27 February, 2000

IN A SOCIETY FILLED WITH MINDLESS SHEEP, rebellion comes like fire.  Or something, right?  Well let me tell you somethign about going "against the grain."


I mean, I'm not going to stop being me and I'm not going to go out and purchase a Mos Def CD, but I'm starting to get frustrated with being different from everybody else in all those little ways.  All my friends that drink and smoke dojo and whatever; they all have girlfriends, jobs, and do lots of fun stuff every weekend.  All my friends that cut class all the time, use girls, and constantly lie; they all also have girlfriends, sources of income (and the kids that acquire their money despite laws of the USA don't get busted ever, and the ones that do have parents that don't care) and seem to enjoy excluding me.  And the girls?  I don't even want to talk about girls.  I'm so tired of being frustrated, worked, played, led on, shut down, and generally screwed over by members of the feminine gender.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do now.  I don't drink or blaze or anything, I'm not a mindless robot, I have pretty good taste in most things, I don't think I'm that ugly, and I try to be fairly easy to get along with.  Thus far, that's yielded nothing.

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