[11:31:54 PM] mage is practically pro now [11:32:07 PM] thats our 1st game back 2gether so [11:32:09 PM] go ez [11:32:11 PM] we still win [11:32:11 PM] are you better than expet now? [11:32:14 PM] prob [11:32:17 PM] hes ok [11:32:21 PM] [11:32:23 PM] D= [11:32:26 PM] hes on rq [11:32:34 PM] so he still plays? [11:32:36 PM] ya [11:32:37 PM] i thought he quit [11:32:41 PM] nope [11:32:45 PM] he plays on skilled_mat [11:32:46 PM] for rq [11:32:54 PM] interesting [11:32:58 PM] the 2 top cal o clans are rq and bgod Bot application closed, dumping chat screen. [11:32:58 PM] im so freakin outta the loop [11:33:05 PM] ide say those are the only teams that can beat us [11:33:14 PM] and bgod we almost beat ooo [11:33:20 PM] but i thought you were gonna win it ;) [11:33:20 PM] and we can prob beat rq [11:33:21 PM] now [11:33:27 PM] no were gonna win the next season [11:33:27 PM] hehe [11:33:31 PM] after we practice and shit [11:33:34 PM] aaa kk [11:33:40 PM] whens that start? [11:33:42 PM] bgod is a lil better than us cuz were out practice but we practicing now [11:33:43 PM] fall? [11:33:45 PM] september [11:33:46 PM] ya [11:33:50 PM] we are gaining our fire man [11:34:06 PM] one of our last scrims thea team score was 30-11 in like 30 mins [11:34:09 PM] some thing like that [11:34:13 PM] wow [11:34:15 PM] nasty [11:34:20 PM] were gaining our fire [11:34:34 PM] maybe u can obs some scrims dota changed alot now -_- [11:34:37 PM] whats your guys lineup? [11:34:38 PM] i ll save the replays to [11:34:45 PM] well in ap shit is always changing [11:34:50 PM] but we thought of a nasty ap strat [11:34:52 PM] you guys counter pick [11:34:56 PM] we try [11:35:05 PM] yea, thats good to do [11:35:06 PM] but were plannign on running a sick global strat [11:35:12 PM] QoP top [11:35:17 PM] spectre lock mid [11:35:22 PM] cuz they ussaly put their solo there [11:35:28 PM] and lock will baby sit him and deny [11:35:31 PM] so he can free farm [11:35:36 PM] and get stackked [11:35:48 PM] cuz spectre with disperse [11:35:49 PM] and farmed [11:35:49 PM] is gg [11:35:52 PM] roaming veno [11:35:59 PM] which means a veno who always on the move ganking [11:36:02 PM] and zues bot [11:36:18 PM] So we wanna try that [11:36:22 PM] im thinking its gonna be quite nasty [11:36:27 PM] that does sound sick, but i dont think i understand the locks role [11:36:33 PM] well [11:36:35 PM] does he sit in mid with Spectre? [11:36:39 PM] u no how most teams but there solo mid [11:36:40 PM] or in top with qop and come to mid [11:36:49 PM] put their solo [11:36:50 PM] mid [11:36:54 PM] yea i remeber the 2/1/2 lane [11:36:57 PM] ya [11:37:10 PM] well lock basically heals spectre and harrassed their solo and massed denys [11:37:12 PM] o so lock keeps healz on spectre [11:37:15 PM] while spectre can free farm [11:37:16 PM] ya [11:37:21 PM] and get stacked [11:37:21 PM] [11:37:23 PM] aaa i got ya [11:37:26 PM] and zues and qop solo [11:37:29 PM] while veno roams [11:37:33 PM] now theres also 3/1/1 [11:37:38 PM] lanes like [11:37:41 PM] lina pugna sk [11:37:43 PM] so just let spectre focus on KB's and warlock keeps him up while he goes in to melee [11:37:45 PM] and sil qop [11:37:53 PM] ya [11:38:00 PM] lock just harrasses and protects him [11:38:04 PM] lina pug sk is sick combo [11:38:06 PM] and mass denys with his high dmg [11:38:10 PM] so our spec can get stacked [11:38:10 PM] almost gaurunteed FB [11:38:11 PM] ya [11:38:13 PM] it is [11:38:19 PM] but im starting to hate tri lanes [11:38:26 PM] cuz if they fuck up g [11:38:26 PM] g [11:38:31 PM] tri lanes have always been do or die [11:38:32 PM] and the solo aginst 2 has so much trouble [11:38:35 PM] even back in my days [11:38:37 PM] ya [11:38:37 PM] xD [11:39:08 PM] so we wanna try that [11:39:11 PM] just think about it [11:39:15 PM] fatal bonds [11:39:16 PM] I don't know if i like the roaming veno, i personally like a roaming Drown, or Viper more [11:39:17 PM] plus rock [11:39:27 PM] but his poison nova is better in the big 5v5 clashes [11:39:28 PM] hmmm but viper sucks with out items [11:39:30 PM] ya [11:39:36 PM] thats wut we want [11:39:39 PM] spectre is the late game [11:39:46 PM] and poison nove plus bonds [11:39:48 PM] is gg [11:39:51 PM] with zues ult [11:39:53 PM] and wave [11:39:54 PM] and rock [11:39:57 PM] and specs disperse [11:39:58 PM] from now on i wanna be a jungle hero in scrims lol [11:39:58 PM] and ult [11:40:01 PM] heh nuke em all down [11:40:04 PM] take a few kills [11:40:04 PM] OMFG AZNIST IS THERE [11:40:05 PM] LOZL [11:40:06 PM] then with bonds [11:40:11 PM] yuppers [11:40:14 PM] ZEUS FIRE [11:40:15 PM] gg [11:40:20 PM] and spec wipes em up [11:40:22 PM] if they alive [11:40:25 PM] heh haunt ftw [11:40:29 PM] spec gets stacked cuz he gets triple kills [11:40:30 PM] andd gg [11:40:41 PM] yea i like to play imagination dota too [11:40:41 PM] spec goes rad heart heart hood bots and butty [11:40:42 PM] heh wow [11:40:42 PM] butter [11:40:43 PM] and gg [11:41:02 PM] spec bassiacally free farms [11:41:07 PM] MYM always jungless [11:41:09 PM] aznist best item in the game = TP SCROLLS [11:41:16 PM] LIES! [11:41:17 PM] i like it when they jungle 2 [11:41:21 PM] aznist u watch replays? [11:41:26 PM] i am always too poor for tp scrolls [11:41:30 PM] lolz [11:41:33 PM] cuz ur the ward bitch [11:41:35 PM] and i steal ur creeps [11:41:36 PM] =) [11:41:38 PM] lol [11:41:40 PM] rofl [11:42:02 PM] brb watch replays [11:42:10 PM] I really wanna fukin try the global strat [11:42:12 PM] that i just said [11:42:15 PM] lol [11:42:17 PM] we trying it out in the next scrim [11:42:21 PM] [11:42:23 PM] its gonna pew pew every1 [11:42:28 PM] just hope they don't X out spectre [11:42:34 PM] well if its ap [11:42:35 PM] they wont [11:42:36 PM] =) [11:42:40 PM] why they go panda like wtf [11:42:42 PM] lol [11:42:44 PM] yo [11:42:45 PM] aznist [11:42:48 PM] myms strats owns [11:42:50 PM] and the panda rapes [11:42:54 PM] rhasta chen panda [11:42:57 PM] Pugna with boots top [11:42:58 PM] like a pro [11:43:01 PM] and merline solo lesh [11:43:02 PM] bnp [11:43:07 PM] np tjhey rape that game [11:43:47 PM] well im gonna log off guys [11:43:52 PM] well [11:43:52 PM] blader its ben good [11:43:55 PM] talk to u 2mmorrow [11:43:58 PM] yea def bro [11:44:00 PM] u coming on 2morrow? [11:44:01 PM] ok cool [11:44:04 PM] maybe we get an ihgoing [11:44:06 PM] we been active [11:44:11 PM] heh taht would be sweet [11:44:14 PM] yes [11:44:16 PM] ill get wtfpwned [11:44:19 PM] but would be sweet [11:44:19 PM] lolz [11:44:20 PM] xD [11:44:24 PM] heh good night [11:44:31 PM] lata blada [11:44:33 PM] lata aznist [11:44:36 PM] enjoy ur replay! [11:44:39 PM] That fekin azn [11:44:39 PM] lol [11:44:42 PM] rofl [11:44:44 PM] -- C12OM has left the channel. [11:45:00 PM] i wanna see their jungle bm [11:45:11 PM] i have wc3 windowed so i can talk too since you like to imagine dota [11:45:44 PM] -- PointToProve has left the channel. [11:46:01 PM] dude [11:46:04 PM] the bm furion jungle [11:46:06 PM] is pretty good [11:46:11 PM] but if ur soloes fall behind [11:46:12 PM] gg [11:46:17 PM] merlina sick bm jungler [11:46:21 PM] hes like jesus of dota [11:47:25 PM] well im out ill talk to u 2morrow [11:47:25 PM] night [11:47:27 PM] eace [11:47:31 PM] peace [11:48:56 PM] -- Rad1ance- has left the channel. [12:04:41 AM] -- EurekaSeven [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:04:42 AM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [12:05:10 AM] -- pox [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan LLH) [12:05:14 AM] -- pox has left the channel. [12:05:26 AM] -- 4ReAL [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:05:46 AM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [12:06:20 AM] -- 4ever)Love [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Undead, crypt fiend icon, in Clan GL) [12:06:36 AM] -- 4ever)Love has left the channel. [12:29:21 AM] -- ClanGnome [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Spht) [12:29:27 AM] -- ClanGnome has left the channel. [12:47:32 AM] -- tJener [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:47:44 AM] -- tJener has left the channel. [1:46:00 AM] -- KENAtyme [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [1:46:36 AM] -- KENAtyme has left the channel. [1:49:47 AM] -- KENAtyme [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [1:49:56 AM] -- KENAtyme has left the channel. [2:15:06 AM] -- Germy has left the channel. [2:15:06 AM] All connections closed. [10:09:45 AM] -> Welcome to StealthBot v2.6 Revision 3, by Stealth. [10:09:45 AM] -> If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [10:09:45 AM] >> StealthBot News [10:09:45 AM] >> --------------------- [10:09:45 AM] >> Battle.net Changes [10:09:45 AM] >> --------------------- [10:09:45 AM] >> Blizzard has made an addition version check system change. [10:09:45 AM] >> [10:09:45 AM] >> There is no way for you to patch this one at the time. [10:09:45 AM] >> I am working on continuing to prepare the 2.7 release, which with [10:09:45 AM] >> some concerted efforts can probably be launched by this weekend. [10:09:45 AM] >> I will do my best. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned to [10:09:45 AM] >> http://www.stealthbot.net for updates. [10:09:47 AM] [BNLS] Connecting... [10:09:47 AM] [BNLS] Connected! [10:09:47 AM] [BNLS] Authorized! [10:09:47 AM] [BNET] Connecting... [10:09:47 AM] [BNET] Connected! [10:09:47 AM] [BNET] Checking version... [10:09:48 AM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [10:09:48 AM] [BNET] Sending login information... [10:09:48 AM] [BNET] Login successful. [10:09:48 AM] [CLAN] You are a Grunt in Clan BioL. [10:09:48 AM] [BNET] Logged on as AznistBot. [10:09:48 AM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [10:09:48 AM] Welcome to Battle.net! [10:09:48 AM] This server is hosted by AT&T. [10:09:48 AM] There are currently 100374 users playing 2824 games of Warcraft III The Frozen Throne, and 231903 users playing 45888 games on Battle.net. [10:09:48 AM] Last logon: Mon Jun 18 10:57 PM [10:09:48 AM] biol.proboards74.com ---- go take a look at our forums! [10:09:48 AM] -- Stats updated: AznistBot [62ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:09:49 AM] Account Created: 6/3/2007, 17:18:45 (Battle.net time) [10:09:49 AM] Last Logon: 6/19/2007, 15:03:31 (Battle.net time) [10:09:49 AM] Last Logoff: 6/19/2007, 07:11:04 (Battle.net time) [10:09:49 AM] Time Logged: 5 days, 8 hours, 12 minutes and 37 seconds [10:09:53 AM] -- Germy [1031ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [10:09:53 AM] -- Stats updated: Germy [1031ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier unknown, unknown icon, in Clan BioL) [10:10:09 AM] -- 73ear [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:11:26 AM] -- 73ear has left the channel. [10:11:30 AM] -- Rad1ance- [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:11:30 AM] -- Rad1ance- has acquired ops. [10:12:32 AM] [10:13:53 AM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [10:13:53 AM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [10:14:04 AM] -- Germy has left the channel. [10:14:50 AM] aznist how were the reps? [10:14:58 AM] pretty cool [10:15:08 AM] mym is amazing [10:15:12 AM] i dont no how they do it [10:15:14 AM] yea [10:15:34 AM] Frikin they beat a whole aoe lina up with bm qop zues furion and tinker [10:15:42 AM] and they have no late game [10:15:47 AM] and still demolished [10:15:51 AM] lol yea [10:16:06 AM] want to tda? [10:16:12 AM] HMm [10:16:14 AM] hmmmmmm [10:16:16 AM] hmmm [10:16:18 AM] ok [10:16:19 AM] kk [10:16:23 AM] getting on my aka [10:16:24 AM] -- Rad1ance- has left the channel. [10:16:25 AM] k [10:16:45 AM] -- BarneyHater#2 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon) [10:17:25 AM] hi. [10:17:28 AM] wait h/o [10:17:30 AM] -- BarneyHater#2 has left the channel. [10:17:32 AM] [10:17:48 AM] -- ZoInkZ [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:18:02 AM] -- 73ear [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:18:07 AM] Chris [10:18:08 AM] wanna [10:18:09 AM] tda [10:18:09 AM] ? [10:18:16 AM] <73ear> sure [10:18:19 AM] <73ear> brb [10:19:07 AM] -- 73ear has left the channel. [10:19:11 AM] aznist [10:19:12 AM] host [10:19:12 AM] ! [10:19:18 AM] k [10:19:21 AM] rd983 [10:19:22 AM] .tda [10:19:24 AM] <3:rd95> <9:rd65> [10:19:26 AM] -- 4real [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:19:28 AM] rd983 [10:19:29 AM] rd983 [10:19:31 AM] rd983 [10:19:31 AM] rd983 [10:19:32 AM] v [10:19:34 AM] rd983 [10:19:36 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [10:19:40 AM] -- 4real has left the channel. [10:19:40 AM] -- ZoInkZ has left the channel. [10:22:32 AM] [10:27:32 AM] [10:27:40 AM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:28:36 AM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [10:28:40 AM] -- Rick_James7 [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan AiH) [10:29:28 AM] -- Rick_James7 has left the channel. [10:32:32 AM] [10:37:32 AM] [10:38:18 AM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [10:38:37 AM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [10:42:32 AM] [10:44:41 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:45:56 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 has left the channel. [10:45:59 AM] -- AnGeL333 [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [10:46:20 AM] who's that [10:46:25 AM] michael [10:46:31 AM] o.O [10:46:33 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:47:18 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 has left the channel. [10:47:32 AM] [10:47:41 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [10:49:25 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 has left the channel. [10:52:33 AM] [10:57:32 AM] [10:58:57 AM] o yeaaaaaa [11:00:22 AM] UR SEXY KEN [11:00:26 AM] -- AnGeL333 has left the channel. [11:00:38 AM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:01:01 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:01:01 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [11:01:06 AM] yes u are sexy ken. [11:01:07 AM] hey mr puff [11:01:13 AM] helo [11:01:22 AM] Hell(O) [11:01:23 AM] lol dont talk to my ken like that [11:01:38 AM] urs? [11:01:41 AM] you wanna play a game? [11:01:42 AM] yes [11:01:45 AM] we are married [11:01:45 AM] he gave me his heard this mornin [11:01:49 AM] heart* [11:01:55 AM] he? [11:02:00 AM] you mean she? [11:02:01 AM] lol [11:02:03 AM] lol [11:02:04 AM] liar [11:02:09 AM] HES MINE. [11:02:13 AM] ur just a traitor [11:02:32 AM] [11:02:40 AM] wanna game? [11:02:43 AM] FINE [11:02:45 AM] ya [11:02:46 AM] i want to [11:03:05 AM] tda? [11:03:08 AM] Pwn Nooblets. [11:03:19 AM] pub then? [11:03:22 AM] i ono [11:03:29 AM] .tda [11:03:30 AM] <5:ar21> [11:03:31 AM] just did a tda [11:03:37 AM] On Angel333 [11:03:48 AM] lts pub [11:03:50 AM] u can host [11:03:52 AM] would be great [11:03:55 AM] im gonna take huskar [11:04:05 AM] dota -apem!!!! [11:04:05 AM] dota -apem!!!! [11:04:07 AM] k [11:04:14 AM] dota -apem!!!! [11:04:14 AM] dota -apem!!!! [11:04:14 AM] dota -apem!!!! [11:04:18 AM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [11:04:20 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [11:07:33 AM] [11:12:33 AM] [11:17:33 AM] [11:22:33 AM] [11:25:23 AM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:25:23 AM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [11:25:26 AM] -- ZoInkZ [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:25:32 AM] Ugh tired lawls [11:25:36 AM] Im so good at jungle [11:25:36 AM] man [11:25:39 AM] lol [11:26:10 AM] -- 4real [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:26:43 AM] -- RiceFrog [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, crypt fiend icon, in Clan BioL) [11:26:47 AM] -- RiceFrog has left the channel. [11:26:51 AM] rd81 [11:26:54 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [11:27:01 AM] -- 4real has left the channel. [11:27:32 AM] -- Mr.Syner [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [11:27:33 AM] [11:27:37 AM] yo ZoinkZ [11:27:43 AM] Yo [11:27:43 AM] -- henleehigh [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon) [11:27:47 AM] -- Mr.Syner has left the channel. [11:27:54 AM] -- ZoInkZ has left the channel. [11:28:15 AM] -- LokD.UbeR [156ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [11:28:20 AM] -- LokD.HuDat [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan aC1) [11:28:22 AM] -- LokD.UbeR has left the channel. [11:28:27 AM] -- LokD.HuDat has left the channel. [11:28:56 AM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:28:56 AM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [11:29:02 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [11:30:36 AM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:31:23 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:31:23 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [11:31:59 AM] well that was fun while it lasted [11:32:33 AM] [11:35:07 AM] you there gab? [11:36:00 AM] afk [11:36:02 AM] eating [11:36:05 AM] same lol [11:36:08 AM] bathroom brb [11:36:12 AM] -- henleehigh has left the channel. [11:36:15 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [11:36:18 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:36:18 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [11:36:21 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [11:36:24 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:36:24 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [11:36:29 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [11:36:31 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:36:31 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [11:36:43 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [11:37:33 AM] [11:38:10 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:38:10 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [11:39:42 AM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [11:40:05 AM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:40:15 AM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [11:41:00 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:42:33 AM] [11:43:17 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 has left the channel. [11:45:35 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:46:08 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 has left the channel. [11:47:33 AM] [11:47:53 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:48:54 AM] . [11:50:25 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [11:52:33 AM] [11:53:34 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:53:34 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [11:54:05 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [11:54:29 AM] -- Zoophagous [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:54:29 AM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [11:56:51 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 has left the channel. [11:57:32 AM] [11:57:40 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 [3266ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:58:45 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:58:45 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [11:58:46 AM] ur bad [11:58:48 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [11:59:17 AM] -- zooFAGous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:59:18 AM] -- 4ReAL#2 has left the channel. [11:59:37 AM] floplfop [11:59:43 AM] floplfop [11:59:46 AM] floplfop [12:00:39 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:00:39 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [12:00:43 PM] miam [12:00:45 PM] miaim [12:00:47 PM] o la [12:00:48 PM] jahjahjah [12:00:49 PM] ? [12:00:56 PM] did they beat clan ks? [12:01:05 PM] who played ks? [12:01:08 PM] smoked thinks hes funny [12:01:18 PM] ? [12:01:20 PM] how so [12:01:27 PM] thats smoked [12:01:31 PM] .. [12:01:32 PM] wtf [12:01:33 PM] im not smoked [12:01:35 PM] im deep_evil [12:01:36 PM] yea u are [12:01:37 PM] lol [12:01:49 PM] smoked's mad cause i dissed his mom [12:01:54 PM] ? [12:01:54 PM] ahh [12:02:00 PM] his mom died 2 years ago [12:02:03 PM] in a car accident [12:02:04 PM] ya smoke's mom is a bit...... [12:02:07 PM] lol [12:02:12 PM] sucks for her [12:02:24 PM] then who was that i fucked at ur house last night? ur sister? [12:02:26 PM] ur aunt? [12:02:33 PM] [12:02:33 PM] actually , my dog [12:02:33 PM] eww [12:02:35 PM] so ur bad [12:02:37 PM] nope [12:02:47 PM] nasty [12:02:47 PM] this thing at big tits and a pussy [12:02:54 PM] had* [12:03:01 PM] his dog is large? [12:03:03 PM] ya [12:03:04 PM] lol [12:03:09 PM] my dog's pregent [12:03:10 PM] lolol [12:03:11 PM] dogs would never have boobs... [12:03:17 PM] so it grew boobs? [12:03:20 PM] ya? [12:03:20 PM] and had two legs? [12:03:21 PM] ur bad [12:03:32 PM] i cut its 2 legs off [12:03:33 PM] she can stand on her 2 legs [12:03:37 PM] lol [12:03:39 PM] ur bad [12:03:48 PM] only smoked and zoinkz says that [12:03:51 PM] so its smoked [12:03:57 PM] says wat [12:03:58 PM] cause he just exited on his other name [12:04:00 PM] ur bad [12:04:01 PM] go buy wards buddy [12:04:04 PM] lol.... [12:04:18 PM] im good at buying wards [12:04:18 PM] lol [12:04:26 PM] we won games cause of me buying wards [12:04:28 PM] SO p [12:04:30 PM] PSH [12:04:54 PM] ur bad jack [12:04:56 PM] paul [12:05:05 PM] smoked stop playing around and get on ur real name before zooph rapes ur dog again [12:05:14 PM] ................................ [12:05:20 PM] brb [12:05:22 PM] -- zooFAGous has left the channel. [12:05:48 PM] lol [12:05:49 PM] -- ClanGnome [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Spht) [12:05:49 PM] ClanGnome was banned by PointToProve (Shitlisted). [12:05:49 PM] -- ClanGnome has left the channel. [12:05:55 PM] lol [12:05:56 PM] now i know its smoked [12:06:02 PM] -- deep-evil [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:06:08 PM] yay hi deep [12:06:11 PM] sup [12:06:12 PM] smoke is getting on [12:06:22 PM] i think [12:06:23 PM] smoked died 2 years ago [12:06:25 PM] doh [12:06:27 PM] in a car accident [12:06:29 PM] with his mom [12:06:33 PM] so sad [12:06:37 PM] ya.. [12:06:38 PM] smoked-puff is banlisted on TDA Shitlist for being an account is now perma banned/reference appeal case (3113) for details on 2006-11-04 14:07:24 by HoLyHuMaN. [12:06:50 PM] but more importantly how is his DOG doing? [12:06:53 PM] u should refresh ur banlist buddy [12:06:57 PM] cause smoked is safelisted 2 [12:07:01 PM] -- aznshorty67 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:07:02 PM] no hes not [12:07:06 PM] hes perma banned [12:07:09 PM] ur dumb [12:07:10 PM] he is [12:07:13 PM] ... [12:07:13 PM] its a bug [12:07:17 PM] uh [12:07:18 PM] wtf? [12:07:18 PM] wtf who's that [12:07:24 PM] then why cant he join game [12:07:25 PM] .kick deep-evil [12:07:25 PM] deep-evil was kicked out of the channel by PointToProve. [12:07:25 PM] -- deep-evil has left the channel. [12:07:25 PM] -- 4ReAL#2 [3266ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:07:27 PM] -- 4ReAL#2 has left the channel. [12:07:30 PM] -- deep-evil [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:07:33 PM] [12:07:34 PM] lol [12:07:36 PM] who are you [12:07:38 PM] who the hell are you? [12:07:43 PM] aw cmon [12:07:48 PM] you all know him [12:07:51 PM] me* [12:07:52 PM] .kick deep-evil [12:07:52 PM] deep-evil was kicked out of the channel by PointToProve. [12:07:52 PM] -- deep-evil has left the channel. [12:07:53 PM] thts smoked too [12:07:55 PM] lol [12:07:56 PM] ! [12:07:57 PM] -- deep-evil [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:07:59 PM] deep_ evil deep-evil hmm [12:08:02 PM] u dont know that pointtoprove [12:08:10 PM] hes a traitor [12:08:11 PM] deep-evil was banned by Zoophagous (smokeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedddddddddd). [12:08:11 PM] -- deep-evil has left the channel. [12:08:17 PM] lol [12:08:26 PM] lol wtf [12:08:29 PM] lol [12:08:30 PM] why is he using deep-evil [12:08:34 PM] smoked is making a bunch of names [12:08:36 PM] wannabe?? [12:08:37 PM] thats smoked [12:08:43 PM] hes fucking around [12:08:45 PM] lol [12:08:49 PM] what else did he make [12:09:07 PM] zoofagous [12:09:08 PM] lol [12:09:11 PM] lol [12:09:13 PM] hes so stupid [12:09:15 PM] hmm [12:09:16 PM] brb [12:09:18 PM] making [12:09:19 PM] but hes kool [12:09:20 PM] lol [12:09:20 PM] smoked_puff [12:09:24 PM] lol [12:09:25 PM] ! [12:09:25 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [12:09:47 PM] quiz do u gem td? [12:09:55 PM] ewww [12:10:04 PM] y do u all like that game so much [12:10:08 PM] it gets so boring [12:10:22 PM] -- SMoKeD_PuFF [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:10:26 PM] lulz [12:10:29 PM] if u play it every once and awhile its not boring [12:10:32 PM] im hurt smoked........lying to us like that [12:10:32 PM] op him [12:10:34 PM] hi smoked! =P [12:10:39 PM] hi :O [12:10:40 PM] hmm [12:10:44 PM] lol [12:10:50 PM] SMoKeD-PuFF was unbanned by PointToProve. [12:10:54 PM] lol [12:10:54 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [12:10:54 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [12:10:59 PM] another smoked?! [12:10:59 PM] SMoKeD_PuFF was kicked out of the channel by Quizler. [12:10:59 PM] -- SMoKeD_PuFF has left the channel. [12:11:03 PM] lol [12:11:03 PM] -- SMoKeD_PuFF [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:11:04 PM] lol [12:11:05 PM] liar [12:11:05 PM] o_o [12:11:10 PM] sup [12:11:11 PM] sup [12:11:16 PM] whos the real one!??! [12:11:19 PM] ... [12:11:22 PM] lol [12:11:23 PM] lol [12:11:33 PM] the 1 on top [12:11:37 PM] quizler is the real smoked [12:11:40 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [12:11:40 PM] -- Zoophagous [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:11:40 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [12:11:40 PM] doh [12:11:42 PM] u cought me [12:11:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [12:11:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [12:11:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [12:11:44 PM] lol [12:11:55 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [12:11:55 PM] -- Zoophagous [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:11:55 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [12:11:56 PM] u guys are boring [12:11:58 PM] lol [12:12:07 PM] lets play [12:12:10 PM] WC3 card game [12:12:11 PM] deep quit screwing around and lets dota [12:12:12 PM] ?! [12:12:15 PM] No information on smoked-pugg. [12:12:18 PM] SMoKeD_PuFF was kicked out of the channel by Quizler. [12:12:18 PM] -- SMoKeD_PuFF has left the channel. [12:12:26 PM] that's not deep [12:12:28 PM] oh smoked [12:12:30 PM] LOL [12:12:32 PM] ya suer [12:12:32 PM] lol [12:12:32 PM] [12:12:34 PM] lies [12:12:37 PM] Player quizler not found or IP address unknown. [12:12:40 PM] -- aznshorty67 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:12:44 PM] bmw thinks aznshorty's a girl [12:12:44 PM] i think it was fred [12:12:48 PM] yup [12:12:50 PM] lol [12:12:52 PM] keep it that way ok? [12:12:54 PM] Player smoked-puff not found or IP address unknown. [12:12:58 PM] BMW IS A NOOB IH LEAVER [12:13:11 PM] nah [12:13:19 PM] he thinks ur a girl [12:13:20 PM] lol [12:13:27 PM] b/c i am [12:13:29 PM] duh [12:13:32 PM] YA YA [12:13:38 PM] but at least ur not a dogfucker [12:13:41 PM] like paul [12:13:43 PM] lol [12:13:45 PM] so true [12:14:07 PM] lol [12:14:12 PM] it wasnt a dog [12:14:13 PM] comming back on deep? [12:14:17 PM] i would know its a dog [12:14:30 PM] u all have time right? [12:14:34 PM] we could get an ih [12:14:35 PM] oh [12:14:39 PM] that wasnt me [12:14:42 PM] that was shorty [12:14:43 PM] it was shotry [12:14:45 PM] no i have a 12:30 [12:14:56 PM] i'll come on [12:15:00 PM] 1.14 here [12:15:03 PM] w:14* [12:15:04 PM] .. [12:15:05 PM] grr [12:15:09 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [12:15:23 PM] 1:14 * * * * * * * * * (Proud of that one) * * * * * * * * * * [12:15:48 PM] gj smoked [12:16:19 PM] play something? [12:16:21 PM] ya [12:16:23 PM] what are we doing if i come on? [12:16:23 PM] lets ih [12:16:30 PM] ih with 3 people? [12:16:31 PM] POOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnn [12:16:33 PM] yea [12:16:37 PM] sounds exciting [12:16:42 PM] lots of ppl do it [12:16:42 PM] quiz , andrew , bob , [12:16:52 PM] micheal [12:16:54 PM] and paul [12:16:56 PM] david! [12:16:57 PM] andrew is not almost done [12:16:57 PM] -- Mr.Syner [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [12:16:57 PM] lol [12:17:06 PM] -- Mr.Syner has left the channel. [12:17:12 PM] o wait [12:17:18 PM] wat was that guy's clan [12:17:21 PM] i was gonna say gab ppl almost turn gay after hearing that name [12:17:24 PM] but* [12:17:25 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [12:17:32 PM] aww he left [12:17:32 PM] [12:18:16 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:18:16 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [12:18:41 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [12:18:41 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [12:18:52 PM] hmm [12:18:57 PM] i dont think theylike me [12:19:08 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [12:19:08 PM] nor i [12:19:11 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [12:19:11 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [12:19:20 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [12:19:25 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [12:19:25 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [12:19:26 PM] they arnt 2 nice [12:19:31 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [12:19:39 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [12:19:39 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [12:19:41 PM] they kicking u out? [12:19:44 PM] no [12:19:48 PM] what u doing? [12:19:48 PM] im just leaving. [12:19:56 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [12:19:57 PM] join/lave [12:19:59 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [12:20:18 PM] -- bonginathong [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan AoG) [12:20:23 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:20:23 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [12:20:27 PM] sigh [12:20:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [12:20:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [12:20:45 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [12:20:45 PM] SIGH [12:20:51 PM] lol [12:20:54 PM] he doesnt like me [12:21:01 PM] -- Tombstone.xLWx. [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 17, icon tier Human, sorceress icon, in Clan AoG) [12:21:04 PM] -- Mr.Syner [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [12:21:07 PM] mrg [12:21:07 PM] Sup guys [12:21:12 PM] get some people [12:21:14 PM] Haha smoked [12:21:14 PM] i donno u [12:21:15 PM] stay outta my clan [12:21:16 PM] i have 6 ppl [12:21:21 PM] fine [12:21:22 PM] Smokexd [12:21:22 PM] -- VIKT0R [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 13, icon tier Random, dragon turtle icon, in Clan AoG) [12:21:25 PM] i sure know you [12:21:26 PM] but stay outta mine [12:21:28 PM] Tombstone.xLWx. was banned by SMoKeD-PuFF. [12:21:28 PM] -- Tombstone.xLWx. has left the channel. [12:21:32 PM] lolz [12:21:33 PM] O SNAP [12:21:35 PM] lol [12:21:36 PM] any1 wanna follow? [12:21:37 PM] member Kaotica Puff? [12:21:39 PM] -- VIKT0R has left the channel. [12:21:47 PM] a little [12:21:49 PM] NW4 [12:21:49 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:21:49 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [12:21:51 PM] ya [12:21:52 PM] long time ago [12:21:54 PM] u guys have 5? [12:21:56 PM] we can scrim [12:22:02 PM] lol no [12:22:05 PM] not now [12:22:05 PM] aiet [12:22:09 PM] well were bout to IH [12:22:09 PM] hey puff y does feared think i hack [12:22:10 PM] -- VIKT0R [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 13, icon tier Random, dragon turtle icon, in Clan AoG) [12:22:10 PM] !!! [12:22:11 PM] if u want to [12:22:18 PM] im the spy! [12:22:19 PM] hello again mr.syner [12:22:19 PM] -- VIKT0R has left the channel. [12:22:23 PM] Hey Quiz [12:22:25 PM] -- VIKT0R [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 13, icon tier Random, dragon turtle icon, in Clan AoG) [12:22:29 PM] VIKT0R was banned by SMoKeD-PuFF. [12:22:29 PM] -- VIKT0R has left the channel. [12:22:32 PM] lol [12:22:32 PM] [12:22:36 PM] harsh [12:22:38 PM] guys [12:22:38 PM] i was about to do that [12:22:40 PM] if u wanna IH with us [12:22:41 PM] join Mrg [12:22:45 PM] NO U [12:22:46 PM] gn = Mrg [12:22:52 PM] GO SPY THE VOUCH CHANNEL SLUT [12:22:54 PM] lol [12:23:00 PM] KK [12:23:02 PM] sounds good to me [12:23:04 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [12:23:06 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [12:23:06 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [12:23:12 PM] RAWR [12:23:14 PM] -- Mr.Syner has left the channel. [12:23:19 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [12:23:39 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [12:23:45 PM] sigh [12:23:57 PM] no one ever answers me [12:24:00 PM] what? [12:24:01 PM] im so hated [12:24:13 PM] -- aznshorty67 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:24:15 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [12:24:17 PM] i asked puff y feared thinks i hack [12:24:24 PM] IGNORED [12:24:26 PM] -- Mr.Syner [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [12:24:29 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [12:24:29 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [12:24:30 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:24:30 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [12:24:32 PM] why would he know [12:24:32 PM] mrg1 [12:24:36 PM] ? [12:24:36 PM] cant [12:24:39 PM] he was in gamem [12:24:40 PM] -- Mr.Syner has left the channel. [12:24:41 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [12:24:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [12:24:49 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [12:24:59 PM] -- LokD.UbeR [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [12:25:00 PM] BOYBOY [12:25:03 PM] i dont think he would know anyway [12:25:10 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [12:25:12 PM] -- VIKT0R [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 13, icon tier Random, dragon turtle icon, in Clan AoG) [12:25:12 PM] VIKT0R was banned by PointToProve (Ban Evasion). [12:25:12 PM] -- VIKT0R has left the channel. [12:25:31 PM] -- LokD.UbeR has left the channel. [12:25:52 PM] lol who r u point [12:26:11 PM] deep_evil [12:26:14 PM] AH [12:26:16 PM] -- Battle-Chaser [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 23, icon tier Random, dragon turtle icon, in Clan HELP) [12:26:16 PM] yeah [12:26:20 PM] im getting pissed [12:26:21 PM] =) [12:26:27 PM] feared is such a cry baby [12:26:35 PM] yes much [12:27:04 PM] ok i saw his chicken i ran up and killed it so i hack [12:27:21 PM] -- Battle-Chaser has left the channel. [12:27:32 PM] [12:27:43 PM] and plus i ran from them in a big detour so i hack that way also [12:27:43 PM] mm where was it [12:27:55 PM] aznist was using it [12:27:59 PM] then he sent back [12:28:04 PM] so i ran through treees [12:28:07 PM] and saw it [12:28:09 PM] killed it [12:28:12 PM] HACKS [12:28:26 PM] bye now [12:28:29 PM] bye =) [12:28:30 PM] -- bonginathong has left the channel. [12:28:55 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:28:55 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [12:28:58 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [12:32:32 PM] [12:37:32 PM] [12:41:03 PM] -- 1341213412I4N [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon) [12:41:06 PM] -- 1341213412I4N has left the channel. [12:42:32 PM] [12:42:58 PM] -- bonginathong [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan AoG) [12:43:14 PM] -- bonginathong has left the channel. [12:43:21 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:43:31 PM] hey [12:43:39 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [12:47:32 PM] [12:52:32 PM] [12:57:32 PM] [1:02:32 PM] [1:04:11 PM] seen eurekaseven [1:07:32 PM] [1:09:36 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [1:09:49 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [1:10:36 PM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [1:10:36 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [1:10:39 PM] hey [1:10:41 PM] hey [1:11:12 PM] -- 4real [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:11:17 PM] -- 4real has left the channel. [1:12:32 PM] [1:13:17 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:13:17 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [1:14:12 PM] -- bonginathong [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan AoG) [1:14:28 PM] hi [1:14:31 PM] hi [1:14:44 PM] -- bonginathong has left the channel. [1:14:53 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [1:15:05 PM] is that mrg almost done? [1:15:34 PM] not really [1:17:33 PM] [1:17:47 PM] ill be eating/watching some basilisk [1:17:50 PM] -- deep_evil [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:18:30 PM] how long is basilisk? [1:18:37 PM] 24 ep [1:19:25 PM] i can get you links if you wanna watch [1:19:40 PM] mm no thats ok [1:19:57 PM] i think i'll watch something else [1:22:16 PM] -- henleehigh [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon) [1:22:33 PM] -- Stats updated: henleehigh [78ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:22:33 PM] [1:22:42 PM] brb [1:22:43 PM] afk [1:23:12 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:23:13 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [1:23:17 PM] SUP [1:23:21 PM] HENLEE [1:23:23 PM] JOINED SUP [1:23:38 PM] All the shams are on wanna scrim [1:23:39 PM] ? [1:23:43 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [1:24:05 PM] in a sec [1:24:15 PM] yeah i'm up [1:24:24 PM] -- GrammarGestapo [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [1:26:39 PM] -- GrammarGestapo has left the channel. [1:26:54 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:26:54 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [1:26:57 PM] Aznist [1:26:58 PM] wanna [1:26:59 PM] scrim [1:27:01 PM] ? [1:27:05 PM] [1:22:52 PM] brb [1:27:05 PM] [1:22:53 PM] afk [1:27:06 PM] hes afk for a bit [1:27:07 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [1:27:14 PM] -- LokD.UbeR [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [1:27:18 PM] -- LokD.UbeR has left the channel. [1:27:33 PM] [1:27:48 PM] -- WafflesFTW [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [1:27:54 PM] Sup [1:27:56 PM] Im back [1:28:03 PM] Anyone here wanna play? [1:28:14 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:28:15 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [1:28:18 PM] -- WafflesFTW has left the channel. [1:28:58 PM] .tda [1:29:00 PM] <3:rd515> <1:rd64> <4:rd444> <3:rd99> <8:rd303> <7:rd89> <5:rd22> <3:rd26> [1:29:04 PM] !!@!@@! [1:29:05 PM] 1 [1:29:08 PM] `12 wDfcesd mgg hg tfyiuk x6 bv n bv [1:29:13 PM] 65 vjh ,nhbui5g [1:29:19 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [1:30:31 PM] -- WafflesFTW [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [1:30:33 PM] -- ZOINKZ [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:30:37 PM] Sup [1:30:45 PM] Zionkz [1:30:46 PM] hi[ [1:30:47 PM] Wanna TDA? [1:30:52 PM] henlee wanna play? [1:31:01 PM] wow servers are still down t.t [1:31:05 PM] :P [1:31:06 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [1:31:10 PM] yeah, sure why not [1:31:20 PM] wait nvm [1:31:28 PM] My friend wanst to play a vamp [1:31:33 PM] lol l8r [1:31:37 PM] ill go [1:31:48 PM] -- WafflesFTW has left the channel. [1:31:59 PM] -- ZOINKZ [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:32:16 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [1:32:28 PM] -- henleehigh has left the channel. [1:32:32 PM] [1:34:36 PM] -- ZOINKZ [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:34:37 PM] .tda [1:34:39 PM] <5:rd303> <1:rd68> <5:rd516> <5:rd545> [1:34:49 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [1:35:06 PM] -- ZOINKZ [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:35:09 PM] .tda [1:35:09 PM] <5:rd303> <4:rd516> <4:rd545> [1:35:16 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [1:35:44 PM] -- ZOINKZ [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:35:46 PM] .tda [1:35:48 PM] <4:rd303> <1:rd516> [1:35:58 PM] .tda [1:36:00 PM] <4:rd303> <1:ar569> <7:ar67> [1:36:04 PM] .tda [1:36:13 PM] <5:rd303> <1:ar569> <7:ar67> [1:36:20 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [1:36:27 PM] -- ZOINKZ [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:36:31 PM] .tda [1:36:34 PM] <5:rd303> <1:ar569> <4:ar67> <7:ar787> [1:36:50 PM] .tda [1:36:54 PM] <5:rd303> <1:rd516> <1:ar569> <3:ar67> <7:ar787> [1:37:05 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [1:37:13 PM] -- ZOINKZ [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:37:25 PM] .tda [1:37:28 PM] <5:rd303> <1:ar67> <7:ar787> [1:37:33 PM] [1:38:38 PM] .tda [1:38:41 PM] <4:rd303> <1:ar787> <7:ar880> [1:38:48 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [1:38:55 PM] -- ZOINKZ [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:38:59 PM] .tda [1:39:01 PM] <1:ar787> <7:ar880> [1:39:12 PM] .tda [1:39:14 PM] <7:ar880> [1:39:16 PM] .tda [1:39:21 PM] <7:ar880> [1:39:25 PM] what areyou waiting for.. [1:39:33 PM] An rd [1:39:35 PM] .tdad [1:39:36 PM] .tda [1:39:39 PM] <4:ar880> [1:39:40 PM] back [1:39:42 PM] aznist [1:39:43 PM] tda [1:39:43 PM] time [1:39:44 PM] gogo [1:39:51 PM] i dont wanna tda right now =/ [1:40:37 PM] gonna take a quick shower [1:40:40 PM] .tda [1:40:41 PM] <4:rd13> [1:40:47 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [1:42:32 PM] [1:47:32 PM] [1:47:53 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [1:48:35 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [1:48:52 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [1:49:13 PM] .tda [1:49:16 PM] <1:rd80> <1:ar564> [1:49:27 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [1:51:11 PM] -- AzNBaLLeR_ [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 13, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan rLd) [1:51:47 PM] -- AzNBaLLeR_ has left the channel. [1:52:32 PM] [1:54:23 PM] -- jell0 [203ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:54:38 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [1:55:29 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:55:29 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [1:55:53 PM] they're done [1:55:56 PM] -- Mr.Syner [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [1:55:59 PM] -- aznshorty67 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:56:01 PM] gg guys [1:56:04 PM] so bad, so sad [1:56:04 PM] -- azncheesemonkey [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 24, icon tier Orcs, shaman icon, in Clan TGoS) [1:56:07 PM] Sup [1:56:13 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:56:13 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [1:56:19 PM] Sup in the hood ? [1:56:29 PM] Gosu [1:56:32 PM] we will scrim sometime soon [1:56:32 PM] yea [1:56:38 PM] maybe tonight [1:56:38 PM] our clans? [1:56:40 PM] yah [1:56:44 PM] if we have our ppl one [1:56:45 PM] on [1:56:47 PM] kk [1:56:48 PM] -- azncheesemonkey has left the channel. [1:56:49 PM] gg bro [1:56:50 PM] im out [1:56:51 PM] bb [1:56:52 PM] gg* [1:56:53 PM] -- Mr.Syner has left the channel. [1:56:55 PM] hah laterr [1:57:08 PM] -- tJener [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:57:12 PM] HERRO! [1:57:14 PM] we should ih [1:57:28 PM] is mazon still banned? [1:57:31 PM] idk [1:57:32 PM] [1:57:33 PM] havn't talked to him today [1:57:40 PM] o_O? [1:57:41 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [1:57:41 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [1:57:42 PM] why is he banned [1:57:42 PM] mazon banned from what? [1:57:48 PM] yo [1:57:50 PM] bnet [1:57:51 PM] these guys are abd [1:57:52 PM] ... [1:57:52 PM] =*( [1:57:56 PM] bad* [1:57:58 PM] :( [1:58:04 PM] IHIH [1:58:04 PM] what did he do? [1:58:08 PM] D: [1:58:15 PM] idk, maybe too many cd keys [1:58:17 PM] hax in a ladder game [1:58:18 PM] brb [1:58:20 PM] nah, spam [1:58:26 PM] i'd say spam [1:58:30 PM] spam? [1:58:31 PM] where? [1:58:33 PM] when? [1:58:34 PM] who knows [1:58:38 PM] spam [1:58:39 PM] spam [1:58:40 PM] spam [1:58:40 PM] spam [1:58:41 PM] if u spam in a channek [1:58:42 PM] [1:58:43 PM] spam [1:58:43 PM] [1:58:44 PM] [1:58:45 PM] spam [1:58:45 PM] it kicks u out [1:58:45 PM] [1:58:47 PM] probably login spam [1:58:49 PM] [1:58:51 PM] doesnt cdkey ban u [1:58:52 PM] [1:58:53 PM] no [1:58:57 PM] it doesnt ban ur cdkey [1:59:05 PM] he's IP banned [1:59:07 PM] makes u unable to join battle.net for like 5 ins [1:59:07 PM] cdkey bans are for hacking [1:59:14 PM] -- Germy [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [1:59:14 PM] -- Stats updated: Germy [62ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier unknown, unknown icon, in Clan BioL) [1:59:19 PM] who's germy [1:59:28 PM] -- Germy has left the channel. [1:59:28 PM] andrew [1:59:29 PM] well, the D2 ip bans last anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 days [1:59:29 PM] is germy [1:59:32 PM] idk about wc3 [1:59:32 PM] wut u doing with it? [1:59:53 PM] it's not me! [1:59:54 PM] """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" [2:00:03 PM] who leaked pw :o [2:00:05 PM] LIE MORE [2:00:12 PM] its andrew.. [2:00:14 PM] aight ih [2:00:16 PM] '"''''""""''""'"'""''''""'""" [2:00:19 PM] '''''''''''''''''''''''' [2:00:22 PM] ''''''''''''''''''''' [2:00:24 PM] '''''''''''''''''''''' [2:00:25 PM] ''''''''''''''''''''''''' [2:00:26 PM] """""'''''''''''''''''''''''''' [2:00:27 PM] hey get mazon [2:00:31 PM] |STFU| [2:00:35 PM] """""""""""""""""""""''''''''''''''''''""""""""""""""""''''''''''''''''''""""""""""""""'''''''''''''''''''''' [2:00:39 PM] i IMed him [2:00:39 PM] hey guys [2:00:40 PM] he didn't respond [2:00:42 PM] do taht sign [2:00:43 PM] | [2:00:45 PM] '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' [2:00:46 PM] | [2:00:47 PM] | [2:00:48 PM] | [2:00:49 PM] '''''''''''''''''''''' [2:00:49 PM] | [2:00:50 PM] maSS IT [2:00:50 PM] | [2:00:52 PM] | [2:00:52 PM] | [2:00:53 PM] u cant do it [2:00:53 PM] | [2:00:54 PM] | [2:00:54 PM] | [2:00:55 PM] | [2:00:56 PM] | [2:00:56 PM] |\ [2:00:56 PM] | [2:00:57 PM] | [2:00:58 PM] l [2:00:58 PM] |/ [2:00:58 PM] | [2:00:59 PM] l [2:00:59 PM] | [2:01:00 PM] | [2:01:01 PM] | [2:01:01 PM] I [2:01:02 PM] | [2:01:02 PM] | [2:01:03 PM] I [2:01:03 PM] its dumb [2:01:03 PM] | [2:01:04 PM] 1 [2:01:07 PM] | | [2:01:09 PM] | [2:01:09 PM] ` [2:01:09 PM] | [2:01:10 PM] | [2:01:11 PM] | [2:01:11 PM] | [2:01:11 PM] ` [2:01:12 PM] l | [2:01:13 PM] ` [2:01:14 PM] | [2:01:14 PM] | [2:01:14 PM] ` [2:01:14 PM] | [2:01:17 PM] .... [2:01:17 PM] ` [2:01:20 PM] .kick . . . . [2:01:21 PM] sooooooooooooooo [2:01:23 PM] ~`\_/`~ [2:01:31 PM] "Please slow down." [2:01:31 PM] wc3 card game? [2:01:39 PM] i was robbed by two men [2:01:45 PM] \'''\(-_-)/'''/ I WANT DONUTS [2:01:46 PM] 4v4 ih [2:01:48 PM] lets go [2:01:52 PM] take anything you want [2:02:06 PM] ~`'+=-._.-=+'`~ [2:02:18 PM] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!@#$%^&*()_ [2:02:31 PM] ¤¤¤}[{}]}[]{¤¤°GO SPY THE Void [2:02:32 PM] [2:02:39 PM] gn: biol [2:02:46 PM] ""\(O_o)/"" [2:02:47 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [2:02:50 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [2:02:51 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [2:02:55 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [2:02:55 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [2:03:36 PM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [2:03:36 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [2:03:38 PM] -- aznshorty67 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:03:39 PM] -- deep_evil [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:03:39 PM] maybe you gotta host [2:03:43 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:03:43 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [2:03:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [2:03:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [2:03:45 PM] i'll host i guess [2:03:46 PM] but then i bet quizler cant join your game [2:03:49 PM] lol [2:03:50 PM] lol [2:03:52 PM] doh [2:03:52 PM] we'll see [2:03:54 PM] gn biol [2:03:57 PM] `````````''''''''''''''''''""""""""""" [2:04:02 PM] -- tJener has left the channel. [2:04:03 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [2:04:05 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [2:04:06 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [2:04:13 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [2:04:25 PM] -- 1341213412I4N [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon) [2:04:29 PM] <1341213412I4N> there paulie? [2:04:32 PM] yo [2:04:36 PM] <1341213412I4N> =P [2:04:38 PM] <1341213412I4N> wanna tda? [2:04:45 PM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [2:04:45 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [2:04:47 PM] -- aznshorty67 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:04:50 PM] -- tJener [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:04:50 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:04:50 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [2:04:50 PM] wait up [2:04:50 PM] -- deep_evil [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:04:51 PM] BRBRBRBRBRBR [2:04:54 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [2:04:58 PM] ''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''"""''''''" [2:05:02 PM] WUT HAPPEN? [2:05:09 PM] port for joining game != port for hosting game? [2:05:10 PM] '''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''""""" [2:05:11 PM] ''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""''''""' [2:05:14 PM] '''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''""""" [2:05:16 PM] are we playing [2:05:19 PM] yes [2:05:20 PM] yeah [2:05:27 PM] zooph u playing? [2:05:32 PM] do we have 8? [2:05:33 PM] "''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''"''" [2:05:35 PM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [2:05:35 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [2:05:38 PM] '''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""'''''"""""''' [2:05:38 PM] [2:05:41 PM] [2:05:44 PM] [2:05:46 PM] [2:05:46 PM] [2:05:50 PM] [2:05:52 PM] [2:05:52 PM] <1341213412I4N > [2:05:56 PM] lol [2:05:58 PM] 7 [2:06:00 PM] [2:06:01 PM] zooph? [2:06:03 PM] lol [2:06:08 PM] <1341213412I4N> zoophagous will play [2:06:09 PM] yea the noob qop [2:06:10 PM] <1341213412I4N> give him a second [2:06:15 PM] aite i'll rm [2:06:17 PM] gn biol again? [2:06:25 PM] om is required [2:06:28 PM] ... [2:06:31 PM] ? [2:06:32 PM] om? [2:06:33 PM] yu gi ohhhhh [2:06:35 PM] huh [2:06:37 PM] why u talkign shit smoked [2:06:45 PM] joke. [2:06:50 PM] <1341213412I4N> not funny. [2:06:51 PM] -- tJener has left the channel. [2:06:55 PM] NO U [2:06:56 PM] LOLBADQOP [2:06:57 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [2:07:02 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [2:07:03 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [2:07:03 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [2:07:04 PM] -- 1341213412I4N has left the channel. [2:07:32 PM] [2:07:35 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [2:08:05 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [2:09:00 PM] -- 5horT-BuS [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan DMeK) [2:09:00 PM] 5horT-BuS was banned by PointToProve (Shitlisted). [2:09:00 PM] -- 5horT-BuS has left the channel. [2:12:33 PM] [2:14:15 PM] -- AzNBaLLeR_ [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 14, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan rLd) [2:14:19 PM] -- AzNBaLLeR_ has left the channel. [2:17:33 PM] [2:20:34 PM] -- henleehigh [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:22:33 PM] [2:24:27 PM] -- 4ReAL [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:24:35 PM] <4ReAL> .tda [2:24:45 PM] <4ReAL> .tda [2:25:16 PM] -- henleehigh has left the channel. [2:25:29 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [2:27:33 PM] [2:32:33 PM] [2:36:40 PM] -- RiceFrog [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, crypt fiend icon, in Clan BioL) [2:37:33 PM] [2:37:41 PM] -- RiceFrog has left the channel. [2:38:02 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:42:33 PM] [2:45:13 PM] -- WafflesFTW [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan dpR) [2:45:20 PM] -- WafflesFTW has left the channel. [2:46:48 PM] -- deep_evil [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:46:53 PM] :o [2:47:08 PM] .afk [2:47:08 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 2:16 [2:47:33 PM] [2:48:27 PM] -- tJener [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:48:28 PM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [2:48:28 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [2:48:36 PM] -- Quizler [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:48:36 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [2:48:44 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:48:44 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [2:48:45 PM] -- aznshorty67 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:49:03 PM] [2:49:17 PM] [2:49:18 PM] gn Wacraft Card Game [2:49:22 PM] -- 1341213412I4N [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon) [2:49:29 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [2:49:29 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [2:49:42 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [2:49:45 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [2:49:46 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [2:51:08 PM] .tda [2:51:11 PM] <4:rd373> <4:rd82> <5:ar4> <2:rd26> <7:rd44> <7:rd0> [2:51:15 PM] -- 1341213412I4N has left the channel. [2:51:35 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [2:52:33 PM] [2:53:06 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [2:55:27 PM] -- ZOINKZ [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:55:30 PM] Sup [2:55:31 PM] smokde [2:55:49 PM] -- buickbus.randOm [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 13, icon tier Undead, crypt fiend icon) [2:55:52 PM] pretty fun [2:55:54 PM] we raped that [2:55:56 PM] Ya [2:56:00 PM] wanna join clan? [2:56:05 PM] nah im in one [2:56:08 PM] O cool [2:56:09 PM] lolz [2:56:09 PM] BUS [2:56:10 PM] bus [2:56:12 PM] ya i no [2:56:14 PM] but im like 10th string [2:56:20 PM] dont even play with them anymore [2:56:29 PM] anyways, WOW is supposed to be up now so ttylo [2:56:30 PM] -- buickbus.randOm has left the channel. [2:57:33 PM] [2:58:29 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [2:58:56 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:58:56 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [2:59:14 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [2:59:14 PM] -- jell0 [203ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:00:11 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [3:02:33 PM] [3:04:35 PM] all the games i try to join say That the game name could not be found. [3:04:51 PM] bah [3:04:52 PM] -- tJener has left the channel. [3:07:33 PM] [3:12:33 PM] [3:15:04 PM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:15:10 PM] .tda [3:15:21 PM] wowwwww [3:15:55 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [3:17:12 PM] -- Casey.Collier [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [3:17:33 PM] [3:22:33 PM] [3:27:12 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:27:12 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [3:27:33 PM] [3:28:15 PM] -- tEL.HuDat [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:28:40 PM] blep. [3:29:00 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [3:29:39 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [3:29:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [3:29:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [3:29:57 PM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [3:29:57 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [3:30:21 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [3:30:21 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [3:30:21 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [3:32:33 PM] [3:33:12 PM] bleh bleh [3:33:37 PM] this time ima let it all come up [3:33:45 PM] this time ima stand up and shout [3:33:58 PM] What song is that? (2 Points) [3:35:16 PM] _ y _ _ _ [3:35:22 PM] ___ [3:35:29 PM] ........... [3:35:32 PM] boring [3:35:33 PM] what genre? [3:35:34 PM] .afk [3:35:35 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 2:16, EurekaSeven Idle for 15+ mins. Since 2:53, Casey.Collier Idle for 15+ mins. Since 3:33 [3:35:39 PM] rock [3:35:42 PM] -- bonginathong [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan AoG) [3:35:46 PM] its my way [3:35:48 PM] dunno [3:36:06 PM] .afk [3:36:06 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 2:16, EurekaSeven Idle for 15+ mins. Since 2:53, Casey.Collier Idle for 15+ mins. Since 3:33 [3:36:18 PM] EurekaSeven was kicked out of the channel by SMoKeD-PuFF. [3:36:19 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [3:36:30 PM] Casey.Collier was kicked out of the channel by SMoKeD-PuFF. [3:36:30 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [3:36:53 PM] y do ppl even stay on if they gonna be afk [3:37:00 PM] dunno [3:37:18 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [3:37:33 PM] [3:37:37 PM] -- bonginathong has left the channel. [3:41:16 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [3:41:16 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [3:42:22 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [3:42:33 PM] [3:44:06 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:44:09 PM] hey [3:44:20 PM] hey [3:44:22 PM] lol [3:44:24 PM] fatal error =( [3:44:28 PM] lasted a long time though [3:44:29 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:44:29 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [3:44:30 PM] t_T [3:44:33 PM] card game? [3:44:36 PM] we played card game [3:44:36 PM] yeah [3:44:37 PM] yeah [3:44:38 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [3:44:41 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:44:41 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [3:44:46 PM] always fatals [3:45:00 PM] are they scrimming? [3:45:04 PM] or is gab just playing [3:45:06 PM] -- aznshorty67 [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:45:15 PM] lol [3:45:22 PM] what to do? [3:45:25 PM] wtd [3:45:31 PM] ? [3:45:35 PM] ''''''''''''''' [3:45:41 PM] what do we want to do? [3:45:42 PM] clutch lich king ftw [3:45:47 PM] lol [3:45:52 PM] lets play [3:45:58 PM] i wanna scrim -_- [3:45:59 PM] lol rly [3:46:01 PM] w/ who [3:46:02 PM] ? [3:46:06 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [3:46:08 PM] are theys crimming now? [3:46:16 PM] prolly ih [3:46:19 PM] gab is in game [3:46:26 PM] ks [3:46:58 PM] lalala [3:47:02 PM] lalala [3:47:08 PM] have you been watching basilisk? [3:47:09 PM] lately [3:47:15 PM] i kind of quit after 10 [3:47:19 PM] it got pointless [3:47:28 PM] 10 was only a filler [3:47:31 PM] -- deep_evil [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:47:33 PM] [3:47:40 PM] how is it pointless other than 10 [3:47:44 PM] only #10 was [3:47:50 PM] some flash backs were [3:48:25 PM] sup moon its your best friend since the 2nd grade [3:48:27 PM] -- tEL.HuDat has left the channel. [3:48:29 PM] lol wtf [3:48:45 PM] lol [3:48:52 PM] who is that [3:49:08 PM] hes not online [3:49:19 PM] nvm [3:49:35 PM] what do you guys wanna do [3:50:23 PM] ''''''''''''''''''"""""""""""""""""""""""''''''''''''''''''' [3:50:32 PM] """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''''''''''''''''''''''''''' [3:50:32 PM] '"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'" [3:50:36 PM] i just told hudat im homeschooled [3:50:39 PM] """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""''''''''''''''''''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'''''''''''''''''''''''' [3:50:41 PM] lol pwned [3:50:49 PM] lol [3:51:19 PM] ok [3:51:20 PM] what we do [3:51:27 PM] card game? [3:51:30 PM] lol [3:51:34 PM] aznist thinks its boring [3:51:37 PM] have we figured out the glitch yet? [3:51:43 PM] lol we can do again [3:51:43 PM] nope [3:51:46 PM] ok [3:51:47 PM] nah.. this time i tried fan of knives [3:51:47 PM] lets play [3:52:00 PM] just 4 people [3:52:01 PM] ih? [3:52:02 PM] k [3:52:03 PM] so ih [3:52:06 PM] K [3:52:14 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [3:52:23 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [3:52:32 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [3:52:34 PM] [3:53:02 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [3:53:35 PM] -- vibestar [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan NDO) [3:53:42 PM] -- vibestar has left the channel. [3:54:41 PM] -- jell0 [203ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:54:45 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [3:57:33 PM] [3:58:30 PM] -- jell0 [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:58:32 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [4:02:33 PM] [4:04:01 PM] -- RiceFrog [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, crypt fiend icon, in Clan BioL) [4:04:06 PM] -- RiceFrog has left the channel. [4:07:33 PM] [4:08:06 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:08:06 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:08:09 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:11:50 PM] -- ZOINKZ [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:11:56 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [4:12:33 PM] [4:16:23 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:16:23 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [4:16:25 PM] -- 1341213412I4N [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon) [4:16:33 PM] <1341213412I4N> again? [4:16:36 PM] sure [4:16:38 PM] dude [4:16:40 PM] next time [4:16:43 PM] when ur ts [4:16:47 PM] go scepter first [4:16:52 PM] works better [4:16:56 PM] <1341213412I4N> WOuldnt of helped [4:17:01 PM] i know not that game [4:17:09 PM] do u think they mhed? [4:17:15 PM] <1341213412I4N> Im almost positive [4:17:18 PM] yae [4:17:21 PM] oh well [4:17:21 PM] <1341213412I4N> if be creeping and they would show up [4:17:25 PM] yea [4:17:27 PM] .tda [4:17:29 PM] <1:rd123> <3:rd23> <1:rd19> <1:rd1234> <4:rd8> <6:ar748> <7:rd645> [4:17:32 PM] <1341213412I4N> are [4:17:33 PM] [4:17:34 PM] <1341213412I4N> ae [4:17:37 PM] <1341213412I4N> ar* [4:17:40 PM] rd645 [4:17:42 PM] -- 1341213412I4N has left the channel. [4:17:45 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [4:18:02 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:18:02 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [4:18:07 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [4:20:14 PM] -- 1341213412I4N [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon) [4:20:21 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:20:21 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [4:20:25 PM] .tda [4:20:26 PM] <2:rd19> <3:rd123> <1:rd1234> <5:ar98> <1:rd22> <8:rd92> <9:rd99> [4:20:28 PM] -- 1341213412I4N has left the channel. [4:20:54 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [4:22:33 PM] [4:27:33 PM] [4:28:33 PM] -- Dragon [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan dpR) [4:28:37 PM] -- Dragon has left the channel. [4:30:08 PM] -- jell0 [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:30:24 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [4:31:21 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [4:32:18 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:32:23 PM] lez play [4:32:30 PM] ok [4:32:32 PM] we'll play on opposite teams this time [4:32:32 PM] k? [4:32:33 PM] do you have a host [4:32:33 PM] [4:32:34 PM] it'll be fun [4:32:34 PM] no [4:32:39 PM] ok how are we gonna do this then [4:32:41 PM] can you follow [4:32:41 PM] ? [4:32:42 PM] 1 sec [4:32:48 PM] i can follow but im not super fast [4:32:49 PM] lemme see [4:33:14 PM] ok [4:33:16 PM] try joining jon [4:33:18 PM] i'll follow [4:33:21 PM] i dun care wud mode [4:33:26 PM] umm ok [4:33:27 PM] preferably no -em though but its ok if its em [4:33:38 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [4:33:46 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:34:03 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [4:34:12 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:34:14 PM] wait [4:34:15 PM] they all fill really fast [4:34:16 PM] stop joining so many games [4:34:17 PM] dota -arem gogogo [4:34:17 PM] i know [4:34:24 PM] try again [4:34:26 PM] ok [4:34:27 PM] join a non-em [4:34:29 PM] they fill slower [4:34:31 PM] like dota ar [4:34:36 PM] less people play [4:34:38 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [4:34:38 PM] but those r usually b etter [4:34:52 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:34:54 PM] errr [4:34:56 PM] i don't know [4:34:59 PM] i'll try following [4:35:00 PM] if you want [4:35:03 PM] dota 5v5 -arem@us/ca bl~ [4:35:05 PM] such a long name to type [4:35:08 PM] oh don't type it [4:35:11 PM] just go to custom game [4:35:12 PM] and look for it [4:35:15 PM] it's a lot faster [4:35:15 PM] its risky [4:35:22 PM] if u dont see it or misclick = screwed [4:35:27 PM] typing is really inefficient [4:35:27 PM] i type fast though [4:35:28 PM] but [4:35:29 PM] ok [4:35:30 PM] fine [4:35:32 PM] i try join [4:35:34 PM] ok [4:35:38 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [4:35:43 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:35:45 PM] booted [4:35:47 PM] going again [4:35:52 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [4:35:53 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [4:36:01 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [4:36:06 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:36:07 PM] booted? [4:36:17 PM] rdy? [4:36:17 PM] ya [4:36:20 PM] do you have [4:36:21 PM] wc3 banlist [4:36:36 PM] ? [4:36:39 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [4:36:46 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [4:36:46 PM] ful [4:36:48 PM] joining again [4:37:03 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [4:37:12 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [4:37:13 PM] nm [4:37:14 PM] same gam [4:37:15 PM] joniing again [4:37:33 PM] [4:37:40 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [4:37:49 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [4:37:50 PM] ful [4:37:52 PM] gah [4:37:53 PM] err [4:37:56 PM] do u have wc3 banlist [4:37:58 PM] no [4:38:00 PM] do u ? [4:38:01 PM] hmm [4:38:02 PM] no [4:38:03 PM] it autocopies [4:38:03 PM] i know [4:38:04 PM] lol [4:38:07 PM] fred/ken have =( [4:38:08 PM] ok [4:38:09 PM] well [4:38:12 PM] are they almost done [4:38:50 PM] 1 sec [4:38:52 PM] we could do 5v5 [4:38:54 PM] if they finish soon [4:39:00 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [4:39:30 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [4:42:33 PM] [4:43:59 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [4:43:59 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [4:44:02 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [4:47:33 PM] [4:50:16 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:50:16 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [4:50:37 PM] -- 1341213412I4N [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon) [4:50:41 PM] <1341213412I4N> so gay [4:50:46 PM] <1341213412I4N> .tda [4:50:56 PM] brb [4:51:03 PM] -- 1341213412I4N has left the channel. [4:51:11 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [4:52:33 PM] [4:54:12 PM] -- moon. [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:54:13 PM] lol [4:54:15 PM] fatal [4:54:17 PM] fatal [4:54:19 PM] -- Aznist [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [4:54:19 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [4:54:19 PM] fatal [4:54:20 PM] fatal [4:54:23 PM] yea [4:54:23 PM] what did you cast? [4:54:27 PM] nothing [4:54:30 PM] i didnt either [4:54:31 PM] lol [4:54:34 PM] i was at deck buying place [4:54:37 PM] waiting for ken [4:54:40 PM] hmm [4:54:48 PM] so best strat is to have summons early [4:54:51 PM] so you can tribute fast [4:54:58 PM] and get necro or spirit [4:55:12 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:55:21 PM] who was it :P [4:55:31 PM] wasnt me [4:55:32 PM] lol [4:55:35 PM] i didnt cast anything [4:55:39 PM] except blink [4:55:50 PM] i didn't do anything [4:55:51 PM] wow [4:55:58 PM] moon just exited bnet 3 times [4:56:00 PM] lol [4:56:00 PM] in a row [4:56:03 PM] i was watching you buy cards [4:56:04 PM] /f m Your friend moon. has exited Battle.net. [4:56:10 PM] loll [4:56:22 PM] i was owning fred [4:56:29 PM] maybe fred cast something [4:56:34 PM] andrew didnt lose right? [4:56:36 PM] how gay [4:56:38 PM] lol [4:56:53 PM] brb [4:57:13 PM] fred gone? [4:57:19 PM] -- deep_evil [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:57:41 PM] [4:58:06 PM] http://youtube.com/watch?v=0W1VY4b9IQQ [4:58:33 PM] aznist can i have a cdkey [4:58:38 PM] k which [4:58:43 PM] dun care [4:58:52 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [4:58:52 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [4:59:00 PM] E7EBT7NWEVC2DDMWB7HPB7BZV8 [4:59:03 PM] enfs? [4:59:07 PM] tactics [4:59:11 PM] im bored? [4:59:13 PM] lol [4:59:16 PM] lol [4:59:22 PM] hey [4:59:24 PM] how are you [4:59:37 PM] lag [4:59:38 PM] ing [4:59:41 PM] a [4:59:42 PM] ow so? [5:00:06 PM] make an enfs [5:00:07 PM] gogo [5:00:09 PM] http://youtube.com/watch?v=0W1VY4b9IQQ [5:00:21 PM] take anything you want [5:00:35 PM] lol [5:00:37 PM] what to do [5:00:58 PM] guess enfs? [5:01:04 PM] k enfs [5:01:05 PM] umm [5:01:09 PM] we have too many [5:01:10 PM] t_T [5:01:16 PM] O!_________!O [5:01:22 PM] archery tactics? [5:01:24 PM] ken did it work [5:01:31 PM] dunno didn't try [5:01:46 PM] k host enfs [5:01:51 PM] we have 5 [5:01:52 PM] we have 5 [5:01:53 PM] :[ [5:01:54 PM] i think gab is watching take anything you want [5:01:57 PM] lol [5:02:12 PM] forgot enfs was for 4 [5:02:14 PM] so is fred [5:02:16 PM] lol [5:02:20 PM] what is take anything you want? [5:02:28 PM] your face [5:02:31 PM] OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHBURN [5:02:32 PM] t_T [5:02:34 PM] i was robbed by two men [5:02:36 PM] :O [5:02:36 PM] N1 [5:02:41 PM] [5:03:08 PM] lets play [5:03:31 PM] should i host some random map that i come across? [5:03:42 PM] mmmm idc [5:03:46 PM] lol [5:03:53 PM] lets play.... dota? [5:03:55 PM] maybe not [5:04:09 PM] castle fight? [5:04:12 PM] pelo war? [5:04:17 PM] elimination tourney? [5:04:21 PM] hmm [5:04:25 PM] archery tactics [5:04:26 PM] or pw [5:04:29 PM] find one more [5:04:30 PM] for ih pw [5:04:31 PM] hungry hungry felhounds [5:04:32 PM] rolllll [5:04:39 PM] pictionary [5:04:41 PM] lol [5:04:43 PM] .roll [5:04:43 PM] Random number (0-100): 27 [5:04:45 PM] .roll 5 [5:04:46 PM] Random number (0-5): 2 [5:04:54 PM] et [5:05:13 PM] -- lkoN. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:05:14 PM] yat [5:05:19 PM] lets ih in pw [5:05:23 PM] i got motherfucking fired from work today [5:05:25 PM] damn niggas [5:05:28 PM] oh. [5:05:29 PM] lol [5:05:33 PM] where did you work? [5:05:44 PM] for my dad at a woodshop lawl [5:05:45 PM] cf pelowar elitourney archery pw dota rocdota utherparty artofdefense battlecraft wmw gemtd techwars shamanism waroflostkingdoms matrix enfs [5:05:48 PM] lawl [5:05:56 PM] your dad fired you? [5:05:57 PM] ROLLLLL [5:06:01 PM] .roll 16 [5:06:01 PM] Random number (0-16): 7 [5:06:08 PM] rocdota? [5:06:08 PM] uther [5:06:09 PM] uther [5:06:10 PM] uther [5:06:13 PM] i never played uther [5:06:15 PM] (zero is one) [5:06:16 PM] naw my dads just a manager, his boss was like ur son sucks at cleaning bathrooms and fired me [5:06:17 PM] uther [5:06:19 PM] uther [5:06:22 PM] oh. [5:06:29 PM] i never cleaned the bathrooms [5:06:30 PM] t_T [5:06:31 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [5:06:31 PM] shits nasty [5:06:34 PM] -- ZOINKZ [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:06:36 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [5:06:38 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [5:06:39 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [5:06:40 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [5:06:58 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [5:06:58 PM] uther party [5:07:13 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [5:07:41 PM] [5:10:25 PM] -- ZOINKZ [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:10:29 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [5:12:41 PM] [5:13:31 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:13:34 PM] .tda [5:13:38 PM] <1:ar0> <2:rd33> <3:ar2> <5:rd789> [5:14:23 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [5:17:41 PM] [5:18:03 PM] -- jell0 [172ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:18:05 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [5:22:41 PM] [5:24:32 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:24:41 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [5:25:28 PM] -- lkoN. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:27:41 PM] [5:30:56 PM] -- moon. [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:30:59 PM] -- Aznist [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [5:30:59 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [5:31:05 PM] lol that was pretty fun [5:31:07 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:31:24 PM] -- deep_evil [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:32:20 PM] .mail smoked-puff hurry up plox [5:32:20 PM] Added mail for smoked-puff. [5:32:22 PM] lol [5:32:41 PM] [5:32:53 PM] bbl [5:32:55 PM] dinner? [5:32:55 PM] i thin [5:33:13 PM] .gamelist [5:33:13 PM] cf pelowar elitourney archery pw dota rocdota utherparty artofdefense battlecraft wmw gemtd techwars shamanism waroflostkingdoms matrix enfs [5:33:14 PM] lulz [5:33:58 PM] rolllllllllit [5:34:16 PM] .roll 16 [5:34:16 PM] Random number (0-16): 1 [5:34:20 PM] pelo war o.O [5:34:46 PM] .roll 16 [5:34:46 PM] Random number (0-16): 15 [5:34:52 PM] mehh [5:34:52 PM] matrix sideline! [5:34:53 PM] nvm [5:34:57 PM] no [5:34:59 PM] thats war [5:35:02 PM] -- VeNoM) [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:35:02 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [5:35:02 PM] -- Mr.Syner [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [5:35:03 PM] ? [5:35:03 PM] reroll [5:35:10 PM] no, its matrix [5:35:10 PM] Ikon. [5:35:11 PM] wotlk needs to come off [5:35:14 PM] feel like playing an IH? [5:35:15 PM] oh [5:35:16 PM] lol [5:35:21 PM] we got one up if anyones interested in IHing [5:35:22 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [5:35:24 PM] gn = mrg3 [5:35:28 PM] -- Mr.Syner has left the channel. [5:35:32 PM] .afk [5:35:32 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 5:21 [5:35:48 PM] lol [5:35:50 PM] ''''"''"' [5:36:03 PM] smoked is so slow [5:36:05 PM] .quote [5:36:05 PM] Aznist: JIMMY MOON BECOME THE PILLAR OF SUPPORT FOR BIOL [5:36:07 PM] i think he dced [5:36:09 PM] !quote [5:36:12 PM] .quote [5:36:12 PM] Elwe: im so pissed; they cut my hair supershort; im like nrly bald now [5:36:14 PM] .quote [5:36:14 PM] Elwe: meybe i should eat this wasabi [5:36:16 PM] -- Mr.Syner [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [5:36:20 PM] -- Mr.Syner has left the channel. [5:36:22 PM] .quote [5:36:22 PM] lol [5:36:22 PM] moon.: cm has cleavage [5:36:25 PM] .quote [5:36:25 PM] moon.: my mass makes up for the lack of acceleration [5:36:37 PM] .quote [5:36:37 PM] KhAnZ: man i havent watched porn at all today [5:36:38 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:36:40 PM] reflecting on the quotes. i think i should tell yall i abused again [5:36:44 PM] .whoami [5:36:44 PM] You have 998 access. [5:36:45 PM] .quote [5:36:46 PM] Elwe: i cant taste my food [5:36:51 PM] .whois aznistbot [5:36:51 PM] Found user aznistbot, with access 69. [5:36:54 PM] o.O [5:36:58 PM] .set moon. 70 [5:36:58 PM] Set moon.'s access to 70. [5:37:03 PM] lol [5:37:08 PM] i changed it during the bot attack [5:37:11 PM] when andrew was a bot [5:37:20 PM] yea i had to log aznist as a bot [5:37:22 PM] ummm [5:37:24 PM] john? [5:37:30 PM] who's john? [5:37:34 PM] i think that's your name... [5:37:36 PM] murdo [5:37:39 PM] JON WANG [5:37:41 PM] [5:37:44 PM] .tda [5:37:46 PM] <3:rd0101> <1:rd89> <4:rd006> [5:37:50 PM] can i atleast have 100? [5:37:53 PM] no [5:37:54 PM] 70 is a gay number [5:37:55 PM] no [5:37:55 PM] <-- [5:38:03 PM] i wouldnt do anything [5:38:05 PM] .set moon. 69 [5:38:06 PM] Set moon.'s access to 69. [5:38:06 PM] mehh [5:38:06 PM] slacciNcodruM [5:38:09 PM] that wookrs to [5:38:15 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [5:38:18 PM] so pissed [5:38:19 PM] ew elwe [5:38:20 PM] but, as a mature person, i wont complan like elwe [5:38:22 PM] wud [5:38:29 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [5:38:35 PM] i cant stand jimy [5:38:35 PM] just sh, both of you [5:38:38 PM] i feel like just slapping you [5:38:42 PM] but i cant do it cuz its on the internet [5:38:43 PM] i'll just change it back next time we get bot attacked [5:38:45 PM] SH [5:38:46 PM] SH [5:38:46 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:38:47 PM] SH [5:38:49 PM] APSH [5:38:52 PM] lol [5:38:53 PM] .kick elwe; .kick moon. [5:38:53 PM] Elwe was kicked out of the channel by PointToProve. [5:38:53 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [5:38:53 PM] moon. was kicked out of the channel by PointToProve. [5:38:53 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [5:38:54 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [5:38:57 PM] APSHOM MEEPO [5:38:57 PM] lewls [5:38:59 PM] -- moon. [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:39:01 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [5:39:02 PM] thanks [5:39:02 PM] lets do it [5:39:04 PM] 1v1APSH [5:39:07 PM] apshom meepo [5:39:08 PM] me and elwe? [5:39:09 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:39:09 PM] ok [5:39:10 PM] AMAMAMAMAMAMMAMAGAD [5:39:10 PM] lets go [5:39:12 PM] 1v1 apsh [5:39:12 PM] lolll [5:39:13 PM] host for me [5:39:14 PM] DUEL [5:39:14 PM] ure going to get raped [5:39:16 PM] lollllllllll [5:39:17 PM] RAPAGE [5:39:19 PM] i pick hero [5:39:20 PM] lol [5:39:22 PM] wud hero [5:39:24 PM] THIS IS WAR [5:39:25 PM] you'll see [5:39:28 PM] u pick hero? [5:39:29 PM] hi jon [5:39:30 PM] thats not quite fair [5:39:33 PM] moon. vs Elwe [5:39:33 PM] ? [5:39:36 PM] i get to say no though [5:39:43 PM] if im gonna get raped, then it's fair [5:39:45 PM] voljin [5:39:46 PM] VETOED [5:39:47 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [5:39:49 PM] depends wud hero [5:39:53 PM] im going to get raped w/ meepo [5:39:53 PM] host for me ken [5:39:54 PM] please [5:39:54 PM] techies [5:39:55 PM] lol [5:39:57 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [5:40:00 PM] me fine w/ techies lol [5:40:05 PM] GN ARMAGEDDON [5:40:06 PM] LOSER GETS 10 ACCESS [5:40:10 PM] that works [5:40:11 PM] -- VeNoM) [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:40:11 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [5:40:15 PM] 30 though [5:40:16 PM] 30 [5:40:16 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [5:40:16 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [5:40:16 PM] for tda [5:40:18 PM] k 30 [5:40:19 PM] yeah [5:40:21 PM] .tda [5:40:22 PM] <5:ar88> <4:rd15> [5:40:24 PM] GN ARMAGEDDON [5:40:24 PM] ? [5:40:25 PM] gogo [5:40:25 PM] LOSER GETS 30 ACCESS [5:40:29 PM] .whois moon. [5:40:29 PM] Found user moon., with access 69. [5:40:30 PM] armageddon [5:40:30 PM] armageddon [5:40:31 PM] i dont want to play [5:40:33 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [5:40:37 PM] he forfeited [5:40:42 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:40:44 PM] crap no obs [5:40:47 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [5:40:48 PM] -- 4ReAL [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:40:49 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [5:40:59 PM] loser gets 10 access [5:40:59 PM] loser gets 10 access [5:41:00 PM] loser gets 10 access [5:41:03 PM] i ff [5:41:05 PM] elwe forfeited anyways [5:41:05 PM] uther party? [5:41:06 PM] gimme 10 access [5:41:10 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [5:41:11 PM] that's no fun [5:41:13 PM] hey chris [5:41:13 PM] lol [5:41:14 PM] yea [5:41:16 PM] no fun [5:41:16 PM] i ahve dinner anywas [5:41:17 PM] lol [5:41:20 PM] bbl [5:41:20 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [5:41:24 PM] rematch later mk [5:41:27 PM] elwe you would have won [5:41:27 PM] i cant stand moon ne ways [5:41:29 PM] cause moon gtg [5:41:31 PM] i should have just squelched him [5:41:39 PM] you should squelch each other [5:41:50 PM] you argue way too much [5:41:53 PM] the two of you [5:41:55 PM] -- Boo_Woo [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [5:41:57 PM] ok stop [5:41:58 PM] -- TbE_MiKe [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [5:42:02 PM] -- Boo_Woo has left the channel. [5:42:04 PM] wud were u guysp laying [5:42:08 PM] UTHER PARTY [5:42:10 PM] uther party [5:42:16 PM] Ultima - V [5:42:17 PM] -- TbE_MiKe has left the channel. [5:42:26 PM] peach is good [5:42:27 PM] yum [5:42:34 PM] .addquote Elwe: peach is good [5:42:34 PM] I need a quote to add. [5:42:37 PM] do u talk [5:42:39 PM] to moon irl"? [5:42:41 PM] [5:42:43 PM] "? [5:42:44 PM] i cant stand talking to him in irl [5:42:48 PM] so i walk away [5:42:50 PM] sh [5:42:52 PM] sh [5:42:54 PM] i never met him lol [5:42:57 PM] hes fat [5:43:00 PM] i never met you either [5:43:01 PM] :o [5:43:02 PM] and obnoxious [5:43:24 PM] lol [5:43:26 PM] caleb told me [5:43:31 PM] he used to play 40 hrs of games a week [5:43:32 PM] in college [5:43:34 PM] lol chris i check the glitch bou the darkhole on youtube [5:43:36 PM] during the school yr [5:43:39 PM] lol [5:43:40 PM] thats so much [5:43:42 PM] chedk* [5:43:44 PM] checked* [5:43:44 PM] 40 hrs [5:43:45 PM] average [5:43:46 PM] in ssbm? [5:43:46 PM] during school [5:43:48 PM] ya [5:44:01 PM] .tad [5:44:04 PM] 's gonna be hard to do it [5:44:04 PM] lol [5:44:05 PM] wud r we going to do [5:44:08 PM] its easy [5:44:09 PM] i have a midterm so i need to study soon [5:44:11 PM] just need 4 people [5:44:16 PM] ya... [5:44:18 PM] 4 good people [5:44:24 PM] no just 4 people lol [5:44:24 PM] and [5:44:28 PM] they dont need to be good [5:44:28 PM] theres like nobody [5:44:32 PM] gg perma-freeze glitch ice climbers [5:44:41 PM] lol whats that [5:45:02 PM] opponent gets perma frozen [5:45:04 PM] ... [5:45:05 PM] duh [5:45:07 PM] lol [5:45:13 PM] dont go all elwe on me [5:45:16 PM] lol [5:45:17 PM] how do you do it sherlock [5:45:19 PM] i meant how [5:45:26 PM] oh dunno [5:45:28 PM] =) [5:45:29 PM] lol [5:45:37 PM] hey look [5:45:39 PM] chris is chief again [5:45:42 PM] old news [5:45:43 PM] :o [5:45:45 PM] lol [5:45:52 PM] oh [5:45:52 PM] well im not on that much [5:45:53 PM] smells like a fight [5:45:56 PM] lol [5:46:03 PM] chris said smoked was the one who made everyone peon [5:46:07 PM] CONFIRM/DENY? [5:46:14 PM] deny... [5:46:16 PM] !confirm [5:46:17 PM] it was nick [5:46:26 PM] i made everyone back to grunt [5:46:26 PM] noob [5:46:26 PM] who made dream a peon [5:46:30 PM] -- ZOINKZ [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:46:31 PM] nick [5:46:33 PM] where is dream [5:46:34 PM] ne ways [5:46:40 PM] gab [5:46:45 PM] lez play guys [5:46:49 PM] ih ne one? [5:46:55 PM] u changed everyone into a peon [5:46:56 PM] noob [5:46:59 PM] ih? [5:47:01 PM] .seen 1)reamTheater [5:47:02 PM] Can't recall having seen 1)reamTheater recently. [5:47:04 PM] IH [5:47:09 PM] -- MurdocNiccals [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:47:12 PM] .seen feared.mage [5:47:12 PM] Can't recall having seen feared.mage recently. [5:47:13 PM] i have 2 friends that want to play [5:47:15 PM] host ken [5:47:16 PM] can anyone host for us [5:47:17 PM] .seen aznist [5:47:17 PM] aznist is right here. [5:47:17 PM] .seen smoked-puff [5:47:18 PM] smoked-puff is right here. [5:47:19 PM] :ets scrim... [5:47:21 PM] huh? [5:47:23 PM] lets inhouse [5:47:25 PM] ok [5:47:25 PM] I can get a scrim [5:47:27 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [5:47:30 PM] .seen rad1ance- [5:47:30 PM] rad1ance- was last seen leaving this channel 1 hours and 39 minutes ago. [5:47:36 PM] -- jamesmington [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan LawL) [5:47:36 PM] hmm [5:47:40 PM] .seen vibestar [5:47:40 PM] vibestar was last seen leaving this channel 1 hours and 54 minutes ago. [5:47:42 PM] [5:47:44 PM] -- gotchaI3itch [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon) [5:47:46 PM] ugh new toy [5:47:50 PM] can we inhouse? [5:47:51 PM] are you gona play [5:47:52 PM] ?? [5:47:53 PM] ya [5:47:54 PM] sure [5:47:56 PM] HI =) [5:47:58 PM] james and gotcha are my friends [5:48:03 PM] IH [5:48:03 PM] IH [5:48:04 PM] who the hell r u [5:48:06 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [5:48:07 PM] .afk [5:48:07 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 5:21 [5:48:09 PM] i know murdoc [5:48:10 PM] his friends [5:48:10 PM] -- ZOINKZ [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:48:16 PM] Magfew u here> [5:48:17 PM] and i guess those r murdoc's friends O.o [5:48:18 PM] ZAK =) [5:48:21 PM] murdoc goes to my school [5:48:25 PM] .f l [5:48:29 PM] lets go [5:48:33 PM] host ken? [5:48:33 PM] who is gonna host [5:48:34 PM] gn: biol [5:48:35 PM] ken host [5:48:36 PM] ok [5:48:40 PM] gn gn gn? [5:48:40 PM] biol [5:48:40 PM] biol [5:48:41 PM] is magfew supposed to be me? [5:48:46 PM] ya [5:48:52 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [5:48:56 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [5:48:56 PM] -- MurdocNiccals has left the channel. [5:48:56 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [5:48:59 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [5:49:00 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [5:49:00 PM] -- gotchaI3itch has left the channel. [5:49:01 PM] -- jamesmington has left the channel. [5:49:43 PM] -- ZOINKZ [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:49:47 PM] -- vibestar [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan NDO) [5:49:57 PM] gn=biol [5:49:57 PM] THEY SEE ME WINDING [5:49:59 PM] GRINDING [5:50:01 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [5:50:03 PM] cmon [5:50:05 PM] come play [5:50:06 PM] -- vibestar has left the channel. [5:50:08 PM] gn biol [5:50:10 PM] come zoinkz? [5:50:13 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [5:50:17 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [5:50:21 PM] -- vibestar [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan NDO) [5:50:22 PM] -- ZOINKZ [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:50:23 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [5:50:42 PM] -- Joined channel: clan ks -- [5:50:43 PM] Your ping is 62. [5:50:44 PM] and accused me [5:50:48 PM] ih? gn=biol need like 3 [5:50:49 PM] of hacking the site and putting it there [5:50:51 PM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [5:50:51 PM] biol.proboards74.com ---- go take a look at our forums! [5:51:18 PM] -- Joined channel: clan ks -- [5:51:19 PM] lets play without him then [5:51:19 PM] Your ping is 62. [5:51:20 PM] ya[ [5:51:21 PM] mike wants to play [5:51:23 PM] no virgiins to dine on today lesh [5:51:26 PM] aznist bot get outta here [5:51:26 PM] ih anyone? [5:51:27 PM] so i got to go with all natural [5:51:29 PM] im shitlisted in biol [5:51:30 PM] so no [5:51:34 PM] aznist [5:51:35 PM] im not allowed in u guys' inhouse [5:51:37 PM] is venom mad at me? [5:51:43 PM] idk venom not there [5:51:44 PM] cause i felt his pain when he ran off like a girl [5:51:50 PM] just me and friendly people [5:51:57 PM] [5:52:05 PM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [5:52:05 PM] biol.proboards74.com ---- go take a look at our forums! [5:52:41 PM] [5:53:00 PM] -- jamesmington [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan LawL) [5:53:04 PM] -- jamesmington has left the channel. [5:53:16 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [5:53:29 PM] -- 1341213412I4N [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon) [5:53:39 PM] -- VeNoM) [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:53:39 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [5:54:14 PM] -- Joined channel: aoa -- [5:54:18 PM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [5:54:18 PM] biol.proboards74.com ---- go take a look at our forums! [5:54:19 PM] RAWR [5:54:21 PM] g [5:54:21 PM] gg [5:54:22 PM] game biol ih [5:54:44 PM] <1341213412I4N> i gtg in 45mins [5:54:49 PM] <1341213412I4N> have fun ih paul [5:55:00 PM] so u cant sleep over? [5:55:01 PM] <1341213412I4N> after i go to the Y ill be at your house [5:55:03 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [5:55:05 PM] ohh [5:55:07 PM] whjat time? [5:55:13 PM] do u think around [5:55:17 PM] <1341213412I4N> prolly 9:15-9:30 [5:55:20 PM] iight [5:56:26 PM] -- VeNoM) [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:56:26 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [5:56:58 PM] <1341213412I4N> im gunna find a gay custom [5:57:05 PM] -- 1341213412I4N has left the channel. [5:57:41 PM] [5:59:32 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [6:00:40 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [6:02:41 PM] [6:03:05 PM] -- lkoN. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:03:12 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [6:04:43 PM] -- VeNoM) [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:04:43 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [6:04:47 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [6:04:54 PM] -- VeNoM) [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:04:54 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [6:06:23 PM] -- Kyoukan [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [6:06:30 PM] i got no more tears to cry [6:06:35 PM] ok well lets see [6:06:39 PM] im set my couch up over there [6:06:42 PM] by pointtoproove [6:06:52 PM] than my rolling bar where the aznist bot is [6:06:59 PM] my fucksack where venom is standing [6:07:04 PM] ya i think i can make this work here [6:07:06 PM] -- Kyoukan has left the channel. [6:07:33 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:07:33 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [6:07:41 PM] [6:09:15 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:09:35 PM] yes they are ih [6:09:39 PM] and they wouldnt let me play [6:09:39 PM] mmm [6:09:42 PM] lawl [6:09:55 PM] elwe wouldnt 1v1 apsh me [6:10:00 PM] so i went to eat dinner [6:10:05 PM] (give me access!) [6:10:06 PM] apparently i would make the teams imba [6:10:06 PM] >< [6:10:10 PM] .whoami [6:10:11 PM] You have 69 access. [6:10:11 PM] .whois moon. [6:10:11 PM] Found user moon., with access 69. [6:10:15 PM] +1 [6:10:20 PM] .set moon. 70 [6:10:21 PM] Set moon.'s access to 70. [6:10:23 PM] yay [6:10:28 PM] .whois elwe [6:10:28 PM] Found user elwe, with access 70. [6:10:30 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [6:10:30 PM] lol [6:10:42 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:10:42 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [6:10:53 PM] thks [6:11:18 PM] .whois biolbot [6:11:18 PM] Found user biolbot, with access 69. [6:11:20 PM] t_t [6:11:24 PM] -- 1341213412I4N [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon) [6:11:38 PM] .seen smoked-puff [6:11:38 PM] smoked-puff was last seen leaving this channel 23 minutes and 31 seconds ago. [6:11:39 PM] that's supose to be barbarian right? [6:11:48 PM] yeah [6:11:52 PM] -- 1341213412I4N has left the channel. [6:11:55 PM] -- 4ReAL [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:12:06 PM] my 1337 speak is having troubles lately [6:12:14 PM] the only numbers i can read lately is binary [6:12:15 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [6:12:18 PM] stupid summer school [6:12:21 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [6:12:24 PM] uh huh [6:12:27 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:12:27 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [6:12:41 PM] [6:12:48 PM] -- 1341213412I4N [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon) [6:12:59 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [6:13:03 PM] lol [6:13:28 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:13:28 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [6:13:33 PM] hmmm [6:13:37 PM] .tda [6:13:37 PM] do we have a vent channel? [6:13:40 PM] <1:ar989> <1:rd97> <5:ar12> <2:rd33> <8:ar56> <8:ar41> <8:ar6> [6:13:42 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [6:13:43 PM] yes [6:13:45 PM] i think we do.. [6:13:49 PM] it's clan dota's right? [6:13:51 PM] or yours... [6:13:52 PM] yes [6:13:57 PM] butthey gaveit to us [6:14:00 PM] yeah [6:14:00 PM] i know [6:14:02 PM] we have our own channel and shit [6:14:03 PM] i was inchannel [6:14:08 PM] i have the info [6:14:13 PM] i just have to set up my headset [6:14:27 PM] my sound card is so lame that i can only have one output [6:14:27 PM] lol [6:14:30 PM] lol [6:17:41 PM] [6:21:35 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [6:21:52 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:21:52 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [6:21:53 PM] -- feared.Mage [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan BioL) [6:22:16 PM] -- OniShukun [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon) [6:22:22 PM] Going to see relatives [6:22:24 PM] cya [6:22:27 PM] tell granny i said hi [6:22:31 PM] shes dead. [6:22:34 PM] lol [6:22:36 PM] shit happens [6:22:37 PM] kiddin [6:22:41 PM] [6:22:50 PM] lol [6:22:58 PM] -- feared.Mage has left the channel. [6:23:01 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [6:23:15 PM] -- OniShukun has left the channel. [6:23:17 PM] -- VeNoM) [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:23:17 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [6:23:22 PM] wtf [6:23:26 PM] i sign off with venom [6:23:28 PM] sign on with mage [6:23:30 PM] smoked is here [6:23:33 PM] i sign back on venom [6:23:34 PM] hes gone [6:23:38 PM] lol [6:23:45 PM] he went to see his grandma [6:23:54 PM] so why the hell did he log on for [6:24:09 PM] umm [6:24:10 PM] no idea [6:24:11 PM] lol [6:24:17 PM] what aretardf [6:24:25 PM] agreed [6:24:52 PM] -- Aznist [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:24:52 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [6:25:02 PM] -- gotchaI3itch [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon) [6:25:05 PM] jon is a beast [6:25:11 PM] no it was em [6:25:11 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:25:15 PM] -- jamesmington [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan LawL) [6:25:15 PM] -- deep_evil [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:25:19 PM] it was jon [6:25:21 PM] lol [6:25:22 PM] em [6:25:28 PM] lets play [6:25:32 PM] butt seks [6:25:33 PM] -- gotchaI3itch has left the channel. [6:25:34 PM] chris can play this time [6:25:37 PM] -- jamesmington has left the channel. [6:25:38 PM] -- HuMaNs3PhArAoH3 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 6, icon tier unknown, Felguard icon, in Clan DotA) [6:25:40 PM] andrew and chirs caps [6:25:47 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [6:26:05 PM] -- Juanc4rl0s [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier unknown, Felguard icon, in Clan DotA) [6:26:05 PM] -- HuMaNs3PhArAoH3 has left the channel. [6:26:09 PM] lol [6:26:14 PM] hello [6:26:16 PM] :) [6:26:18 PM] hi [6:26:22 PM] im in vent channel. [6:26:25 PM] :) [6:26:27 PM] but it's depressing [6:26:27 PM] because im alone [6:26:28 PM] cool [6:26:31 PM] lol [6:26:35 PM] u need some company :C [6:26:38 PM] -- HuMaNs3PhArAoH3 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 6, icon tier unknown, Felguard icon, in Clan DotA) [6:27:00 PM] lol [6:27:03 PM] ^^ [6:27:05 PM] is that suppose to be a nose? [6:27:06 PM] whats UP [6:27:09 PM] lol [6:27:10 PM] :C [6:27:11 PM] no really [6:27:18 PM] or a really sad face [6:27:22 PM] :( [6:27:22 PM] thats like an open mouth with a bottom [6:27:27 PM] :C [6:27:41 PM] [6:27:41 PM] anyways [6:27:44 PM] are u guys good at dota [6:27:48 PM] lawl [6:27:49 PM] -- 1341213412I4N has left the channel. [6:27:53 PM] can you hear me andrew? [6:27:55 PM] lol u guys have a website? [6:27:56 PM] yea [6:27:57 PM] cool [6:28:00 PM] okk [6:28:03 PM] clandota.com [6:28:04 PM] :D [6:28:06 PM] mine :P [6:28:08 PM] ALLGOTOVENT [6:28:09 PM] biol.proboards74.com [6:28:12 PM] NOW [6:28:14 PM] plox [6:28:17 PM] ... [6:28:20 PM] -- Quizler [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:28:20 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [6:28:22 PM] lol [6:28:23 PM] ok [6:28:25 PM] nice [6:28:25 PM] ih/ [6:28:26 PM] i'm heading back [6:28:28 PM] we definately have enough [6:28:28 PM] to clan dota [6:28:30 PM] .idle [6:28:31 PM] cya guys [6:28:33 PM] wud is [6:28:35 PM] clan dota ne ways? [6:28:35 PM] we're too cheap to get a real website [6:28:36 PM] lol [6:28:38 PM] ... [6:28:42 PM] what r we? [6:28:45 PM] ya [6:28:46 PM] i dunno [6:28:48 PM] he's retarded [6:28:49 PM] we'r a clan.. [6:28:49 PM] you can leave [6:28:50 PM] lol [6:28:54 PM] bb [6:28:54 PM] ok heading back [6:28:56 PM] bye* [6:28:56 PM] to clan dota [6:28:59 PM] -- Juanc4rl0s has left the channel. [6:29:34 PM] -- HuMaNs3PhArAoH3 has left the channel. [6:29:55 PM] lol [6:30:02 PM] so what was that all about? [6:30:05 PM] i have every output on sound maxxed out [6:30:13 PM] and it's still quiet andrew [6:30:16 PM] 3809 [6:30:27 PM] i had outbound all the way up [6:30:32 PM] lol [6:30:36 PM] brb [6:30:37 PM] maybe i can tweaki t [6:30:38 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [6:30:41 PM] i noticed [6:30:42 PM] hey [6:30:44 PM] wud does it mean [6:30:46 PM] but only if you're the only person on vent [6:30:47 PM] if u have that gold thing [6:30:47 PM] every time i give something to andrwe [6:30:50 PM] around your name? [6:30:54 PM] he brings a million ppl along [6:30:55 PM] like around aznist venom and pointoprove? [6:30:57 PM] i give him shaman [6:31:02 PM] he invites a million ppl [6:31:08 PM] i give him sol gaming vent [6:31:11 PM] he tells everyone [6:31:18 PM] and now i give him dota-biol vent [6:31:21 PM] ... [6:31:21 PM] and he announces it to the world [6:31:24 PM] lol [6:31:24 PM] no [6:31:28 PM] -- Quizler [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:31:28 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [6:31:32 PM] what is vent info? [6:31:33 PM] gold=op [6:31:33 PM] i didnt tell anyone til now [6:31:35 PM] stop telling everybody [6:31:38 PM] its for our scrim team [6:31:45 PM] i got it from the dota people [6:31:46 PM] t_T [6:31:46 PM] maybe i said 1 time before [6:31:54 PM] i dont even think we are allowed to have more than 5 of us in the channel [6:31:58 PM] but i didnt tell to these guys [6:32:20 PM] i said the info for scrim and thats it [6:32:22 PM] and here [6:32:28 PM] did the dota people say the max? they said that they wanted to get the most of the server [6:32:31 PM] but jimmy knew it already [6:32:34 PM] lol [6:32:36 PM] b/c im pro [6:32:41 PM] [6:32:41 PM] and got it when i got left out [6:32:43 PM] of the ih [6:32:44 PM] i dunno what the max is [6:32:54 PM] quiz ur a backup [6:32:56 PM] because some people were being greedy. [6:32:57 PM] k [6:33:05 PM] along with smoked and aznist [6:33:19 PM] you/wave/capo/zoinks? [6:33:27 PM] vibe [6:33:27 PM] whos't he other [6:33:33 PM] oh [6:33:34 PM] lol [6:33:38 PM] he's mean [6:33:39 PM] t_T [6:33:45 PM] capo > smoked? [6:33:54 PM] lol. [6:34:00 PM] elwe doesnt know who capo is [6:34:01 PM] or is it juz cuz smoked dq lot o.o [6:34:02 PM] jajaja [6:34:03 PM] ya i do [6:34:05 PM] ballinn [6:34:08 PM] t_T [6:34:09 PM] pwned... [6:34:23 PM] i need to start hitting shift earlier [6:34:28 PM] my emoticon looks retarded [6:34:31 PM] T_T [6:34:36 PM] capo>smoked [6:34:38 PM] by alot [6:34:43 PM] he looks like a cockeyed person [6:34:45 PM] T_T [6:34:49 PM] wave hasnt been on inawhile tho [6:34:57 PM] aznist has been playin most of the scrims lately [6:35:07 PM] .afk [6:35:07 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 6:10 [6:35:11 PM] hmmm [6:35:13 PM] so we have 7 [6:35:15 PM] find three for ih? [6:35:22 PM] .faddme [6:35:27 PM] !fadd,e [6:35:31 PM] !faddme [6:35:35 PM] hmm [6:35:40 PM] .whois elwe [6:35:40 PM] Found user elwe, with access 70. [6:35:48 PM] it says "daynas" [6:35:49 PM] lol [6:35:50 PM] like no one on vent so i got off [6:35:55 PM] not as -nist [6:35:56 PM] . [6:36:21 PM] find 3? [6:36:22 PM] anyone? [6:36:23 PM] plox? [6:36:23 PM] k [6:36:28 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [6:36:35 PM] i need an ud icon [6:36:38 PM] but immm sooooo lazy [6:36:38 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [6:36:42 PM] who do u guys [6:36:43 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:36:44 PM] usually scrim? [6:36:47 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [6:36:55 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:36:55 PM] any clan that answers on irc... [6:36:56 PM] -- Aznist [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:36:56 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [6:36:57 PM] lol [6:37:05 PM] pudge wars? [6:37:10 PM] enfos [6:37:15 PM] we have 6. because chris wont play [6:37:16 PM] enfos ih? [6:37:19 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [6:37:33 PM] -- Casey.Collier [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [6:37:36 PM] sup guys [6:37:40 PM] [6:37:42 PM] hey [6:37:46 PM] hey [6:37:58 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:37:59 PM] fucking tired [6:38:00 PM] lol [6:38:00 PM] ok [6:38:02 PM] we have 8 [6:38:04 PM] its ok guys you can calm down now i'm here [6:38:05 PM] less play [6:38:09 PM] less paly [6:38:09 PM] you need more map awareness [6:38:14 PM] like omg ken [6:38:18 PM] you almost got ganked [6:38:23 PM] and like almost lost our divine [6:38:25 PM] ive been wanting to play all day [6:38:31 PM] enfos? [6:38:33 PM] wud the team [6:38:36 PM] AND our gem of truesigt [6:38:37 PM] last tiem we had a rly good team [6:38:44 PM] let's play dota [6:38:46 PM] i think paladin/ranger/spellcaster = good team [6:38:50 PM] dota [6:38:53 PM] i dont want dota [6:39:01 PM] roll time [6:39:02 PM] esplechan dota [6:39:02 PM] i DO want to dota [6:39:04 PM] uther party [6:39:07 PM] would yo like some cheese with that whine? [6:39:13 PM] .gamelist [6:39:13 PM] castlefight pelowar elitourney archery pw dota rocdota utherparty artofdefense battlecraft wmw gemtd techwars shamanism waroflostkingdoms matrix enfs [6:39:13 PM] N1 [6:39:13 PM] its a good thing u joined a dota clan then elwe >< [6:39:22 PM] dotadh [6:39:26 PM] .roll 16 [6:39:26 PM] Random number (0-16): 10 [6:39:27 PM] DOTADH [6:39:31 PM] dota? [6:39:35 PM] .roll 2 [6:39:35 PM] Random number (0-2): 1 [6:39:38 PM] gem [6:39:39 PM] lol [6:39:39 PM] .roll 1 [6:39:40 PM] Random number (0-1): 1 [6:39:40 PM] lol [6:39:46 PM] ok [6:39:47 PM] dota [6:39:52 PM] whos hosting [6:39:53 PM] ? [6:39:53 PM] 1 stands for +5 v [6:39:54 PM] dh? [6:39:57 PM] just dota [6:39:58 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [6:39:59 PM] lol [6:40:00 PM] biol [6:40:00 PM] biol [6:40:04 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [6:40:04 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [6:40:06 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [6:40:08 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [6:40:09 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [6:40:09 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [6:40:11 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [6:40:17 PM] -- VeNoM) [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:40:17 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [6:40:22 PM] .tda [6:40:22 PM] -- Casey.Collier [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [6:40:25 PM] <4:rd01> <5:rd50> <7:rd03> <5:rd757> <5:ar14> [6:40:35 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:40:57 PM] -- Aznist [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:40:57 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [6:40:59 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:40:59 PM] -- Quizler [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:40:59 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [6:40:59 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [6:40:59 PM] -- deep_evil [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:41:02 PM] what a bunch of pansies [6:41:05 PM] dota dh ...... [6:41:20 PM] sigh... [6:41:42 PM] chris and andrew pick [6:41:43 PM] please [6:41:48 PM] ? [6:41:50 PM] ? [6:41:51 PM] teams [6:41:54 PM] .... [6:41:58 PM] lol [6:42:00 PM] so teams arent imba [6:42:04 PM] jimmy is like "sigh" [6:42:05 PM] "sigh" [6:42:06 PM] "Sigh" [6:42:19 PM] *SIGH* [6:42:22 PM] zomg! [6:42:23 PM] lol [6:42:29 PM] if u guys [6:42:30 PM] want to dota [6:42:31 PM] hurry up [6:42:34 PM] i want to dota [6:42:37 PM] .tda [6:42:40 PM] .tda [6:42:40 PM] <5:rd50> <5:rd03> <3:rd757> <9:ar88> [6:42:44 PM] [6:42:44 PM] so why did you leave the dh game [6:42:44 PM] they went afk because someone didnt host allstarts [6:42:45 PM] chris there? [6:42:48 PM] .idle [6:42:49 PM] .afk [6:42:52 PM] i dont fucking know what dh is [6:42:53 PM] .status [6:42:55 PM] y does it always take so long to get a game going? [6:42:56 PM] danites hell [6:42:56 PM] <5:rd50> <5:rd03> <2:rd757> <9:ar88> [6:42:57 PM] .afk [6:43:00 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 6:10 [6:43:00 PM] .cq [6:43:02 PM] .afk [6:43:03 PM] Queue cleared. [6:43:06 PM] that dont tell me shit [6:43:06 PM] how much command [6:43:06 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 6:10 [6:43:07 PM] do u need [6:43:08 PM] nm [6:43:10 PM] stop spamming [6:43:12 PM] i got that from the map name [6:43:12 PM] i pick quizler [6:43:16 PM] casey [6:43:19 PM] go [6:43:26 PM] -.- [6:43:30 PM] this is hard [6:43:31 PM] lol [6:43:33 PM] .ROLL 3 [6:43:33 PM] Random number (0-3): 2 [6:43:38 PM] elwe [6:43:41 PM] shorty [6:43:46 PM] .ROLL 1 [6:43:46 PM] last pick [6:43:48 PM] yes! [6:43:50 PM] Random number (0-1): 1 [6:43:50 PM] .roll 1 [6:43:51 PM] Random number (0-1): 1 [6:43:54 PM] fred [6:43:56 PM] ok [6:43:57 PM] lol [6:43:59 PM] you were 0 moon [6:44:00 PM] mooooon [6:44:04 PM] i host [6:44:05 PM] yaaaa [6:44:06 PM] u picked first [6:44:08 PM] and we get setn [6:44:09 PM] vent or not? [6:44:10 PM] what mode [6:44:11 PM] ?? [6:44:12 PM] lollll [6:44:12 PM] hope i can join [6:44:13 PM] nooooo [6:44:16 PM] rd [6:44:17 PM] feared makes it uneven [6:44:19 PM] if u cant join [6:44:19 PM] public [6:44:20 PM] we should sentinel -.- [6:44:21 PM] quiz cant join your games haha [6:44:21 PM] ill host lc [6:44:23 PM] and maybe uc an [6:44:24 PM] stop whining elwe [6:44:25 PM] try again [6:44:26 PM] k illhost lc [6:44:28 PM] ok fine stop whining [6:44:29 PM] k host [6:44:30 PM] maybe he can join lc [6:44:31 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [6:44:36 PM] what is lc? [6:44:37 PM] lol [6:44:37 PM] what is lc? [6:44:37 PM] ... [6:44:39 PM] i dont have lc [6:44:40 PM] list checker [6:44:41 PM] list checker [6:44:42 PM] wait [6:44:43 PM] i dont have it either [6:44:44 PM] ken on my team right? [6:44:45 PM] what does that mean? [6:44:46 PM] what is that [6:44:46 PM] ken ure w/ me ^^ [6:44:46 PM] it's supposed to make dota lagless [6:44:50 PM] -- lkoN. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:44:51 PM] nope :[ [6:44:52 PM] impossible [6:44:53 PM] is lc [6:44:54 PM] the thing [6:44:54 PM] -- VeNoM) [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [6:44:54 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [6:44:54 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [6:44:56 PM] in tdabot? [6:44:56 PM] i have elwe fred quiz [6:45:00 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [6:45:00 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [6:45:02 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [6:45:05 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [6:45:06 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [6:45:06 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [6:45:14 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [6:46:20 PM] -- lkoN. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:46:24 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [6:46:35 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [6:47:44 PM] [6:49:50 PM] -- lkoN. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:50:03 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [6:52:44 PM] [6:57:44 PM] [7:02:44 PM] [7:04:14 PM] -- 73ear [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:04:46 PM] -- 73ear has left the channel. [7:04:51 PM] -- 73ear [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:04:58 PM] -- 73ear has left the channel. [7:05:30 PM] -- zoinkz#2 [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:06:33 PM] .tda [7:06:41 PM] lolz [7:06:46 PM] .tda [7:06:52 PM] -- zoinkz#2 has left the channel. [7:07:11 PM] -- 73ear [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:07:43 PM] -- 73ear has left the channel. [7:07:44 PM] [7:11:49 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:11:49 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [7:12:44 PM] [7:15:39 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:15:41 PM] .tda [7:15:42 PM] <1:ar555> <3:rd5> <3:ar99> <4:rd00> <3:rd10> <5:rd43> <3:rd787> <5:rd88> [7:16:11 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [7:17:43 PM] [7:17:59 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:18:40 PM] -- lkoN. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:19:21 PM] -- ZOINKZ [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:19:27 PM] sigh... [7:19:30 PM] i hate it [7:19:35 PM] i dropped [7:20:01 PM] brb [7:20:03 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [7:20:24 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:20:24 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [7:20:30 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [7:20:38 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [7:22:28 PM] -- lkoN. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:22:33 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [7:22:43 PM] [7:27:43 PM] [7:29:04 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [7:32:43 PM] [7:32:55 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:37:43 PM] [7:41:05 PM] -- 73ear [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:41:32 PM] -- 73ear has left the channel. [7:42:15 PM] -- 73ear [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:42:19 PM] -- 73ear has left the channel. [7:42:43 PM] [7:42:53 PM] -- 73ear [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:43:16 PM] .tda [7:43:18 PM] <6:rd84> <2:ar109> <5:rd22> <8:rd1> <6:rd500> <8:ar2> [7:43:22 PM] -- lkoN. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:43:30 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [7:43:36 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:43:36 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [7:43:36 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [7:43:38 PM] <73ear> asdkad [7:43:39 PM] -- lkoN. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:43:42 PM] <73ear> im gay [7:43:51 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [7:43:52 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [7:44:02 PM] -- 73ear has left the channel. [7:44:44 PM] -- 73ear [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:44:55 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:44:55 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [7:45:19 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [7:45:26 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [7:46:34 PM] -- Zoophagous [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:46:34 PM] -- Zoophagous has acquired ops. [7:46:53 PM] -- Zoophagous has left the channel. [7:47:18 PM] <73ear> radience is gay [7:47:30 PM] -- Aznist [140ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [7:47:30 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [7:47:34 PM] -- Casey.Collier [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [7:47:43 PM] [7:47:44 PM] -- Quizler [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:47:44 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [7:47:49 PM] -- aznshorty67 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:47:53 PM] yawn gg [7:47:54 PM] -- VeNoM) [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:47:54 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [7:47:55 PM] -- JonaThan01 [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 16, icon tier Random, siren icon, in Clan eGu) [7:48:02 PM] -- JonaThan01 has left the channel. [7:48:06 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:48:06 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [7:48:07 PM] -- deep_evil [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:48:09 PM] again? [7:48:15 PM] <73ear> radience is gay [7:48:20 PM] yea i am [7:48:24 PM] i loce you guys [7:48:38 PM] i loce u 2 [7:48:44 PM] gonna take a break [7:48:46 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [7:48:50 PM] same [7:48:52 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [7:48:54 PM] again guys [7:48:55 PM] ? [7:48:58 PM] -- Elwe [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [7:48:59 PM] or tda? [7:49:00 PM] guess not [7:49:08 PM] quiz you cant td i forget [7:49:09 PM] im off [7:49:12 PM] ? [7:49:13 PM] -- Elwe has left the channel. [7:49:14 PM] i can [7:49:18 PM] i can tda now [7:49:18 PM] you can tda now [7:49:19 PM] ? [7:49:20 PM] nice [7:49:23 PM] .tda [7:49:25 PM] <1:rd100> <5:rd09> <2:ar141> <8:rd966> [7:49:26 PM] <73ear> nick i hate you [7:49:27 PM] but not [7:49:32 PM] <73ear> im gonna log on as zoiknz [7:49:34 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:49:36 PM] -- 73ear has left the channel. [7:49:39 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [7:49:40 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [7:49:45 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [7:49:55 PM] you not gonna play now quiz [7:49:56 PM] -- zoinkz [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:49:56 PM] ? [7:49:58 PM] .tda [7:50:00 PM] <1:rd100> <5:rd09> <8:rd966> <7:rd16> [7:50:06 PM] umm, no im done [7:50:09 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [7:50:10 PM] fag [7:50:18 PM] -- zoinkz [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:50:19 PM] =( [7:50:22 PM] catch u later [7:50:23 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [7:50:26 PM] peace dde [7:50:27 PM] dude* [7:50:28 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:50:37 PM] cya chris [7:50:39 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [7:50:40 PM] sup noob [7:50:55 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [7:51:05 PM] venom wanna tda? [7:52:20 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [7:52:44 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [7:52:48 PM] -- Casey.Collier [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [7:52:56 PM] [7:54:47 PM] -- VeNoM) [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:54:47 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [7:55:28 PM] tda noob? [7:55:33 PM] :P [7:55:33 PM] no thx [7:55:34 PM] >< [7:55:35 PM] lol [7:56:22 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [7:56:41 PM] -- feared.Mage [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan BioL) [7:56:58 PM] -- feared.Mage has left the channel. [7:57:41 PM] -- feared.Mage [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan BioL) [7:57:44 PM] -- feared.Mage has left the channel. [7:57:54 PM] .tda [7:58:00 PM] [7:58:03 PM] <2:rd007> <2:rd62> <5:rd3> <1:rd13> <1:ar777> <7:rd123> <1:ar32> <5:ap666> <5:rd78> <5:ar86> <8:ar31> [7:58:36 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:59:01 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [7:59:15 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:59:17 PM] .tda [7:59:20 PM] -- feared.Mage [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan BioL) [7:59:22 PM] <2:rd62> <3:rd3> <6:rd123> <2:ap666> <8:rd78> <3:ar86> <3:ar31> <8:ar54> <5:ar6> <7:ap5> [7:59:24 PM] lol bob [7:59:27 PM] lol [7:59:30 PM] i just owned with zeus [7:59:33 PM] it was fun [7:59:35 PM] gj [7:59:50 PM] wanna tda with me? [7:59:54 PM] nah [7:59:58 PM] your boring [8:00:00 PM] casey wanted to tda tho [8:00:03 PM] what you doing then [8:00:15 PM] nothin [8:00:18 PM] we just finished an inh [8:00:19 PM] then play tda with me [8:00:19 PM] and im tired [8:00:20 PM] ... [8:00:20 PM] >< [8:00:27 PM] your tired from playing a game? [8:00:30 PM] are you serious [8:00:33 PM] lol [8:00:42 PM] i already tried [8:00:49 PM] -- zoinkz [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:00:51 PM] -- zoinkz has left the channel. [8:00:53 PM] he said so and gave me evil eyes [8:00:53 PM] casey you wanna tda with me>? [8:00:58 PM] yeah i will [8:01:01 PM] ok cool [8:01:02 PM] .tda [8:01:07 PM] <4:rd3> <8:rd123> <9:rd78> <2:ar86> <3:ar31> <5:ar54> <2:ar6> <7:ap5> <5:rd00> <8:rd140> [8:01:13 PM] rd140 [8:01:16 PM] one sec let me get music on [8:01:22 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [8:01:28 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [8:01:56 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:02:00 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [8:02:56 PM] [8:03:08 PM] -- feared.Mage has left the channel. [8:03:43 PM] -- feared.Mage [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan BioL) [8:03:45 PM] !tda [8:03:46 PM] -- Casey.Collier [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [8:03:46 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:03:48 PM] .tda [8:03:49 PM] .tda [8:03:52 PM] <1:rd3> <8:rd78> <1:ar86> <1:ar54> <1:rd00> <2:ar75> <3:rd04> <7:rd373> <7:ar63> <2:rd23> [8:03:55 PM] rd3 [8:03:55 PM] rd3 [8:04:00 PM] rd3 [8:04:03 PM] rd3 [8:04:08 PM] needs 1 more [8:04:08 PM] ur 2 [8:04:09 PM] lol [8:04:11 PM] <1:rd3> <8:rd78> <1:ar86> <1:ar54> <1:rd00> <2:ar75> <3:rd04> <5:rd373> <7:ar63> <1:rd23> [8:04:31 PM] rd78 maybe [8:04:33 PM] would b better [8:04:37 PM] rd78 [8:04:37 PM] rd78 [8:04:45 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [8:04:47 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [8:07:11 PM] -- feared.Mage has left the channel. [8:07:56 PM] [8:08:26 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:08:27 PM] .tda [8:08:33 PM] <6:rd78> <1:rd04> <2:ar63> <3:rd135> <2:rd63> <2:rd321> <3:ar56> <8:rd444> <3:rd05> <4:rd1337> <5:ar141> <3:ar89> [8:08:44 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [8:08:52 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:09:00 PM] -- Casey.Collier [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [8:09:04 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [8:09:05 PM] boo [8:09:05 PM] nvm [8:09:07 PM] .tda [8:09:09 PM] they filled up [8:09:11 PM] =( [8:09:12 PM] <7:rd78> <2:ar63> <3:rd135> <3:rd63> <2:rd321> <3:ar56> <3:rd05> <4:rd1337> <5:ar141> <3:ar89> <4:rd33> [8:09:16 PM] rd05 [8:09:17 PM] wtrf [8:09:22 PM] -- EurekaSeven has left the channel. [8:12:56 PM] [8:17:56 PM] [8:22:27 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:22:33 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [8:22:56 PM] [8:25:38 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:25:38 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [8:25:47 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [8:27:55 PM] [8:32:55 PM] [8:36:38 PM] Users in channel Clan DPL: [8:36:38 PM] Mr.Cub, OwnaGe-JuiCe [8:36:38 PM] [DPL-AIDE], [DPL-BOT] [8:36:38 PM] exp.Korny, Damon.SexyMan [8:36:38 PM] pure.Phalenx, 3nE.sliCe [8:36:38 PM] Rufus_, JustLuckNoSkiLL [8:36:38 PM] SaucePanMAFIA, KhaosTarakhe [8:36:38 PM] Baz00ka, LoL [8:36:38 PM] inphinity_, InVoKaR [8:36:38 PM] Nuke, 4ever_love_xian [8:36:38 PM] OrganizeD, rravenajorax23k [8:36:38 PM] Timwong [8:37:43 PM] -- Aznist [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [8:37:43 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [8:37:43 PM] -- Stats updated: Aznist [62ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [8:37:55 PM] [8:38:13 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [8:38:15 PM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. [8:38:15 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [8:38:15 PM] -- Stats updated: Aznist [78ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [8:38:18 PM] -- lkoN. [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:39:57 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [8:42:55 PM] [8:45:50 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:46:11 PM] ahhh [8:46:12 PM] so gay [8:46:14 PM] !whoami [8:46:17 PM] t_t [8:46:19 PM] you arent a bot [8:46:20 PM] lol [8:46:41 PM] .afk [8:46:42 PM] AznistBot Idle for 15+ mins. Since 6:10 [8:46:48 PM] andrew you there? [8:47:01 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [8:47:54 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:47:55 PM] [8:51:02 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [8:51:52 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [8:52:55 PM] [8:53:30 PM] -- Aznist [203ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [8:53:30 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [8:53:32 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [8:56:42 PM] -- jell0 [187ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:57:05 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [8:57:16 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:57:19 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [8:57:55 PM] [9:01:28 PM] -- Aznist [203ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [9:01:28 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [9:01:30 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [9:01:46 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:01:49 PM] -- Aznist [203ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [9:01:49 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [9:01:58 PM] we dont have ANY people [9:01:58 PM] lol [9:02:11 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [9:02:18 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [9:02:20 PM] -- Aznist [203ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [9:02:20 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [9:02:22 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:02:33 PM] -- RiceFrog [79ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Undead, crypt fiend icon, in Clan BioL) [9:02:36 PM] yea idk what to do [9:02:37 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [9:02:38 PM] -- RiceFrog has left the channel. [9:02:40 PM] -- moon. [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:02:55 PM] [9:03:09 PM] i think we have enough peopel in clan on [9:03:11 PM] but... [9:03:14 PM] they would all have to come [9:03:56 PM] ken is getting on. [9:04:01 PM] i think [9:04:05 PM] k [9:04:11 PM] bring fred too [9:04:17 PM] what we do? [9:04:18 PM] lol [9:04:21 PM] 2v2 apom [9:04:24 PM] did you do that yet? [9:04:33 PM] not yet [9:04:51 PM] we scheduled for tommorrow [9:04:58 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:04:58 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [9:05:00 PM] w/ frnch and phd? [9:05:10 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [9:05:10 PM] i talked to french [9:05:12 PM] not phd [9:05:15 PM] lol [9:05:17 PM] -- aznshorty67 [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:05:24 PM] i havent seen them on in a while [9:05:31 PM] dota apom! [9:05:32 PM] 2v2 [9:05:33 PM] lol [9:05:48 PM] -- deep_evil [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [9:05:49 PM] yeahyeah [9:05:53 PM] 2v2 apom [9:06:08 PM] kk what? [9:06:12 PM] i dunno [9:06:15 PM] lol [9:06:18 PM] pudge wars [9:06:21 PM] ok [9:06:26 PM] .gamelist [9:06:26 PM] castlefight pelowar elitourney archery pw dota rocdota utherparty artofdefense battlecraft wmw gemtd techwars shamanism waroflostkingdoms matrix enfs [9:06:38 PM] host pw? [9:06:44 PM] ken's going [9:06:46 PM] ok [9:06:58 PM] asdf;lasdflkdkdfksdfsdfkakkdf [9:06:59 PM] asdfkdfkasdf [9:07:01 PM] asddasklaksdfasdfk [9:07:02 PM] worm wars [9:07:04 PM] WORM WARS [9:07:06 PM] ahhh [9:07:12 PM] .add gamelist wormwars [9:07:13 PM] You do not have enough access to do that. [9:07:16 PM] t_T [9:07:26 PM] lol its a custom command [9:07:27 PM] .gamelist add wormwars [9:07:27 PM] castlefight pelowar elitourney archery pw dota rocdota utherparty artofdefense battlecraft wmw gemtd techwars shamanism waroflostkingdoms matrix enfs [9:07:27 PM] not a script [9:07:30 PM] t_T [9:07:38 PM] i just copied the list that we made before [9:07:43 PM] yeah [9:07:47 PM] i know [9:07:48 PM] lol [9:07:50 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [9:07:55 PM] i thought it might be like quotes [9:07:55 PM] [9:07:57 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [9:07:59 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [9:08:00 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [9:11:52 PM] -- vibestar [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan NDO) [9:12:11 PM] -- vibestar has left the channel. [9:12:55 PM] [9:13:09 PM] -- EurekaSeven [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [9:13:22 PM] -- Casey.Collier [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [9:13:25 PM] i never want to mention that game again [9:13:34 PM] i did SO bad [9:13:34 PM] me either but i saved replay none the less [9:13:38 PM] ... [9:13:39 PM] why [9:13:39 PM] lol [9:13:42 PM] always save tda [9:13:52 PM] and plus im pretty sure they cal-I [9:13:56 PM] at least cheeN anyways [9:14:02 PM] ive seen his name in a thousand replays