[10:38:47 PM] > [10:40:41 PM] -- pwn_j00_nub [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 2, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon) [10:40:41 PM] > [10:40:45 PM] -- pwn_j00_nub has left the channel. [10:40:45 PM] > [10:43:09 PM] -- germy [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier unknown, unknown icon, in Clan BioL) [10:43:09 PM] > [10:43:17 PM] -- germy has left the channel. [10:43:17 PM] > [10:43:26 PM] -- uberloot [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan EtGa) [10:43:26 PM] > [10:43:28 PM] -- uberloot has left the channel. [10:43:28 PM] > [10:43:46 PM] -- germy [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier unknown, unknown icon, in Clan BioL) [10:43:46 PM] > [10:43:52 PM] .tda [10:43:52 PM] <1:AP543> <8:RD666> <3:RD33LC> <2:RDLC06> <3:RD12> <8:RD76LC> [10:47:47 PM] .tda [10:47:47 PM] <1:AP543> <2:RDLC> <6:RD34> <5:RD24LC> <6:RD88LC> <1:AR920> <5:RD133> <5:RD99LC> [10:47:54 PM] -- germy has left the channel. [10:47:54 PM] > [10:48:26 PM] -- germy [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier unknown, unknown icon, in Clan BioL) [10:48:26 PM] > [10:48:27 PM] .tda [10:48:28 PM] <1:AP543> <2:RDLC> <6:RD34> <5:RD24LC> <6:RD88LC> <1:AR920> <3:RD133> <5:AR00> [10:48:39 PM] -- germy has left the channel. [10:48:39 PM] > [10:52:22 PM] -- germy [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier unknown, unknown icon, in Clan BioL) [10:52:22 PM] > [10:52:38 PM] .tda [10:52:39 PM] <7:RD34> <3:RD88LC> <3:RD89> <3:AR93LC> [10:52:53 PM] -- germy has left the channel. [10:52:53 PM] > [11:08:35 PM] -- lkoN. [141ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:08:35 PM] > [11:08:40 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [11:08:40 PM] > [11:21:09 PM] -- Zulaji [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:21:09 PM] > [11:21:11 PM] -- Casey.Collier [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 8, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [11:21:11 PM] > [11:21:18 PM] assist pudge : / [11:21:19 PM] I told you fucking nevermore for the win [11:21:25 PM] owange nevermore lol [11:21:25 PM] no [11:21:25 PM] -- Skyspy [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:21:25 PM] > [11:21:28 PM] fed ftw [11:21:34 PM] lol i earned that shit [11:21:37 PM] and farmed ftw [11:21:44 PM] brown was windwalked i guessed [11:21:48 PM] and hit him with my shit [11:21:54 PM] he wasn't trying [11:21:58 PM] -- Skyspy has left the channel. [11:21:58 PM] > [11:22:14 PM] second kill was just farming and he was invis there [11:22:26 PM] i got ksed the entier game [11:22:34 PM] i did a few lol [11:22:38 PM] yellow [11:22:38 PM] -- Sukulanti [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon) [11:22:39 PM] > [11:22:41 PM] i was in kill mode [11:22:43 PM] -- lkoN. [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:22:43 PM] > [11:22:45 PM] kept jumping into my hooks [11:22:50 PM] lol [11:22:57 PM] i was just killing anything i saw [11:22:59 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [11:22:59 PM] > [11:23:01 PM] and then she ulted a red hp hero i had dismembered [11:23:07 PM] lol [11:23:17 PM] i was trying to get tb before throne fell [11:23:18 PM] lol [11:23:19 PM] then i was rot walking and then she waited till he was red then nooked [11:23:21 PM] nuked* [11:23:25 PM] just because i <3 you Bot application closed, dumping chat screen. [11:23:30 PM] : / [11:23:40 PM] -- Sukulanti has left the channel. [11:23:40 PM] > [11:23:49 PM] i was 134 / 57 [11:23:59 PM] i was 34/999 [11:23:59 PM] sick denies? [11:24:11 PM] o wait [11:24:17 PM] no it wa 13/37 [11:24:25 PM] 1337 woot [11:24:27 PM] nice deny then [11:24:30 PM] looks like leet [11:24:43 PM] that game was rape [11:24:51 PM] that game was named [11:25:16 PM] most of them probably not know it wasn't even em [11:25:17 PM] " lets all ks pudge and then watch him die after using all his hp and mp to get the kill" [11:25:35 PM] :P [11:25:45 PM] nah that game was named casey.collier is daddy [11:26:01 PM] w/e [11:26:07 PM] kinda like when i had razor last night [11:26:12 PM] and made quiz and oatt cry [11:26:12 PM] lol [11:26:22 PM] i make u cry [11:26:23 PM] was also named casey.collier is daddy [11:26:55 PM] another? [11:27:02 PM] yeah last one though [11:27:05 PM] i have something i need to do [11:27:16 PM] DOTA _AP !! [11:27:16 PM] DOTA _AP !! [11:27:25 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [11:27:25 PM] > [11:27:31 PM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [11:27:31 PM] > [11:28:48 PM] -- Maggot_ [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 10, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon) [11:28:49 PM] > [11:28:56 PM] -- Maggot_ has left the channel. [11:28:56 PM] > [11:29:24 PM] -- Casey.Collier [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 8, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [11:29:24 PM] > [11:29:24 PM] -- Zulaji [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:29:25 PM] > [11:29:28 PM] we make an em quick [11:29:34 PM] DOTA -APEM JOIN NOW [11:29:34 PM] why? [11:29:34 PM] DOTA -APEM JOIN NOW [11:29:37 PM] i have to go [11:29:39 PM] soon [11:29:45 PM] i really need to finish this project [11:29:51 PM] dota -apem jion now [11:29:52 PM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [11:29:52 PM] > [11:30:07 PM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [11:30:07 PM] > [11:49:48 PM] -- lkoN. [78ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [11:49:48 PM] > [11:49:50 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [11:49:50 PM] > [11:52:34 PM] -- Mr.Bond [125ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Night Elves, peon icon, in Clan MrG) [11:52:34 PM] > [11:52:36 PM] -- Mr.Bond has left the channel. [11:52:36 PM] > [11:54:17 PM] -- EtGaSon [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan EtGa) [11:54:17 PM] > [11:54:25 PM] -- EtGaSon has left the channel. [11:54:25 PM] > [11:56:08 PM] -- germy [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier unknown, unknown icon, in Clan BioL) [11:56:08 PM] > [11:56:12 PM] -- germy has left the channel. [11:56:12 PM] > [11:56:14 PM] -- uberloot [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan EtGa) [11:56:14 PM] > [11:58:07 PM] -- Recalcitrate@USEast [32ms] has joined the channel using Diablo II Lord of Destruction (amazonofjustice, a ladder level 10 amazon on realm USEast). [11:58:07 PM] > [11:58:19 PM] -- Recalcitrate@USEast has left the channel. [11:58:19 PM] > [11:58:43 PM] -- EtGaSon [32ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan EtGa) [11:58:44 PM] > [11:58:54 PM] -- EtGaSon has left the channel. [11:58:54 PM] > [11:59:07 PM] -- uberloot has left the channel. [11:59:07 PM] > [12:04:42 AM] [BNET] 10053 -- Connection is aborted due to timeout or other failure [12:04:42 AM] [BNET] Disconnected. [12:04:42 AM] All connections closed. [12:04:42 AM] [BNET] The Battle.net server has terminated your connection. [12:04:42 AM] [BNET] Attempting to reconnect... [12:04:43 AM] [BNLS] Error 11001: Authoritative answer: Host not found [12:04:43 AM] [BNLS] Your computer is unable to contact the BNLS servers. [12:04:43 AM] All connections closed. [12:04:44 AM] [BNLS] Error 11001: Authoritative answer: Host not found [12:04:44 AM] [BNLS] Your computer is having DNS resolution issues. No more reconnection will occur. Please try connecting again in 15-30 minutes, or contact your Internet Service Provider. [12:06:31 AM] All connections closed. [12:06:32 AM] [BNLS] Connecting... [12:06:32 AM] [BNLS] Connected! [12:06:32 AM] [BNLS] Authorized! [12:06:32 AM] [BNET] Connecting... [12:06:32 AM] [BNET] Connected! [12:06:32 AM] [BNET] Checking version... [12:06:33 AM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [12:06:33 AM] [BNET] Sending login information... [12:06:33 AM] [BNET] Login successful. [12:06:33 AM] [CLAN] You are a Peon in Clan BioL. [12:06:33 AM] [BNET] Logged on as AznistBot. [12:06:33 AM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [12:06:34 AM] Welcome to Battle.net! [12:06:34 AM] This server is hosted by AT&T. [12:06:34 AM] There are currently 6811 users playing 252 games of Warcraft III, and 254121 users playing 58119 games on Battle.net. [12:06:34 AM] Last logon: Sat Aug 18 9:54 PM [12:06:34 AM] -- Stats updated: AznistBot [109ms] is using Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:06:34 AM] Account Created: 6/3/2007, 17:18:45 (Battle.net time) [12:06:34 AM] Last Logon: 8/19/2007, 05:01:28 (Battle.net time) [12:06:34 AM] Last Logoff: 8/19/2007, 05:01:28 (Battle.net time) [12:06:34 AM] Time Logged: 35 days, 14 hours, 14 minutes and 11 seconds [12:33:11 AM] -- Recalcitrate [62ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan TaD) [12:33:11 AM] > [12:33:13 AM] -- Recalcitrate has left the channel. [12:33:15 AM] > [12:34:50 AM] -- Casey.Collier [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 8, icon tier Night Elves, huntress icon, in Clan BioL) [12:34:50 AM] > [12:34:53 AM] -- Zulaji [47ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [12:34:53 AM] > [12:34:56 AM] gg [12:34:56 AM] im out buddy peace [12:34:57 AM] well [12:35:00 AM] same lol [12:35:02 AM] > [12:35:02 AM] -- Casey.Collier has left the channel. [12:35:02 AM] night [12:35:05 AM] -- Zulaji has left the channel. [12:35:05 AM] > [1:26:35 AM] -- Henleehigh [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:26:36 AM] > [1:27:12 AM] -- Henleehigh has left the channel. [1:27:12 AM] > [1:30:48 AM] -- ClanGnome [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan Spht) [1:30:48 AM] > [1:30:48 AM] gnome [1:30:54 AM] -- ClanGnome has left the channel. [1:30:54 AM] > [1:32:42 AM] > [1:32:42 AM] -- Henleehigh [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:33:08 AM] -- Henleehigh has left the channel. [1:33:08 AM] > [1:40:51 AM] -- Henleehigh [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan BioL) [1:40:51 AM] > [1:41:25 AM] -- Henleehigh has left the channel. [1:41:26 AM] > [2:04:11 AM] -- 1)reamTheater [31ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Orcs, headhunter icon, in Clan BioL) [2:04:11 AM] -- 1)reamTheater has acquired ops. [2:04:11 AM] > [2:04:22 AM] -- 1)reamTheater has left the channel. [2:04:22 AM] > [2:04:46 AM] > [2:04:46 AM] -- Henleehigh [188ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan BioL) [2:06:43 AM] -- Henleehigh has left the channel. [2:06:43 AM] > [3:17:03 AM] All connections closed. Bot application closed, dumping chat screen. [5:26:19 PM] -> Welcome to StealthBot v2.6 Revision 3, by Stealth. [5:26:19 PM] -> If you enjoy StealthBot, consider supporting its development at http://support.stealthbot.net [5:26:19 PM] >> StealthBot News [5:26:19 PM] >> --------------------- [5:26:19 PM] >> Battle.net Changes [5:26:19 PM] >> --------------------- [5:26:19 PM] >> Blizzard has made an addition version check system change. [5:26:19 PM] >> [5:26:19 PM] >> There is no way for you to patch this one at the time. [5:26:19 PM] >> I am working on continuing to prepare the 2.7 release, which with [5:26:19 PM] >> some concerted efforts can probably be launched by this weekend. [5:26:19 PM] >> I will do my best. Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned to [5:26:19 PM] >> http://www.stealthbot.net for updates. [5:26:19 PM] 1 plugins loaded. Type /plugins in the bot to view them. Type /phelp for help using them. [5:26:19 PM] Type /updates in the bot to view updates and new plugins that are available for download. [5:26:20 PM] [BNLS] Connecting... [5:26:20 PM] [BNLS] Connected! [5:26:20 PM] [BNLS] Authorized! [5:26:20 PM] [BNET] Connecting... [5:26:20 PM] [BNET] Connected! [5:26:20 PM] [BNET] Checking version... [5:26:20 PM] [BNET] Client version accepted! [5:26:20 PM] [BNET] Sending login information... [5:26:21 PM] [BNET] Login successful. [5:26:21 PM] [CLAN] You are a Peon in Clan BioL. [5:26:21 PM] [BNET] Logged on as AznistBot. [5:26:21 PM] -- Joined channel: Clan BioL -- [5:26:21 PM] Welcome to Battle.net! [5:26:21 PM] This server is hosted by AT&T. [5:26:21 PM] There are currently 9964 users playing 400 games of Warcraft III, and 169517 users playing 37950 games on Battle.net. [5:26:21 PM] Last logon: Sun Aug 19 12:06 AM [5:26:21 PM] -- Stats updated: AznistBot [94ms] is using Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:26:21 PM] Account Created: 6/3/2007, 17:18:45 (Battle.net time) [5:26:21 PM] Last Logon: 8/19/2007, 22:19:25 (Battle.net time) [5:26:21 PM] Last Logoff: 8/19/2007, 08:17:00 (Battle.net time) [5:26:21 PM] Time Logged: 35 days, 17 hours, 24 minutes and 42 seconds [5:30:00 PM] Users in channel Clan Ks: [5:30:00 PM] [BOT-KS], HooKer(KS) [5:30:00 PM] Clapon[CAJV], cakeBAKEbobby [5:30:00 PM] Bot-KS#2, TbE_MiKe [5:30:00 PM] Massakre. [5:39:17 PM] -- Henleehigh [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:39:17 PM] > [5:39:32 PM] -- Henleehigh has left the channel. [5:39:32 PM] > [5:50:52 PM] -- Henleehigh [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 3, icon tier Random, myrmidon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:50:52 PM] > [5:52:09 PM] -- Henleehigh has left the channel. [5:52:09 PM] > [5:52:47 PM] -- Skyspy [63ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:52:47 PM] > [5:52:54 PM] -- lkoN. [109ms] has joined the channel using Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (Level: 0, icon tier Random, peon icon, in Clan BioL) [5:52:54 PM] > [5:54:46 PM] -- lkoN. has left the channel. [5:54:46 PM] > [5:54:53 PM] All connections closed.