47 PM] they on the website? [11:27:50 PM] that old site still exist? [11:28:02 PM] and i can tell were good, we have awsome people in our clan [11:28:08 PM] even if their not on our CAL team [11:28:34 PM] ya the 2 ppl tho capo and vibe arent in our clan there just our team [11:28:39 PM] maybe i can get u 1 of the links [11:28:53 PM] see i quit tge team but than rejoined so let me get u the replay of 1st comnig back ok [11:29:02 PM] it was our 1st game 2gether comnig back [11:29:05 PM] and its xl [11:29:10 PM] each team eliminates 3 heroes [11:29:16 PM] and than its ap from there [11:29:18 PM] i ll get u 1 [11:29:38 PM] lol thats a cool mode [11:29:51 PM] so you pick 3 chars they can't use then it becomes LM? [11:30:11 PM] no than it becomes ap [11:30:14 PM] LM worst mode ever [11:30:20 PM] every1 hates it we scrim ap/xl [11:30:29 PM] thank god [11:30:32 PM] the whole game we fight 4v5 while mage farms [11:30:33 PM] LM was freakin retarded [11:30:35 PM] and we win [11:30:44 PM] lol what char does he use to farm? [11:30:44 PM] mage gets beefed [11:30:49 PM] just farmin neuts? [11:30:55 PM] no he farms lanes we keep wards up [11:30:57 PM] and own them 4v5 [11:31:02 PM] so he basically free farms [11:31:14 PM] heh wow [11:31:20 PM] and now were just amazing tho [11:31:27 PM] we have such good team work/players [11:31:34 PM] and mage is just an amazing solo now [11:31:34 PM] anyone beaten you guys yet? [11:31:36 PM] http://gg-no-re.com/browse.php?q=game&gameid=894 [11:31:40 PM] ya a few good clans [11:31:41 PM] is he better than Expert? [11:31:44 PM] but they have been together longer [11:31:47 PM] much better than x [11:31:52 PM] =o