[11:36:00 PM] i can [11:36:07 PM] so u care? [11:36:10 PM] exactly [11:36:13 PM] no....? [11:36:26 PM] IF U DONT CARE.. then you wouldnt say anything [11:36:32 PM] but you do. [11:36:41 PM] no if i cared...i would say something that mattered [11:36:48 PM] but since im just passing time by arguing with you [11:36:52 PM] its all good [11:36:57 PM] .. the thing is you said somthing [11:37:08 PM] better than sitting here [11:37:12 PM] doesnt matter what [11:37:25 PM] im in the same boat yo.. [11:37:29 PM] well...how about this [11:37:40 PM] someone gets in a car accident [11:37:43 PM] you see it in the news [11:37:47 PM] and you say somoething [11:37:51 PM] doesnt mean you care [11:37:55 PM] just means your commenting [11:38:02 PM] say somthing to who? and about what? [11:38:05 PM] 5 minutes later [11:38:12 PM] you wont even think about it [11:38:20 PM] lol.. it doesnt matter [11:38:26 PM] your not very bright [11:38:32 PM] [11:38:34 PM] i prefer not to glow [11:38:45 PM] its a figure of speech [11:38:56 PM] you sarcastic idiot [11:39:00 PM] .....no shit ive never heard tht before [11:39:05 PM] i no [11:39:21 PM] why say anythign about the car accident in the first place? [11:39:28 PM] mindless comment [11:39:29 PM] like [11:39:32 PM] ooo that mustve sucked [11:39:46 PM] you say somthing to be heard by others [11:40:03 PM] not true [11:40:06 PM] i talk to myself all the time [11:40:20 PM] becuase you have 2 brains [11:40:26 PM] ever think of that? [11:40:29 PM] no [11:40:32 PM] casue i have 3 [11:40:40 PM] LOL [11:40:55 PM] [11:41:36 PM] so [11:41:36 PM] but why say somthing? for nothing? has to be a reason to say somthing, there is a reason for everything [11:41:47 PM] yea [11:41:52 PM] but [11:42:01 PM] just cause theres a reason [11:42:08 PM] doesnt mean its an important one [11:42:17 PM] has to be important for someone to care about it [11:42:19 PM] it doesnt have to be important to care [11:42:29 PM] not true [11:42:46 PM] if it wasnt important you wouldnt care [11:42:51 PM] it depends what people consider important [11:43:01 PM] yea...a matter of personal opinion [11:43:04 PM] yea [11:43:08 PM] so....when i say something thats not important [11:43:11 PM] mindless typing [11:43:13 PM] -- henleehigh [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:43:13 PM] i dont care [11:43:24 PM] very true [11:43:27 PM] i win [11:43:30 PM] no wait [11:43:32 PM] [11:44:03 PM] -- 4ReAL [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:44:04 PM] -- henleehigh has left the channel. [11:44:05 PM] you were talking to me, when you said those things [11:44:08 PM] not yourself [11:44:13 PM] -- 4ReAL has left the channel. [11:44:15 PM] yea...but talking to you [11:44:18 PM] isnt important [11:44:29 PM] and you typed the,, u didnt utter them jsut randomly, u meant to type them for a reason [11:44:35 PM] them* [11:44:45 PM] FOR A REASON = caring [11:44:48 PM] right...but i couldve typed....nigger on a stick [11:44:49 PM] i win [11:44:53 PM] no [11:44:54 PM] remember [11:44:59 PM] a reason doesnt mean importance [11:45:09 PM] everything happens for a reason...doesnt mean its important [11:45:11 PM] you agreed [11:45:28 PM] but people have diffrent opinions on importances [11:45:30 PM] -- henleehigh [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:45:33 PM] if i dont consider it important to talk to you....the reason is not relevant [11:45:50 PM] right but the opinion/importance in question is mine with my comments [11:45:54 PM] [11:46:01 PM] (before we started arguing) [11:46:07 PM] and im telling you truthfully [11:46:12 PM] i dont care...reason or not [11:46:17 PM] but how i take the comments in is how i perseve it [11:46:24 PM] BUT [11:46:25 PM] take in* [11:46:26 PM] you said [11:46:35 PM] I caer [11:46:37 PM] care [11:46:43 PM] whether you cared or not [11:46:49 PM] or recognized a reason [11:46:54 PM] and its importance to yourself [11:46:56 PM] isnt the question [11:47:01 PM] your losing me? [11:47:05 PM] ok [11:47:13 PM] you said I cared about what i typed [11:47:19 PM] yep [11:47:23 PM] reason-importance-caring [11:47:32 PM] in a sense [11:47:34 PM] the REASON i typed those things [11:47:38 PM] was becasue i was bored [11:47:48 PM] the IMPORTANCE was absolutely nothing [11:47:58 PM] i couldve typed who knows what to entertain myself [11:48:04 PM] no importance [11:48:06 PM] no CARING [11:48:13 PM] -- henleehigh has left the channel. [11:48:19 PM] BORED? u were curious about how i would react to the worlds you said, caring about my reaction. i win [11:48:25 PM] words* [11:48:30 PM] but [11:48:32 PM] [11:48:36 PM] how important to me [11:48:40 PM] was your reaction [11:48:50 PM] none [11:48:53 PM] nothing [11:48:58 PM] not important at all [11:49:06 PM] if you woulda said nothing...fine [11:49:09 PM] you woulda got mad [11:49:10 PM] fine [11:49:11 PM] it doesnt mATTER how important they were, they still were said for a reason, that reason being a reaction [11:49:48 PM] yea [11:49:48 PM] but [11:49:53 PM] just becasue theres a reasong [11:49:56 PM] for it happening [11:49:58 PM] doesnt mean [11:50:00 PM] its important [11:50:34 PM] and if its not important....i could not care less [11:50:50 PM] EXACTLY [11:50:54 PM] [11:51:00 PM] soo.... [11:51:02 PM] so you did care [11:51:03 PM] you just agreed with me [11:51:06 PM] that i dont care [11:51:16 PM] becase you thought it was important. no u agreed with me [11:51:24 PM] there was a reason i typed those things...i wanted a reaction......the reaction wasnt important to me [11:51:27 PM] so i didnt care what it was [11:52:04 PM] see [11:52:05 PM] ... it wasnt important? yes it was you said it yourself, you were bored, and you wanted to do somthng, u cared about what i said back to you [11:52:15 PM] no [11:52:21 PM] you couldve cursed me out [11:52:28 PM] i probably wouldve just sat back and drank my soda [11:52:30 PM] adn laughed [11:52:41 PM] cause i dont care [11:52:42 PM] if i cared [11:52:49 PM] i wouldve reacted defensivley [11:52:53 PM] you would have typed? [11:53:07 PM] dude, your proving my point [11:53:10 PM] yea but befoer you say well you typed to my respnse [11:53:17 PM] what i type [11:53:20 PM] doesnt matter [11:53:23 PM] to me [11:53:32 PM] fuck you lokd closed you stupid nigger [11:53:32 PM] [11:53:34 PM] see [11:53:37 PM] idc [11:53:45 PM] lol [11:53:53 PM] exactly... [11:53:56 PM] but you typed that why? [11:54:03 PM] to prove a point [11:54:07 PM] exactly [11:54:16 PM] becuase you CARE about this [11:54:20 PM] what i type does not matter does not concern me so i dont care [11:54:24 PM] this is done I WIN [11:54:27 PM] about the ARGUMENT [11:54:31 PM] not about the comments [11:54:36 PM] i made befoere the argument [11:54:36 PM] LOL, [11:54:39 PM] i already said that [11:54:50 PM] THE ARGUMENT IS ABOUT THE COMMENTS [11:55:03 PM] but the argument isnt about my responses within the argument [11:55:25 PM] but the argument is about the responses how the comments [11:55:33 PM] in* [11:55:44 PM] ....what? [11:55:45 PM] how old are you [11:55:54 PM] [11:55:56 PM] 35 and i live in my moms basement [11:55:58 PM] get over it [11:56:11 PM] why ddi you say that? [11:56:22 PM] why ddi i asked you how old you were? [11:56:25 PM] casue i dont care what i tell you (type) [11:56:53 PM] you dont care? then why say anythign at all, jsut becuase its not true. doesnt mean you dont care [11:57:14 PM] right but just becasue i respond doesnt mean i care about the outcome [11:57:27 PM] -- 12ice1Ciller [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Ks) [11:57:27 PM] -- tinker)bell [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:57:29 PM] or your response [11:57:30 PM] -- Aznist [219ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:57:30 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [11:57:34 PM] damn i love tree azn :P [11:57:38 PM] -- Zulaji [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:57:40 PM] you have to care about the out come, if you put in a respone [11:57:43 PM] -- ClanGnome [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Spht) [11:57:44 PM] no [11:57:44 PM] rice u sooo lucky [11:57:46 PM] -- 12ice1Ciller has left the channel. [11:57:49 PM] !gnome [11:57:49 PM] -- ClanGnome has left the channel. [11:57:54 PM] damnnit [11:57:55 PM] zulaj [11:57:57 PM] -- Mazon. [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:58:00 PM] yes? [11:58:00 PM] how u like my tree :P [11:58:03 PM] look [11:58:03 PM] lol [11:58:06 PM] i didnt know guardian angel gave u 1000 armor [11:58:08 PM] im a nigger [11:58:11 PM] now as insulting as that is [11:58:19 PM] i was mad i couldnt kill rice he kept runing into fountain [11:58:22 PM] i dont give a shit what you type back [11:58:32 PM] [11:58:32 PM] therefore i dont care about the outcome of my statement via your typing [11:58:36 PM] typing [11:58:40 PM] new [11:58:44 PM] new004 you have alot of issues [11:58:44 PM] are u ok? [11:59:00 PM] ive been arguing with this guy for like 20 miunutes [11:59:05 PM] lmao [11:59:07 PM] who [11:59:11 PM] lokd [11:59:12 PM] about whether i carea bout what i type [11:59:20 PM] ask aznist he knows idc [11:59:22 PM] but YOU CARED.. to type " im a nigger" doesnt matter what i have to say, somthing infulenced you to say that, somthing made you want to tell someone that for some reaosn, you cared about somthing [11:59:24 PM] i hope you werent arguing with a bot [11:59:40 PM] BUT WHETHER I CARE ABOUT WHAT I JUST TYPED DOESNT MATTER [11:59:41 PM] lmoa [11:59:43 PM] >< [11:59:46 PM] ITS THE COMMENTS BEFOER THE ARGUMENT [11:59:59 PM] I ONLY CARE ABOUT THESE CASUE I WANT TO WIN [12:00:06 AM] lol [12:00:11 AM] dabate ftw [12:00:11 AM] you guys sure youre ok? you sound like you both are married [12:00:16 AM] so quit basing your words on what i type now...only the first few comments [12:00:18 AM] LOL [12:00:19 AM] BEFORE THE ARGUMENT [12:00:26 AM] -- PooperScooper. [110ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [12:00:35 AM] PooperScooper [12:00:42 AM] lets settle this on a roll [12:00:42 AM] wassup [12:00:45 AM] .roll 1 [12:00:45 AM] elwe says hey [12:00:45 AM] Random number (0-1): 0 [12:00:52 AM] and that he likes you very much [12:00:53 AM] lol [12:00:54 AM] [12:00:55 AM] i say hey [12:00:56 AM] i will host [12:00:58 AM] .roll1 [12:01:03 AM] .roll 10 [12:01:03 AM] Random number (0-10): 2 [12:01:08 AM] .roll 1 [12:01:10 AM] okay, think of this replace " im a nigger" with your other comments from before, you type things for a reason, every single time you type somthing you do it for somthing, somthing motivates you. [12:01:19 AM] RIGHT [12:01:22 AM] but the motivation [12:01:25 AM] isnt important [12:01:27 AM] neither is the outcome [12:01:30 AM] not to me [12:01:30 AM] .roll 10 [12:01:33 AM] Dota 6.45 AP US Host!~ [12:01:34 AM] the MOtivation is [12:01:35 AM] gn=Dota 6.45 AP US Host!~ [12:01:36 AM] Dota 6.45 AP US Host!~ [12:01:38 AM] no importance=no caring [12:01:39 AM] it shows oyu care\ [12:01:45 AM] -- Mazon. has left the channel. [12:01:45 AM] Your friend Mazon. entered a Warcraft III The Frozen Throne game called Dota 6.45 AP US Host!~. [12:01:45 AM] Forwarded whisper from Mazon.: Your friend Mazon. entered a Warcraft III The Frozen Throne game called Dota 6.45 AP US Host!~. [12:01:48 AM] Motivation = caring [12:01:49 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [12:01:54 AM] -- new004 has left the channel. [12:02:50 AM] hey pooper [12:02:57 AM] wasuup baby [12:03:14 AM] nm [12:03:27 AM] =) [12:03:27 AM] -- lkoN. [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:03:32 AM] [12:03:34 AM] -- tinker)bell has left the channel. [12:03:38 AM] -- xyoshix [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:03:41 AM] -- XxMGBxX [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:03:42 AM] -- SilentGunner2 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan ScD) [12:03:43 AM] 1 more human! [12:03:43 AM] ................... [12:03:48 AM] lol [12:03:49 AM] u cant get better without playing man! [12:03:52 AM] Inhouse? [12:03:57 AM] screw that [12:04:02 AM] LOOK AT PEOPLE [12:04:03 AM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan rQ) [12:04:06 AM] we could do RD [12:04:08 AM] they all afk [12:04:15 AM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx has left the channel. [12:04:18 AM] ask on vent for skyspy [12:04:19 AM] ight [12:04:22 AM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [12:04:30 AM] oh skyspy went offline [12:04:31 AM] where did he go [12:04:48 AM] My vent mic broke [12:04:50 AM] I was so mad [12:04:52 AM] hah [12:04:56 AM] I cant play Css its not the same [12:05:03 AM] css is gay [12:05:09 AM] Why [12:05:11 AM] cause [12:05:15 AM] All i do is the fun maps [12:05:16 AM] >.> [12:05:18 AM] -- LokD.Closed has left the channel. [12:05:22 AM] i was never able to play it [12:05:23 AM] Like the random zombies n stuff [12:05:27 AM] Oh [12:05:27 AM] my sound card messed up or som ething [12:05:40 AM] brb imma go find skyspy [12:05:45 AM] Yeah that happen with my dell n the Mother board like impolied [12:05:54 AM] [12:06:10 AM] -- confusednoob [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:06:29 AM] ok [12:06:30 AM] so we lost our host [12:06:33 AM] GG GOOD NIGHT [12:06:56 AM] ........ [12:07:05 AM] -- confusednoob has left the channel. [12:07:10 AM] -- XxMGBxX has left the channel. [12:07:21 AM] my other friend wont host for me.... [12:07:23 AM] shits weak [12:07:30 AM] -- confusednoob [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:07:35 AM] i need to fix my router so i can host [12:07:38 AM] -- XxMGBxX [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:07:39 AM] .. [12:07:44 AM] I cant get mine 2 [12:07:50 AM] ive tried everything [12:07:52 AM] wont work [12:08:00 AM] did u go to ur ip? [12:08:05 AM] what [12:08:10 AM] n ser ports for Wc3 [12:08:14 AM] i did [12:08:14 AM] set* [12:08:16 AM] yeha [12:08:21 AM] skyspy is playing WoW now [12:08:23 AM] Mine is gay [12:08:23 AM] he's doing 2v2 [12:08:25 AM] .. [12:08:27 AM] Arena [12:08:29 AM] yea [12:08:31 AM] ew [12:08:32 AM] [12:08:33 AM] I hate that [12:08:50 AM] I was sopossed to heal for my guild but i didnt.. [12:08:57 AM] heal for what [12:09:00 AM] Idk [12:09:04 AM] -- xyoshix has left the channel. [12:09:09 AM] They said be on at 8 n i said no [12:09:13 AM] heh [12:09:16 AM] i was 2 tried [12:09:17 AM] i used to be a warrior tank [12:09:22 AM] till i quit [12:09:28 AM] then i played a mage [12:09:29 AM] i forgot half the stuff in that game [12:09:30 AM] till i quit [12:09:36 AM] -- XxMGBxX has left the channel. [12:09:36 AM] like i had so many add ons [12:09:37 AM] i was hardcore into it [12:09:44 AM] its wasnt funny [12:10:04 AM] i was lvl 70 feral n spend 50g to respect AGAIN [12:10:09 AM] haha [12:10:11 AM] I was just [12:10:14 AM] i'd respec every night on my warrior [12:10:14 AM] So mad [12:10:15 AM] for pvp [12:10:16 AM] then raiding [12:10:17 AM] for pvp [12:10:19 AM] then raiding [12:10:21 AM] oh god [12:10:23 AM] the money [12:10:25 AM] 50g a night [12:10:26 AM] like like x2 [12:10:26 AM] -- PooperScooper. has left the channel. [12:10:27 AM] i was pretty rich tho [12:10:43 AM] Most money i ever had was on my Ebay ofWow guy lol [12:10:48 AM] lol [12:10:49 AM] he had like 5k [12:10:53 AM] All i did was scam [12:10:54 AM] [12:10:59 AM] Well [12:11:05 AM] I would but stuff n resell [12:11:07 AM] For more [12:11:08 AM] its easy to make money once u learn the game [12:11:11 AM] yeah [12:11:22 AM] easier with a mage, my mage would just go 2 shoting everything [12:11:23 AM] I got a sentry cloak off like a lvl 16 yesterday [12:11:28 AM] hah [12:11:35 AM] i just kinda jumped [12:11:43 AM] then put in bank [12:11:48 AM] n said theres 75g [12:11:50 AM] -- confusednoob has left the channel. [12:11:59 AM] Ikon [12:12:03 AM] Lets pub [12:12:09 AM] k [12:12:13 AM] 1 sec [12:12:14 AM] u find [12:12:15 AM] lemme turn on bl [12:12:19 AM] can u follow [12:12:19 AM] ? [12:12:23 AM] no [12:12:25 AM] u do it.. [12:12:25 AM] i can follow [12:12:33 AM] yeah my bro broke my bl [12:12:40 AM] he was clicking every thing [12:12:50 AM] k [12:12:52 AM] go [12:12:55 AM] n idk wtf happen is doesnt switch files Bot application closed, dumping chat screen. [11:07:15 AM] -> Welcome to StealthBot v2.6 Revision 3, by Stealth. [11:07:15 AM] -> If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [11:07:15 AM] >> StealthBot News [11:07:15 AM] >> --------------------- [11:07:15 AM] >> Battle.net Changes [11:07:15 AM] >> --------------------- [11:07:15 AM] >> Blizzard has made an addition version check system change. [11:07:15 AM] >> [11:07:15 AM] >> There is no way for you to patch this one at the time. [11:07:15 AM] >> I am working on continuing to prepare the 2.7 release, which with [11:07:15 AM] >> some concerted efforts can probably be launched by this weekend. [11:07:15 AM] >> I will do my best. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned to [11:07:15 AM] >> http://www.stealthbot.net for updates. [11:07:15 AM] 1 plugins loaded. Type /plugins in the bot to view them. Type /phelp for help using them. [11:07:15 AM] Type /updates in the bot to view updates and new plugins that are available for download. [11:07:18 AM] [BNLS] Connecting... [11:07:18 AM] [BNLS] Connected! [11:07:18 AM] [BNLS] Authorized! [11:07:18 AM] [BNET] Connecting... [11:07:18 AM] [BNET] Connected! [11:07:18 AM] [BNET] Checking version... [11:07:18 AM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [11:07:18 AM] [BNET] Sending login information... [11:07:19 AM] [BNET] Login successful. [11:07:19 AM] [CLAN] You are a Peon in Clan BioL. [11:07:19 AM] [BNET] Logged on as AznistBot. [11:07:19 AM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [11:07:19 AM] Welcome to Battle.net! [11:07:19 AM] This server is hosted by AT&T. [11:07:19 AM] There are currently 9973 users playing 486 games of Warcraft III, and 261569 users playing 46390 games on Battle.net. [11:07:19 AM] Last logon: Fri Jul 6 4:09 PM [11:07:19 AM] biol.proboards74.com If we're not on BNet, we might be on GGC with the same names. VeNoM) / SMoKeD-PuFF / Aznist [11:07:19 AM] -- Stats updated: AznistBot [78ms] is using Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:07:19 AM] Account Created: 6/3/2007, 17:18:45 (Battle.net time) [11:07:19 AM] Last Logon: 7/7/2007, 16:00:55 (Battle.net time) [11:07:19 AM] Last Logoff: 7/7/2007, 08:18:59 (Battle.net time) [11:07:19 AM] Time Logged: 16 days, 21 hours, 37 minutes and 14 seconds [11:09:44 AM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:09:44 AM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [11:10:59 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [11:12:12 AM] [11:12:19 AM] [11:15:10 AM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:15:10 AM] -- vibestar98 has acquired ops. [11:17:13 AM] [11:17:19 AM] [11:21:08 AM] .tda [11:21:10 AM] <1:RD93LC> <1:RD1621> <8:AR3> [11:21:16 AM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [11:22:13 AM] [11:22:19 AM] [11:23:30 AM] -- RaD1AncE- [204ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:23:30 AM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [11:27:13 AM] [11:27:19 AM] [11:32:13 AM] [11:32:19 AM] [11:34:26 AM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:34:31 AM] <2pink1stink> .tda [11:34:31 AM] <7:AR74> [11:34:39 AM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [11:37:13 AM] [11:37:19 AM] [11:39:22 AM] -- Fascinating [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 24, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan GL) [11:39:28 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:39:28 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [11:39:33 AM] -- Fascinating has left the channel. [11:39:53 AM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [11:42:13 AM] [11:42:19 AM] [11:42:47 AM] All connections closed. Bot application closed, dumping chat screen. [11:42:49 AM] -> Welcome to StealthBot v2.6 Revision 3, by Stealth. [11:42:49 AM] -> If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [11:42:50 AM] >> StealthBot News [11:42:50 AM] >> --------------------- [11:42:50 AM] >> Battle.net Changes [11:42:50 AM] >> --------------------- [11:42:50 AM] >> Blizzard has made an addition version check system change. [11:42:50 AM] >> [11:42:50 AM] >> There is no way for you to patch this one at the time. [11:42:50 AM] >> I am working on continuing to prepare the 2.7 release, which with [11:42:50 AM] >> some concerted efforts can probably be launched by this weekend. [11:42:50 AM] >> I will do my best. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned to [11:42:50 AM] >> http://www.stealthbot.net for updates. [11:42:50 AM] 2 plugins loaded. Type /plugins in the bot to view them. Type /phelp for help using them. [11:42:50 AM] Type /updates in the bot to view updates and new plugins that are available for download. [11:42:53 AM] [11:42:53 AM] Currently Loaded Plugins (2) [11:42:53 AM] Prefix: [script] Filename: C:\Program Files\StealthBot\script.txt Prefix: [aznist] Version: 1.0 Filename: aznist.txt [11:42:55 AM] [BNLS] Connecting... [11:42:55 AM] [BNLS] Connected! [11:42:55 AM] [BNLS] Authorized! [11:42:55 AM] [BNET] Connecting... [11:42:55 AM] [BNET] Connected! [11:42:56 AM] [BNET] Checking version... [11:42:56 AM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [11:42:56 AM] [BNET] Sending login information... [11:42:56 AM] [BNET] Login successful. [11:42:56 AM] [CLAN] You are a Peon in Clan BioL. [11:42:56 AM] [BNET] Logged on as AznistBot. [11:42:56 AM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [11:42:56 AM] Welcome to Battle.net! [11:42:56 AM] This server is hosted by AT&T. [11:42:56 AM] There are currently 10182 users playing 488 games of Warcraft III, and 252598 users playing 45019 games on Battle.net. [11:42:56 AM] Last logon: Sat Jul 7 11:07 AM [11:42:56 AM] biol.proboards74.com --- If we're not on BNet, we might be on GGC with the same names. [11:42:56 AM] Account Created: 6/3/2007, 17:18:45 (Battle.net time) [11:42:56 AM] Last Logon: 7/7/2007, 16:36:42 (Battle.net time) [11:42:56 AM] Last Logoff: 7/7/2007, 16:36:42 (Battle.net time) [11:42:56 AM] Time Logged: 16 days, 22 hours, 12 minutes and 43 seconds [11:44:42 AM] -- VeNoM) [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:44:42 AM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [11:45:24 AM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:45:24 AM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [11:45:26 AM] andrew [11:45:27 AM] we on ggc [11:45:32 AM] gonna madballs or somethin [11:45:36 AM] ok [11:45:37 AM] rofl me and vibe did a 1v1 potm wtf [11:45:39 AM] hahahah [11:45:40 AM] i won 4-2 [11:46:03 AM] .gettopten [11:46:03 AM] goin on ggc [11:46:04 AM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [11:46:09 AM] .gettopten [11:46:53 AM] .topten [11:46:56 AM] .topten [11:47:10 AM] lol trying to script? [11:47:13 AM] [11:47:18 AM] yea [11:47:27 AM] want to look at it so far? lol [11:47:31 AM] lol ok [11:47:56 AM] [11:48:54 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [11:51:14 AM] .topten [11:51:16 AM] !topten [11:52:02 AM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [11:52:02 AM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [11:52:04 AM] !hs [11:52:04 AM] !gettopten [11:52:07 AM] .hs [11:52:09 AM] !topten [11:52:12 AM] I FF [11:52:12 AM] !hs [11:52:13 AM] [11:52:17 AM] i cant fix my ggc [11:52:23 AM] -- Fascinating [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 24, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan GL) [11:52:26 AM] -- Fascinating has left the channel. [11:52:51 AM] .hs [11:52:52 AM] !hs [11:52:56 AM] [11:53:07 AM] Aznist [11:53:08 AM] help [11:53:08 AM] me [11:53:09 AM] fukin [11:53:11 AM] azn [11:53:16 AM] what's wrong? [11:53:19 AM] GGC [11:53:22 AM] is whats wrong -_- [11:53:24 AM] yeah what's wrong with ggc? [11:53:27 AM] i lag [11:53:31 AM] 50 secs delay [11:53:33 AM] maybe you have a bad comp or bad connection [11:53:39 AM] did you try tunneling? [11:53:49 AM] ggc client or ggc games [11:54:23 AM] I dont think its either [11:54:27 AM] i fucked up settings [11:54:29 AM] or some thing [11:54:42 AM] Like my comp is fine on bnet [11:54:44 AM] and shit [11:54:49 AM] but on ggc is goes bam [11:54:54 AM] are you on enhanced or normal mode? [11:54:54 AM] like right when i press on lan [11:54:55 AM] pew pew [11:55:01 AM] i tried both [11:55:10 AM] oh wait not even when you're playing? [11:55:11 AM] !aznist [11:55:18 AM] All connections closed. Bot application closed, dumping chat screen. [11:55:23 AM] -> Welcome to StealthBot v2.6 Revision 3, by Stealth. [11:55:23 AM] -> If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [11:55:24 AM] >> StealthBot News [11:55:24 AM] >> --------------------- [11:55:24 AM] >> Battle.net Changes [11:55:24 AM] >> --------------------- [11:55:24 AM] >> Blizzard has made an addition version check system change. [11:55:24 AM] >> [11:55:24 AM] >> There is no way for you to patch this one at the time. [11:55:24 AM] >> I am working on continuing to prepare the 2.7 release, which with [11:55:24 AM] >> some concerted efforts can probably be launched by this weekend. [11:55:24 AM] >> I will do my best. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned to [11:55:24 AM] >> http://www.stealthbot.net for updates. [11:55:24 AM] 2 plugins loaded. Type /plugins in the bot to view them. Type /phelp for help using them. [11:55:24 AM] Type /updates in the bot to view updates and new plugins that are available for download. [11:55:24 AM] Load Call Error On File> C:\Program Files\StealthBot\plugins\aznist.txt [11:55:24 AM] Error Number: 13 Description: Type mismatch [11:55:24 AM] [BNLS] Connecting... [11:55:24 AM] [BNLS] Connected! [11:55:25 AM] [BNLS] Authorized! [11:55:25 AM] [BNET] Connecting... [11:55:25 AM] [BNET] Connected! [11:55:25 AM] [BNET] Checking version... [11:55:25 AM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [11:55:25 AM] [BNET] Sending login information... [11:55:25 AM] [BNET] Login successful. [11:55:25 AM] [CLAN] You are a Peon in Clan BioL. [11:55:25 AM] [BNET] Logged on as AznistBot. [11:55:25 AM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [11:55:25 AM] Welcome to Battle.net! [11:55:25 AM] This server is hosted by AT&T. [11:55:25 AM] There are currently 10321 users playing 527 games of Warcraft III, and 249396 users playing 44306 games on Battle.net. [11:55:25 AM] Last logon: Sat Jul 7 11:43 AM [11:55:25 AM] biol.proboards74.com --- If we're not on BNet, we might be on GGC with the same names. [11:55:26 AM] Account Created: 6/3/2007, 17:18:45 (Battle.net time) [11:55:26 AM] Last Logon: 7/7/2007, 16:51:01 (Battle.net time) [11:55:26 AM] Last Logoff: 7/7/2007, 16:51:01 (Battle.net time) [11:55:26 AM] Time Logged: 16 days, 22 hours, 25 minutes and 4 seconds [11:55:26 AM] -- Stats updated: AznistBot [63ms] is using Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:55:27 AM] All connections closed. Bot application closed, dumping chat screen. [11:56:48 AM] -> Welcome to StealthBot v2.6 Revision 3, by Stealth. [11:56:48 AM] -> If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [11:56:48 AM] >> StealthBot News [11:56:48 AM] >> --------------------- [11:56:48 AM] >> Battle.net Changes [11:56:48 AM] >> --------------------- [11:56:48 AM] >> Blizzard has made an addition version check system change. [11:56:48 AM] >> [11:56:48 AM] >> There is no way for you to patch this one at the time. [11:56:48 AM] >> I am working on continuing to prepare the 2.7 release, which with [11:56:48 AM] >> some concerted efforts can probably be launched by this weekend. [11:56:48 AM] >> I will do my best. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned to [11:56:48 AM] >> http://www.stealthbot.net for updates. [11:56:48 AM] 2 plugins loaded. Type /plugins in the bot to view them. Type /phelp for help using them. [11:56:48 AM] Type /updates in the bot to view updates and new plugins that are available for download. [11:56:48 AM] Load Call Error On File> C:\Program Files\StealthBot\plugins\hs.plug [11:56:48 AM] Error Number: 13 Description: Type mismatch [11:57:07 AM] All connections closed. [11:57:09 AM] -> Welcome to StealthBot v2.6 Revision 3, by Stealth. [11:57:09 AM] -> If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [11:57:10 AM] >> StealthBot News [11:57:10 AM] >> --------------------- [11:57:10 AM] >> Battle.net Changes [11:57:10 AM] >> --------------------- [11:57:10 AM] >> Blizzard has made an addition version check system change. [11:57:10 AM] >> [11:57:10 AM] >> There is no way for you to patch this one at the time. [11:57:10 AM] >> I am working on continuing to prepare the 2.7 release, which with [11:57:10 AM] >> some concerted efforts can probably be launched by this weekend. [11:57:10 AM] >> I will do my best. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned to [11:57:10 AM] >> http://www.stealthbot.net for updates. [11:57:10 AM] 2 plugins loaded. Type /plugins in the bot to view them. Type /phelp for help using them. [11:57:10 AM] Type /updates in the bot to view updates and new plugins that are available for download. [11:57:10 AM] Load Call Error On File> C:\Program Files\StealthBot\plugins\hs.plug [11:57:10 AM] Error Number: 13 Description: Type mismatch [11:57:10 AM] [BNLS] Connecting... [11:57:10 AM] [BNLS] Connected! [11:57:10 AM] [BNLS] Authorized! [11:57:10 AM] [BNET] Connecting... [11:57:10 AM] [BNET] Connected! [11:57:10 AM] [BNET] Checking version... [11:57:11 AM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [11:57:11 AM] [BNET] Sending login information... [11:57:11 AM] [BNET] Login successful. [11:57:11 AM] [CLAN] You are a Peon in Clan BioL. [11:57:11 AM] [BNET] Logged on as AznistBot. [11:57:11 AM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [11:57:11 AM] Welcome to Battle.net! [11:57:11 AM] This server is hosted by AT&T. [11:57:11 AM] There are currently 10290 users playing 501 games of Warcraft III, and 248448 users playing 44213 games on Battle.net. [11:57:11 AM] Last logon: Sat Jul 7 11:56 AM [11:57:11 AM] biol.proboards74.com --- If we're not on BNet, we might be on GGC with the same names. [11:57:11 AM] -- Stats updated: AznistBot [79ms] is using Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:57:11 AM] Account Created: 6/3/2007, 17:18:45 (Battle.net time) [11:57:11 AM] Last Logon: 7/7/2007, 16:51:01 (Battle.net time) [11:57:11 AM] Last Logoff: 7/7/2007, 16:51:01 (Battle.net time) [11:57:11 AM] Time Logged: 16 days, 22 hours, 25 minutes and 6 seconds [11:57:11 AM] antivirus? [11:57:13 AM] [11:57:14 AM] !hs [11:57:14 AM] UserTalk Call Error On File> C:\Program Files\StealthBot\plugins\hs.plug [11:57:14 AM] Error Number: 13 Description: Type mismatch [11:57:40 AM] i dont see anywhere where it outputs anything [11:57:50 AM] what do u mean? [11:57:53 AM] antivirus? [11:58:00 AM] do you have antivirus running? [11:58:03 AM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [11:58:03 AM] let me see [11:58:14 AM] maybe a firewall or something [11:59:34 AM] the firewalls off but how many are there? [11:59:43 AM] do you have a router? [12:00:22 PM] uhm [12:00:22 PM] ya [12:00:27 PM] i have both router and modem [12:00:53 PM] a router shouldnt be a problem for ggc [12:00:55 PM] do you know how to open ports? [12:01:06 PM] but you can try opening all your router ports! [12:01:07 PM] but i have both [12:01:12 PM] how do i do that? [12:01:13 PM] lolz [12:01:17 PM] lol [12:01:23 PM] do you have aim or msn? [12:01:28 PM] aim [12:01:59 PM] y? [12:02:11 PM] [12:02:13 PM] [12:03:13 PM] so i can tell you how to open ports [12:03:32 PM] supershadow929 [12:04:06 PM] im on now [12:04:37 PM] fred do !aznist [12:04:42 PM] !aznist [12:04:42 PM] That is not a valid command. Type /help or /? for more info. [12:05:02 PM] -- Joined channel: aznist -- [12:05:06 PM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [12:05:06 PM] biol.proboards74.com --- If we're not on BNet, we might be on GGC with the same names. [12:05:09 PM] didnt work [12:05:09 PM] !aznist [12:05:09 PM] That is not a valid command. Type /help or /? for more info. [12:05:24 PM] That is not a valid command. Type /help or /? for more info. [12:05:26 PM] /j Aznist [12:05:48 PM] /j Aznist [12:05:50 PM] /j Aznist [12:05:55 PM] -- Joined channel: Aznist -- [12:06:02 PM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [12:06:02 PM] biol.proboards74.com --- If we're not on BNet, we might be on GGC with the same names. [12:06:03 PM] do it again [12:06:05 PM] !aznist [12:06:07 PM] !aznist [12:06:08 PM] That is not a valid command. Type /help or /? for more info. [12:06:30 PM] agaiinnn [12:06:51 PM] !aznist [12:06:51 PM] That is not a valid command. Type /help or /? for more info. [12:06:58 PM] That is not a valid command. Type /help or /? for more info. [12:07:11 PM] [12:07:13 PM] [12:07:29 PM] just do !quote [12:07:34 PM] !quote [12:07:34 PM] /j Aznist [12:07:44 PM] lol doesnt join channel [12:08:27 PM] there's a space [12:08:28 PM] o.O [12:08:38 PM] yea it auto adds space [12:08:44 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [12:08:47 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [204ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:08:47 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [12:09:23 PM] ok quote again [12:09:29 PM] !quote [12:09:29 PM] /f m Aznist [12:09:43 PM] space auto =/ [12:09:55 PM] madballs ggc [12:09:57 PM] coming? [12:10:04 PM] ggc isnt logging in [12:10:36 PM] aw, they started though [12:12:11 PM] [12:12:13 PM] [12:12:18 PM] its just checking client version [12:12:21 PM] forever =( [12:12:26 PM] -- new004 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:14:39 PM] -- new004 has left the channel. [12:17:11 PM] [12:17:13 PM] [12:17:30 PM] -- new004 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:19:04 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan rQ) [12:19:07 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx has left the channel. [12:20:17 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [12:21:46 PM] -- new004 has left the channel. [12:22:11 PM] [12:22:13 PM] [12:27:11 PM] [12:27:13 PM] [12:27:36 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:27:36 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [12:29:12 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [12:30:39 PM] -- vibestar98 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:30:39 PM] -- vibestar98 has acquired ops. [12:30:43 PM] .tda [12:30:43 PM] No games are available. [12:31:22 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [12:32:11 PM] [12:32:13 PM] [12:32:36 PM] -- Quizler [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:32:36 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [12:32:58 PM] -- vibestar98 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:32:58 PM] -- vibestar98 has acquired ops. [12:33:22 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [12:33:36 PM] -- vibestar98 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:33:36 PM] -- vibestar98 has acquired ops. [12:33:48 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan GL) [12:33:55 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [12:34:11 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [12:34:52 PM] <2pink1stink> .tda [12:34:53 PM] <8:RD74> [12:35:26 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [12:36:57 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [12:37:12 PM] [12:37:13 PM] [12:37:21 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [12:42:12 PM] [12:42:15 PM] [12:43:35 PM] -- VeNoM) [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:43:35 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [12:43:58 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [12:45:31 PM] -- Quizler [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:45:31 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [12:46:10 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [12:46:17 PM] -- Fascinating [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 24, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan GL) [12:46:19 PM] -- Fascinating has left the channel. [12:47:15 PM] [12:47:18 PM] [12:47:22 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:47:22 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [12:48:03 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [12:49:52 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:49:52 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [12:50:05 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [12:52:15 PM] [12:52:18 PM] [12:52:35 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:52:35 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [12:52:36 PM] zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZZzZzZzZzZzZZzZZzzZzZzZzZZzZzZzZ [12:52:37 PM] zZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZZzZzZzZzZzZZzZZzzZzZzZzZZzZzZzZ [12:52:51 PM] -- MisterMark [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 20, icon tier Random, dragon turtle icon, in Clan FnSs) [12:52:54 PM] sup [12:53:12 PM] -- MisterMark has left the channel. [12:53:43 PM] -- deep_evil [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:53:50 PM] HI ZOINKZ [12:54:09 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [12:55:31 PM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:55:31 PM] -- vibestar98 has acquired ops. [12:55:45 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:55:45 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [12:55:50 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [12:56:33 PM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:56:33 PM] -- vibestar98 has acquired ops. [12:57:15 PM] [12:57:18 PM] [12:57:46 PM] -- Stefko [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Night Elves, druid of the talon icon, in Clan TGIN) [12:58:02 PM] dont have enough on for scrim. sorry [12:58:09 PM] Ok [12:58:20 PM] -- Stefko has left the channel. [12:58:28 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [12:58:37 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:58:37 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [12:59:58 PM] .tda [12:59:59 PM] <6:AP123> <2:RD45> <1:RD78> <4:RD14> <8:AP42> <7:RD409> [1:00:03 PM] .tda [1:00:04 PM] <6:AP123> <2:RD45> <4:RD14> <8:AP42> <7:RD409> [1:00:47 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [1:01:05 PM] -- germy [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier unknown, unknown icon, in Clan BioL) [1:02:15 PM] [1:02:18 PM] [1:03:02 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan rQ) [1:03:05 PM] watt up ;o [1:04:37 PM] za [1:04:38 PM] zz [1:04:41 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx has left the channel. [1:06:26 PM] -- VeNoM) [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:06:26 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [1:06:29 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [1:06:40 PM] chris letme test something [1:06:52 PM] remove me from shaman and put aznistbot as shaman [1:06:59 PM] no [1:07:01 PM] then switch back [1:07:02 PM] no bot is getting shaman [1:07:03 PM] like in 1 min [1:07:05 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [1:07:12 PM] give me 999 access [1:07:12 PM] to bot [1:07:15 PM] [1:07:18 PM] [1:07:21 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [1:07:21 PM] on pointtoprove? [1:07:24 PM] or this bot [1:07:27 PM] both [1:07:30 PM] Set venom)'s access to 999. [1:07:34 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:07:34 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [1:07:43 PM] you have 999 on this bot [1:07:56 PM] i wanna test something [1:07:57 PM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [1:07:57 PM] -- AznistBot has acquired ops. [1:07:57 PM] [CLAN] You have been promoted. Your new rank is Shaman. [1:07:57 PM] [CLAN] Member update: AznistBot is now a Shaman. [1:07:57 PM] biol.proboards74.com --- If we're not on BNet, we might be on GGC with the same names. [1:08:04 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [1:08:04 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [1:08:27 PM] -- AznistBot#2 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:08:33 PM] ok remove from shaman now [1:08:36 PM] and put back aznist [1:08:47 PM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:08:47 PM] -- vibestar98 has acquired ops. [1:08:57 PM] DONT GGC [1:08:58 PM] -- AznistBot#2 has left the channel. [1:08:58 PM] -- AznistBot#2 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:09:07 PM] -- AznistBot#2 has left the channel. [1:09:22 PM] lol [1:09:23 PM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [1:09:24 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [1:09:26 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan GL) [1:09:26 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan rQ) [1:09:30 PM] yay! [1:09:33 PM] ditch me more for ggc guys [1:09:34 PM] 2x op bot [1:09:36 PM] ;p [1:09:41 PM] lol [1:09:48 PM] wow [1:09:49 PM] fukn assholes [1:09:50 PM] nobody is [1:09:52 PM] ever on [1:09:53 PM] to scrim [1:09:54 PM] GG [1:09:56 PM] haha [1:10:01 PM] everytime [1:10:02 PM] what is your name on ggc [1:10:02 PM] we get on [1:10:04 PM] nobody else is on [1:10:07 PM] mine? [1:10:10 PM] yeh [1:10:14 PM] yea noob [1:10:16 PM] wut is it [1:10:17 PM] ! [1:10:20 PM] yeh [1:10:20 PM] .. my ggc dont work [1:10:22 PM] rofl [1:10:23 PM] HAHAHAHHA [1:10:25 PM] noob [1:10:26 PM] can u tda? [1:10:27 PM] rofl [1:10:29 PM] are u nick? [1:10:30 PM] thats why i cant ihcs [1:10:31 PM] yeah [1:10:32 PM] i can [1:10:33 PM] you should goto nicks slumber party [1:10:37 PM] lolol [1:10:43 PM] .tda [1:10:44 PM] <1:AP123> <2:RD90> <5:RD410> [1:10:52 PM] pring your napsack and your teddy bear you're making friends [1:10:59 PM] YAY KILLA [1:11:08 PM] nxt time u guys r gun scrim on ggc tell me a bit be4 and ill tryn set it up [1:11:15 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [1:11:18 PM] lol [1:11:21 PM] and theres only one shower for everyone [1:11:24 PM] why wont u do that know [1:11:25 PM] killa wants to scrim vs SK thts why [1:11:32 PM] ;) [1:11:46 PM] even after u scrimmd sk u all came mon bnet n ditchd again [1:11:46 PM] yeh [1:11:50 PM] just said "ggc n gone [1:11:53 PM] lolol [1:11:56 PM] lol [1:11:57 PM] lol bnet is useless now [1:11:58 PM] cu7 we in love with ggc now [1:12:02 PM] hahah [1:12:02 PM] lol [1:12:04 PM] gutless [1:12:05 PM] cowards [1:12:15 PM] [1:12:18 PM] [1:12:57 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:12:57 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [1:13:01 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [1:13:03 PM] scrimmm [1:13:05 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:13:05 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [1:13:08 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [1:13:11 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:13:11 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [1:13:18 PM] inhouse then w.e [1:13:18 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx has left the channel. [1:13:27 PM] this is deep_evil [1:13:27 PM] 2stink1pink [1:13:36 PM] well get on deep [1:13:37 PM] were gonna ih [1:13:46 PM] ok [1:13:47 PM] -- germy has left the channel. [1:14:00 PM] GGC IH [1:14:01 PM] ROFL [1:14:09 PM] -- deep_evil [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:14:25 PM] mage host [1:14:27 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan rQ) [1:14:29 PM] ih [1:14:31 PM] mage host [1:14:32 PM] faggot [1:14:33 PM] ogogogogog [1:14:43 PM] mage host [1:14:43 PM] ih [1:14:47 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [1:15:00 PM] IM A BOT [1:15:02 PM] lalalalalla [1:15:04 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:15:04 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [1:15:12 PM] 11 - 2 [1:15:21 PM] 8 +quizler [1:15:23 PM] +uber [1:15:30 PM] OMG [1:15:34 PM] Gg [1:15:42 PM] LokD.UbeR was unbanned by RaD1AncE-. [1:15:48 PM] -- LokD.UbeR [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [1:15:50 PM] ROFL [1:15:56 PM] Sup [1:16:05 PM] can i bring tic [1:16:08 PM] yes [1:16:08 PM] and we can like inhouse [1:16:13 PM] but [1:16:13 PM] YES MM [1:16:15 PM] hes not on my team [1:16:16 PM] mhm [1:16:18 PM] LOLZ [1:16:24 PM] shorty's coming [1:16:28 PM] yo [1:16:30 PM] TRNS [1:16:30 PM] will [1:16:31 PM] scrim [1:16:34 PM] @ 3pm est [1:16:36 PM] hey guys [1:16:38 PM] lets ih shorty will host [1:16:44 PM] chris will miss all the FUN [1:16:46 PM] -- Tic-Tac-Toe [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [1:16:57 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [1:17:00 PM] biol. [1:17:03 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [1:17:04 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [1:17:05 PM] biol [1:17:10 PM] biol? [1:17:11 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [1:17:14 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [1:17:14 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [1:17:15 PM] [1:17:18 PM] [1:17:19 PM] -- LokD.UbeR has left the channel. [1:17:29 PM] -- Tic-Tac-Toe has left the channel. [1:17:41 PM] -- deep_evil [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:17:53 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [1:17:56 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [1:18:12 PM] -- aznshorty67 [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:18:17 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [1:20:04 PM] -- VeNoM) [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:20:04 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [1:20:11 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:20:11 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [1:20:12 PM] -- Tic-Tac-Toe [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [1:20:13 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan GL) [1:20:14 PM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [1:20:14 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [1:20:14 PM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:20:14 PM] -- vibestar98 has acquired ops. [1:20:14 PM] -- LokD.UbeR [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [1:20:16 PM] -- aznshorty67 [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:20:16 PM] just ap draft it [1:20:19 PM] for goodness sake [1:20:19 PM] Stfu [1:20:19 PM] WTEFK [1:20:19 PM] FS [1:20:20 PM] FS [1:20:22 PM] radiance told me to leave so i left [1:20:25 PM] LOL [1:20:28 PM] rm for me? [1:20:29 PM] -- deep_evil [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:20:30 PM] wow [1:20:31 PM] wow [1:20:33 PM] wow [1:20:34 PM] yeh [1:20:36 PM] NICE [1:20:36 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [1:20:36 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [1:20:38 PM] <3 [1:20:38 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [1:20:39 PM] rofl. [1:20:42 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [1:20:42 PM] BALLLLLLINNNNNN [1:20:45 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [1:20:45 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [1:20:46 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [1:20:47 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx has left the channel. [1:20:47 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [1:20:47 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [1:20:48 PM] -- LokD.UbeR has left the channel. [1:20:48 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [1:21:04 PM] -- SIK_KILLER [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:22:15 PM] [1:22:19 PM] [1:23:08 PM] -- Tic-Tac-Toe has left the channel. [1:23:29 PM] -- Quizler [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:23:29 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [1:25:25 PM] u here sik/ [1:25:27 PM] ? [1:26:01 PM] brb [1:27:15 PM] [1:27:19 PM] [1:28:05 PM] hey [1:29:05 PM] ill host 1 in sec [1:29:07 PM] getting drink [1:29:21 PM] who is coming [1:29:37 PM] no one [1:29:39 PM] o [1:29:45 PM] i thught u said ih [1:30:49 PM] their was [1:30:53 PM] they started w/o me [1:31:20 PM] o [1:31:23 PM] srry [1:31:42 PM] -- Tic-Tac-Toe [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [1:31:43 PM] gn? [1:31:56 PM] Dota 5v5 ap ! [1:32:08 PM] dota 5v5 ap ! [1:32:09 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [1:32:13 PM] -- SIK_KILLER has left the channel. [1:32:16 PM] [1:32:19 PM] [1:32:19 PM] -- Quizler [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:32:19 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [1:32:20 PM] -- SIK_KILLER [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:32:26 PM] oops hit esc on accedent [1:32:31 PM] do u wana get on vent [1:32:33 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [1:32:39 PM] -- Tic-Tac-Toe has left the channel. [1:32:39 PM] -- SIK_KILLER has left the channel. [1:35:44 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:35:58 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [1:37:16 PM] [1:37:19 PM] [1:38:21 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:42:16 PM] [1:42:19 PM] [1:42:29 PM] -- SilentGunner2 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan ScD) [1:42:34 PM] Sup [1:42:56 PM] -- SilentGunner2 has left the channel. [1:43:02 PM] -- SilentGunner2 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan ScD) [1:44:17 PM] -- moon. [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:44:17 PM] -- SilentGunner2 has left the channel. [1:47:16 PM] [1:47:19 PM] [1:52:16 PM] [1:52:19 PM] [1:56:54 PM] -- Fascinating [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 24, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan GL) [1:56:56 PM] -- Fascinating has left the channel. [1:57:16 PM] [1:57:19 PM] [1:59:20 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [1:59:24 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:59:42 PM] .pingme [1:59:43 PM] Your ping at login was 93ms. [1:59:55 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [2:00:10 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:00:17 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [2:00:25 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:00:27 PM] jesus christ [2:00:30 PM] im on like every banlist [2:00:38 PM] lol [2:01:28 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [2:02:16 PM] [2:02:19 PM] [2:07:16 PM] [2:07:19 PM] [2:07:41 PM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:07:41 PM] -- vibestar98 has acquired ops. [2:07:51 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:07:51 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [2:07:55 PM] -- VeNoM) [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:07:55 PM] -- VeNoM) has acquired ops. [2:07:56 PM] -- Aznist [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [2:07:56 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [2:07:58 PM] -- VeNoM) has left the channel. [2:07:58 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan rQ) [2:08:05 PM] -- LokD.UbeR [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [2:08:06 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan GL) [2:08:10 PM] -- aznshorty67 [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:08:17 PM] WE have killa [2:08:22 PM] /j clan trns [2:08:24 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [2:08:26 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [2:08:26 PM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:08:26 PM] -- Stats updated: vibestar98 [62ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:08:29 PM] -- deep_evil [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:08:32 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx has left the channel. [2:08:34 PM] lol [2:08:44 PM] -- LokD.UbeR has left the channel. [2:08:49 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan rQ) [2:08:57 PM] nooooooooooooo [2:09:01 PM] vibe werent u a sham [2:09:03 PM] or did u leave [2:09:04 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:09:04 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [2:09:04 PM] ? [2:09:04 PM] clan [2:09:04 PM] vibe quit [2:09:05 PM] ROFL [2:09:08 PM] LMFAOOOO [2:09:10 PM] God fukin dammit [2:09:12 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [2:09:12 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [2:09:20 PM] just cuz im so rusty mage pisses him self [2:09:21 PM] -_- [2:09:21 PM] because we did not scrim and mage got off [2:09:33 PM] No he didnt have to go [2:09:37 PM] he just said he wasnt in the mood [2:09:38 PM] Well lets scrimmmm i wanna play... [2:09:39 PM] and peaced [2:09:44 PM] after 4 hours of waiting to scrim [2:09:50 PM] telling my gf ide go out tonight [2:09:51 PM] not in the mood peace [2:09:52 PM] he leaves [2:09:58 PM] so whatever [2:10:05 PM] clan trns... [2:10:05 PM] why waste my time [2:10:07 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [2:10:10 PM] join rQ [2:10:13 PM] NPpppppppp [2:10:16 PM] hahah [2:10:19 PM] you have like 1 member [2:10:19 PM] rofl [2:10:23 PM] nop [2:10:26 PM] every1 comin back [2:10:27 PM] rofl [2:10:27 PM] -- llamameister [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 11, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan gvt) [2:10:32 PM] If i start i will [2:10:32 PM] ima be sham in couple days [2:10:39 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [2:10:42 PM] u might be on a team [2:10:42 PM] -- llamameister has left the channel. [2:10:43 PM] not start [2:10:44 PM] tho [2:11:00 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx has left the channel. [2:11:05 PM] i had fun playing bs [2:11:15 PM] are we gonn aa play again? [2:11:17 PM] bah i didnt get to jungle dark seer [2:11:21 PM] i quit [2:11:25 PM] the team [2:11:30 PM] why =/ [2:11:43 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan rQ) [2:11:51 PM] i quit biol [2:11:52 PM] gg [2:11:57 PM] the break up [2:11:59 PM] ur GL [2:12:00 PM] hahah [2:12:02 PM] naw [2:12:07 PM] i dont play with them [2:12:13 PM] they all chinese [2:12:16 PM] [2:12:19 PM] [2:12:19 PM] im chinese! [2:12:25 PM] so go join gl [2:12:25 PM] me too [2:12:26 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:12:26 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [2:12:39 PM] Well thats a wrap -_- i feed [2:12:42 PM] they hole team is chinese [2:12:52 PM] -- vibestar [79ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Human, peon icon, in Clan NDO) [2:12:54 PM] madballs? [2:13:01 PM] haha [2:13:01 PM] where the fuck is everyone nick [2:13:02 PM] ok [2:13:04 PM] capo [2:13:05 PM] scrim [2:13:05 PM] ... [2:13:07 PM] -- llamameister [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 11, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan gvt) [2:13:08 PM] not in moob [2:13:09 PM] i'll play madballs [2:13:10 PM] -- LokD.UbeR [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [2:13:10 PM] lol [2:13:14 PM] not in moob? [2:13:14 PM] wtf [2:13:20 PM] -_- [2:13:21 PM] mood* [2:13:22 PM] -- llamameister has left the channel. [2:13:22 PM] were not playing with old man boobs [2:13:31 PM] he's imitating chris [2:13:35 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [2:13:41 PM] next time he should spell it right [2:13:44 PM] uhhhhhhhh thanks for inviting me to the ih guys ;) [2:13:50 PM] !aznist [2:13:50 PM] You can't ban a channel operator. [2:13:51 PM] even if hes mad? [2:14:00 PM] Set moon.'s access to 60. [2:14:02 PM] Set elwe's access to 60. [2:14:06 PM] np uber... dont solo mag again =p [2:14:12 PM] i know [2:14:13 PM] my mag is terrible [2:14:13 PM] lol [2:14:16 PM] aznist u here? [2:14:18 PM] you know at 15 minutes [2:14:19 PM] i was 4-1 [2:14:19 PM] i was owning u but .... [2:14:21 PM] cause zoinkz [2:14:22 PM] vs owned me [2:14:23 PM] wouldnt let me have 1 kill [2:14:26 PM] well mag does get beat [2:14:28 PM] LOL [2:14:31 PM] i no but... [2:14:33 PM] the nukes hurt -_- [2:14:35 PM] after ig ot my battlefury oyu know [2:14:36 PM] its a rape [2:14:36 PM] ya [2:14:38 PM] 300 dmg [2:14:40 PM] per hit [2:14:43 PM] 9 sec cd [2:14:43 PM] :D [2:14:45 PM] 8 [2:14:47 PM] LokD.UbeR was kicked out of the channel by PointToProve (Spamming). [2:14:47 PM] -- LokD.UbeR has left the channel. [2:14:50 PM] -- LokD.UbeR [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [2:14:53 PM] AZNIST U HERE [2:14:54 PM] ? [2:14:57 PM] YES [2:15:08 PM] Well [2:15:09 PM] im bored [2:15:10 PM] but i dont wanna scrim either [2:15:12 PM] like ussualy [2:15:16 PM] and im bad [2:15:19 PM] and need to practice [2:15:34 PM] u did fine [2:15:36 PM] ThIs IsNt GoOd [2:15:39 PM] No im bad... [2:15:42 PM] vs just came 24/7 [2:15:43 PM] i wasnt thinking/ sucking [2:15:54 PM] lol [2:16:03 PM] But we were all laughing lolz.. [2:16:06 PM] y [2:16:07 PM] cuz of capo and vibe [2:16:17 PM] lol [2:16:25 PM] that was really funny ... [2:16:27 PM] vibe tda? [2:16:28 PM] -- aznshorty67 has left the channel. [2:16:34 PM] howd u kno i was going to choose mag :P [2:16:34 PM] .tda [2:16:35 PM] -- Tic-Tac-Toe [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [2:16:41 PM] so umm [2:16:44 PM] ih again? [2:16:47 PM] u wanted to solo mid [2:16:49 PM] lol [2:17:16 PM] [2:17:19 PM] [2:17:26 PM] i dont think there playing [2:17:33 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [2:17:33 PM] shit :( [2:17:34 PM] .tda [2:17:43 PM] that was fucked [2:17:47 PM] i was here for for the first one [2:17:51 PM] -- ZOINKZ [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:17:52 PM] .tda [2:17:52 PM] <6:RD12> <3:AR23> <2:RD91> <5:AR66> <4:RD7> <4:RD98> <4:RD96> <7:AP99LC> <7:RD7LC> [2:18:02 PM] but i couldn't join the second one [2:18:04 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [2:18:14 PM] -- ZOINKZ [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:18:16 PM] -- vibestar has left the channel. [2:18:17 PM] so bored [2:18:20 PM] .tda [2:18:21 PM] <7:RD12> <2:AR23> <1:RD91> <5:AR66> <4:RD7> <4:RD98> <3:RD96> <6:AP99LC> <2:RD7LC> [2:18:29 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [2:18:37 PM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:18:42 PM] .tda [2:18:42 PM] <8:RD12> <2:AR23> <5:AR66> <5:RD7> <4:RD98> <1:RD96> <6:AP99LC> <1:RD7LC> <4:RD88> [2:18:48 PM] -- ZOINKZ [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:18:48 PM] .tda [2:18:51 PM] <8:RD12> <2:AR23> <4:AR66> <5:RD7> <4:RD98> <5:AP99LC> <2:RD88> [2:18:59 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [2:19:05 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [2:19:12 PM] Dead Silencer [2:19:17 PM] Dead SilencE [2:19:53 PM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [2:19:57 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [2:20:27 PM] -- PooperScooper. [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [2:20:31 PM] (t.t [2:20:36 PM] 7/ [2:20:40 PM] 7/7/7 end of the wrold! [2:20:42 PM] Not my fault tiC [2:20:42 PM] world! [2:20:42 PM] well we got 3 guys on [2:20:47 PM] ive just always gotten scared [2:20:50 PM] walking to the sink [2:20:51 PM] alone [2:20:53 PM] at night [2:20:54 PM] ? [2:20:56 PM] y lol [2:20:58 PM] IDK [2:20:58 PM] LOL [2:21:01 PM] lol [2:21:06 PM] I keep having images that this guy is going to come out that window [2:21:07 PM] turn on the lightts lol [2:21:09 PM] and start attacking me [2:21:11 PM] noooooooo [2:21:17 PM] its fatal frameee [2:21:25 PM] -- deep_evil has left the channel. [2:21:31 PM] get a camera and ghosts will pob up [2:21:34 PM] pop [2:21:35 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [2:21:42 PM] -- PooperScooper. has left the channel. [2:21:48 PM] -- PooperScooper. [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [2:21:50 PM] lol [2:21:53 PM] fucking still blacklisted [2:21:53 PM] lol [2:22:02 PM] did you appeal [2:22:05 PM] yes [2:22:10 PM] iccc [2:22:16 PM] [2:22:16 PM] im banned for like 4 more days [2:22:19 PM] [2:22:21 PM] for "badmouthing" [2:22:27 PM] lol [2:22:38 PM] they said [2:22:42 PM] 3-10 intentionally feed pa [2:22:45 PM] -_- [2:22:49 PM] i was with a autoing huskar [2:22:57 PM] and against bm venge [2:22:59 PM] one stun we were dead [2:23:02 PM] lol [2:23:28 PM] and the fact that thd was owning that morph was just embarassing [2:23:41 PM] lol dude [2:23:51 PM] some guy just put a scorpion down his pants [2:26:17 PM] -- Quizler [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:26:17 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [2:26:24 PM] -- SIK_KILLER [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:26:36 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan GL) [2:26:50 PM] soo [2:26:57 PM] we just sitting in here [2:27:09 PM] yes [2:27:16 PM] [2:27:19 PM] [2:27:22 PM] smoke u here? [2:27:31 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [2:28:38 PM] -- ClanGnome [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Spht) [2:28:44 PM] -- ClanGnome has left the channel. [2:29:38 PM] -- thebotpwns [344ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan trNs) [2:29:41 PM] hi scrim? [2:29:52 PM] i thinik most everyone afk [2:29:59 PM] did they use /away? [2:30:05 PM] no [2:30:08 PM] ;o [2:30:12 PM] do people really [2:30:14 PM] use that? [2:30:15 PM] lol [2:30:24 PM] if they have iq's over 30 [2:30:25 PM] :SD [2:30:29 PM] damn [2:30:31 PM] mines lower than 30 [2:30:34 PM] :( [2:30:36 PM] ur fired [2:30:40 PM] yes master [2:30:52 PM] sik u here? [2:31:01 PM] -- thebotpwns has left the channel. [2:32:08 PM] h/o [2:32:14 PM] im coming to ur house [2:32:16 PM] [2:32:19 PM] [2:32:24 PM] ? [2:32:34 PM] to hang with joe [2:32:36 PM] o [2:32:39 PM] im at my dads [2:32:41 PM] and u [2:32:45 PM] joe is at moms [2:32:48 PM] o [2:32:50 PM] u aint [2:32:59 PM] so u done playing then? [2:33:06 PM] yea srry [2:33:08 PM] later [2:33:37 PM] LOL [2:33:38 PM] sean [2:33:44 PM] I kePT MSGING MARKIE [2:33:45 PM] ITS [2:33:47 PM] 777 [2:33:50 PM] OMGGG [2:33:52 PM] >:D [2:33:55 PM] lol [2:34:41 PM] well.. [2:34:44 PM] you have bushy brows [2:34:44 PM] LOL [2:34:53 PM] man imma go play soME mad ballz [2:34:58 PM] lol wtf [2:35:03 PM] yo [2:35:06 PM] i owned markie in that game [2:35:09 PM] my first time playing it [2:35:20 PM] kik [2:35:21 PM] lol [2:35:47 PM] what can we do [2:36:04 PM] Im going back to the lokD chan [2:36:08 PM] -- LokD.UbeR has left the channel. [2:36:17 PM] lol [2:36:20 PM] im back [2:36:22 PM] .j clan lokd [2:36:25 PM] -- PooperScooper. has left the channel. [2:37:01 PM] so who's here? [2:37:16 PM] [2:37:19 PM] [2:37:22 PM] lets play [2:37:22 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [2:37:22 PM] again [2:37:27 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [2:37:27 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [2:37:32 PM] -- LokD.UbeR [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [2:37:35 PM] im gonna go play on ggc [2:37:37 PM] (tt [2:37:39 PM] ok [2:37:39 PM] -- SIK_KILLER has left the channel. [2:37:41 PM] -- LokD.UbeR has left the channel. [2:37:49 PM] this is lame. [2:37:50 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [2:38:57 PM] -- Tic-Tac-Toe has left the channel. [2:42:16 PM] [2:42:19 PM] [2:42:33 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [2:43:22 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:43:49 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [2:45:52 PM] -- Zulaji [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:47:16 PM] [2:47:19 PM] [2:48:18 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:48:37 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [2:48:41 PM] -- Fascinating [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 24, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan GL) [2:48:44 PM] -- henleehigh [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:48:44 PM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [2:48:48 PM] -- Fascinating has left the channel. [2:48:49 PM] -- henleehigh has left the channel. [2:49:00 PM] -- SilentGunner2 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan ScD) [2:49:45 PM] -- SilentGunner2 has left the channel. [2:50:02 PM] -- Quizler [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:50:02 PM] -- Quizler has acquired ops. [2:50:05 PM] -- Quizler has left the channel. [2:50:17 PM] -- tinker)bell [79ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:52:16 PM] [2:52:19 PM] [2:54:32 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:55:17 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [2:55:20 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:55:33 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [2:55:35 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:56:10 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [2:57:16 PM] [2:57:19 PM] [2:59:28 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan GL) [2:59:55 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [3:02:16 PM] [3:02:19 PM] [3:05:47 PM] -- ZOINKZ [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:05:54 PM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:06:43 PM] im off for a bit [3:06:44 PM] peace [3:06:47 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [3:07:16 PM] [3:07:19 PM] [3:12:16 PM] [3:12:19 PM] [3:14:56 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [3:17:12 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx has left the channel. [3:17:16 PM] [3:17:19 PM] [3:19:27 PM] -- ZOINKZ has left the channel. [3:22:16 PM] [3:22:19 PM] [3:23:21 PM] -- LokD.UbeR [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan LokD) [3:23:34 PM] -- LokD.UbeR has left the channel. [3:25:18 PM] -- SilentGunner2 [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Undead, peon icon, in Clan ScD) [3:27:16 PM] [3:27:19 PM] [3:27:59 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:27:59 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [3:28:11 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [3:28:47 PM] .mail moon. !aznist [3:28:48 PM] Added mail for moon.. [3:28:48 PM] That user is not logged on. [3:29:03 PM] Added pointtoprove to your friends list. [3:29:06 PM] .kickafk [3:29:07 PM] moon. was kicked out of the channel by PointToProve (Kicked for being afk.). [3:29:07 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [3:29:07 PM] tinker)bell was kicked out of the channel by PointToProve (Kicked for being afk.). [3:29:07 PM] -- tinker)bell has left the channel. [3:32:16 PM] [3:32:19 PM] [3:33:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [3:33:43 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [3:34:58 PM] we're on ggc [3:35:03 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan GL) [3:35:08 PM] smokeddddddddddd [3:35:10 PM] noooooooob [3:35:11 PM] we're on gggcc [3:35:16 PM] sup [3:35:18 PM] is venom on [3:35:20 PM] nope [3:35:22 PM] hes mad [3:35:23 PM] i tihnk [3:35:24 PM] think* [3:35:31 PM] u know vibe quit the team [3:35:35 PM] really? [3:35:37 PM] ow so? [3:35:44 PM] well thats what he said [3:35:54 PM] wanna go on ggc? [3:35:56 PM] lets pub [3:36:06 PM] fred/ken on ggc [3:36:12 PM] k [3:36:19 PM] capo u comin? [3:36:46 PM] nywayz im going [3:36:50 PM] come! [3:36:51 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [3:36:56 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [3:37:16 PM] [3:37:19 PM] [3:37:23 PM] -- SilentGunner2 has left the channel. [3:37:29 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [3:37:31 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [3:42:16 PM] [3:42:19 PM] [3:44:27 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [3:44:41 PM] -- merLO- [141ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan eNe) [3:44:46 PM] .tda [3:44:47 PM] <6:RD3> <4:RD31> <6:AR24LC> <3:AR2> <7:AP27LC> [3:44:51 PM] -- Korrg[d] [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan DTAN) [3:44:53 PM] hmmmmmmmms [3:44:54 PM] look at this [3:44:58 PM] ? [3:44:58 PM] this is the best [3:45:00 PM] bot command [3:45:01 PM] EVER [3:45:03 PM] .tda [3:45:03 PM] <6:RD3> <4:RD31> <6:AR24LC> <2:AR58> <2:AR2> <7:AP27LC> [3:45:07 PM] oh [3:45:08 PM] wows [3:45:10 PM] orgasm [3:45:12 PM] I know [3:45:18 PM] K [3:45:21 PM] get on my guy? [3:45:23 PM] i gave you pw [3:45:24 PM] you need to get access to the bot first [3:45:27 PM] .tda [3:45:31 PM] who gave you access? [3:45:33 PM] <2pink1stink> .tda [3:45:33 PM] <6:RD3> <5:RD31> <4:AR24LC> <3:AR58> <6:AP27LC> [3:45:34 PM] the chief [3:45:37 PM] which is? [3:45:39 PM] venom) [3:45:51 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [3:45:56 PM] yo [3:45:58 PM] so wanna dota? [3:45:59 PM] yoyo [3:46:01 PM] uh [3:46:03 PM] hm [3:46:04 PM] I want to [3:46:08 PM] gimme moment [3:46:12 PM] I may have to do something [3:46:23 PM] K WATCHING ANIME THEN [3:46:33 PM] slow down there capn [3:46:51 PM] why did you add [d] ? [3:46:53 PM] cause [3:46:58 PM] korrg got pwnzored [3:47:02 PM] by? [3:47:06 PM] by hacks [3:47:13 PM] lol wtf? [3:47:16 PM] [3:47:19 PM] [3:47:41 PM] so [3:47:42 PM] are we playing?/ [3:48:22 PM] k w/e [3:48:24 PM] ill play [3:48:26 PM] k [3:48:27 PM] get on [3:48:28 PM] the guy [3:48:29 PM] might leave randomely though [3:48:33 PM] .... [3:48:36 PM] might as well pub then [3:48:39 PM] eh [3:48:40 PM] fine [3:48:45 PM] oh wait [3:48:46 PM] i can't host [3:48:48 PM] -- Korrg[d] has left the channel. [3:48:53 PM] -- merLO- has left the channel. [3:49:03 PM] -- Korrg[d] [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan DTAN) [3:49:12 PM] -- Korrg[d] has left the channel. [3:52:16 PM] [3:52:19 PM] [3:57:16 PM] [3:57:19 PM] [4:02:16 PM] [4:02:17 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:02:17 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:02:19 PM] [4:02:19 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:04:22 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:04:22 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:04:22 PM] ! [4:04:23 PM] ! [4:04:24 PM] ! [4:04:25 PM] ! [4:04:28 PM] [4:04:30 PM] [4:04:33 PM] [4:04:37 PM] [4:04:37 PM] ! [4:04:40 PM] !! [4:04:42 PM] !! [4:05:15 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:07:16 PM] [4:07:19 PM] [4:12:16 PM] [4:12:19 PM] [4:13:02 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:13:02 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [4:17:16 PM] [4:17:19 PM] [4:19:14 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [4:19:27 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [4:22:16 PM] [4:22:19 PM] [4:26:49 PM] Found user moon., with access 60. [4:26:49 PM] moon. is using Warcraft III The Frozen Throne in the channel The Void. [4:27:16 PM] [4:27:19 PM] [4:27:57 PM] Users in channel Clan TDA: [4:27:57 PM] Trystero, SINdicate [4:27:57 PM] DuperMate., hOly. [4:27:57 PM] Blasphemy, FleshlessReaper [4:27:57 PM] cookie-cutter., chamaco2052 [4:27:57 PM] [TDABOT], [TDABOT-0] [4:27:57 PM] [TDAHELPER], bogina [4:27:57 PM] Lefty, l)arkzer0 [4:27:57 PM] Egral, mumba_kik [4:27:57 PM] Drunken_Cossack, TearOfWind [4:27:57 PM] kds148, entropymagic [4:27:57 PM] ddos, autumn08550 [4:27:57 PM] Moochman, dk80 [4:27:57 PM] GODisMyHERO, boonmodnar [4:27:57 PM] sQuiRrELfeeD, Random_North2 [4:27:57 PM] xxatome, mr.bigg1esworth [4:27:58 PM] mYtH_dOtA_ChiEf [4:28:31 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [4:29:21 PM] User not found. [4:29:22 PM] That user is not logged on. [4:29:27 PM] That user is not logged on. [4:29:30 PM] That user is not logged on. [4:29:54 PM] [CLAN] User promotion failed. [4:31:52 PM] Your friend Mazon. has entered Battle.net. [4:31:52 PM] That user is not logged on. [4:31:56 PM] -- Mazon. [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:32:03 PM] .tda [4:32:05 PM] <8:RD90> <7:RD04LC> <5:AR33> <7:RD7> [4:32:07 PM] hey [4:32:10 PM] hey [4:32:11 PM] do you wanna tda? [4:32:14 PM] yeah [4:32:16 PM] [4:32:19 PM] [4:32:24 PM] im actually logged on west right now [4:32:25 PM] -- taterbug [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 8, icon tier Human, rifleman icon) [4:32:27 PM] but ill come on east [4:32:30 PM] alright [4:32:32 PM] -- taterbug has left the channel. [4:33:12 PM] -- Aznist [187ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [4:33:12 PM] -- Aznist has acquired ops. [4:33:21 PM] BioLBot is using the CD Key for West lol, I'm afraid switching my key again would make this IP banned as well [4:33:30 PM] oh [4:33:37 PM] yea cause i used same cd key for both bots [4:33:41 PM] ill change my cd key [4:33:58 PM] because what really happened is that my isp cant change my ip with their system they would have to give me a separate modem for that [4:34:19 PM] so they said if i had a router i can unplug the router and link my computer directly to the modem to get a diff ip [4:34:38 PM] so im using my second ip, i cant have any more this way unless i buy a new router or modem [4:35:01 PM] try connecting to west [4:35:05 PM] ok [4:35:08 PM] Your friend Mazon. has exited Battle.net. [4:35:08 PM] -- Mazon. has left the channel. [4:35:08 PM] Forwarded whisper from Mazon.: Your friend Mazon. has exited Battle.net. [4:35:30 PM] Your friend Mazon. has entered Battle.net. [4:35:30 PM] Forwarded whisper from Mazon.: Your friend Mazon. has entered Battle.net. [4:35:34 PM] -- Mazon. [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:35:38 PM] it's used by biolbot [4:35:52 PM] whoops try again [4:35:54 PM] it might be a lag time between signing off and on [4:36:01 PM] Your friend Mazon. has exited Battle.net. [4:36:01 PM] -- Mazon. has left the channel. [4:36:01 PM] Forwarded whisper from Mazon.: Your friend Mazon. has exited Battle.net. [4:37:16 PM] [4:37:19 PM] [4:37:42 PM] -- Aznist has left the channel. [4:40:13 PM] -- Zulaji [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [4:40:19 PM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [4:42:16 PM] [4:42:19 PM] [4:47:16 PM] [4:47:19 PM] [4:52:16 PM] [4:52:19 PM] [4:57:16 PM] [4:57:19 PM] [4:59:20 PM] -- Nextel_ [46ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 13, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon) [5:02:16 PM] [5:02:19 PM] [5:02:28 PM] -- vibestar98 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:02:42 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [5:04:57 PM] -- moon. [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:05:04 PM] !inbox [5:05:10 PM] !whoami [5:05:10 PM] You have 60 access. [5:05:25 PM] .whisper aznistbot !aznist [5:05:26 PM] !aznist [5:05:26 PM] That user is not logged on. [5:05:26 PM] You can't kick a channel operator. [5:05:27 PM] Could not send mail. [5:05:32 PM] .say !aznist [5:05:32 PM] moon. says: !aznist [5:05:35 PM] T_T [5:05:38 PM] .whoami [5:05:38 PM] You have 60 access. [5:06:49 PM] -- moon. has left the channel. [5:07:16 PM] [5:07:19 PM] [5:10:49 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:11:32 PM] -- Mr.Syner [110ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [5:11:35 PM] -- Mr.Syner has left the channel. [5:12:16 PM] [5:12:19 PM] [5:12:34 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [5:12:39 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:12:54 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [5:17:16 PM] [5:17:19 PM] [5:22:16 PM] [5:22:19 PM] [5:25:06 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:27:16 PM] [5:27:31 PM] [5:27:46 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [5:28:51 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:32:16 PM] [5:32:30 PM] [5:32:56 PM] -- tinker)bell [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:34:10 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [5:34:46 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:36:30 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [5:36:37 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [5:36:44 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:36:44 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [5:36:47 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [5:37:17 PM] [5:37:30 PM] [5:39:04 PM] -- tinker)bell has left the channel. [5:42:17 PM] [5:42:18 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [5:42:30 PM] [5:47:17 PM] [5:47:30 PM] [5:49:48 PM] -- Zulaji [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:52:10 PM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [5:52:17 PM] [5:52:30 PM] [5:54:45 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [5:54:45 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [5:57:11 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [5:57:17 PM] [5:57:31 PM] [5:57:53 PM] -- Fascinating [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 24, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan GL) [5:58:00 PM] -- Fascinating has left the channel. [6:02:17 PM] [6:02:31 PM] [6:05:20 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:07:17 PM] [6:07:29 PM] -- ClanGnome [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Spht) [6:07:31 PM] [6:07:35 PM] -- ClanGnome has left the channel. [6:07:37 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [6:10:22 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:12:17 PM] [6:12:31 PM] [6:12:49 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [6:16:50 PM] -- vibestar98 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:17:17 PM] [6:17:27 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:17:31 PM] [6:17:58 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [6:20:38 PM] -- vibestar98 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:22:04 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [6:22:17 PM] [6:22:31 PM] [6:22:49 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [6:26:21 PM] -- Fascinating [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 24, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan GL) [6:26:23 PM] -- Fascinating has left the channel. [6:27:13 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan GL) [6:27:17 PM] [6:27:18 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [6:27:31 PM] [6:27:36 PM] -- vibestar98 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:27:41 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan GL) [6:27:47 PM] ???? [6:27:51 PM] uhh [6:27:51 PM] t to the d of the a [6:27:53 PM] oce sec [6:28:02 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [6:28:23 PM] .tda [6:28:23 PM] <7:AR55> <7:AP3LC> [6:28:28 PM] .tda [6:28:29 PM] <2:AR55> <7:AP3LC> [6:28:34 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [6:29:47 PM] -- vibestar98 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:29:51 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [6:31:52 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF [16ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan BioL) [6:31:52 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has acquired ops. [6:32:06 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan GL) [6:32:10 PM] .tda [6:32:11 PM] hey sexy lady [6:32:11 PM] <2:RD91LC> <5:RD88LC> <9:RD77LC> <1:AP36> <4:AR15> [6:32:15 PM] -- vibestar98 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:32:17 PM] [6:32:17 PM] capo [6:32:19 PM] make up your mind [6:32:20 PM] jesus [6:32:23 PM] i will [6:32:25 PM] one sec [6:32:26 PM] .tda [6:32:27 PM] <2:RD91LC> <6:RD88LC> <9:RD77LC> <3:AR15> [6:32:31 PM] [6:32:31 PM] u guys are tdain? [6:32:35 PM] yeah [6:32:39 PM] aight brb [6:32:40 PM] -- SMoKeD-PuFF has left the channel. [6:32:56 PM] -- ThaCrowdsFav [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:33:20 PM] .tda [6:33:21 PM] <7:RD88LC> <4:RD101> [6:33:25 PM] rd88lc [6:33:26 PM] rd88lc [6:33:30 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [6:33:31 PM] -- ThaCrowdsFav has left the channel. [6:33:32 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [6:35:11 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:35:24 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:35:52 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [6:35:53 PM] -- xyoshix [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [6:35:56 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:36:03 PM] -- taterbug [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 8, icon tier Human, rifleman icon) [6:36:06 PM] -- taterbug has left the channel. [6:36:16 PM] -- hobotactics(cc) [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan ftda) [6:36:29 PM] sup [6:36:36 PM] nada [6:36:41 PM] -- Lunatic_Calm [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Undead, destroyer icon, in Clan pT) [6:36:45 PM] another? [6:36:47 PM] sure [6:36:54 PM] they were terrrible [6:36:57 PM] DOTA -apem strawberries [6:36:57 PM] DOTA -apem strawberries [6:37:01 PM] lol [6:37:05 PM] -- Lunatic_Calm has left the channel. [6:37:10 PM] -- hobotactics(cc) has left the channel. [6:37:17 PM] [6:37:20 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [6:37:31 PM] [6:37:31 PM] -- xyoshix has left the channel. [6:42:17 PM] [6:42:31 PM] [6:47:17 PM] [6:47:31 PM] [6:48:11 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [6:52:18 PM] [6:52:31 PM] [6:55:26 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [6:55:26 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [6:56:11 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [6:57:18 PM] [6:57:31 PM] [6:57:58 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:00:28 PM] -- DRaGoN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 9, icon tier Human, rifleman icon, in Clan kupo) [7:00:31 PM] -- DRaGoN has left the channel. [7:01:35 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [7:02:18 PM] [7:02:31 PM] [7:07:18 PM] [7:07:31 PM] [7:12:18 PM] [7:12:31 PM] [7:16:10 PM] -- Zulaji [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:16:16 PM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [7:17:18 PM] [7:17:31 PM] [7:18:01 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:22:18 PM] [7:22:31 PM] [7:23:14 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [7:24:01 PM] -- Lunatic_Calm [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Undead, destroyer icon, in Clan pT) [7:24:03 PM] -- Lunatic_Calm has left the channel. [7:24:14 PM] -- lkoN. [93ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:24:14 PM] -- xyoshix [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:24:18 PM] -- xyoshix has left the channel. [7:24:25 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [7:27:18 PM] [7:27:31 PM] [7:29:31 PM] -- Zulaji [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:30:47 PM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [7:32:18 PM] [7:32:31 PM] [7:32:35 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:34:06 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [7:34:41 PM] -- LoLPlZ. [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:34:50 PM] -- LoLPlZ. has left the channel. [7:37:18 PM] [7:37:31 PM] [7:41:58 PM] -- taterbug [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 8, icon tier Human, rifleman icon) [7:42:18 PM] [7:42:25 PM] -- taterbug has left the channel. [7:42:31 PM] [7:42:33 PM] -- Zulaji [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:43:13 PM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [7:43:55 PM] -- 2pink1stink [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:44:00 PM] -- 2pink1stink has left the channel. [7:46:15 PM] -- Zulaji [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:46:32 PM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [7:47:18 PM] [7:47:31 PM] [7:49:45 PM] -- Zulaji [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:50:46 PM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [7:50:59 PM] -- vibestar98 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [7:51:28 PM] -- Zulaji [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:51:37 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [7:51:44 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 4, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan GL) [7:51:47 PM] -- BALLLLLLINNNNNN has left the channel. [7:52:02 PM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [7:52:18 PM] [7:52:31 PM] [7:53:15 PM] -- ThaCrowdsFav [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:53:20 PM] -- ThaCrowdsFav has left the channel. [7:57:18 PM] [7:57:31 PM] [7:59:44 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [7:59:44 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [8:00:06 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has left the channel. [8:02:18 PM] [8:02:31 PM] [8:06:53 PM] -- vibestar98 [94ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:07:18 PM] [8:07:31 PM] [8:07:59 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [8:10:30 PM] -- vibestar98 [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:10:46 PM] .tda [8:10:49 PM] <4:RD00LC> <9:RD93> <3:RD44> <4:RDLC98> <5:RD9> <4:RD95LC> <6:RD49> [8:12:18 PM] [8:12:31 PM] [8:12:37 PM] .tda [8:12:37 PM] <4:RD00LC> <7:RD93> <3:RD44> <4:RDLC98> <2:RDLC> <2:RD9> <5:RD95LC> <8:RD49> <1:RD4LC> [8:12:44 PM] -- taterbug [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 8, icon tier Human, rifleman icon) [8:12:48 PM] -- taterbug has left the channel. [8:13:07 PM] -- ThaCrowdsFav [15ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:13:14 PM] host ggc [8:13:14 PM] -- ThaCrowdsFav has left the channel. [8:13:20 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [8:17:18 PM] [8:17:31 PM] [8:18:00 PM] -- vibestar98 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:18:03 PM] .tda [8:18:04 PM] <2:RD93> <1:RD44> <6:RDLC98> <3:RD12> <1:AR117> <2:AR57> <1:RD30> <5:RD65LC> [8:18:20 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [8:18:53 PM] -- jell0 [204ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 8, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:21:15 PM] -- jell0 has left the channel. [8:22:18 PM] [8:22:31 PM] [8:23:54 PM] -- vibestar98 [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:23:57 PM] .tda [8:23:58 PM] <1:RD93> <3:AR13> <5:AR001> <3:AP35> <5:RD32LC> <3:AR9> <8:RD54LC> [8:24:02 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [8:27:18 PM] [8:27:31 PM] [8:28:34 PM] -- azn1st [265ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 12, icon tier Undead, crypt fiend icon, in Clan BioL) [8:29:36 PM] -- azn1st has left the channel. [8:32:18 PM] [8:32:31 PM] [8:32:46 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan rQ) [8:32:49 PM] .tdabot [8:32:53 PM] .tda [8:32:55 PM] .tdalist [8:33:03 PM] -- xX_L_KiLLa_L_Xx has left the channel. [8:37:18 PM] [8:37:31 PM] [8:39:13 PM] -- tinker)bell [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:40:22 PM] -- vibestar98 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:40:27 PM] .tda [8:40:27 PM] <9:RD2> <8:AP43> <1:RD8LC> <4:AR2> <8:RD007> <2:RDLC99> <6:AR58> <9:AR666> <4:RD302> <2:RD38LC> <8:AP5LC> [8:41:19 PM] .tda [8:41:19 PM] -- RaD1AncE- [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [8:41:19 PM] -- RaD1AncE- has acquired ops. [8:41:31 PM] <4:RD2> <8:AP43> <5:AR58> <9:AR666> <4:RD302> <8:AP5LC> <8:RDSC22> [8:41:45 PM] .tda [8:41:45 PM] <4:RD2> <8:AP43> <1:RD333> <1:AR58> <9:AR666> <4:RD302> <8:AP5LC> <8:RDSC22> [8:41:53 PM] .tda [8:41:53 PM] <5:RD2> <8:AP43> <1:RD333> <1:AR58> <8:AR666> <4:RD302> <8:AP5LC> <8:RDSC22> [8:42:18 PM] [8:42:35 PM] [8:43:21 PM] .tda [8:43:23 PM] <3:RD2> <9:AR666> <5:AP5LC> <5:RD43> <5:RD39LC> <4:AR6LC> <9:RD40> [8:43:35 PM] -- vibestar98 has left the channel. [8:43:41 PM] -- vibestar98 [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 1, icon tier Random, peon icon) [8:43:42 PM] -- I-DID-IT [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan TaD) [8:43:45 PM] k tda [8:43:50 PM] .tda [8:43:51 PM] <9:AR666> <5:AP5LC> <5:RD43> <3:AR6LC> <7:RD40> <6:RD1> [8:44:10 PM] -- I-DID-IT has left the channel. [8:44:10 PM] -- I-DID-IT [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan TaD) [8:44:10 PM] -- Stats updated: I-DID-IT [32ms] is using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon)